I’m So Happy – I Have H Pylori!


[UPDATE — A summary of the alternative treatments can be found at the end of this entry. You may also read through the comments to discover how these food-based medicines eradicated H Pylori for myself as well  as others’ experiences.  Also, many of the treatments are linked and will lead you to the products I used and other sites that can offer help. Good luck to everyone in your treatment! Don’t give up hope — H Pylori infection is treatable!]


Well to be fair, I’m still being tested for other things like magnesium and iron deficiencies and c difficile infection, but after nearly a year of investigating other possibilities, including heart issues — and being diagnosed with Neurocardiogenic Syncope — I’m very happy to find that many of these miserable symptoms may be attributed to one nasty little undiagnosed bug:  Helicobacter pylori.

This sneaky creature happily swims in your stomach acid and buries itself in the lining of your stomach and intestines.  Our immune systems h-pylori-invasion-epithelial-cells-mucous-layertypically don’t access the stomach lining well, so joy and long life for those buggers if they go undetected!  And really, a gastrointestinal doctor, or a G.I. for short, is the person who should discover this bug and begin the eradication process.  Shall I tell you how many GIs I’ve seen over the last year?  I was in the hospital for almost a week last April, underwent all kinds of tests, including an endoscopy and colonoscopy, later saw Dr. A. S. [name removed – email me if you plan to see a GI with those initials] in Great Neck, NY at least five times (he finally ended our all-too-brief sessions, in which he did nothing but earn a pretty penny for each five to ten minute visit and run one stool test for parasites, by telling me that he couldn’t do anything else for me), and then saw Dr. C. W., who told me that he believes my problem to be cardiological but ran some tests that my primary doctor had already run (tests he had access to in the computer but clearly didn’t review) when I insisted that the consistent thread in all of my symptoms was gastro-related.

Not so incidentally, it was my new primary physician who finally got the correct diagnosis, despite the fact that I had been seeing GIs who should have tested and picked it up long ago.

Oh!  How could I forget my very kick ass gynecologist, Dr. John Gomes?  He called me in the hospital, counseling me after a few ER visits, and saw me in his office to make sure none of my symptoms were related to my female anatomy.  He checked my ovaries, tested for perimenopause, etc.  But overall, Dr. Gomes spent time, unrelated to his own practice and services, just checking in on me.  Should you need your lady parts checked or if a baby is in your future, I, once again, recommend this OB/GYN positively!

gastroenterologistSo why have I had good luck finding such great doctors and bad luck solely with gastroenterologists?  Maybe I was a specialist in the torture of the innards in a past life?  Who knows.  But what’s done is done, and I hope to warn others who might see Dr. A.S. (no matter how “nice” he seems during his very expensive five-minute visits with you) or Dr. W. [again, email me if you want the name], who is like a quick hurricane breeze:  completely disinterested in what you have to say and focused only on his own pre-determinations of what is wrong with you to the point that he too spends only five minutes in the room before he’s gone.  By the way, I faxed him a question regarding my symptoms; he had his secretary leave me a message “never to email him again” as if a fax didn’t constitute a valid communication between a patient and a doctor.  And the fax actually could have pulled him out of his “it’s an arrhythmia” diagnosis if he had actually considered its contents.  I wrote to him explaining that I had begun taking a natural antibiotic, Grapefruit Seed Extract, which was making me feel better.  I wanted to know why.  His secretary, after telling me three times on my machine not to “email” the doctor anymore, finished the call with, “And Dr. W. doesn’t know what that stuff your taking is.”  Um, yeah.  And I don’t know what that stuff he’s practicing is, but it sure isn’t medicine motivated by that pesky Hippocratic Oath, which actually isn’t obligatory, or a sense of accountability.

So yes, back to the H Pylori. Dr. Hazan found the H Pylori antibody in my blood, and I then had to wait for the confirmation from a stool culture to determine if I had an active infection.  So what does a sick-o do in the meantime?  She hunts for alternative medicines that will treat the little terds invading her intestines.   I’ve been using a number of items for the last few days that seem to be helping me immensely and suddenly.


(& by “alternative” I mean beyond the usual western medicine antibiotics that are obviously losing their steam)

manuka-honeyManuka Honey (Active)– This is the new bomb for anyone suffering from a bacterial or staph infection — internally or externally.  It’s picking up steam in serious cases of flesh wounds and post-surgery (watch this graphic video) that won’t heal due to antibiotic-resistant bugs, and they’ve also documented its use against h pylori.  Expensive but well worth the investment.    I’ve gotten all three of my bottles now from Amazon, though you can pick it up on other sites.  And it tastes yummy too!

* Probiotics — “Probiotic strain Bacillus subtilis 3, whose safetyhas previously been demonstrated, is known to have antagonisticproperties against species of the family Enterobacteriaceae. Inthe present study, it was also found to inhibit H. pylori” (Source:  AAA).You should be taking a probiotic supplement, whether you’re sick or not, but especially if you use antibiotics.   After much compartive shopping and on the recommendation of Dan Hoy, I use Jordan Rubin’s Garden of Life Primal Defense Ultra, which you can also purchase on Amazon or at your local Vitamin Shoppe.

* Mastic Gum — “Even low doses of mastic gum — 1 mg perday for two weeks — can cure peptic ulcers very rapidly,but the mechanism responsible has not been clear. We have foundthat mastic is active against Helicobacter pylori, which couldexplain its therapeutic effect in patients with peptic ulcers” (Source:  New England Journal of Medicine).  I’ve been taking one gram a day in the morning on an empty stomach.

Broccoli Sprouts (American Journal of Gastroenterology) — In laboratory tests the chemical, sulforaphane, killed helicobacter pylori, a bacteria that causes stomach ulcers and often fatal stomach cancers. And the good news is there appears to be enough of it in broccoli sprouts and some varieties of broccoli to benefit people who eat the vegetables” (Source:  USA Today).

“A diet rich in broccoli sprouts significantly reduced Helicobacteri pylori (H. pylori) infection among a group of 20 individuals, found a team of researchers in Japan. H. pylori is known to cause gastritis and is believed to be a major factor in peptic ulcer and stomach cancer.

Scientists are focusing on the anti-cancer properties of a chemical derived from broccoli sprouts called sulforaphane. Among other things, this chemical can help cells defend against oxidants, the highly reactive and toxic molecules that damage DNA and kill cells, potentially leading to cancer” (Source:  DNC).

Along with eating more broccoli, I take one capsule of Broccolive by New Chapter in between meals each day now.

* OmegaBrite – Essential fatty acids as recommended by my new therapist below.

bomb* THE BOMB – Monolaurin (Lauric Acid) — I came upon Dr. Marcus Ettinger’s blog and this doozey of an entry in which he describes his own bout with and treatment of h pylori.  He has since very kindly emailed with me and stressed the importance of the monolaurin.

“Researchers have shown that monolaurin has a direct and potent germ killing effect on H. pyloria, regardless of stomach pH.  The H. pyloria germ killing ability of monolaurin has been confirmed by a second group of researchers” (Source:  Wellness)

Based on Dr. Ettinger’s recommendations, I have also ordered the H-PLR (K-32) and the TheraAloe, though they have not arrived yet.

*  Turmeric — “Among the plants that killed H. pylorit, turmeric was the most effective, followed by cumin, ginger, chilli, borage, black caraway, oregano and liquorice” (source: World J. Gastroenterology).

“Turmeric alone (or associated with gum Mastic, Pistacia lenticus L.for herbal synergy) acts to eliminate H. pylori.  Modern western researchers have found that turmeric (active ingredient within:  Curcumin) is:
  • An Antioxidant
  • Has Anti-inflammatory qualities
  • Produces Anti-cancer activity
  • It is Antimicrobial
  • Has Anti HIV properties
  • May slow down the development of Alzheimer’s”

“Both the methanol extract and curcumin inhibited the growth of all strains of H. pylori in vitro with a minimum inhibitory concentration range of 6.25-50 micrograms/ml. CONCLUSION: These data demonstrate that curcumin inhibits the growth of H. pylori cagA+ strains in vitro, and this may be one of the mechanisms by which curcumin exerts its chemopreventative effects” (Nat. Institutes of Health).

MY SYMPTOMS (which presumably aren’t all related to h pylori & may have thrown the docs):

* I originally had a racing heart, three months of diarrhea, and would nearly pass out, especially in the middle of the night.  I also could not lie down for hours after each episode.  Yes, I would leap up from sleep in the middle of the night to crawl around, trying not to faint, and then have many nasty visits to the toilet.  Follow that with the topper of being utterly spent and not being able to lie down due to weird chest/stomach pressure, and you’ve got a nice recipe for exhaustion, missed work, and a social life put on major hold.

* Next, I moved on to leaping up from sleep to pace for hours while my heart raced and I shook.  A few times, my heart raced to the point I thought I was having a heart attack (I once wished I could just go unconscious to avoid the experience,which was painful and frightening), and then I would projectile vomit.  Yum.  I ended up in many ERs, to no avail.

* I have since graduated to heart palpitations and many bouts of bowel movements that are solid but frequent.  Dr. Ettinger (above) recommended magnesium for the palpitations, and I have since learned how much the American diet lacks this essential element.  It’s kind of incredible.  Read these stories.  And these.   You might just avoid things like prescription meds and an invasive EP study (which was next on my cardiologist’s list! — The bug and the heart are not typically connected:  “A common stomach bug may also be linked to the development of irregular heart rhythm, also known as atrial fibrillation, suggests a small study in Heart” Source: Science Daily).

Okay, so day and night symptoms include:  weight loss, shaking, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea alternating with constipation, loss of appetite, racing heart, syncope, shortness of breath, palpitations, weakness/fatigue, night sweats/hot flashes, and anxiety.

The anxiety leads me to point out things that helped along the way:

*  Friends. I’m going to miss some folks who sent their well wishes, and of course, I’m grateful, but a few folks pop to mind in the immediate.

Ana Bozicevic — Big thanks for many sleepless nights and encouragement and endurance and love.    And the patience of a saint.

Michael Steinman — Lots of talks and love and encouragement and kindness.  After Ana, my best friend.

Dan Hoy — Sound, strong advice, the kindness of someone who knows.  And a killer poet too.

Alex Dickow — Your worry and suggestions and reminders of poetry from France distracted me nicely on a few lonely nights.

Caroline Wilkinson — Sympathetic and encouraging recently — thanks for recommending Virginia Woolf’s “On Being Ill” which I just got and began reading.

And so many others …you know who you are!  Thank you!

* Lavender Baths — the warmer, the better.

* Massage – either from a friend, partner, or paid for — the stress of illness tenses muscles you inevitably stop using for awhile while you ruminate on sofas, in beds, and on toilets.  Yes, toilets.  Get those muscles touched, rubbed, and loved.  Pay for it if you have to.

*  FOODS — All sorts of organic soups, chicken broth, chicken legs, blueberries, kiwi fruit, sweet potatoes, kale, broccoli, Rudy’s organic raisin bread, capers, olives, avocados, bananas, carrots, lettuce, soy cheese, almonds, almond and peanut butters, fresh salmon, and oh, lots other lovely fresh items, many of which I obtained from my local Trader Joe’s.  Eat well and frequently, especially alkalizing foods to avoid nasty reflux and heartburn, so the body has nutrients, is replenished often, and can fight!

I hate to tell you, because it’s tough, you need to give up –for a couple of months — your love of coffee, alcohol, white carbs such as white pasta, white rice, white bread (these convert to sugar in the gut), most fruits (also sugar), dairy (take a calcium supplement for a spell), and plain old sugar like the stuff found in yummy chocolate and cookies.  Avoid other common acidic foods like tomatoes and orange juice.  Sorry!  Tough, but worth allowing your gut time to heal!

* Yoga – I never thought I would  do it.  But now Ana and I imitate Rodney Yee and his gang for about fifteen minutes, both morning and night, everyday.  Easy and well worth it!

* Fennel Tea — When you do begin to heal, you may go from diarrhea to constipation.  “Fennel has been found to stimulate appetite, and to aid digestion. An infusion prepared by boiling a tablespoon of fennel seeds in 100 ml of water for half an hour, is highly beneficial in indigestion, biliousness, flatulence and constipation” (S. Directory).

*  Pets – Love them every chance you get!  They’re very therapeutic~


* Jordan Rubin’s supplements and books. Despite the religion he infuses all of his advice with, his supplements are notoriously good (I forgot to mention above that I take Garden of Life enzymes with each meal), and his book, Restoring Your Digestive Health: How the Guts and Glory Program Can Transform Your Life, turned me on to chicken again (free range, organic, that is!).

* Goji Berries and Blueberries – No joke.  Eat them once your system is able to digest well enough.

“Modern day studies have also found some benefits to goji berries; they’ve been said to have potential in fighting cancer and protecting the liver. Goji berries contain 18 amino acids, 21 trace minerals, linoleic acid, more beta carotene than carrots, vitamins B1, B2, B6, and E, selenium and germanium.

And the American Institute for Cancer Research has this to say: ‘We now know that blueberries are one of the best sources of antioxidants, substances that can slow the aging process and reduce cell damage that can lead to cancer.’

Aside from protecting the brain and fighting cancer, blueberries have been associated with lower cholesterol, protection against heart disease, macular degeneration, glaucoma, varicose veins, hemorrhoids and peptic ulcers, and healthier elimination” (Source:  SixWise.com).

* L Glutamine – Glutamine Supplement Fights Effects of H. pylori Infection. Put a half teaspoon of the powder on your oatmeal every morning.

* Ginger Soother drink – delicious!  It really helped soothe my gut.  Ginger is good against the bacteria too.  Buy direct or on Amazon.

* Cognitive Behavioral Therapist – I’ve never been an anxious person, until now.  Nor have I ever been in therapy, until now.  Not knowing what’s wrong with a body for so long can wear a soul thin.  So one easily begins imagining the worst.  So far, I’ve seen this therapist three times, and she’s been very helpful with advice that I need to hear and put into action.   Plus it’s fun to talk about myself.  I guess I have an ego after all.  Was there ever a doubt, even while sick?

And so on.

I just want to add a few notes to round this entry off.  I realize I’m lucky and am very grateful not to have something worse than a bacterial infection.  Happily lucky.  I’ve learned a good bit about illness, the medical system, and still don’t know how chronic sufferers of anything can keep a chin up in the face of not knowing and in the face of a medical system that is, at best, impaired, and at worst, greedy.  I’ve encountered people who have far worse conditions than I’ve endured and have better attitudes and more strength than myself.  I’m not a good sick person, oh how I know.  I’ll spare you from my midnight considerations of the ‘other side’, but you may see a little in some of my recent writing.

Overall, I just wanted to tell those who have been in touch, thank you, and to warn others of possible pitfalls in the system.  If your gut, literal or figurative, tells you something needs to be tested, something’s still not right, press your doctor or find a new one.  Don’t stick with one for five visits in a row only to be told he “can’t do anything for you.”  Don’t ignore the feeling of being ignored or the sense that your words aren’t being taken seriously.  Do your research and advocate for yourself.  Make copies of your tests and records.   Keep in mind that one doc doesn’t automatically know what the other has done or thinks might be wrong.  Don’t get a test, especially an invasive one, if it doesn’t sound exactly necessary.  And so on.  I blather, so will end for now.  Good luck and wishes for a strong will if you come upon this entry in search of help!  And now, on to my own healing!



SUMMARY — Alternative Medicine for H Pylori Eradication
(Thanks, Tara Williams)

The three main Natural Remedies that finally eradicated H Pylori for Amy:

Monolaurin – 1200 mg twice a day (derived from coconut milk). It’s a natural antibiotic that many use for a variety of reasons. It’s especially popular with folks who get mono (Epstein Barr virus). I would pay about 13 dollars a bottle and went through two+ bottles.  I used Ecological Research brand.

The first two to three days of taking the full dose of Monolaurin, I experienced nausea symptoms “die off” and felt even sicker – but it did pass. I’m told it’s called “herxing” after the Herximer effect.

Manuka Honey (activated and only from New Zealand) 16+ or 20+ strength. Take a teaspoon twenty minutes before each meal (on an empty stomach) and one before bed on an empty stomach for about a month. I would take my spoonful after I took the Mastic Gum so that the water wouldn’t dilute it and send it directly to the kidneys. 

Mastic Gum (derived from the Greek Mastic tree) 1000 mg (1gram – two pills) in the morning before food and the same at night before bed on an empty stomach.  (Once H Pylori is eradicated, continue taking Mastic Gum for a few months – it keeps the H Pylori from returning and has other benefits like lowering cholesterol).

Amy also took:

Probiotic – VSL #3 – medical grade Probiotic to replace good bacteria (Amy took for about one month). 450 billion/powder packet is mid-level strength and can be bought over the counter. It’s about $90 for a thirty day supply if you take one packet of powder a day. (worked better than Garden of Life probiotics).

L Glutamine — Put a half-teaspoon of the powder on your oatmeal every morning. It helps heal gut tissue, thanks to the bacterial damage this potent bug can do. They recently also made the connection for people with H Pylori that L Glutamine slows the damage and helps to heal it.

Aloe Juice — take aloe vera juice daily (you need the unprocessed, cold pressed kind of aloe juice because it heals).

Digestive Enzymes – by Garden of Life with each meal — they help the stomach digest foods more easily, as the h pylori reduces stomach acid in many cases.

Diet is key in helping you to improve as your body fights the bacteria. If you do not adjust your diet for a few months, your gut will not be able to heal and the H Pylori will return. You should absolutely eliminate white flour products like carbohydrates (white pastas, white rice, bread, etc). These are sugars! Sugars only feed bacteria and provide no nutritional value. Also, cut out obvious sugars like cookies and ice cream! You should even limit fruits for the time being. Your goal is two fold: don’t feed the bacteria and give the gut easy-to-digest alkalizing foods and time to heal. Avoid foods like tomatoes, red meats, and dairy products too. You can catch up on calcium later. Milk is acidic in the gut. Coffee is difficult on the digestive tract. Eat foods that alkalize – do not eat acidic foods.

Other natural remedies that can be used in addition to Amy’s cocktail:

Broccoli sprouts
Magnesium is like magic, and the glycinate form is the least harsh on the digestive system.   Once H Pylori is eradicated and you are healing, trying to regain your strength, consider diluting a tablespoon of Blackstrap Molasses in half a cup of water and drinking daily.  Blackstrap Molasses provides an incredible range of nutrients that helped Amy bounce back (for more info from many who have used it, click here).
Oil of Oregano -Those of you who are long-suffering may want to try a few drops of Oil of Oregano under your tongue a few times a day too.
Bladderwack to keep the buggers from adhereing to the lining of your stomach.
Red Wine — moderate intake of red wine is also unkind specifically to H Pylori.  Stellar Organics :-)  …because it also has no added sulfites.

How H Pylori Is Diagnosed

Stool sample – Most reliable determination. But may still show positive for 2-3 months even after cured.
Endoscopy – sample tissue tests taken.
Blood Test – Blood antibody test. A blood test checks to see whether your body has made antibodies to H. pylori bacteria. If you have antibodies to H. pylori in your blood, it means you either are currently infected or have been infected in the past.
Breath test – can be done right after treatment to see if cured rather than wait 1-3 months for stool change.

Amy’s Results
Felt like gone after one month, but stool still tested positive. Two months of natural remedy cocktail and Amy’s stool results came back negative, and her symptoms were gone.
Original Symptoms — Diarrhea, vomiting, stomach pains, racing heart, shortness of breath and anxiety, miserable aches and pains in my back, legs, and arms that no doctor could conclusively say was a direct result of the infection. But I know with certainty that these weird pains and miseries were due to the infection because they have since cleared up.


AMY KING View All →

Amy King is the recipient of the 2015 Winner of the Women’s National Book Association (WNBA) Award. Her latest collection, The Missing Museum, is a winner of the 2015 Tarpaulin Sky Book Prize. She co-edited with Heidi Lynn Staples the anthology Big Energy Poets of the Anthropocene: When Ecopoets Think Climate Change. She also co-edits the anthology series, Bettering American Poetry, and is a professor of creative writing at SUNY Nassau Community College.

1,060 Comments Leave a comment

    • Oh lordy, your story sounds a lot like mine. I have H. Pylori too and am currently on my third round of anti-biotics. I have the sweats, nausea, constant bathroom visits, a stabbing pain in my side, etc. It’s terrible! Did you ever get it to subside? How long have you had it?

      • It’s been gone now for about two months! But I was having some trouble feeling better afterward. Turns out the probiotic I had wasn’t “recolonizing” my gut quickly enough. My new GI put me on a medical grade probiotic called VSL#3 – worked like a charm. There are two strengths for it over-the-counter. You can get it in pill form at 225 billion organisms or do what I did: the packet of powder at 450 billion organisms / once a day. Perfect – I felt better within two days of taking it.

        Good luck with yours!

      • well here are a few things that will help with pyroli bacterias- excuse all the lower case writing but i am very tired and the message will help you- i am not a quack— my name is ronald dishinger and i live in kentucky-my website is http://www.biochemimbal-behavior.com for schizophrenics and mental illnesses. first stool sample is better than blood but blood test at least to start with- stool samples are now done with dna testing and very accurate as to what bacterias, parasites etc that are present or have been present and made there way into your dna at some point in you life- i am 70 and for the last three years suffered a hell no one should have- so bad i literally would rather have died- my doctor is Dr John sherman a wonderful human and very knowledgeable and will listen to you. at Tahoma Clinic in tacoma wash.each of his telephone calls for consultation costs 250$ but he will give you a full hour if necessary for that. i am just starting as of three days ago on his regimine but know from other research that his proticol of what he has given me will work- first, things i know from other research: first goldenseal will kill pyroli not just inhibit,quercetin 1000mg daily, probiotics,bismuth in pepto bismuth will kill, (stools will turn black because of bismuth but return in day or two after you stop taking bismuth which should be limited to two days, slippery elm 2 x as much a goldenseal(which should not be taken for longer than 9 days) tumeric,vitamin C ,grape seed extract,and camomile tea at least pint per day with four tea bags. These are things i have investigated but had not started until i knew it was pyroli and it has not been enough time yet for them to work- the stool test from tahoma clinic takes almost a full month to get results so you can do these others things until then. What Dr sherman had me get from their dispensory there: HPLR. (Goldenseal,barberry,yerba mansa, oregano oil,berberis aristala),Pancreatic enzymes by jarrow,HLC intensive probiotics, and ADP oregano oil and camolmile tea a pint 2x day 5 minutes of each side of rolling body to one side for 5 minutes each time- all done on empty stomach to allow the camomile to get to all the linings of the gut. Over 50% of world’s population has pyroli bacterias and it can lead to ulcers and stomach cancer for certain. If i can help my tel is 270 684 9233.

      • Far from being the bad guy h pylori may be a good friend to man.

        Helicobacter pylori is a microorganism that is found in most people’s stomachs world wide. It is NOT usually a problem unless it OVERGROWS its normal bounds. This usually only happens when you are not eating well OR taking toxic drugs such as anti-depressants. H Pylori is currently being blamed, incorrectly IMO, for 80% of the ulcers in this country by the medical establishment.

        So is H Pylori often ASSOCIATED with stomach problems? Absolutely but a crappy diet is probably MUCH more CAUSATIVE. H Pylori is much more often ASSOCIATED with an absolutely, totally, normal, disease free and fully functioning stomach.

        “H. pylori and humans have co-evolved for many thousands of years, and, until very recently, all humans were colonized by these bacteria. This means that H. pylori must be a long-established part of our normal bacterial flora, or “indigenous biota”. Helicobacter pylori may be protective against gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), Barrett’s esophagus, and adenocarcinoma of the esophagus and stomach cardia – a particularly deadly form of cancer.” Doctor Martin Blaser, Professor of Internal Medicine, Chairman of the Department of Medicine NYU

        “A dose of vitamin C of 5 grams daily for 4 weeks was found to significantly inhibit H Pylori in one report.”


      • I have been struggling with h pylori for bout 7 months now and have lost a lot of weight. It is scary. Been through two rounds of antibiotics and it is just gotten worse. I feel like I am losing my family and myself. Another doctor also told me that I also have candida. I tried the mastic gum but I guess I didn’t do enough. I, too, feel like I am dying and No one can help. Can anyone tell me how they took these supplements? When did you take what in other words. Please. I need help and no one around me understands.

      • Herbal remedy cure! Very happy to share my testimony! The great man who cures all known diseases, Dr Sebi is a healer, pathologist, herbalist, biochemist and naturalist, who immigrated from Honduras and who has committed his life to the service of helping people cure their diseases. In 1988, he took on the Attorney General of New York in a Supreme Court trial where he was being sued for false advertisement and practice without a license after placing ads in a number of newspapers, including the New York Post where he had announced: “Aids has been cured by the Usha Research Institute, and we specialize in cures for Sickle Cell, Lupus, Blindness, Herpes, Cancer, Als and others. Pre-trial, the judge had asked Dr. Sebi provide one witness per disease he had claimed to cure however when 77 in person witnesses joined him in court, the judge had no choice but to proclaim the Doctor NOT GUILTY on all accounts, proving he did in fact have the cure to all the diseases mentioned in the newspapers. Several celebrities have sought out healing through the Doctor including: Michael Jackson, Magic Johnson, Eddie Murphy, John Travolta and the deceased Lisa Left Eye Lopes who proclaims in the video: “I know a man who has been curing AIDS since 1987”.. i want to inform the public how i was cured from ALS(MND) by Dr Sebi, i visited different hospital but they gave me list of drugs which is very expensive to treat the symptoms and never cured me. I was browsing through the Internet searching for remedy on ALS and i saw comment of people talking about how Dr Sebi cured them from ALS, CANCER, HERPES, DIABETES and so on… when i contacted him he gave me hope and send a Herbal medicine to me through courier service that i took and it seriously worked for me, am a free person now without problem, my ALS result came out negative. I pray for you Dr Sebi. Am fully cured. you can also get your self cured my friends if you really need my doctor help, you can reach him now: (drsebiherbalisthealinghome12@gmail. com) You are indeed a HERO!

      • Very happy to share my testimony! The great man who cures all known diseases, Dr Sebi is a healer, pathologist, herbalist, biochemist and naturalist, who immigrated from Honduras and who has committed his life to the service of helping people cure their diseases. In 1988, he took on the Attorney General of New York in a Supreme Court trial where he was being sued for false advertisement and practice without a license after placing ads in a number of newspapers, including the New York Post where he had announced: “Aids has been cured by the Usha Research Institute, and we specialize in cures for Sickle Cell, Lupus, Blindness, Herpes, Cancer, Als and others. Pre-trial, the judge had asked Dr. Sebi provide one witness per disease he had claimed to cure however when 77 in person witnesses joined him in court, the judge had no choice but to proclaim the Doctor NOT GUILTY on all accounts, proving he did in fact have the cure to all the diseases mentioned in the newspapers. Several celebrities have sought out healing through the Doctor including: Michael Jackson, Magic Johnson, Eddie Murphy, John Travolta and the deceased Lisa Left Eye Lopes who proclaims in the video: “I know a man who has been curing AIDS since 1987”.. i want to inform the public how i was cured from ALS(MND) by Dr Sebi, i visited different hospital but they gave me list of drugs which is very expensive to treat the symptoms and never cured me. I was browsing through the Internet searching for remedy on ALS and i saw comment of people talking about how Dr Sebi cured them from ALS, CANCER, HERPES, DIABETES and so on… when i contacted him he gave me hope and send a Herbal medicine to me through courier service that i took and it seriously worked for me, am a free person now without problem, my ALS result came out negative. I pray for you Dr Sebi. Am fully cured. you can also get your self cured my friends if you really need my doctor help, you can reach him now: (drsebiherbalisthealinghome12@gmail. com) You are indeed a HERO!

    • They finally figured out i had ‘h. pylori. i went another 5 months going through tons of tests because my doctor didn’t retest me.Finally a GI did and so i did my second round of poison ANTIBIOTICS that made me sicker anything thats starts with the word anti is not good to ingest!!! and i’m still sick its been 8 months now! i REFUSE to poision my body again! i think its fn bullcrap if its so common why haven’t i heard of it b4 i got sick and why did they order tons of tests raping my insurance! i think they want us to be sick so they can ride their money train! this is whats wrong with the health system we r treated like caddle they have feelings too! its funny that they run all these tests b4 testing for h pylori! im sick of being sick and it needs to be heard that they aren’t doing shit about h pylori! they don’t think its an emergency that i vomit every day and have no energy and can barley function! oh u have anxiety or food allergies its in your head is what ive heard from a professional doctor who thought he was a shrink! its the pharmacutical companies and doctors just wanting money! why do they perscribe nexxium so much so many people have h pylori and aren’t being treated for it because thats how they rape u for money! they dont care about us some do but consider yourself lucky lucky if u find a doctor who cares enough u listen to you and wants to help you get better!

      • Thanks for sharing your experience. I was just diagnosed yesterday with H. Pylori. Luckily, I have very mild symptoms: some occasional discomfort under my ribcage and my back (this started last year for which I went to a cardiologist who said my heart is healthy and I could just be experiencing muscular pains or even dehydration). Having cleared my heart, I ignored the symptoms as it was occasional and not debilitating until a few weeks ago when I experienced what I would later realize as a heartburn. It was also about this time that I first saw a gastroenterologist for consultation for my colonoscopy screening. He looked at my record and found that I am very healthy with no medical problems except for seasonal allergies. I just happened to mention to him this discomfort under my ribcage which a few weeks ago woke me up from my sleep. He told me that if it worsens or if it starts to bother me he will look at my stomach.

        A few days later I experienced my first pain in the chest after lunch, as if something was blocking my esophagus. I know that it was not a heart problem as two weeks before that I had a stress test which showed my heart as healthy. I was thankful for that otherwise, I might have panicked. Remembering the information about the digestive system ( I was browsing some pamphlets and looking at diagrams of the digestive tract in the GI’s office) and recalling one of the questions in the paperwork was if I have experienced heartburn, it dawned on me that I may be experiencing it. I immediately started reading up on heartburn, what it is like, causes, etc. It looks like that’s what I have so I promptly made an appointment with my new primary physician. He said that there are two ways to deal with it: just treat the symptoms with antacids, proton pump inhibitors, etc., but the symptoms will recur or, find the cause and cure it. Of course, I want to find out what this is! Weirdly enough, I was looking at this as a science project. He said he will have me tested for H. Pylori and to check my CBC if I have anemia. CBC came out negative, H. Pylori was positive. Never in my wildest dreams did it occur to me that I have this bacteria lurking in my stomach. He prescribed PREVPAC ( a combination of Prevacid, amoxicillin and clindaerythromycin.) and Peptobismol. I am on my second day of this megadose of antibiotics and I am happy to say I don’t have the nightmarish side effects that a lot of people describe. I hope I will never have it. I plan, however, to supplement the drugs with natural remedies (Virgin Coconut Oil, Manukah Honey, broccoli sprouts, etc. that you mentioned here). I am so thankful that I have a physician that listened to me and did not dismiss my symptoms. It doesn’t hurt that he is ubercute too! I will tell you my progress with the eradication of this bacteria. I have the feeling that once this bug is cleared, I might have a better shot at losing weight (one effect of H. Pylori is not being able to lose weight). I have been good at eating healthy and exercising regularly (I even hired a trainer) but not even a pound was shed. My consolation is, maybe, my symptoms has been mild because the colonization of this bug was hampered by my healthy lifestyle.

      • Like many of you I have and am suffering with this bug. H Pylori.

        I agree with this bloggers comments regarding the medical field doing nothing about this problem. I challenge the Dr Martin Blazer of NYU to show medical proof in the form of true medical research that H pylori is not a horrific disease for immunocompromised patients.
        Do you think healthy patients who are in perfect health at a young age are going to have problems with H Pylori? Do Doctors forget they are treating the sick because why would a healthy person come to you to go thru such invasive tests? I challenge Dr Blaser to show proof on this blog site that H Pylori is not one of the most devistating pathogens for the elderly and immunocompromised. I would like to see true research because right now all the research is against him and shows that H Pylori is not only a stomach bug but is the plague of the world responsible for sicknesses, deaths and many illnesses including eye infections even glaucoma. You doctors need to understand a patient who comes to you for help needs rebalancing. That is your job. If we were all healthy you would be having another profession.

      • The saddest thing is that the doctor will not tell you that after doing the Triple Antibiotic treatment, thanks to the Proton Pump Inhibitor Omeprazole, your body will not be able to produce Hydrochloric Acid (HCL) for up to three weeks following the treatment. This will be plenty of time for different bacteria to populate your gut, since the HCL is a defense barrier that will be gone for three weeks.
        All one needs to do is to supplement with HCL with your meals. If you have ulcer, drink Aloe Vera to protect the stomach.
        Also very often H’ Pylori lives there with Candida that is not killed by the Triple Antibiotic. So after the treatment you are still sick.
        Treat both in the same time.
        Good luck to all.

      • To all out there…I have replied before how you can treat naturally. One thing on top of what I’ve already told is do a practice which is called Kunjal kriya. This is something you do for 21 days and after that you do once a week.

        Process of Kunjal kriya – Add salt to lukewarm water and I would say 750 ml to 1 litre. First thing in the morning in an empty stomach drink this and do the vomit of the water. you can touch the base of the tongue and bend your body facing down like a squat position.
        This will clean the stomach and all the excess bile and acids. This will also remove all the bacteria and wastes and toxins in your stomach. Do this until you have removed all the water from your stomach that you drank. this will also remove sinus and other gastric and ulcer problems. increases your metabolism and removes toxins and you feel light and good. Do this for 21 days. Hpylori will be eliminated from your system. After that do once a week to keep healthy.

        Finally nothing beats your immune system. Eat right kind of foods to boost immune system; Have Aswagandha powder in luke warm water every day( 1 or 2 tea spoon). This is Indian Ayurvedic medicine. you can also try Apple cidar vinegar in luke warm water and there are tons of things you can do for boosting immune system apart from yoga and pranayama which I mentioned.

        Any questions write to me Vasudev04@gmail.com

    • im so happy i read this everything i read is everything iv been going threw i thought it was just pms im so amazed the meds make me feel dizzzy and nousus do but i have four days left to seee if its gone….thank you

      • Hey Sandra, U tried it. Did your H. Pylori gone after this treatment? I have started this too, and I am feeling dizzy and pain in my abdomen too. So wondering if its normal? Please reply. Thanks,

      • I have had h pylori for years. Alot of pain. But no vomiting. At first I had dirrahea but I don’t now. I have night sweats and when I lay down dizziness. I have had a test called endoscopy where they go down in your throat with a camera to see your stomache. They found out that I had inflammation in my stomache. My doctor put me on 40 milligrams of omprazole . I can lay on my right side but not my left side. I don’t eat healthy. I’m tired all the time and don’t feel good. I am losing weight like crazy. It scares me. What should I do?

    • Thank you for posting this vital information, and wonderful contribution! I have been so sick I thought I was going to die. Chills, fever, shortness of breath,, fever, swollen. lymph nodes tingling feeling my hands and feet, kidney infection rash on my face , nausea, ear became sensitive i had to wear cotton balls in them with some olive oil my weight was down to 99 . Thanks God for my husband he drove me to all the doctors Endoscopy colonscopy barium swallow, CAT ultrasound all negative !!! And those GI dr that throw out that line it is stress related is so outworn it is insuling. I used to do psy, assessment for a living I told the GI that I did not meet the required criterionplus he lacks the education to diagnosis me! If you don’t know just say you don’t know don’t insult people! I had all the tests 3 x parasite stool test, blood work and the first H Pylori test was false negative, but I did not realize at that time . Each month dragged on I could not longer go to my volunteer job if I had a actual job I would of lost it! Eleven months later I was so much worse. I was so sick so often we found a urgency clinic close to our home so everytime I would see a new dr and that is the KEY for what saved me the dr asked me if I had the H pylori test and told her I don’t recall it …she sent the nurse in they drew the blood in less than ten minutes the dr walks in the room and says, you have H Pylori it was high positive In fact I had so many tests I forgot I had it before thank God I forgot because that at least gave me a diagnosis ! What is interesting a week before the chinese med/acupuncture dr plainly said, ” you have parasite here take these.”.
      Apparently he was right,.

      • Amy thanks so very much for creating this forum….bless you..I have been doing your protocol…for a week now….no die off from the monolaurin….stomach still bloated….i do often miss some of the doses …. and advice for remembering….like i often eat a meal and then think uh oh….i didn’t take my probiotic or my honey…i am also trying to follow an anti candida diet…..no sugar, gluten, anything acidic….found that following food combining and chewing food very thourogh seems to help….i am noticing that I hold a lot of tension in my stomach…wondering if stress brings this whole thing on..? Any thoughts on the Matula Tea??? thanks for listening.

        For sophy ~
        glad u are on the road to recovery. What was your test score…..? i will look up mine and post tomorrow…..I am curious of the different levels people score at.

        blessings & health to all

      • I tried the tea once and returned it after one cup. Others here in this thread have weighed in – not so good.

        Just keep at the doses – and trust your immune system to use the material correctly.

        Good luck!

      • Hello ms sophy

        PLEASE HELP ME and tell me what you did or the herb to cure it I have been sick for a year now and dr can help I weigh 90 pounds and my daughter. Needs me she is 5.

        beatisyet2cm@hotmail.com or call 919-712-9095

        May God Bless🙏

    • Amy if you are out there I could really use help and guidance. I have a beautiful 2 year old daughter who I want to b around for. My email is jcipriano@srtx.org if anyone else out there can help please email me. I could really use the help. Thanks.

    • I ordered Monolaurin but had to wait for it to come international. I tried using 3 tablespoons of unrefined organic coconut oil and my early morning pain disappeared after the second day. Can’t tell you what a relief that is.
      I also have been treating myself of other fatigue and neurological type symptoms for the past 5 months with high dose Vitamin D. I use Thorne 25,000 I and took around 50,000 I for several months along with vitamin K2 to ensure the calcium deposits go into the bone where they belong and don’t calcify the soft tissue. There’s a lot of research about D3 being good for arthritis to mental illness, and especially most adults and kids are low in Vit D3.
      Also high dose Vit C is great.
      Don’t forget we need zinc and magnesium can be at the bottom of a lot of issues.
      The Aloe Vera helped and I took UMF Manuka honey on an empty stomach but I’m not sure the quantity is sufficient to attack the bacteria although it’s cured 95% of anything my household has accept, deep chest infection.
      Good luck know to all.
      D3 will change life as you know it !

      • I recently went to a GP who was concerned I was taking 50K of D3 at one time (another doc had me doing this). She said taking that much at once can cause muscle cramps and pain along with lethargy. She advised breaking up the dose into 6K/day for better overall wellbeing and so I changed to this and noticed feeling better. I was taking the 50K on Sunday and was always a wreck on Monday – thought it must be because of so much activity over the weekend or being down about the new week but no, it was the mega-dose of D3.

      • My doctor gave me 50 000 mg cap of vitamin D2 and I thought I must need it. I took it and noticed that in 2 weeks I had taken it on the that last day or the day before I took it again I would be suicidal and have very negative thoughts that would not stop. I finally put it together that the mega dose at the beginning was giving a lift but the end was taking me so down I could not take it. I will not take those mega doses any more. I also researched that vitamin D2 is way less effective or absorbed than vitamin D3 so I take D3 daily 2000mg daily instead and that fixes that for me. You are not the only one. It is like they induced depression badly!

    • Hi thank you for writing this blog I am going through this and am at my wits end trying to find foods that won’t upset my tummy. I’ve made a note of all the things you’ve written and am going to try them.
      Kind regards Jenny

    • Hello. I am said glad I have just read your post. This is pretty much me. I’ve gone from a fun loving energetic busy 55 year old to having ALL your symptoms. I’m struggling to go to work am anxious all the time to. I have no appetite am eating to just live. I feel full after just a handful of food. I’m just waiting for results from my stomach and bowel biopsys. So thank you for giving me hope. Your a star. May you continue to be well.xx Chris.x

    • Wow you know what i am so glad i came accrosss this article as i was suffering from a range of symptoms that i just could not figure out what was wrong with me. I started the natural treatment programme that your article reccomends and i have seen significant improvements o. Just 2 weeks…. So thankyou so much for poating this and not expecting to sell anything or make profit in return its just real refreshing that you are genuine and tryong to help others xxx uzma

    • I feel like I just read my own story!!

      I started experiencing nausea and loose stools and thought I had a bug. It would come and go. I would get hot all the time. a year later my heart started to ace a lot I though it was anxiety from not feeling well. Another year on and I was having full blown SVT (racing heart) to the point. I would pass out. I spent another year trying to get my cardiologist to take me seriously. Meanwhile my Stomach became so bad I could barely drink water or eat. I needed up in ER 3 times and they were able to capture my heart episodes. I was also diagnosed with H Pylori and Blastocystis. I was repeatedly told they were not related (heart and stomach issues). I had an ep study twice!! They managed to ablate so at least I’m. Not passing out.

      I managed to kill the H Pylori with the triple therapy but have not been able to kill the Blastocystisz this is one tough parasite to kill and still causes me a tremendous about of pain. Nightmare!!

      An arrhythmia doctor in Italy found that 70% of her patience had parasites….but most dr’s say there’s. I connection! Bollox!!

  1. Amy, May your next year be a completely different story — one of coming back to health & energy & a whole lot of joy. Sorry you have had to go through these recent months.

    many many good wishes!

  2. I am really “HAPPY” for you, that “FINALLY” you have an answer for these symptoms you are having. This has been a long haul for you. I wish you all the luck and healing process along the way…=)

  3. Our medical system is definitely flawed, and unfortunately most people do not realize that they must be skeptical when seeing a doctor. Good luck with your recovery.

    PS: What doesn’t kill you can only make you stronger :)

  4. Dear Amy,

    What a great entry…and what an ordeal you’ve been through. So happy to hear you are striding towards a full recovery. Excelsior! I read just about all of your posting, and maybe I missed it, but HOW did you get that gnarly little bugger in your gut in the first place? Is it just “out there” and occasionally it gets people when their resistance is low?

    Love, Matt

  5. Amy –

    I’m glad to hear that you’ve gotten a diagnosis, I know how frustrating an “invisible” illness feels like – I’m sure just having an answer will lessen some of the stress (the anxiety that you’re also suffering). And here’s to you being proactive with your health – finding alternative meds and such. Sending you warm wishes for this year.


  6. Amy! I’m so glad you got a proper diagnosis, & will be looking to see whether you post about the success of the natural treatments, all of which seem eminently sensible. Hugs to you.


    P.S. I can’t decide whether to laugh or cry at the picture of Doggie in the bath…! (My pics of Duncan getting hydrotherapy for his ACL tear are on my Facebook page.)

  7. Amy, I’m so sorry to hear about all of this but glad you’re getting some relief. You’ll be in my thoughts and prayers. Hope this year is much better. All the best, Helen

  8. Amy! What a nightmare! I’ve been so caught up in my own world, I had no idea of your suffering. I did look up the heart condition you were told you had and I found that to be pretty scary itself. I’m glad that’s not what you’re suffering from, but clearly, you have suffered a lot. I can’t imagine what it was like for you but this post has said a lot. I’m so so glad that you had Ana by your side. I hope your recovery continues to go well. I look forward to seeing you again soon. We can share some organic yummies and vent about our disgusting health”care” system.


    • Amy, Thanks for posting your view about the matula tea. I was just about to order it and something told me to do a little more research. I have H. Pylori and have been sick for quite a while….The Dr who diagnosed me prescribed the usual antibiotics which ended up making me sicker than I already was. I have excruciating shoulder pain, burping, constipation, bad breath, anxiety (and I’m not a person to experience anxiety normally), psoriasis, bloating, stomach pain and pressure & this list goes on and on. I haven’t been thru what you have experienced, but would like to feel “normal” again….whatever that is!!!

      • I hear you Michele Ii can’t say i know normal for a while now..is the matula tea working? dolcevilla@aol.com if you can spare any more info I am desperate for help
        just been diagnosed with h pylori and dan of some parasites also for last 4 months gluten dairy and corn intolerant..its not that i mind so much but i cheat at times and eat crap but never gluten its the sugars that get me…i have allot of anxiety..soon i will be taking supplements from my dr. just gained all the weight back after one year on weight watchers

      • HI Michelle,

        how are you feeling? do you still having the h pilori symptoms, what did you do relieve your symptoms?
        my brother have the same thing just wanna help him


  9. Hi Amy I came across your blog while looking up H. Pylori ( I am a nurse and work on Long Island). One thing it seems you may have overlooked is the use of bladderwack to keep the buggers from adhereing to the lining of your stomach.

    You blood type also plays a role here, non secretors have more H. Pylori then secretors. I do wonder what blood type you are? I also know that you would benefit from following either the Genotype diet or the Blood type diet, both designed to heal the intestinal lining.

    Your GI doctor sounds unusually, most are just prescribing the same old stuff. Peace!
    Andrea blood type A Warrior

  10. Never heard of Bladderwack! Will check it out!

    I don’t know my blood type – can you believe that? I used to know, years ago, when I donated blood regularly. Hmm… I’ll figure it out and investigate. Thanks for the advice, Andrea!

  11. Thank you for your post Amy. And I’m so glad to hear that you’ll soon be on the mend. I am in the phase where the doctor tells me to eat more fiber and exercise. It’s all very frustrating because I know this isn’t IBS and my symptoms are getting worse, and more varied. My family history of cancer is a nightmare so of course I am imagining the worst. My question is: what was your level of h pylori? My doctor did order a test, after I asked her if I might have an infection, but my level came out in the “normal” range. However, I have been taking probiotics which does alleviate the symptoms to a point and I’m wondering if that would give me a lower number on my lab results thereby making my doctor (and I use that term loosely) think that the number is not high enough to create my problems. I have a pelvic ultrasound tomorrow and an appointment with a GI specialist on Friday, but any comments would be welcome.

  12. Dear Amy,
    Thanks SO much for posting this… I was afraid I was alone and crazy!!! Everyone told me all my “symptoms” could not possibly be from the h pylori.. but you named them all.
    I can relate- especially the “bad nights”. used to be like Goldilocks… moving from bed to sofa, to chair, to bed, just trying to get comfortable enough to get some rest.
    And be glad you are not a middle age woman!! I was told it was anxiety ( never had problem before in my life) and it was “hormones”, so was prescribed antidepressants… which did NOT help!! I hope you feel better… I am still feeling like ” junk” after 3 megadoses of antibitotics,and from all the pain and stress on my body for months and months.
    Please feel free to contact me with any valuable information to aid my return of a “normal life again”. You have already given me more than any of my MANY doctors have helped me. Thank you for your courage to publish this… you will never know how much it has helped me mentally to know I am NOT alone and NOT crazy!! God bless you!!!

    • Hi Kristi, did you sort your your issues with H. Pylori and did you anxiety go away. I am a middle aged woman and going through menopause and have had shortness of breath issues issues since last 9 months and when every test was normal, I was told I have anxiety and was put on anti anxiety meds. 2 days ago my blood tet for H. Pylori came positive and Dr. has prescribed me triple meds. I took the 2nd dose this morning. I have hypothyroid and feel I have low stomach acid (rather than high). I used to drink 1 tsp apple cider viniegar diluted in a big glass of water, and that used to help me. I haven’t had that in 6 weeks due to an eye condition CSR that I have developed. Found that H. Pylori can also cause CSR. I would be grateful if you can let me know what you did to sort your issues as we seem to be in the same age range. If you would prefer to write in private, please let me know your email address. Thank you.

  13. UPDATE and a few random replies (apologies for not directly emailing everyone!):

    A month into my alt treatments, I tested positive again for h pylori. But my doctor explained that “positive” simply means I still have the bacteria present and active — the results from LabCorp did not describe how much. She said since I was improving to go ahead and continue with my treatment; she went on to explain that even people who do the triple antibiotic therapy have to repeat it many times to eradicate it. So. What to say — much of the gastritis has subsided, though I am still being very cautious about six weeks later with exactly what I eat. I do still feel my gut reacting to something extra fatty. I’m trying to be consistent with my Aloe Gel, as well as the Manuka Honey, Mastic Gum, H-PLR (K-32), Garden of Life Digestive Enzymes, Probitics, Monolaurin and other items I’m a little less consistent with such as Garlic pills, Vit C, Calcium and Mag, OmegaBrite Essential Acids, etc. I’ve never had to pay attention to my health and everything I put into my body this much before in my life.

    But the gist is that the bacteria really do a number on a person’s gut, which affects everything else, including the immune system and the heart. I was definitely experiencing Sinus Tachycardia (I saw a second specialist who confirmed) during my “episodes”, which calmed to palpitations as I improved and has abated all together now. Mostly, I’m just working on eating properly, taking the “meds”, trying to get a little more exercise into my life, and making sure my body rests as it needs. Consider that the bacteria create something of an “open wound” of your gut. You would not expect such decimation to heal instantly, would you? Bacteria can take months to kill off and the flesh, esp internal flesh, takes a long time to heal, your body takes a long time to recover, etc. So I miss a lot of things like a glass of wine, my daily cup of coffee, and oh my god – chocolate (though I do have a slight treat/cheat now and then), but ultimately, I assume in a two or three more months, this will just be a bad memory and I’ll be back to eating some of the things I loved, though my eating and a few behavioral changes will certainly stick. Getting sick teaches lessons.

    Oh – a few other pointers. I’ve learned from some Thai doctor online that it is best to try to imitate those stomach acid reducing drugs by just drinking water all of the time (he suggests mixing in a quarter teaspoon of baking soda, which I fail to do). I mean, I usually drink a lot of water bc I teach, but now, I’m constantly aware of trying to keep my stomach acid a bit diluted; the bacteria somehow use your stomach acid as a protective measure and also dine on whatever heavy things tend to sit in the gut and need more acid to process like meats and the like. Also, they don’t like green tea. I sip a couple of cups daily and get my caffeine fix that way too. Particularly tasty is Revolution brand – Organic Green Earl Grey Tea.

    Hope that’s all helpful and answers a few questions for you. Any doc who tells you that H Pylori doesn’t cause “those” symptoms simply isn’t acknowledging that studies are ongoing regarding this bacteria and just how extensively it can affect the body. As many of you know, the bacteria were only discovered in the sixties and now there’s even a study looking into the fact that it may be able to be transmitted sexually (though orally would be enough). Any doc who proclaims to know just exactly what symptoms are possible and what aren’t – definitively – is playing god. Since treating this bacterial infection, my improvement has been visible and measureable, and the subsiding of many “unrelated” symptoms is no accident.

    Be well everyone!

    • After years of battling indigestion, GERD, various sorts of gut pain, thinking I had and being treated for ulcers, and hours and hours of online research, I have concluded that I most definitely have and always had an H. pylori infection (Helicobacter Pylori). But it didn’t start with just that. I first concluded that I had SIBO (small intestine bacterial overgrowth). But I didn’t arrive at either conclusion easily or directly. I was first diagnosed with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, but was treated for simple hypothyroidism for a couple decades before an endo told me what I really had. How I got to that point is an interesting story in itself. It started with me trying to cure myself of hypothyroidism by taking high dose iodine. But that didn’t come as you would think either. I got to that point after suffering from dizzy spells, light headedness to the point of almost fainting, and becoming totally exhausted and out of breath any time I exerted myself beyond anything normal. That got me to searching the internet for what my problem could be from, and that got me to conclude that it was in relation to my hypothyroidism, and that got me to thinking that it was resulting from that. I was already taking a pretty high dose of thyroid medication and didn’t want to get put on an even higher dose because that damn stuff was causing insomnia as a side effect. So a little more searching led me down the path of trying to cure my thyroid condition with high dose iodine. Well, long story short, iodine, while if fact being an essential nutrient and very important for normal thyroid function, probably wasn’t what my problem was. After getting very sick with a cough I couldn’t self medicate myself out of and running a high fever, I finally went to the doctor, which I hate to do. Turned out I had pneumonia in one lung and had iron deficiency anemia. It was a real challenge trying to figure out how I could be that when I was eating a fairly healthy diet and taking a multi vitamin everyday. So I got myself on extra iron supplements, and after getting rid of the pneumonia with prescribed meds, was proclaimed no longer anemic, but still borderline low in iron. I continued supplementing high dose iodine along with all my other supplements and along about 2 weeks before my scheduled follow up with the Dr I decided to experiment to find out if the high dose iodine was actually curing my hypothyroidism, and stopped taking my thyroid meds. I felt so good while doing that (probably due to the fact that I was actually sleeping normally during that time) I was almost certain I had cured the hypo. Not so. When the Dr saw how my TSH had spiked and I told him what I was doing and why, he about had a conniption fit. So he finally referred me to an endocrinologist, which led to me finally finding out what I really had, Hashimoto’s disease. Which also happens to be one of over 80+ other auto-immune diseases that modern medicine seems to have no clue to the cause or cure for, so they just treat the symptoms of and have a very reliable customer, err, I mean patient, for the life of patient.

      So that got me started on even more endless hours of internet searching. And long story short again, that led me to find (conclude) that most if not all autoimmune diseases are in fact caused by and come from the gut through the immune system being super charged by and doing battle with all the funny little things that have gotten into the blood through a leaky gut caused by infection and inflammation of the intestinal walls. The small intestinal walls become swollen from the inflammation caused by, what else, an over population of bad bacteria (SIBO) that come about because of an h pylori infection. Because H pylori has the ability to release a self protective acid neutralizing substance into its immediate surroundings, it is impervious to the effects of stomach acid designed to kill things like it that don’t belong in the stomach. Therefore it has the ability to withstand the destruction of stomach acid, and multiply and overpopulate the stomach to the extent that the stomach is no longer acidic enough to properly digest food and to kill off any of the little bacterial critters that decide to migrate up into the small intestine from the colon, where they belong. Plus there’s another negative caveat to this nasty little critter occupying and mass producing in your gut. It has a ravenous appetite for the vitamins and nutrients that we need to survive. B12 and iron are 2 of the most noticeable.

      Actually, your poor little small intestine gets a double whammy. All the bacteria that aren’t supposed to be there start to attack and inflame the SI walls, and all the food that hasn’t been properly mixed with adequate stomach acid to digest it, starts to ferment and generate its own version of bacteria that also isn’t supposed to be there. So the gut just keeps on getting worse and worse, more inflamed, swollen and leaky, until the immune system becomes so over worked, overtaxed and beside itself with trying to keep up with eradicating all the little nasty things that a normal immune system would never have to deal with, that it gets confused and starts to attack the body itself. And that includes everything within the body, the organs, the endocrine glands, the muscles and yes, unfortunately, the brain (think dementia, alzheimers, and I’m going out on a limb here, ALS. There’s also some research out there that links it to cancer.) This all leads to the immune system out of whack symptoms that modern medicine loves to treat as separate diseases with no cure for, and get paid so well for treating in the process. In my case, it was my thyroid that drew the short straw. But knowing AID’s tend to occur in multiples I know that I’m at risk of developing another one or two or three more to go along with the one I already have. Maybe I already have and just don’t know it yet.

      80% of the immune system lies within the digestive tract, which really puts into perspective how huge an influence an out of whack digestive system can be on the health of the human body and how it can totally disrupt an immune system that under normal circumstances functions so flawlessly. And to make it even more understandable, of the hundreds of trillions of cells in the human body, only 10% of those cells are human, the rest are bacterial and most reside in the gut. Under easily achievable conditions, they remain confined in the colon.

      With that in mind, imagine the havoc that can be raised when h pylori infection takes over, allows SIBO to set in, and the bad guys equal or out number the good guys. I’ve been unknowingly suffering from this for many years. I recently started following a Paleo diet, then went to the AIP, then modified it further for SIBO control, with a variety of self made probiotics consumed in large quantities. (Internet search and an understanding of why’s these can be hugely beneficial.) Each time I changed there was considerable improvement for awhile, and then back to the same ole gut pain. I was slow to pick up on how h pylori could be the biggest player in the picture until a few days ago when I started to look deeper into it, put it all together and started treatment with mastic gum (one of many herbal treatments for it, but also said to be one of the best). Luckily there’s a Natural Grocers close by and I can get all the herbal meds I need. I sure hope I’m on the right track.

      • Larry – I, too, have been diagnosed with Hashimoto’s and am looking to feel better. My husband had H Pylori about 17 years ago, but I was never checked for it. I have learned that this can be a root cause for an auto-immune disease. It’s been a struggle to get anything done to improve my symptoms – providers seem to look solely at TSH levels. I have started taking mastic gum, pro-biotics, multi-vitamins, DE (second day), turmeric, and possibly a few more things (lotsa capsules). I am interested in learning how you are feeling – I am just tired of being tired and gaining weight!

      • So I have been on this stomach journey for several years, and tried a lot of different things. Until my stomach gave in and I pretty much collapsed. I ended up finding what I had to do to heal, which for the most part, was a very specific diet. I suggest to anyone with any auto-immune and/or digestion issues to read Terry Wahls’s book. It changed everything for me. Without any supplements, any probiotic, I healed and continue to heal. I feel better now than I have felt for the whole of last year, and I started the diet 3 months ago. Yes, it is a tough diet..at the beginning. Now I love it. My vitality, energy, libido, endurance, relaxation, digestion, sleep, everything has improved drastically.
        To those that are hoping to find a shortcut, there are none. And I don’t wish there was one anymore, because what I have found is that eating healthy is so much more pleasant than the prevalent diet. If you don’t nourish your body, your quality of life will be less. So you can go on like me for a long time struggling and thinking that it’s not that bad. But I feel lucky, because while my body shutdown, I do not get any severe illness (like Hashimoto’s, Crohn’s, diabetes and so forth..).

    • Hi Amy

      I ran across you blog a while back and I myself have been diagnosed with H. Pylori which has caused me the same symptoms as you and everyone’s else that has posted on your blog. It is truly a difficult bacteria to fight off. I tried the Mastic Gum and Manuka Honey in the past but I don’t think I did it either long enough or not the right amount. So here I am with the H. Pylori still present in my body and it has giving me many ups and downs. Not to mention the anxiety that comes along with it….truly sucks!! My doc prescribed me the antibiotics everyone takes but after taking for 2 days my body simply feels worse. The symptoms are worse for me and not to mention the heart racing palpitions with stomach discomfort. I am going to stop the meds to retry all you have suggested and shared here. So thankful to have ran into your site and all you have shared is such a Blessing. I hope you are feeling loads better and an update would be great to hear. Wish me luck on my journey and look forward to hearing from you! Endless Blessings.🙏🏼

    • H pylori was discovererd in the eighties ( not sixsties ) by two Australian doctors, but of cours now is thought to have been around for many thousands of years. I have just been dx with h pylori after life long nitemere of symptoms and I’m 71. Been told more than once, it was all in my head, or that I was stressed or delusional, even though I always have and had blood in urin and tested positive twice with gut hypermiability aka leaky gut syndrome. Don’t remember a day w/out symptoms. Don’t wish it on anyone ecsept on uncaring and unthinking docs. Hope everyone can overcome this hidious/ insidious infection and stay aware of reinfection.

  14. One last thing: I get constipated sometimes since the intestines haven’t healed properly yet — it can take some time to process food and it takes awhile for intestines to recover. A little fiber by way of Metamucil helps now and then, as does the constant intake of water. Flush everything out of your system as much as possible. Water and exercise (build gradually as you heal)!

    Also, I may graduate to Bio-HPF as I just read up on it online after I finish the bottle of H-PLR (K-32). Will keep you posted about the results. Those of you who are long-suffering may want to try a few drops of Oil of Oregano under your tongue a few times a day too. It tastes awful but does help. I actually tried it nearly a year ago for a few days when I thought I might just have a parasite, and there was some improvement in that short time. But I gave up when my parasite test came back negative. I didn’t realize it was likely fighting the h pyrlori then since I didn’t know I had h pylori for another year!

    • Hi Amy,

      I’m Josh, and I am also from Long Island. I’m 33 years old, and about a year ago I too was diagnosed w/ h pylori… I didn’t know how I got it, seeing I eat really well and lift weights/run 3 days a week. I am in excellent shape, so all these symptoms I was having made no sense to me. I had (still have) tingling over my left eye, elevated blood pressure (which I NEVER EVER HAD) burning on my left side of my stomach, starting right above my hip and elevating to right below my nipple. These symtpoms became debilitating after about 6 months. The burning was intollerable. And it wasn’t reflux, it was just buring on the left side of my stomach in those two areas I mentioned above. It would occur about 1 to 2 hours after I ate. I went to the doctors and had a blood test. 1 week later it confirmed that I was in fact H Pylori positive and the infection was active. Stool sample revealed no blood in the stool, and nothing abnormal. However, tripple therapy did nothing for me but worsen my symptoms. I ditched the doctor and began seeing a naturopathic physician who put me on BIO-HPF, GASTRAZYME, COD LIVER OIL, DFH COMPLETE MULTI VITAMIN and 2 – 3 grams of MASTIC GUM. I’ve been on this regimen for 3 months and I am seeing steady improvment. I still have bad days, and certain foods still bother my stomach (sooooooo frustrating)… It’s idiopathic really, I coudn’t pin-point what particular food gave me the burning in my stomach. Sometimes chicken would, other times chicken would cause no symtoms at all! (go figure) However, point of this posting is to let u know that I too take the BIO-HPF that you mentioned and it has helped. I have to add that garden of life digestive enzyme powder you mentioned. I really hope this does the trick. I’m finishing school to become an English professor and this all has been so distracting to me. Please let me know how you’re doing with your progress. It would help me out a great deal to know someone else in the area has had success wtih the herbal regimen. Thank you for reading all this, and hope to hear from you soon!

      • Hi Josh,

        I know what you mean about the food — some foods are fine, the next week they’re not. I think there’s a learning curve, combined with the body simply needing *time* to get better.

        I’ve only been doing the BIO HPF for a month now, I think, but all of the ingredients seem to be focused on getting the digestive system healed and back on track. Trouble is, whatever happens in the gut affects everything else. For me, I get lots of chest pressure and palpitations whenever I am “backed up” — that is, instead of feeling constipated per se, my chest responds to the back up. I’ve also, in the past, had weird pains in my left side up high near my breast and armpit. When I feel pressure now, I drink fennel tea, lots and lots of water, do yoga, massage the colon (there is a specific method for doing so — look it up online) and then wait. That part is a bit scary because the palpitations register as ‘something’s wrong with my heart!’ but there isn’t. Once I go, I’m back to feel good again.

        I’ve been at the whole curative thing for about two months now and I am considerably better. Each day, I feel a tad bit better as certain feelings and strengths are restored that I had forgotten about. I got so used to never feeling okay that I forgot what it’s like to be healthy. Now, I’m unlearning the habit of checking every little twinge and ache and gut reaction to food. My mind says, shit, where’s the nearest hospital as soon as I feel off. But then I realize that I have to reign it in and not focus on such thinking. And sure enough, it does resolve itself in an hour and sometimes not for an entire afternoon. I do have bad days still, though nothing so bad as before, but these are getting to be less frequent and the feeling good is just making me happy overall.

        I’m holding out hope, and feel somewhat certain, that I’ll be back to my old coffee drinking, beer swilling self in a few months, though I’ll never be the same self after this trial. I’ve learned lots about time management and focus, though I’m still trying to put it all into practice!

        Anyway, I too am continuing to consistently take mastic gum every morning, do yoga daily, Bio HPF, Manuka honey, vitamins, OmegaBrite fish oil, magnesium and potassium in moderation, lots of carrot juice, Garden of Life probiotics, still taking moderate doses of Monolaurin, and just generally eat well. I also take walks to clear my mind and build up my energy reserves again. I’m still avoiding acid-causing foods like the plague such as tomatoes (love & miss some Italian foods), certain fruits (prunes are a big no!), no raw foods such as sushi, and coffee, which I desperately miss but wreaks havoc on a healing digestive track. Oh, I’ve been drinking half water, half lemon/ginger/echinacea juice from Trader Joe’s regularly too. The lemon kills bacteria, the ginger is unkind to h pylori specifically, and echnicea just boosts the immune system. With all of that, I’m definitely on the mend and am looking forward to a happy, productive summer!

        By the way, you might want to eat more veggies these days (not the acidifying ones – i.e. asparagus, yes – broccoli, no!) and let meat be more of a side dish. I eat an egg in chicken broth each morning for protein along with a bowl of oatmeal with lots of organic wild blueberries. Meat is a lunch additive sometimes such as shrimp or salmon but you can get your protein from hummus, eggs, some fish, and you need milder cooked veggies to allow your colon to heal. Meat is difficult to digest and takes awhile. It’s a bit of a hardship on your colon, and though you’ll likely be tempted when you’re feeling fine, I think it should really be done moderately for a number of months.

        Anyway, enough with the advice. Here are some well wishes that you feel much better soon. I do believe the other symptoms you describe will mend as your intestines and stomach mend. I think they are side effects since your whole system is affected by what happens in the gut. That’s why certain emotions originate in the gut (i.e. “my stomach dropped” when faced with fear) – because it all goes back to that “central” nervous system that has been struggling with an infection: give it time to heal and treat your gut like it’s been decimated and needs time to mend! It will start treating you better in return! Not that you’re not doing so… I’m just typing it out for all interlopers who might be dealing with this bacteria: be delicate with what goes into your gut for awhile!

        Good luck & be well!


  15. hi there, good article. I too have been dealing with this persistent bacteria. The monolaurin is something I had not heard but will add to the mix.

    I have found that light alcohol consumption is fine. Some studies show that it inhibits h. pylori infection. However if you already have an ulcer it might not be ok. Also spirits are not ok in any amount. By ‘light alcohol consumption’ I mean one beer, or equivalent wine, every other day. Which can be quite relieving if you have gotten used to none.
    i suggest Stellar Organics :-) http://www.stellarorganics.com/ …because it also has no added sulfites.

    One other cheap, effective thing to add to the mix is olive oil. Did you mention that? Anyway good luck to you, thanks for the article.

    • Thanks, Jonathon. You’re right: there are actually studies that moderate intake of red wine is also unkind specifically to h pylori. Good news! I have lately been imbibing a half a glass of a pinot now and then. And thank you for the tip about Stellar Organics — I’ll have to check them out!

      Oh yes, I do eat olives from the local olive bar regularly – yum!

  16. To those with the burning pain and palpitations and irregular heartbeats, H Pylori it’s not! I have suffered with this same syndrome since age 25 for almost 32 years now. I gets better and gets worse and there is no method to the madness! What I have discovered is that daily treatment with prilosec up to 40 mg or more lessens the paplitations and burning pain and puts an end to the night time racing heart and sweats. This burning pain is not from an ulcer!

    I will give you an intriguing clue as to what causes this. It is not H Pylori, which can be eliminated with common antibiotics, but in fact a virus that resides in your nerves, similar to herpes. When that virus flairs up just like herpes, it causes your nerves such as the vargas to become irritated and become succeptable to the acidity, caffiene, etc in your body thus causing these irregular heartbeats. You will know when this virus flais up not only by the burning pain in your chest but also by ecema patches of skin and skin eruptions you may have in other parts of your body. The virus travels along these nerve cells and like herpes you can’t get rid of it only live with it! The pain is similar to the neuropathy you get from herpes zoster. Anyone have any similar recurring virus outbreaks?

    • Low B12 can contribute to neurological issues. Fatigue, weakness, neuropathy, shooting electrical pains, vision disturbances, hearing issues, tinnitus, hair loss, pins and needles in the extremities, etc., etc., can all be symptomatic of low B12 – and that can also be triggered by low stomach acid which H. pylori is more than capable of triggering due to its ability to generate bicarbonate.

  17. Thanks, Tony, but I think your strain of Herpes virus (there are six!) is either Shingles (Herpes Zoster) or Epstein Barr Virus. I know now exactly when I get palps and why — they’re usually due to constipation caused by the H Pylori – and they have mostly abated. And I never get skin issues such as eczema. My issues have slowly been resolving over the past two plus months with treatment, which also tells me (besides the confirmed bacterial test) that I am dealing with a bacterial infection and not a virus that cannot be cured.

    I wish you well in your struggle against your virus!

  18. I got a question. What are the mucus cells called? Im doing a report about ulcers and I really need this. I also need to know what are the acid cells called. PLEASE HELP ME!

  19. hi amy, i have been passing the similar condition that you u passed thru for a year. i rely know how it feels. i tried allopathic medicine taking different powerful antibiotics. But it didn’t improve my symptoms. then i search for the alternative medicine n saw ur page. i m very grateful that u’ve posted all the solutions to recover from h pylori. i m tryin to follow it. i m sure we both will recover from this disease n then chat with each other sayin i have no more disease. i know god is watching us. i m sure he will help us.

    • Amy,
      I’m so glad your test is negative. Are you symptom free as well? My breathe test came back negative but I still have headaches, nausea and insomnia and sometimes I feel my heart racing. I do take anxiety medication it does help but I’m wondering if I should get re-tested.

  20. HI AMY,

  21. HI AMY,

  22. amy,
    I thank God for discovering this wonderful site, it would really be a big help, because I also suffer from almost the same symptoms for almost a year now, after treatments which I can’t remember how many and how much I spent, and until now I’m still looking for a permamanent cure, hope your treatment will help me too, I am not yet tested for h pylori, and I asked my doctor about that, and told me the test would cost me much, told me if my symptoms persist, we have no other option but to test me for h pylori, which I believe is the endoscopy, I’m so glad I have someone to talk to now about my condition, thanks and looking forward to be friend with you

    • Hey there Julianne,

      Here’s a link to Pyloricil, a really powerful herbal supplement.
      My doc said to take it with breakfast and dinner, only I took it on an empty stomach as I felt it would be more potent (guess it worked). Just to warn you–the Herxheimer effect was soooo strong while taking this. I felt so sick for about 2-3 weeks, but then I felt enormously better.
      My appetite improved, the horrific bloating/gas has completely gone and so are the food sensitivities. Well, for the most part. Get this: I took stool test x 3 and I tested negative for the h. pylori, but I tested positive for candida, klebsiella pneumoniae (bacteria), and 3 different parasites!!!!!! So yeah, I’m having to be really cautious with what I eat and I’ll have to start a round of antibiotics b/c the parasites + candida are really kicking my butt and the herbal supplements aren’t working well on them.
      But the pylori is gone, and I can tell a huge difference–even with all that other stuff going on :)

      There’s ALWAYS hope!
      Best of luck,

      • Thanks Steph. One more question, did you take anything else besides the pyloricil during treatment? Is pyloricil a mastic gum?

        I finished a treatment with antibiotics (Pylorera) and will take a stool test in about two weeks. While taking the treatment I had no burning sensation but now it’s back. So, I think the hp is still there. I was also diagnosed with gastritis. Dont know if one is the result of the other or separate.

        Anyone – please feel free to jump in and answer. Thanks.

      • You’re most welcome Maria.

        The only things I did while taking Pyloricil for 30 days was drinking a lot of aloe juice, drinking lots of pure water, crushing a raw garlic clove (in my broth) daily, taking 2 Tb. of coconut oil daily (again, in my broth), and following the diet I mentioned before. After a little less than 3 weeks (18 days to be precise) the nausea left and the stomach pain/horrific bloating subsided.

        Just so you know, Pyloricil is more than a mastic gum supplement. In addition to the mastic, it also contains zinc carnosine, bismuth, and berberine–all effective against the infection. It’s a powerful combo for sure. (Just don’t freak out if your stool turns black–it’s the bismuth!)

        Here’s another positive review for Pyloricil, in case you’re interested:


        I so so hopes this product works for other people too! Such a better way to go than the antibiotics, I think!!!!

        Best wishes,

      • I hope it works too. I won’t start on it until I give a stool test to get an accurate reading and see my gi doctor. I want to take Pyloricil but want to incorporate with some of Amy’s remedies. I hope it wont be too much, especially taking another mastic gum. Thanks for your help Steph.

      • Hi Maria,

        The triple therapy is having now a very low eradication rate. Alot of researchers don’t suggest it any more as the first line treatment.

        I tried the matula tea and it did nothing at all. It was just a big waste of time and money for me. When I contacted Dave who promoted it he said it works for some people and it doesn’t work for others. I told him that it’s not what it said in the matula web site were it says it works100%, Anyway, this matula stuff sounds more like a scam than anything else.

        I did try the triple therapy before and he helped me for a week but then I have a relapse and got my pain back again. I tried the mastic gum but it doesn’t help me that much. I might have to try monolaurin and other supplement listed by Amy. If nothing works I have to go though quadriple therapy for 2 or 3 weeks because I have no choice.

        Some people say that the colloidal silver helped them to get rid of it but I coudn’t verify their testimonials. Does anybody know if that true about the colloidal silver or it’s just like the matula tea?

        I wish you good luck with pyloricil.

      • Hi Jean, I’m done with antibiotics and won’t take them again. I’m hoping that they did eradicate the hp since I’m getting some die-off signs. In order to assure eradiction I am taking mastic gum, oil of oregano, grape seed extract. Hopefully, the extra kick will do the job.

        I dont know anything about colloidal silver but read that it helps some people. The matula tea seems to be a waste of money. I knew of someone who took it and it did absolutely nothing. I will let you know in December how I make out. Good luck to all. May we all be free of this bug very soon. God bless.

      • I hope you will be able to get rid of it and you won’t need another treatments.

        In the web site of Dr Marshall, the one who discovered H.pylori. He said that there is no real herbs or supplements that have a strong activity against H.pylori, including mastic gum and other stuffs.

        So I go this why sometimes, some supplements work for someone but they won’t work for others.

        Good luck and I wish you good health.

      • Jean,

        Exactly *where* does he say that? I NEVER used the antibiotics and have been free of H Pylori for a long time, thanks to Mastic Gum, Monolaurin, and Manuka Honey — those three eradicated the bacteria for me. My doctor has the original tests and the follow up tests to prove it. Now, I eat what I want and continue to feel fine. Others who have commented here have done the same.

        Please show me where he makes that claim outright.

      • Hi Amy,

        Here the link:


        He answered somebody who said Zinc carnosine as the best treatment against H.pylori ( His nick name is Barjammar). He said that this stuff are unproven and they have weak activity against H.pylori.

        And here you can see that Barjammar is Dr Barry Marshall:


        I believe in the natural approach Amy, don’t get me wrong, but I didn’t notice much improvement. I’m having heart palpitations and so much stomach and back pain. The triple therapy relieved my pain just for a week but then I got my symptoms back. I tried the mastic gum and the manuka honey but I still have these pains.

        Next time I will try pyloricil and monolaurin and I will up date if there is any improvement.

        Keep up the good work.

      • Hi Jean,

        I took Pyloricil for 30 days exactly. I took 1 capsule first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, and then I took one more capsule at night before bed. I think the bottle recommends taking it with meals, but I personally wanted it to come into direct contact with the bacteria without being diluted by food. I drank a lot of aloe juice too during this time–it’s pretty soothing on the tummy.
        I wish you the best!

      • Hi Steph,

        Thank you very much for the reply. I’m so happy that pyloricil helped you a lot against H.pylori. I’m still waiting for the shipment to come. I tried the pine nut oil and it reduced my pain for a while but then It stoped working because I bought another bottle and there was no improvement in my symptoms. I think that I should get rid of h.pylori. In the web site of the company I bought from them the pine nut oil, they state that H.pylori is not the cause of the ulcers and it ‘s from the stress. I don’t believe in their theory. The pine nut oil is good but you can never get rid of H.pylori and as long as you stop taking it you get the symptoms back. So H.pylori is the real cause of the ulcers and gastritis.

        I got also a lot of heart palpitations from it. I feel like my heart jumps. I wonder if you experienced before this symptoms?

        Thanks again.

      • Hey there Jean,

        Yah, thanks for reminding me! Yes, I did have pretty bad heart palps while taking the Pyloricil. Personally, I’m not sure if it was due to the supplement or my other “issues” (endocrine imbalance, other gut bugs, etc.).
        I remember I felt really weak, constantly nauseous, and I wanted to sleep like all the time. Also my appetite was ZERO.
        BUT…it did get better for me. I followed a few of Amy’s recommendations and I believe it made the eradication that much quicker.
        I saw your comment above on zinc carnosine–just so you know, it’s one of the main ingrediants in Pyloricil.
        I truly hope it works for you! Be vigilent about your diet–it’s SO worth it in the end!

        Best wishes,

      • hi Jean , i am here often bc i have this hpylory too. Read your comment , and i have to say back pain can be one of stomach ulcer symptoms .My doctor told me this , i went few days ago for same reason (back pain). this heart palpitations thing is weird ,happens to me sometimes doc. said its when glucose level drops too low .When i have heart palpitations my hands are sweating ,and im shaking like a leaf .Did u felt same symptoms ever? Wish you good health :) Tc.

      • Hi Infected fan of Amy,

        I’m sorry to hear that you are also suffering from this bacteria. My back pain is very bad, I feel like I have a cut in my back and sometimes like something moving in my back ( I wonder if you have that also). The heart palpitations I got is like my heart jumps. Sometimes I got fast racing heart. I think the reason is the stress that H.pylori causes to the cardiovascular system. In one study, I read , H.pylori induces C proteines which is responsable for heart attacks. Also it depends on the strains of H.pylori. Some strains are not that virulent. Others are highly virulent. Fortunately in few years a vaccine will be available that will protect and cure H.pylori infection. The vaccine was tested in mice infected with H.pylori and it had 100% success in the eradication of the infection. Here is the link:


        H.pylori puts a huge burden on the immune system who cannot have a very good access for it because it’s in the stomach. New study done in Italy suggests the use of NAC as mucolytic to distrub the biofilms of H.pylori and increases the success rate.

        I hope we will be fine and enjoy food again :).


      • hi jean,,, u were talking about burning in ur stomach and back pian, i have same pain in my upper back in right side and also have pain in my upper right side of stomach, i am possitive for h pylori, i did take manuka honey with mastic gum for about two months, i stopped manuka honey but still taking mastic gum, i have an appointment with gi specialist he ordered endoscopy for me but am really afraid of the risk of it,, he said if i have ulcer they will treat me for hpylori if i dont have ulcer he said dont worry about hpylori, i dont know y he wasnt too much concern about h pylori ,,, have u seen a gi dr, what he said to u about h p,,, plz response me thanx

      • Hi Farn,

        Sorry to hear that you are suffering with these pains. I don’t have H.pylori anymore but I still have the pain. The endoscopy showed that I’m negative and so does the stool test using PCR which is a very accurate test. However the test lab found that I have a parasite that is causing my problem.

        I’m focucing right now on how to treat the parasite because it’s unknown parasite ( the test through the lab metametrix which uses PCR to identify the DNA of the bugs).

        H.pylori is not always the cause remember that. I have H.pylori and the symptoms. H.pylori is gone for 4 months now but I still have the same symptoms ( dyspepsia, chronic burping, chronic fatigue, back pain, irregular bowel movement, heart palpitations). The only thing that could explain my symptoms is this unknown bug.

        You can check the forum: http://microscopiccreatures.lefora.com/2011/01/20/endoscopy-is-the-scoping-of-the-stomach-and-the-du/#post0

        There is there some information.

        Shooting the right bug is important.

        Wish you good health.

      • hi jean, thanx alot for resonding , i am so glad ur h pylori is gone and i wish u good health,,, ok to tell u about my pro it started 9 months ago when i had an rectal fistula surgery and they prescribed me metronidazole after taking it for 13 i had very bad diarrhea vominting fainting high blood pressure and so much more, they test my stool it was free hp , but after two months i felt so weak along with highblood pressure, high pulse, dizzyness and stomach burning, they prescribed me ranetidine , i took it for 5 days and had a very bad reaction to this medicine, again went to er, anyways make the long story short i heard about hp from my husband’s dr , then i asked my family dr to give me the test , the test came possitve, been on amy’s diet for about 3 months and now i started burning in my right side of stomach and upper back pain,,,, i again did a stool test which i dont know the result they will give me the result maybe next week,,, last week i saw the gi specialist he want to do the endoscopy but i am so afraid to do the test bcoz of the risks, i am not sure if done the endoscopy test or no,,, wish me luck jean, take care,,

      • hi jean ,,, i got my test results today it came possitive again ,, maybe it is coz i took manuka honey with mastic gum only and didnt follow the other products amy mentioned above like monolourin and other suff,,, what eradicate ur h pylori? , i am not sure if i should buy more manuka honey along with other natural antibiotics amy did or should i order pyloricil,, ,,,, manuka honey and mastic gum really helped me with getting my energy back i am like a normal person with good energy but only have some discomfort in my stomach,,, any suggestion???

      • How long did you take them? It took me two months using all three (Mastic Gum, Manuka Honey & Monolaurin) before I tested negative. But the H Pylori never came back.

      • hi amy,,, thanx alot for reply, i took mastic gum and manuka honey for two months, i still take mastic gum, u were talking about VSL#3 PROBIOTICS, when should i take after the hpylori is gone or i take along with mastic gum manuka honey and monolaurin,,, ,,, i want to ad monolaurin to my antibiotcs too, maybe that will help me,,, also about aloe vera where exactlly u got ur aloe juice cold pressed, i went to drug store Raley’s it doesnt say cold pressed in any of their aloe products, the brand i bought today is ( antural request, aloe vera juice from natural request with calcium,,,))) and it is not gell it is water form,,, ,,, another question about monolaurin ,, does it have any side affects , i am really afraid of side affects,,,
        thanx again amy for reply ,,,,

      • I’ve never had side effects with Monolaurin, and I still take it when I feel a cold coming on. It works so well – I haven’t been sick in a long time, actually.

        You likely need to go to a health food store for the cold pressed aloe.

        If you test negative for H Pylori, just take a low dose of Mastic Gum for another month or so. I think I did for two months.

        If you’re taking antibiotics, I don’t know if you should take Monolaurin. Might be too much at once. Not sure. You may want to contact Dr. Marcus Ettinger, who is linked in the main entry.

        Good luck!

      • hi amy,,,
        i am h pylori possitive still, i never took medical antibiotics that dr prescribed me i am very afraid of sideaffects, i just want to know if it is ok to repeat the manuka honey with mastic gum again but for sure this time i would ad monolauring too, is 1000 mg mastic gum a once a day is ok or should i duoble the dosage i mean i take 1000 at night b4 bed too,,, i take 2 mastic gum every day in the morning b4 break fast for about 3 months now, amy u didnt tell me about the probiotics if u took it during u took ur natural medications or after it, and also i have question about blackstrap molasses i started taking molasses for two days now, when did u start taking it after u became negative of hp or during u had hpylori, plz tell me
        anyways, i have a xray for upper stomach this coming thursday i hope i dont have something more than hp, wish me luck ,,,,, oh one more thing amy, as u said white carbs r not ok to take, then what about whole weath bread? i realy get hungry i stopped taking even whole weath bread too i am like starving lol. is it ok to eat whole weath and how much should i eat a day ???? sorry amy for lots of questions i ask and thanx alot for being so much helpful for ppl with ur advices,

      • hi amy,
        i have question about broccoli sprout and mastic gum,,, how much broccoli sprout should one eat dail to fight h pylori, should it be the fresh broccoli or the pills form,, ,,,,, what brand of mastic gum did u take, i bought the jarrow farmula is the right one, is it possible to give me the exact company name for mastic gum u took and the manuka honey with the bottle pic if u still have them that should be much appreciated, if u want i would give u my email ad ,,,

      • Hi fan,

        As I told you before H.pylori is an accused bacteria. I believe you might have Giardia.intestinalis which is hard to catch protozoa. H.pylori can be treated with probiotics alone. There are so many published papers about that. L.fermentis alone can get rid of it.:

        Check this web site:


        Best regards,

      • I disagree, but everyone can have a voice here. I used probiotics, but that alone did not eradicate the bacteria – the three M’s did: Monolaurin, Manuka Honey and Mastic Gum.

      • The probiotics need to be continued for a while and you need also not to take antimicrobial while taking them. Most studies used the probiotics for more than 4 weeks. You can take the probiotics for 3 months and see.

        H.pylori is not the issue at least for me. It’s not because your doctor said H.pylori is the problem so it’s. I was like you believing that H.pylori was the problem untill I did a DNA stool test to find that a protozoa was the problem.

        The other thing that proves H.pylori is not always the problem the Link I posted for the vaccin against H.pylori. You can see in their study that the H.pylori strains responsible for ulcers are very fiew.

        Best regards,

      • Jean, this is really weird b/c I don’t see my post though it must have appeared and I received your response via email. How can I contact you? Would you provide your email address? I have several connections re: the lyme connection you mentioned. I’ve actually been told this before but haven’t quite connected the dots and therefore have not treated for it yet.

        I can also tell you how I’ve come about receiving the protozoa diagnosis 2 times now. Thank you!

      • Hi Renee,

        my email is jyt@live.ca

        I’m a pharmacologist so if you need information regarding protozoan infections you can join my forum:

        Regarding Lyme disease, did you tried Marshall protocol?

        We are exposed to these infections and a lot of stupid doctors don’T believe. That let the parients suffer in slence. Doctors are thought when they don’t know the diagnostic to tell people it’s psychic problem. So the patient will be in a weak position to defend himself as he starts thinking it’s all in his head. I’m sick my self with protozoan infection but I have a proof. Doctors cannot play the game that it’s all in my head. Thank God to Science that we can catch the fingerprint of the bug ( PCR ).

        Wish you good luck and health and all the sick people.


      • Hi Jean,
        I have read some of your recent posts. Glad to hear that you are now bug free. I am starting my triple therapy in a couple of weeks. I was wondering whether you would have any advice on whether to start alternate treatments in the meantime or should I wait for the triple therapy to get over and then start with other treatments.
        Thanks in advance for your help!

      • Hi infected fan of Amy,

        I think the reason we have heart palpitations is because we are infected with Giardia and not H.pylori. I thing that I found the missing puzzle.

        Amoxicilline can be used agaist giardia with Flagyl. Doxycyline is effective against Giardia. Lansoprasole belongs to the benzidazole familly and it has a anti protozoa activity. Bismuth is toxic against giardia. Monolaurin is deadly to giardia.

        Do you have an email so I can reach you?


      • hi steph,,,
        i wanted to know if pyloricil and mastic gum are them same???? when i click on the web side u wrote it explains mastic gum ,,, i really badly want to get rid of hp and dont want to take atibiotics bc of the side affects i want something with out no side affects,
        i am taking 2 mastic gum in the morning b4 breakfast, didnt work for me my test came + for hp,,,
        hope u reply me ,,, thanx

      • Hi Steph,

        So glad Pyloricil worked for you..

        Here is a link for a natural antibiotic. http://www.wildoreganooil.co.uk
        It worked great for someone who had streptococcus and it worked for me too.

        Were the parasites & candida tests also done from a blood test?

        We’ll surely appreciate if you or anyone else can recommend a link to buy good quality bladder wrack seaweed, best if not in flakes or powder form.

        Hope we get better soon
        Thanks Rosie

      • Hi Rosie,

        The parasites and yeast overgrowth were all detected through the comprehensive stool analysis with parasitology test x 3 from Doctor’s Data.
        It’s tests TONS of stuff in your gut–not only invaders (including dysbiotic bacteria, yeast, parasites, and h. pylori actually) but your general gut health (ie. secretory IgA, enzymes, RBC, digestability of vegetable/muscle fibers, etc.). It’s an excellent, very thorough test, but be forewarned that insurance pretty much NEVER covers these particular tests (even if your doc orders it)! If you’re like me though, I needed such a test to know exactly what was going on “down there”. (And if your doc signs the order sheet, you can get a pretty decent discount.)

        Sorry, don’t know much about the bladderwrack. I remember researching it like a year ago, but I can’t remember what for!


      • Hi Steph,

        I start to believe that all this H.pylori is just an accused bacteria. Pyloricil has berberine and bismuth which are deadly to giardia. H.pylori can be treated very easy with probiotics. Taking probiotics for one or 2 months to get rid of h.pylori.

        Monolaurin works very good against Giardia.

        Anyway I thought it might save time to some sick people. Shooting at the right bug is also important.

        Best regards and whish a happy year for all.


      • Bladderwrack is a seaweed that is very good for the thyroid gland and is supposed to help kill pylori- I bought some and its the foulest tasting thing i’ve ever had…

      • Hi

        I have been reading all your post and hoping to get rid of this hpylori that’s driving up the wall. I started with symptoms in February of 2010, and it’s just have gotten worse. I have so many different symptoms that I have read on the internet that people post who have this HORRIBLE! bacteria. I recently purchased pyloricil because I have that Steph highly recommends it and that it has worked. I was just wondering what I should look for if I am allergice to it and also how should I take it? I currently unemployed with no medical insurance and my son is 7 years old and I am so miserable, it’s so HARD to deal with. My doctor told me it’s anxiety, and my GI did an endoscopy on me and found nothing, besides esphogitis. I don’t get it, but I they found it in my blood result and gave me weeks of triple therapy and I have not gotten better, so I am looking for other alternatives. ANYTHING! to get rid of this nightmare! My body aches, my left side aches in pain depends on what I eat, and I feel exhausted all the time, depressed, get anxiety attacks, and heart palpitations.
        I also got some mastic gum recently, but when I take them it makes my pain on stomach go away, but gives me body aches, does anyone know why?
        Please if anyone could advise me on how to get rid of it this Hpylori bacteria forever!!!!

        I ask sincerely for you help :(

        Thank you sincerely

      • Hi Kathy,

        did you ever get better. I have the same symptoms as you and also apeitie loss and weight loss as well,and i have yet to get results for the H pylori. I have been dealing with anxiety and depression as well and was thinking of going on anti depressants because Im so over feeling so sad all the time and having to fight back tears. I was such a Happy person who was loving life .. and since this happened i feel like a mess. Juat the frustration of not knowing maybe when i will get better. Are you better now ?

      • I feel so sad for you folks still struggling. I know I am a strange duck, but I printed up Amy’s entire blog (hundreds of pages) and read the entire thing. My best and often repeated advice to you folks is to select all, then search for “elena” and “Ettinger” and print up what you find. Then, print Amy’s protocol toward the beginning. Contact Dr. Ettinger and pay for his consultations. Then get well, already.

        luck and care!!

      • Hi Lana,, I truly do want to get better. I will look into it. Im in australia. I supoose I have to wait and see if i have it firstly but I know there is something wrong with my tummy. It is hard to feel sick and depressed. It can drive you crazy.. Did you sufer with the above symptoms as well.??

      • Amy,

        Firstly thank you for all your information and hard work in providing all of us with a lot of valuable information. When it really comes down to it, our health is really in our hands…..
        Myself, I was recently diagnosed as H.Pylori positive (blood work), I have a lot of the symptoms already mentioned…stomach aches after I eat, diarrhea with intestinal pain, sporadic heartburn etc.. the reason I am emailing you is I was wonder; (I have numbered my questions, so maybe it is easier to answer by typing the number with your answer…thank you).

        1. Which biofilm-zapper did you use…I printed out this whole blog with all your information, and I honestly cannot tell which you used. Dr. Ettinger mentions: InterFase Plus (I cannot find this anywhere??!!), and he also mentions: NAC, did you use any BIOFILM destroyer and if so which one?

        2. I have just ordered the Monolaurin (Ecological Research 600mg…so I will take 2 capsule (1200mg) in the morning and 2 capsules in the evening (1200mg), until my order comes I went to the local health food store and bought Barlean’s Cold pressed Extra Virgin Coconut Oil, I checked other coconut oils and they have the same CALIBRATION on the back : 1 tablespoon =14g…. on the back it states that 7g (1/2 tablespoon) of the coconut oil has 6220mg of LAURIC ACID (at half of a tablespoon the amount of lauric acid is over 6000mg.)
        In reading through this whole blog individuals are taking tablespoons like me,……. at least 2 tablespoons of coconut oil, like them…. I am taking 1 tablespoon in the morning and 1 tablespoon in the evening….so 2 tablespoons in total I think I am taking WAY too much lauric acid over 12 000 mg x 2…that’s like over 24 0000 mg!!!, Amy how are people taking 2 tablespoons of coconut oil, is this not too much??? Am I missing something here, that I am doing the same error???

        3. Did you take any HCL supplement with your meals when you were on your protocol? If so what brand and how much (mg/capsules)?

        Thank you for all your help….you have a plethora of people reading and following your information….if you ever have any questions or issues, pop them up, maybe all our heads together can help each other :-)


      • Hello Irina,
        I am not Amy, but I have an opinion. I tried three different protocols and six months after finishing Amy’s my HP seems to be back. Doc wants to do endoscopy to rule out stomach cancer. :( I would suggest you contact Marcus Ettinger ASAP. Read his recent caution about self-treatment. You can get any products from him. Don’t worry about saving a few bucks. He won’t take me as a patient because I’ve started treatment and the tests will not show positive.


      • Hello Lana,
        Thanks for getting back to me…..just wondering why would Dr. Ettinger not take you as a patient??….you referred to the fact that it’s ‘because I’ve started treatment’….do you mean taking some type of supplement on your own OR treatment under a medical doctor??? Are your tests for H.pylori negative?? which test did you have breath test or stool testing? I just find it odd that Dr. Ettinger would refuse to take you on as a patient, I mean you would think that he would aim to help individuals wanting help with their H.pylori issues.


      • Well, to be fair, he didn’t actually refuse. This is how it went. I contacted him after two months of Thorne SF734 because when I stopped it I experienced needle like pains in my stomach and then the back pain which became so bad within a few days that I could not stand upright. I put myself back on the SF734 and my symptoms were eased immediately. My doc here had me do a breath test but no one told me the protocol for that – 1) No food or drink for an hour before the test; 2) no antibiotics, bicarbonate, or several specific proton pump inhibitors, or bismuth preparations for a full two weeks before the test. The SF734 does contain bismuth. I did not learn of this pre-test requirement until just recently. The lab tech did not screen me for any of these concerns. Since I still had the back pain and the new needling pain in my stomach, I believed I still had HP; but the test came back negative. My local doc was convinced I was clear of it, so I contacted Dr. E and told him the story. He said that it sounded like I was over it and he recommended I resume my normal life. I could not do this because I could not stand upright without taking the SF734. At my insistence my local doc put me on one other protocol, which was Interfase Plus and Undecylex for three weeks. This treatment eliminated my back pain immediately. In addition, on the third day I passed a white worm, about 4 to 5 inches long. There is an imprint on my abdomen, right about where my duodenum is. Some years earlier, I had asked a different doctor about the thickening on my belly and she blew it off as nothing. After the worm passed, the imprint was (and is) still visible, but it is no longer a thickening but collapses into wrinkles when I pass my hand over it.
        After three weeks I stopped this protocol and felt well for a few days, but then the back pain returned, although not as bad as after the SF734. My doc was certain I was through with the issue and suggested that the back pain was something else. I did not think so and put myself on the program described by “elena” here on Amy’s blog, which includes the biofilm disruptors. The one thing I did not do is the follow up suggested by both Amy and Dr. E. Without symptoms it was hard to remember to do anything. I enjoyed a full five months of no symptoms, then the back pain began to appear, although fleetingly. Then, this summer the itching eyes and morning sneezing, and, last week, significant back pain. I wrote to Dr. E because his distance patient forms would not download for me. I have not heard back. I saw my own local doc this week and told him I was going to go back on the protocol with Dr. E’s help and he told me that no one would be willing to treat me without a positive test. He suggested I go off of everything for two weeks and take another breath test. Well, I start my job in a public school in just days and cannot take on pain at this time of the year. I stopped the bismuth and the Lauricidin, but have been taking oregano oil, which likely falls under the category of an antibiotic. My doc told me if I can’t go two weeks without pain returning he’s thinking I have “a stomach cancer in there.”
        I really don’t want to do this without Dr. E’s help because I believe with certainty that every time I treat this bug unsuccessfully I allow it to strengthen itself. I am quite dismayed that I have not heard back from him. I strongly suggest you contact him before you begin treating this bug.

      • Hi Lana,
        I just read your post and just wanted to see how things are going for you. Were you able to start Dr.’s E protocol? Are you finally feeling any better?

      • hi steph,,,
        could u plz tell me if pyloricil have any bad side affects??? i was thinking of ordering it but am really afraid of bad side affects,

    • Just want everyone to know that I got a negative test result for my HP. Yeah! I was on a antibiotic treatment for 10 days and then waited for 2 months to get the result. If it didnt work I would have started Amy’s treatment program. I wish everyone the best and have a blessed Christmas.

      P.S. There is now a vaccine for H. Pylori. My local drugstore is offering it. Not sure how effective it is but my doctor is looking into it.

      • Hi Maria,

        It’s great to hear that you are negative from the bug. Are you symptoms free also?

        Could you give me more details about the vaccine? Where we can get it?

        Best regards and happy new year,


      • Hi Jean,

        Even though I’m negative with the h. pylori I still have gastritis. It’s a burning in my stomach and mouth, probably caused by acid in my stomach. I’m takng stuff for it and watching what I eat but it’s a slow process. I would like to hear from someone who has had it and beat it.

        The vaccine is available at my pharmacy (Walgreens) but I dont know how effective it is. My doctor didnt know that there is a vaccine and said he would check into it. Don’t expect to hear from him. You may want to check with your pharmacy.

        Hope this helps. Happy New Year everyone.


      • Thank you very much for this information… I have the same problem and I am still fighting… How are you feeling now?… Are you still taking monolaurin? I am living in Thailand and they do not have monolaurin , can I have coconuts oil ?

    • Hi everyone

      I also was diagnosed with pylori in Dec as well as a hiatal hernia all causing gerd.. which means burping and acid in my stomach alot of the time. I had the triple therapy TWICE and am still having pain and burning in my stomach. Started taking manuka honey and Gastro relief along with a strong probiotic in the morning .. More honey throughout the day as well also started taking coconut oil orally as well as rubbing it on my body… I also cut down big time on sugar and tomato products(pizza and spaghetti and tomatoes) . I’ve been doing this for about 10 days and feel only a little better..My question is how long will it take to start really feeling better? I am starting to wonder if I have a parasite as well or just alot of inflammation…,, anyways this is a very helpful site… keep up the good work Amy….

    • After taking an antibiotic regimen for three weeks, which was a horrible experience, my doc said H Pylori never completely goes away. That was ten years ago, and I’m still struggling with sour mouth, mostly back of tongue, diarrhea episodes and pain in the upper left quadrant of the abdomen. I have it most all the time. I’ve just started taking probiotics which is helping, but then it returned with severe indigestion. The heart palpitations, sweats, etc. are similar to others in this blog.

      Probably if I quit coffee, milk, starches, etc., it will improve. Here’s hoping.

      • Everyone carries low levels of numerous bacteria, including h pylori, but the body naturally keeps them in check. No one needs to suffer from an active H Pylori infection.

        You should give up those foods, for sure. Also, consider some of the food-based supplements others have used here like Manuka Honey and Monolaurin.

      • Hi Amy,
        Your blog is an inspiration to all H pylori sufferers, I being one of them. I was planning to start my triple therapy in a couple of weeks from now but I now want to try and use alternative medicine first. Instead of monolaurin tablets, I have started eating Virgin coconut oil which is a great source of lauric acid (monolaurin) I believe. Also, I have heard good things about cabbage juice. Did you ever try it? I am going to order Manuka Honey as well from amazon. Which brand did you use? Your blog post doesn’t mention any specific brand. I am only worried a bit about Mastic gum since I came across a forum where some people have complained about side effects of Mastic such as gastroparesis. Any help from you or fellow blog readers is greatly appreciated. At this point, I am desperate to try anything that does not have many side effects.
        Thanks all!

      • Hi Amy,

        I have just been diagonised with Hpylori.Its good to see so many people get help from your experiences.I just wanted to know if you took the mastic gum,probiotics and manuka honey when while you were on the antibiotic course?

      • Hi Amy,

        I saw your page after I’m already treated with antibiotics and will go back and check if the bacteria is still there but i would like to try your treatment. Since there are so many Manuka Honey which did you use? There are numbers active manuka UFM12, UFM16 etc…

      • Hi Amy, not sure if you are going to read this as I see your last entry goes back to November 8, 2011. I have found your blog, and it helped me see that I was not the only one who had a horrible encounter with the health system. I remember that I went to see this Doctor, who actually have my H. Pylori test showing positive and active, and who advised I should go home and rest, it would go by itself, many people have H. Pylori he said. I was in disbelief as I have been feeling like I am going to die. I remember I explained my symptoms to him, and I just stared at me and asked me, you are latino? I replied yes, and he said, it is normal you feel this way, you folks drink too much. Just stop drinking. I wanted to cry.

        Thankfully, I found another Doctor, and my problem was that I had C Difficile as well. Already the H. Pylori was making my body ache so much, having C Difficile was making everything worse. I am C Difficile free now, and my Doctor recommends to wait 2 months before treating the H. Pylori. In my fear of not getting more antibiotics as that can prone the C Difficile go back, I started looking for a natural way to get rid of it. I will try what you did, and hopefully, I will go back to feel the same way I used to feel 4 months ago before I got these bacteria.

        It is very eye-opening once you are sick to realize how unimportant little things are so missed when we are healthy. I fantasized of running my 10 k every Wednesday after work again, I miss so much going out on Saturday night to dance. I am hoping to feel 100 percent good again, and yeah, this gives you another way to look at life.

        Good luck with you and your life,


  23. pls can you help me, I’ve been researching all day and night for a treatment for my daughter who is 21 months old, its been hell for us, she has been so ill really from birth, with ear infections etc.. we now believe it all started with me and I passed it onto her the horrible H-Pylori bateria, now we need to treat her, but dont’ want to give her more antibotics as the doctors have already given her so much with with ear infections, its destroyed all her good gut bateria, (if only I knew then what I know now) but that is the past… how do I treat her???

    very sad Mummy


  25. Hi,

    I can’t tell you what to do for your child as I’m not a doctor. I can only tell you what worked for me, which I’ve outlined in the post.

    Basically, I used “alternative” meds, based on the crazy notion that food can heal. If food can make you sick, it also can make you well and sustain health.

    The main three main “drugs” that finally eradicated the H Pylori were 1200 mg. of Monolaurin twice a day (derived from coconut milk), Manuka Honey (activated and only from New Zealand), and Mastic Gum (derived from the Greek Mastic tree). I did add in several other healing agents consistently like L Glutamine (a powder I put on my oatmeal, which helps heal gut tissue, thanks to the bacterial damage this potent bug can do), Aloe Juice (from the aloe plant), among other items.

    It took me a while to research, implement these remedies, and restore my health. You need patience because the bacteria is not easy to eradicate, whether you’re using antibiotics or what I’ve outlined. I hope this information helps.

    One more thing: diet is key in helping you to improve as your body fights the bacteria. You should absolutely eliminate white flour products like carbohydrates (white pastas, white rice, bread, etc). These are sugars! Sugars only feed bacteria and provide no nutritional value. Also, cut out obvious sugars like cookies and ice cream! You should even limit fruits for the time being. Your goal is two fold: don’t feed the bacteria and give the gut easy-to-digest alkalizing foods and time to heal. Avoid foods like tomatoes and dairy products too. You can catch up on calcium later. Milk is acidic in the gut.

    My diet over the past two months was pretty much a boring one: chicken soup (simple molecules), cooked veggies, brown rice, avocados (for good fat content), olives and capers, among other bland “safe” foods. It was very difficult as I love my coffee and my glasses of wine, chocolate, pasta, pizza, etc. But it worked. And I’ve actually come out eating better now, even though I’ve returned the occasional cookie and other desserts.

    You should obviously keep your physician informed about whatever choices you make.

    Good luck – let me know if your child improves!


    • hi my name is viviennei have had the bacteria pylori for a good few years and have many courses of antbiotics . they work for awhile but it has reed its ugley head again . .so i am going to try the things you have listed .i get cronic heart burn with mine . i have ibs and i think thats all to do with it . and have been ill for some time akes and pains anxity all the horrid things . thank you for your help. i am from kent england .

      • Pls Amy, help me. Have been suffering from h. Pylori for 3years now. Pls where can I get that manuka honey and the others u used.. Pls help me

  26. p.s. The more you research, the more you’ll find that antibiotics often have side effects and do decimate the good flora (bacteria) in your gut. Make sure you take a probiotic to replenish the good gut flora. You can eat plain Greek yogurt too.

    You may also want to take Garden of Life Digestive Enzymes with each meal — they help the stomach digest foods more easily, as the h pylori reduces stomach acid in many cases.

  27. I have had H-Polari for years and have taken several rounds of antibiotics. I have read so much in the past several hours that i’m so confused. Please tell me what works and where I can buy it!!!

  28. Bea,

    The three main “drugs” that finally eradicated the H Pylori were 1200 mg. of Monolaurin twice a day, Manuka Honey 16+ or 20+ strength, and Mastic Gum – 1 gram each morning and then again at night.

    You can buy all of these on Amazon. They are linked above in the original blog entry.


  29. I am so releived to hear you similar story! I had like 5 emergency room trips, I had allergies and bronchitis going on at the same time and said I couldn’t breath and they looked at me like I was nuts and my Dr (who I saw like 10 times in a month) prescribed me anti-anxiety pills. The only anxiety I had was wondering what was wrong. You tell all these people “also” I hurt right through my abdomen and they just ignore you. But thanks to my P.A. (I always thought I wouldn’t go to one) she did the blood test and caught it! But I hate anti-biotics and am struggling with trying the broccoli and vinegar. Am scared of the antibiotics but I may have to resort to it even though it may not work. any ideas?

    • Hi Kelli,

      I eradicated the bacteria without antibiotics — please read my note to Sam below. Primarily, you have to stick with the three basics: Monolaurin, Mastic Gum, and Manuka Honey. At least, that’s what I did for about a month and a half. Plus, you have to adjust your diet. Review my above comments to understand what that entails. It’s not easy but it will be worth it if you get your health back!

      Good luck and feel better,


    • Kelli,
      Are you doing better? I was also prescribed anxiety meds and I probably did have anxiety but only because they didn’t know what was wrong me and I felt so ill How did you beat hpylori?


  30. Is there anyone alive who has recovered fully from H Pylori? It doesn’t sound like it! Or is that people who make a uncomplicated recovery just don’t go on the internet to tell everyone about it?

    I’m pretty depressed right now and reading forum posts about this disease makes me even more depressed. Just feels like I’m going to suffer from it for the rest of my life. I have other health issues and when everything coincides i just want to top myself. Not that I would, but that’s how I feel. When I hear about herbal medicines it makes me think of what a comedian once said. About how humans have been experimenting with herbal medicine for thousands of years. The stuff that works was turned into ‘medicine’. Everything else is ‘pot pourri’!
    Sorry if this brings anyone down.

    • I don’t think this is a valid comment, especially as Amy cured herself using natural/herbal medicines. Whatever the docs give you for H Pylori doesn’t work. I hope you followed Amy’s advice and are now well.

  31. I’m more depressed than ever now that you deleted my comment. Makes me think there really is no cure and you’re all in denial. I wish denial worked for me too.

    • No one deleted your comments – they have to be approved before they appear.

      And it’s not “pot pourri” by a long shot – I successfully eradicated my h pylori nearly two months ago with consistent use of Mastic Gum, Manuka Honey, and Monolaurin. I’m back to normal. If you’d read my comments and follow-up, you would have learned that. I was sick as dog, tested twice for the infection, and finally got back to normal after my “pot pourri,” whatever that term is supposed to imply. If you adjust your diet and stick to the “pot pourri” you can do it too. But you have to adjust your diet – that’s the catch for everyone, even people who use antibiotics. They want to keep eating the same stuff as though the medicine will do it all alone. Trouble is that the bug lives in YOUR STOMACH, so what you put in there counts! Adjust your diet for at least a month, you may actually be successful. Otherwise, you’ll remain depressed and thinking there’s no way out.

      Good luck.

  32. I’m sorry. Was feeling pretty depressed at time of posting. The potpourri joke was actually funny when I heard it. Guess you had to be there!

    Re diet, I’ve cut out tea, coffee, sugar, sugary foods/drinks, tomatoes, red meat (but not entirely), milk, dairy products except probiotics and live yogurt but I’m cutting back on the yogurt. I do eat white rice but I’ll try switching to whole grain. I’m more or less following the diet for candida and gluten intolerance.

    The problem is I’m not entirely sure that it’s the pylori that’s causing my symptoms. It’s obvious to me I have developed gastritis judging by the reaction of my gut to food. My stomach feels like a witch’s couldron, bubbling away and making popping noises for several hours at a time. Lot of general discomfort. The burning pain in the belly isn’t so bad now, and the awful diarrhea (which according to what I’ve read isn’t really a distinguishing H Pylori symptom) is much diminished now but always threatening. Now I’m tending towards constipation. But I’ve also developed pains in my kidney/liver area..also very recently a very odd pain in my lower leg which can be quite severe. Unfortunately my doctor doesn’t seem to want to investigate more serious issues and has prescribed IBS drugs which I’m not taking. Infact, he hasn’t even ordered a test to see if I’m clear of the infection.

    My issue isn’t really about H Pylori eradication. This can be achieved through anti-biotics alone. I’m more worried about whether my stomach will ever return to it’s old self. Much of what I read seems to suggest that people continue having problems for months and years. That’s the depressing part.

    I’m glad you’ve made a recovery. I guess that means there’s hope. Thanks for responding.

    • Hi Sam,

      I’m going to respond in order of what you wrote.

      Let’s see — I cut out yogurt because it made my gastritis worse. Some people say it does not bother them, but it certainly did for me.

      I got used to brown rice, though I love white rice. In fact, even though I’m better now, I switch back and forth and consider the white rice to be a treat.

      As for the probiotic, I was taking one of the best on the market: Garden of Life Ultra Probitic. However when I finally got a decent GI, he said I have to recolonize my gut and told me to take the middle-strength dose of a medical grade probiotic called, “VSL#3”. I actually still take it. The low dose comes in pill form and has 250 billion organisms in it. I take the middle dose, a packet of powder each day, that has 450 billion organims in it. This made all of the difference. I can’t even explain what a difference it made. I went from feeling sick all the time to feeling more energy and healthy again. VSL#3 has to be prescribed at the highest dose, but the middle dose is over the counter. However, it is expensive. It’s about ninety bucks for a thirty day supply if you take one packet of powder a day. It’s your call – but for me, investing the money in that probiotic was worth it.

      Your constipation seems normal I went from three months of diarrhea to months of constipation. I had to use glycerin suppositories daily for awhile because the “back up” made me feel even sicker than the h pylori. That took awhile to go away but did after I was taking the probtioc for a good two weeks.

      My regular doc also suggested IBS to me, which I vehemently disagreed with. I never had so these issues before the infection. Trouble is that docs don’t know the extent of what h pylori does because no one can really conduct studies of long term infections – they try to get rid of it as you know bc it causes stomach cancer. So research is quite limited, as my new GI has explained in depth. They finally recently did make the link between heart disease and h pylori though. Clearly, the bacteria does not limit its effects to your GI tract.

      My own symptoms also included lots of miserable aches and pains in my back, legs, and arms that no on doctor could conclusively say was a direct result of the infection. But I know with certainty that these weird pains and miseries were due to the infection because they have since cleared up. Many times I thought I was dying, had cancer, imagined my pancreas and liver swollen, on the verge of a heart attack, etc

      You can definitely recover from the infection after it’s gone. I’ve been diligent about my probiotic and take aloe vera juice daily (you need the unprocessed, cold pressed kind of aloe juice because it heals). I also thought I was damaged goods because I was surprised that my test results came back negative but I was still feeling so horribly. However, my gastritis healed up first, then the rest of the problems dissipated slowly but surely. I actually kept thinking that something else was wrong with me because of the other stuff that felt unrelated. I thought for sure they were going to tell me that they found gallstones later or some sort of liver issue. Alas, I kept feeling like I was fighting a virus as well. Oh, I also thought my stomach was damaged and couldn’t produce acid properly anymore. Not the case. My GI explained that it was the imbalance in my intestinal flora that was giving me such a hard time, hence the probiotics. So with time, the body does heal if you treat yourself right. Get rid of the buggers and then be careful for another few weeks – I know it’s hard to believe when you’re feeling the pain, esp pain that is so inexplicable, but it will go away with time and care!



      • Hi im new on this site, my brother was diagnosed with gastric bulbitis I translante the world from French to English using google
        the doc didn’t say a lot to my mom, just its a bacteria and give him a pack of antibiotics, I have no idea , its fresh its just 1 week, but his symptoms are severe, he have a lot of pain, I would love to help him, he lives in north Africa, and I live in Canada, I read that Amy after 1 month of her natural treatment with manuka, magnesium…..still have the h pilori after 1 month doing the test, but after 2 months of natural cocktails im wondering whats is the natural cocktail? please can you clarify?

        also the turmeric how many pills mg?
        how you can substitute the white bread, pasta……?
        how long you cure you h pilori 3 months? is it 1 month natural treatment and 2 months just natural foods,


    • Sam,

      Sorry to hear you and others are feeling like I did several years ago. I ended up having that nasty bug H-Pylori. Doc gave me some meds. Meds gave me more pain than the bug did…LOL…Although they did alot of good but I can’t help but feel that bug is back again for some crazy reason or it never completely died off. My Doc never ran another test to see if it had disappeared. Funny how so many of them are very much alike. I have come across some awesome material regarding the use of a magnet. Using a pole finder, http://www.emovendo.net/magnet/magnetic-pole-searcherfinder.html if the RED end of the finder points to the magnet, this side of the magnet will reduce swelling beyond your wildest imagination. Used a 2 each 49 pull magnets on both of knees after they swollen from walking 7 miles and the next morning, approx. 80% of the swelling was gone where before the swelling took 3 months to go down. Used the magnets again the next day and it took about 10% more of the pain away. The pain was so small that I didn’t even use the magnets again. Oh! I kept the magnets on for about 8 or 10 hrs that first day. Regardless, unsure if the magnets might help your tummy out but it may help. make sure if you do use the magnets, the RED side of the pole finder MUST point to the side that touches your skin. Don’t ever put the opposite side of a magnet where the pole finder ”green end” points to the magnet near your head or where you might consider you have an infection. It acts in reverse. It brings about bacterial to multiple which can be good if you are looking to increase the bacterial in your guts to digest your food but otherwise could cause you great harm. The research done on the magnets was Roy Davis. He was a scientist who did the work back in the day (1920 s). He research magnets for 20 years for health benefits. If you do some research on this guy, you’ll understand why his work is never mentioned or used for medical problems today (many doctors would be without work). Regardless, his research has worked on my tummy as well. I had a ventral hernia repair done and that is no picnic afterward s. The screen mesh he put inside of me to hold together the tissue causes a lot of inflammation by rubbing on the guts themselves. Nothing can be done about it other than to take out the screen mesh!!! Already question my doc about it months after I had the surgery. Regardless, I placed a 12 pound pull magnet on my tummy and needless to say it worked like a dream come true. Still use them today when the pain is bad enough. After performing several test using different strengths of magnets, I found the stronger the magnet the better and round magnets are better that square. The round focuses the strength better and to a greater depth. To explain how the magnet works is that it basically mimics the signal the brains produces when trying to make a repair. The magnet boosts the signal in the area you place the magnet. I am assuming that our bodies for some reason or another do not put out a signal as strong as the salamander which can grow another part of their body with the exception of their head which is logical……hope all this information helps and who knows, may be someone else will read what I left here and find the magnets to help them in others areas where they are experiencing pain…………as a RULE, use only the side the RED end of the pole finder points to and I would only use ROUND magnets. I would suggest buying the 2″ x 1/4″ magnet on the site i suggested earlier because it is easier to tape onto the body. http://www.emovendo.net/magnet/2-x-14-disc.html

      I was using a 3/4″ x 3/4″ which worked great for my knees but it was a serious pain taping them on. That website no longer sells a 3/4″ x 3/4″ for some reason or other.

      Warning!!!!! Do not bring these magnets near one another. they will pull into one another and they will crack and pieces will fly apart and it might strike you in the eye and blind you. Make sure you wear glasses when handling these high strength magnets…..

      God Bless & Best Wishes in Life to All

    • Do a DRG Pathogen plus stool test for the GI or a Metemetrix GI test. It costs about $300. These tests quite literally saved my life on 2 separate instances of ill health. ( once in 2009 and recently ).

      Both test use DNA sequencing to tell you what parasite, virus or bacteria you have as opposed to some Lab analyst looking at an agar plate . This was a god send for me as I had been misdiagnosed by countless doctors who were clueless as to the what was making me vomit every day, sore stomach and nausea. When in fact it was a bad Dientamieba Fragillis infection coupled with an H-Pylori infection which I subsequently was cured through a course of Metroniazidole.

      I am from Scotland and came across this page and blog by accident which is excellent Amy King.

  33. Hi Amy

    I was diagnosed with HP, a bleeding stomach, inflammation inside my body and a B12 deficiency 2 months ago and had the triple eradication therapy. Thought i was doing ok until the raging heartburn started up again recently. Went to see my doctor last night and he said he doesnt think my HP has gone. I’m awaiting a breath test August 18th 2009 and will receive results the week after. I have been suffering from fatigue for over a year and believe this is because the nasty HP bug has been eating away at my gut, hence bleeding and not absorbing nutrients. By the way, if you are diagnosed with B12 deficiency too, you can have a B12 injection.

    Had been taking Manuka Honey UMF 16+ and glutamine (supports the immune system etc).

    So, dont know if it has gone but dont think it has. Am now going to try mastic gum, more manuka and lauric acid (which was a little hard to find and had to order from the US).

    Will let you know how I get on.

    I think the key is to be very kind to your stomach and rest as much as you can. I have taken up Yoga also.

    good luck everyone, we can beat it! x

    • Yikes, Frances!

      I didn’t have the bleeding stomach, incredibly since I went undiagnosed for a year – that sounds terrible. I do have a friend who gets the B12 injections due to the h pylori.

      I don’t understand why docs do the breath test – the stool test is much more certain, though it’s not as ‘convenient’ for the person dealing with it. But my doc always ordered the stool test because it is more reliable.

      I do hope you try these methods —

      Mastic Gum – 1000 mg in the morning before food (two pills) and the same at night before bed on an empty stomach.

      Manuka Honey – I don’t know how you were doing the honey but you’re supposed to take a teaspoon twenty minutes before each meal (obviously on an empty stomach) and one before bed on an empty stomach (I would take my spoonful after I took the Mastic Gum so that the water wouldn’t dilute it and send it directly to the kidneys.

      Monolaurin — (it’s derived from coconut milk, so is food based and safe as well) 1200 mg each morning and 1200 mg each night. It’s a natural antibiotic that many use for a variety of reasons. It’s especially popular with folks who get mono (Epstein Barr virus).

      Don’t buy Lauric Acid because it is not as potent as Monolaurin. You can find Monolaurin at any Vitamin Shoppe and even easier: it’s online at the Vitamin Shoppe as well as Amazon. I would pay about 13 dollars a bottle and went through two bottles.

      And absolutely L Glutamine! I was putting it on my oatmeal everyday — they recently also made the connection for people with h pylori that L Glutamine slows the damage and helps to heal it. Good call on that one!

      Yoga is great! I now own several of Rodney Yee’s short routines on dvd.

      • Hi Amy

        thanks for your reply and for the tips. Sounds like you ate a lot more honey than me, I think I may need to eat a bit more. I have read that it is best to eat it on a cracker because the stomach can hold it for longer, but I dont know really. Just such a shame that these things are so very expensive and that the NHS dont provide funding for alternative medicines! (that will be the day eh!)

        Please avoid sugar everyone, it does much more harm than good.

        Will let you know how I get along.
        best wishes

  34. Hi Amy,

    I read your reply with interest, especially the description of your symptoms. I’m just a bit puzzled though. Are you saying you eradicated the H Pylori bug using these natural products alone or did you at some stage have the standard antibiotic treatment?

    • I did not use antibiotics. I’m allergic to the two main ones: Biaxin (Clarithromycin) and Amoxicillin. So my doc agreed to let me try my “alternative” meds for a month and to test again. By a month, I was feeling so much better, I thought I would certainly test negative. But I tested positive. I explained how much better I was feeling, etc, so she agreed that I should try for another month. I test again at the end of that month and it was negative. No antibiotics, so no side effects. Some foods and food based “drugs” such as Monolaurin, derived from coconut milk, heal! That’s how they did it in the “olden” days.

  35. I have had that too in the past. No fun. Also had an ulcer before and just a generally poor tummy many times. Now I’m using align, a new product on the market after just going through another series of antibiotics for the tummy. Check it out (align) and ask your doctor. Glad to hear you’re on the mend and sorry to hear you weren’t well.

    • Great Blog Amy,
      I was wondering if you were taking any medications during your alternative therapy? I am taking pantoprazole and randranitdine right now along with grapefruit seed extract, manuka honey, oregano oil, probiotics, gogi berries, bluberries….etc. I will also try some of the alternative therapies you have mentioned here. I am so happy you cured yourself without having to take antbiotics. Congrats!

  36. Hi Amy,

    Thanks so much for sharing. I too have suffered digestive distress for years and endured the “we don’t really know, so we will just call it IBS and give you a prescription for a proton pump inhibitor” joys of the US medical establishment. A colonoscopy showed only minor irritation and the best they could do was prescribe a muscle relaxer which I take only when truly desparate. Finally, after 4 years of suffering and my refusal to take the PPI without someone proving to me that squelching my stomach acid is actually good for me, they did an upper endoscopy and found much inflammation but thankfully no ulcers. I await the pathology report and am actually hoping the cause is H. pylori, as so many of the other possibilities are very frightening given the rest of my medical history.

    During these years of ill health (sometimes REALLY ill) and diagnostic limbo, I realized no doctors were really going to help. I set out to figure out what I could do on my own. Obviously my journey is ongoing. While my health isn’t perfect, at least I can get around, think more clearly, and eat a bit these days. I actually look pretty healthy on the outside now, which I certainly did not 2-3 years ago. There are some things I figured out on my own that help digestive distress, energy levels, and interesting heart rythyms. Figured I would share in case it works for someone else………..Digestive problems are the root of all my symptoms. Magnesium is like magic, and the glycinate form is the least harsh on the digestive system. Grapeseed extract does help! Astragalus, glutamine, DGL (licorice), mastic gum, fresh and crystallized ginger sooth the stomach and gut and help ward off reflux. Virgin coconut oil is awesome. Borage oil helps with inflammation. Omega 3’s are VERY necessary. Food intolerances or other triggers must be identified and the offenders strictly removed from the diet (that would be dairy and alcohol for me).

    Hope this helps someone. Best of luck to you, Amy, and all of us on the mysterious digestive disorders roller coaster.


  37. Hi Amy,
    Reading your entry and all these comments is comforting beyond belief! I’ve been suffering the exact symptoms – including the racing heart, shortness of breath and anxiety, and have asked the doctors here in Japan for the H.Pylori test & they’ve all refused. It’s been suggested that I have ‘women’s problems’, which is infuriating! I’ve been struggling physically and emotionally to stay on top of these and am now having to return home to get the treatment. I just wanted to thank you for taking the time to write about this – it’s obviously a subject the medical world is not taking seriously and it’s such a relief to know I’m not alone!

  38. Amy,

    Thanks for your post. I’m posting this message to let folks know that I’ve tried
    the mastic gum and manuka honey. The mastic gum and manuka honey
    definitely kill h. pylori. I have experienced no side effects with the mastic gum; however, from my personal tests, it appears a sthough
    the manuka honey maybe killing some “good bacteria” along with the h.
    pylori. I believe this is true because after taking the manuka honey, my h. pylori
    symptoms vanish but then my breathing is slightly affected—when this
    occurs, I take a few probiotics and then my breathing is returned to

    So, here are my questions: do you think the manuka honey is
    also killing some “good bacteria?” Is that the reason why you had to use
    the VSL#3 medical strength probiotic? If so, then maybe the VSL#3 should
    be added to your list of three: 1) mastic, 2) manuka, and 3) monolaurin.


  39. Hey Amy, My blood test was negative for H Pylori. I am going to see GI specialist on Monday. How conclusive is a blood test?
    PS. I worked on ” Lars and the Real Girl ” glad you enjoyed it, interesting film to work on!

    • I think the blood test is good in terms of determining if you have the antibody in your blood, which means that at some point you have fought off the h pylori. Yes, just looked it up:

      “Blood antibody test. A blood test checks to see whether your body has made antibodies to H. pylori bacteria. If you have antibodies to H. pylori in your blood, it means you either are currently infected or have been infected in the past.”

      So if you haven’t been “invaded” you won’t test positive for the antibodies, and they won’t test you for the bacteria – you likely don’t have it.

      Cool that you worked on Lars! Great film! Good luck figuring out what’s going on with your gut!

  40. Amy,
    First, thank you so much for sharing your experience with us. Could you please tell me if you or anyone else you know of have had any nausea symptoms during the “die off” or healing period? Or do you know if that is a side effect
    of either the mastic gum or manuka honey?
    Your story has given me a lot of valuable information and hope.
    Thanks again,

    • Hi Candace,

      You’re most welcome! Yes, the first two to three days of taking the full dose of Monolaurin, I experienced “die off” and felt even sicker – but it did pass. I’m told it’s called “herxing” after the Herximer effect (http://www.earthtym.net/ref-herxheimer.htm). I don’t think it was from the mastic or manuka – pretty sure it was the monolaurin. None of these has actual side effects though; they are all food-based treatments and fairly mild. It was definitely my body dealing with the toxins of lots of bacteria dying and needing to be filtered from my body.

      Hope that helps!


      • Hi Amy:

        I’ve been so sick for nine years. The most overriding symptom is by far my constant stomach pain/burning and fatigue. I was tested and treated for h pylori about six years ago. I had some relief for about a week, then all the symptoms came back. An endoscopy after the treatment showed no HP. I just had a stool test done that shows positive in the stool sample. I have an alternative MD that is putting me on several different things, including monolaurin. I just wanted to know, though, (but don’t want to get my hopes up too high), you mentioned when you were sick you felt like you were dying. Did the infection really disable you? I’ve been sick with this stomach stuff for so long. I had to leave my job in 2003. Also, have you ever heard of h pylori affecting the thyroid? My hair is so dry and falling out and I have 15 pounds I just can’t lose, but my thyroid tests are always normal. Please advise, and thanks.


  41. I feel like my life is over. I can’t eat, can’t sleep and the only thing that takes away the severe stomach pain is red wine. I have been missing so much work, and the stress over the bills not getting paid just makes it worse. The pain first started in March of ‘04. I ended up in the ER, got a prescription for Prilosec and changed my eating habits, courtesy of a book – The Schwarzbein Principle. I took the pills for a year. It worked. Until December of ‘08. The pain came back. I went back to the ER, got more acid reducers and nausea pills. I stopped taking them. It made it worse. I saw a primary care physician and had an H Pylori blood test done. Negative! But I have all the symptoms!!! I have been looking up natural cures and don’t want to see another doctor (I don’t want an endoscopy and I don’t want to do triple antibiotic therapy) – all the testimony I have read says it makes it worse. I don’t have health insurance anyway, and I’m still paying old hospital bills over this (which does not help with the stress).Drinking red wine – particularly Merlot is the only thing that actually makes the pain GO AWAY. You have to drink at least 4 glasses at a time, though. I did research on red wine and H Pylori…and I’m not crazy! For me, it’s best to drink it when the pain first starts. Researchers say moderate red wine consumption helps reduce bacteria in the stomach. Preventative drinking does not prevent the pain, though. And you end up toasted. If you wait until the pain is completely full blown, you will vomit from a combo of the pain and drinking. What kind of life is this? But, I will not quit until I beat it. H Pylori……Kiss My Butt!
    Below is a list of my symptoms, triggers, what I’ve tried so far and what I am looking in to…
    Severe upper stomach pain (sometimes feels like an elastic band of pain that wraps around and includes middle back pain).
    Nausea / Vomiting
    lack of appetite
    lack of sleep
    missed work
    anxiety…nervousness, irritation
    irregular heartbeat, or tightness or pressure on chest (feels like high blood pressure).
    weight gain in mid-section ( but I am not eating!?!?).
    pills- Aleve, aspirin, acid reducers, allergies…etc….
    greasy or fried food
    fast food or restaurant food
    sugary food
    man made carbohydrates… breads, pastas, cereals
    physical activity (bending, lifting or reaching)
    lack of sleep
    hard liquor/beer
    Proton pump inhibitors – Pepcid AC, Zantac and Nausea pills etc…
    Maalox and Prilosec .ALL THESE, DID NOT WORK.
    HELPS: red wine for the pain, for eating: yogurt, manuka honey, chamomile and lavender tea, apple cider vinegar shots, though quite nauseating… relaxing cd’s, lavender epsom salt baths, vinegar rubbed on site of pain, taking it slower…
    Broccoli sprouts (not the florettes you buy in stores), aloe vera juice, mastic gum, grape juice, licorice root.
    I hope this helps anyone. Keep fighting!! You can win!!

    I HOPE I CAN HELP! It is not too expensive either…got it at the local health food store for twelve bucks for a bottle…you can get it online too, though at: vitacost.com/lily of the desert/stomach formula (aloe vera 80).Sorry, tried to post a link..I know you are not up 2 searching….I just wanna help. Try It. Please. My email is jencovey@live.com…let me know if I helped you…

    • Hi Amy IAm a South African woman age 58 and have been suffering with H Pylori propably since 1982 when I was diagnosed with leukemia treated and suffering many years later and with all symptoms mentioned by you and all other people on your site went for every test available at the time but after passing out a few times a MD in Brits tested me positively in Sept 2009 for H p was treated and was Ok for a while but symptoms returned twice and was treated accordingly Iam going for a Gastroscope tomorrow to determine if the Buggers are dead or not meanwhile I am suffering with heavy gasses after eating or drinking certain items

  42. Hi Amy,
    I have been dealing with a rather complicated health issue since January 2009. I was told first I had parasites and got prescribed Metronidazole. That completely killed the parasites and my whole digestive system. After a month of not eating well and 2 GI’s later, I am told that I have H. Pylori. I was given the antibiotics, but I still test positive for it. I am not about to kill my body with a second round. My main concern is that I have it that I lost 41 pounds and the doctor says that Pylori does not cause weight loss. I saw in your post you had lost some weight too, but was wondering if it was that much as I do.
    I wanted him to do a colonoscopy but I was told I would be at risk because all the weight lost. I am 39 years old female.
    I do have all your symptoms palpitations at night, anxiety, odd pains, diarreah alternated with constipation, etc.

    Any advice would be appreciated.


    • I have had H.pylori for years and just found out what it was. Years ago I lost much weight and than in the last two years I have started to gain for no reason since my eating habits hadn’t changed. Finally had a scope down my throat and am on my last day of antibiotics. Hoping that it has gotten rid of it when I go to be checked in four weeks. So from my experience it was weight loss (much) than gaining.

  43. It’s a terrible feeling not to be in control of one’s body. I mean, terrible. I shudder when I recall my “episodes” of racing heart, shaking, the projectile vomiting. I remember thinking that I wish I would just pass out already so that I didn’t have to experience it. Begging whatever higher power there is for some relief. Just feeling depressed all the time. I have come to the conclusion that I don’t know how chronic pain sufferers get through it. I’m a terrible sick person.

    That said, I will reiterate that this bacteria can be eradicated. I did it with several food “medicines”, and while I don’t know which one worked, either one alone or all in combination, they did and they were not antibiotics from the doctor. Should you find yourself fighting H Pylori, consider doing the 1200 mg of Monolaurin two times per day, four teaspoons of Manuka Honey on an empty stomach per day, and 1 to 2 grams of Mastic Gum per day. The other supplements are meant to help heal the gut such as Aloe Vera. You will definitely need to follow up with a strong probiotic — none worked for me until I began VSL#3.

    For those of you interested in a quick fix, you’re out of luck. This bacteria does damage and the docs haven’t been able to do long-term studies that discover exactly what. But they’ve recently connected this bacteria to heart disease and sinus issues. Recently as in last month. So they won’t go out on a limb and acknowledge that all of your symptoms might be related to this bacteria.

    But you’ve gotta figure – nothing lives in your stomach acid – except H Pylori! How tough and determined is this bacteria? It burrows into your stomach lining and can live there for the life of the host. Everything coming through that stomach, esp sugars and anything that does further damage to the flesh, helps the bacteria thrive! So you *must* adjust what you eat and your levels of stress. See my note above about food changes. Consider the change temporary and give your gut a few months of the “bland” diet to get back on track. (By bland, I don’t mean what the docs usually prescribe like crackers – carbs are a huge no because they’re sugar).

    Okay, good luck to all and thanks to everyone for sharing their experiences and advice!

    • my mom was hit hard…first she had hives for 2 years..then at thanksgiving last year, had no energy. By xmas, she went to her doc and was anemic..had another test scheduled but went to emergency…10 days in and sent her home Now its 2 months later, after changing her diet and many supps and herbs…all the symptoms of h.pylori..one reaction I’d like to know if anyone else experience this: She’ll try to eat and she gets a painful air bubble from down below…she then hacks and heaves trying to bring it up ..lots of bubbly foamy mucusy spittle comes up..saliva…and then pure exhaustion and can’t eat after that
      any one get that symptom? just awful to watch no vomit just retching and lots of foamy snappy spit
      do tell
      thanks for all the info
      love to all

  44. Amy,

    Thanks for posting these suggestions. My wife will definitely try a course of this more natural treatment.

    Two more points to consider:
    Many of the readers here are discouraged and understandably so. Years of chronic pain with no ready answers from the established medical community can seem hopeless. To all of you in this situation, please stay hopeful and active in finding alternative treatments. Forums (physical or virtual, such as this one) are great knowledge resources as well as emotional support. Maintaining a positive (and realistic) attitude and keeping an active mind is crucial to any recovery.

    Secondly, H.Pylori (like many potentially harmful organisms, such as candida, C.Diff) is ubiquitous in humans (>80% in many populations). When our systems are “out of whack”, these bugs could start to cause problems. It’s also very possible that, due to living in relatively sterile environments, exposure to these common bugs later in life can cause bad reactions. I’ve read in the Times that exposure to common bacteria and organisms during childhood is actually quite normal and “regulates” the immune system (http://www.nytimes.com/2008/07/01/health/research/01prof.html?scp=1&sq=children%20hookworms&st=cse) Additonally, H.Pylori (in non harmful quantities) could actually be beneficial in that it has been linked in appetite regulation. So think of your body as an entire ecosystem of flora. Things like stress, poor diet, excessive drinking, etc can allow some of those buggers to get out of control. Western medicine tends to look for cures (ie antibiotics to kill bacteria), but in cases like these, it is probably more beneficial to reestablish balance in our bodies.

    All the best,

  45. Hi amy. Another thing that will help with your fight against this nasty bug is the water from Young Coconuts. It’s sterile and has been used as an intravenous solution in Asian countries, it has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, it’s more hydrating than water and has more electrolytes than sports drinks. It’s highly alkalysing and soothes the stomach. It aids digestion. Most importantly… it’s delicous! It’s low on fat and sugar and in fact one Young Coconut (including the meat) has only about 4 grams of fat. The meat can be used for curries where you can add the other h pylori fighting spices such as turmeric, cumin, chilli etc. It can also be used to make coconut milk and some yummy deserts. You can find young coconuts at Asian grocers if your fruit and veggie shops don’t supply them.

  46. I have also been able to kill off the H.Pylori with Mastic Gum treatment. I also ate broccolli every day during the treatment, pribotics and eliminating any foods that bothered my stomach. I read about H.pylori and had several of the symptoms including losing a scary amount of weight, when diagnosed I was down to 105 pounds. I asked my doctor to test me for it, the test came back positive. He wanted to start me on antibiotics and like Amy I am allergic to them. I treated myself with Mastic Gum against his advise and two months later my stool test was negative. He was impressed. One thing I did add to my daily diet beside broccoli was Rooibus tea which is similiar to green tea only I like the taste better.

    To make a long story short. I was diagnosed with atrial fibrilation in 2005 and had episodes that sent my heart up to 160 beats per minute every two months regular. My heart has been quiet since January of this year, not even one blip. I am not sure I am healed of that heart condition because it has not been recognized that stomach issues can cause it, but as time marchs on we will see.

    My stomach feels wonderful, no pain, no bathroom runs, my bowels are perfect and I have gained up to 111 pounds with my goal to be my weight before H.pylori which was 120.

    It can work, but you have to really be diligent and do everything you can to eat right because that is an important part of the equation.

  47. first of all, thank you for coming to my blog, and giving me a comment about my issue with h pylori. i dont know how you found my site. anyways, i have few questions about it.

    1) can you really confirm you are cured, when the test say it is negative the 2nd time? or can it means that the result show it is negative, but it is possible the test didnt detect it?

    2) what does it mean when they say, you may be cured, but it could come back ( not from a new infection) . does it mean the bacteria was reduced by medicine, but was not eradicated?

    3) if they prescribe antiobitocs, and the test show negative, do you still encourage people to still take this natural remedies? or the negative could be an inconclusive one?

    4) i dont have the symptopms you have. i am not sure why. but i tested positive for h pylori. why is that so? i do have bloating though. could it be caused by it? and also constipation. just dat.

    5) whenever i eat, my stomache gets bloated and hardened, and i am thinking, could it be because the bacteria is feeding of the nutrients? i read somewhere that stomache can get bloated because of overgrowth of bacteria. my other parts are not bloated though.

    regards, aniq

  48. Hi Amy,

    So glad to hear you’re better! I’d really like to try the bland diet but am not too sure of what it entails. Any tips on what to eat throughout the day? I’m thinking that would be a great start to feeling better. Thanks!

  49. Hi Amy,

    been diagnosed that i have HP after having endoscopy last 25th of august.

    I have been suffering PAIN from HP i call life threatening for the past 2 months..And none of the medicines ( prilosec, pepcid ac, antibiotics worked for me )

    I came across this ALOE VERA JUICE for stomach and BELIEVE me after drinking it ( 2oz to 4 oz daily) my pain gone completely..it was such a miracle to me ( next to God of course) and u were right u really have to watch your diet constantly..

    its good to know that i am not alone for this kind of illness..we will fight this Amy!!!

  50. I am really sorry to hear about your pain and happy that you eradicated the bug. I also appreciate ur courage to do lot of research and help h-pylori sufferers with ur blog.
    Regarding my family, My husband is suffering from kidney stones, kidney inflammation. Recently we found he is suffering from chronic gastritis and H-pylori. I also found that i am infected with h-pylori. I am really scared about my 2.5 months baby girl getting infected as we both have. what precautions should we take to avoid spreading? My husband completed his triple therapy and i am on triple therapy from 2 days.

    I want to talk to you. Is it possible for you to give your contact number

  51. Just wanted to find out how long to follow this treatment of MH, MG and ML is it long term or just until you feel the infection/stomach issues are gone

    • Hi Cathy,

      I took all three for about six weeks or so. I tested again at the two month mark and all was negative. However, I felt like I was negative at one month, but the test came back positive still. I don’t know exactly how long past the one month mark until I became negative. But not more than two months. I was also careful with my diet the entire time. Good luck!

  52. I am on my fifth day of anti biotics for H. pylori, had the endosopy and tested positive. I have had it for years and went to the doctors so many times that he started to tell me I was a hypochondriac which angered me since I know my own body. He finally sent me to a cancer doctor three or four years ago she ran several blood test and said I have a blood platelet dysfunction. Told there was nothing that could be done unless it turned into lukemia, for joy. I started to get worse and went to see him last month and was sent to the cancer doctor again and she sent me to the doctor that found the H. pylori. Once the biopsy came back positive and I did much research on H. pylori I too was shouting “Thank God I have H. Pylori” because FINALLY they knew I wasn’t a nut case who enjoyed wasting my time going to the doctors or wasting the doctors time. I can only pray that the anti biotics will rid me of this. I have dealt with all the same things I see written here, losing my hair in bunches, brusing, mild pressure headaches, eyes burning, body aching all over, nausea, loss of weight than gaining weight when not even eating much, loss of muscle tone because of fatigue and not being able to function and on and on. I was beginning to think I was nuts for a minute. I had the upper GI and lower GI and the colon and so on. I cannot tell you I never thought I would say I am Happy to find out I have something But I am. Now they know I was telling the truth and am not a hypochondriac. I would like to know once this is gone and test is negative will I feel like my old self ever again? Thank you so much for this blog and sharing.

    • Hi Cynthia,

      No guarantees as I’m not a doc – but I’m back to normal, especially after I took the VLS #3 for a month. It did take awhile though, so you must be patient. Once you’re on the mend, you’ll still have aches and pains and ailments for awhile – but it does clear up! Stay the course!


  53. Hi Amy,

    Could you advise what you ate exactly what your diet consisted of? What is your opinion on homeopaths ?

    Please reply

    • Hi Samantha,

      I’ve outlined my diet in the entry and in subsequent comments – please go over them. Basically, you must avoid all carbs, especially white carbs like white rice and crackers/bread, etc. Avoid sugars, coffee, alcohol (though some say a little red wine is good). Eat cooked organic vegetables, cooked chicken, etc. Basically, you want to eat foods that alkalize – do not eat acidic foods as you don’t want to raise acid levels in your stomach for now. And avoid sugars because bacteria feed on sugars. Look up foods / diets that alkalize, though I’ve linked to some above.


      • You know this is all good but at this time now financially it is more expensive to pay for things that are healthy for you. Unfortunately it’s always cheaper what isn’t good for you. I would like to return to the country and grow my own. When I am able to afford some of the things listed I will incorporate it into my daily life but for now it has to as I can afford it.

  54. Hi Amy

    Thanks for your quick response and for all the info. Really helps :)

    I also have an underactive thyroid, which I am taking medicine for but am tired
    of all the medicine thus being the reason why I was considering seeing a homeopath. How did you find out about these products to take, was it through trial and error or how? I will definitely look on amazon for those products, thanks so much.

    • I tried to find “alternative” products that also had some sort of validity via published medical studies as I wanted to share them with my doc and get her support. Most of my research came from the internet.

      A lot of the products above are linked to Amazon, if you click on the names.

      Good luck!

  55. Hi Amy,
    Thanks for sharing this information as many of us suffer for years and we become advocates for our own health. Now that you completed the treatment with the 3 main supplements what do you take now for maintenance. Thanks

    • Hi Cathy,

      I’m just more cautious with what I eat, though I’ve gone back to some of my old habits – not to any detrimental degree though. That’s about it! Once in awhile if my stomach feels a bit off, I pop a Mastic Gum, which is good for digestion, regardless of H Pylori. Good luck, Amy

  56. Hi Amy,

    Thanks for sharing your experiences with us. I’m 25 years old and have had chronic gastritis for about a year. It all started with me feeling really nauseous and I threw up almost everything I ate, for 2 weeks. I started taking Prilosec and mastic gum and stopped throwing up.

    Later I developed breathing problems due to chronic gastritis and acid reflux. The acid went up to my heart cavity and I felt a numbness in my arms and had heart palpitations. I thought I was having a heart attack. I had to go to the ER 3 times because of it.

    I have to breath hard everyday and have sleep apnea because of it. I cannot work and I try to at least to go school, but it’s embarrassing because I keep taking deep breaths to try to fulfill my breath.

    My throat hurts almost everyday. It feels like there’s something inside putting pressure on it. I have a dry cough and I keep having to clear my throat. I cannot breathe through my nose very well as I think the acid or whatever goes all the way to the top.

    My doctor found an active H. Pylori in my stomach and put me on 1000mg of antibiotics twice day and Nexium. I’m still taking them as I have a couple days left.

    Here’s my question:
    How long did it take you to eradicate H. Pylori by using these alternative treatments?

    I just read your entire blog and am half asleep, so I will be reading it again tomorrow and writing down the products I need to purchase.

    Thanks again for sharing with us.

  57. I just read the comments and your replies and read that you started feeling a lot better after a month but you still tested positive, and kept taking them for another month and you finally tested negative.

    I’m excited and hope that this helps me. I need some sleep now. :)

    Thanks again, Ish

      • I actually have slippery elm, but stopped taking it after I didn’t feel my gastritis going away. I’ll start taking it again for my throat.


    • Okay, I would try AloeForce Aloe Vera for the gastritis. That’s the best one (don’t get it with the Herbal Formula). Take 2 ounces in the morning and again at night. AloeForce doesn’t heat the aloe plant to get the juice; it’s cold pressed, so at its full potential for healing the gut.

      The Slippery Elm helped sometimes for me – my throat would hurt and also get very tight throughout my esophagus. It eased it now and then.

      That’s about all I can recommend until the gut starts healing, which will take a little while.

      Feel better.

  58. Ish, just a word of caution. If you are on the antibiotic treatment and plan to finish that I would get checked after that to see if the antibiotic killed the HP. Then, if it didn’t I would go for the natural. I am very apprehenisve about doing several treatments at the same time as that can overtax your system. It is my belief that the Mastic Gum acts as a natural antibiotic (without all the side-effects), so if you are doing both that has to be rough on any good bacteria. Are you taking a good probiotic with the antibiotic. I took probiotics with the Mastic Gum treatment because I figured if the MG could kill H.pylori it may be killing some of my good bacteria too. All worked well for me and in 60 days with Mastic Gum, lots of broccoli, good food and probiotics my HP was killed. Just don’t overtax your body, that could lead to other problems. Sounds like you are dealing with a lot already. Sharon

    • Hi Sharon,

      I’m going to stop taking antibiotics and take probiotics for a couple days before I take the “3 Main Drugs” that Amy took.


  59. My daughter brought something to my attention which I would like to pass along. She asked me about the tongue scraper I use to clean my tongue and my partial plate and how do I clean them. At first I didn’t get where she was going with that question than I got it. She suggested I get dental tablets and clean them both daily. So I suggesting to all who have H. Pylori or have been cured; if you use the scraper have a partial or dentures make sure you clean them daily really good. The reason she asked me is because I had a bad habit of taking my partial out of my mouth and shoving it in my pocket or purse. I have since stopped a lot of things I used to do. I now know why Howy Mendel doesn’t shake hands unless his gloved. LOL

  60. I have partials and I am extremely careful to clean them each time I brush my teeth and I soak them at night. I also change my toothbrush every month and when I had H.pylori I rinsed my toothbrush in peroxide each time I brushed my teeth. Bacteria like H.pylori love the mouth as an entry. Sharon

  61. I’m very glad you were diagnosed.

    I have had not as bad symptoms as you did, but I had lot of digestive discomfort and have been seeing doctors for 15 years (I’m only 30)
    All of the doctors would just send me back suggesting to eat more fiber. 15 years later I went for a physical to a new doctor, and I casually mentioned my issues without much hope. And he listened! (tears) He run number of tests and found H Pylori. I will be going now to gastroenterologists to check if this bug did not make whole in my stomach, or even worse, caused a cancer.
    I was also surprised to hear that many doctors refuse to treat H Pylori! they just believe it’s “normal” to have this bug that is slowly and often quietly eating you up to a cancer.
    So much for the best medical care in the world!

  62. amy,
    I noticed you took the 3 MH, MG and ML all in the morning and at night… did you take them all at once? or did you wait an hour in between? etc… Also with the aloe vera and other supplement as probiotics did you take those at the same time with the triple therapy. Just want to find out if it is overtaxing system by taking all at once or should they be taken separate throughout the day etc…?

    Thanks Cathy

  63. Amy,

    Here is the updated portion of my blog post. It adds more clarification to some products that are used for H. pylori and a link to my new research and treatment of biofilms. I have found that this is the missing ingredient to easily and successfully eradication H. pylori.

    …Third, was to keep the buggers from coming back and keep the healing process moving forward. I took digestive enzymes w/HCl* – 1 w/ea. meal, plant based enzymes – 1 w/ea. meal, zinc** – 50mg’s 2x/day, L-carnosine** – 500mg’s 2x/day, mastic gum*** 1, 000mg’s 2x/day, TheraAloe**** – 1 ounce 2x/day, chlorophyll – 100mg’s 2x/day, and tons of distilled water for 6 weeks. I was now better than before my first symptom.

    All-in-all it was a learning experience, and one that has made me a better doctor, and a more diligent medical detective.

    FYI: Gastritis is not a single condition, but several different conditions that all share inflammation of the stomach lining as a common symptom. Gastritis, most often, is caused by prolonged use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen or aspirin, drinking too much alcohol or infection such as Helicobacter pylori bacteria (H. pylori). It may also occur after a major surgery, severe infections, trauma-injury-burns, or severe infections. Some diseases, such as pernicious (B12 deficient) anemia, autoimmune diseases, and chronic bile reflux, can cause gastritis as well.

    *Microscopy studies of the motility of H. pylori in gastric mucin at acidic and neutral pH in the absence of urea show that the bacteria swim freely at high (alkaline – achlorohydria) pH, and are strongly constrained at low (acidic) pH. Also, H. Pylori, through enzyme reactions promote increased ammonia production, which raises the pH of its environment – allowing it to move more freely.

    (**)A combination of zinc and L-carnosine has been shown to prevent gross visible damage to gastric mucosa caused by ethanol ingestion. This combination also acts as a potent antioxidant, specifically benefiting the gastric mucosa.

    ***There is conflicting data on whether mastic gum kills H.pylori in vivo (live human trials). There is evidence that it aid in the healing of the gastric mucosa. I used it for healing rather than as an agent to kill the H.pylori bacteria.

    ****TherAloe is a high molecular weight polysaccharides containing aloe vera juice product. It’s healing capabilities, as far as I am concerned, are quite profound on the gastric mucosa.
    If you need to talk to me about this, give me a call. I can help with diagnostic testing and products. Marcus Ettinger DC, BSc. (714)-639-4360

    September 13, 2009 Update – I am now taking, Source Naturals – Broccoli Sprouts Extract, which provides 2,000mcg’s sulforphane daily. This is equivalent to eating more than a pound of fresh broccoli.

    Supportive data: Dietary Sulforaphane-Rich Broccoli Sprouts Reduce Colonization and Attenuate Gastritis in Helicobacter pylori–Infected Mice and Humans

    October 03, 2009 Update – H. pylori most likely will live in biofilm colonies which make them even harder to kill or be identified by our host defenses. Read more about biofilms here and my protocol to remove them. BIOFILMS

    Dr. Ettinger

  64. Hi, Amy –

    Wow, reading through your story and the follow-up posts has been enlightening; thanks so much for taking the time to share with others. I had an upper GI performed last week and today learned that my h pylori test came back negative. Yet, the symptoms I’m having seem very similar to those you’ve written about. Anyway, figuring a more natural approach to Rx, including supplements and dietary changes, very likely can’t hurt, I’ve purchased the 3 “drugs” you’ve recommended along with some Aloe juice (yup, the cold pressed good kind you mention.)

    I see, though, that Cathy has recently posted a question, and I have the same one: How did you take these 3 supplements (meaning time/day; separately or together; etc.) AND how should additional supplements (for example, the Aloe juice) be worked into the dosing schedule.

    In advance, thanks for helping me with this – and again for all you’ve already done to help.

    • I thought I explained above but will give it another go. I took all three simultaneously for about a month and a half. Maybe longer – can’t recall now. I don’t know if this was a good idea or not because ultimately I depleted all of my good flora in my gut. Though that could happen if you do the antibiotics too.

      I took the Mastic Gum in the morning on an empty stomach. I then swallowed a teaspoon of Manuka Honey. Waited twenty minutes, then I took the Monolaurin with breakfast. I took a teaspoon of Manuka Honey before each meal and a fourth time before bed, along with the Mastic Gum again. I took the Monolaurin a second time with dinner. 1 Gram of Mastic Gum morning and night. Three or four pills of the Monolaurin twice a day, with breakfast and dinner.

      I was tested at one month, and though I felt considerably better and thought the h pylori was surely gone, I still tested positive. One month later, I tested negative. I feel fine now. Recovery took me awhile. I had to replenish the good flora in my gut after I tested negative because I felt like I was fighting a virus or something for awhile. The GI gave me VSL#3, which made me feel better in days. I took it for about a month or so. I no longer take it. The only thing I still take is one pill of Mastic Gum (1/2 gram) at night before bed on an empty stomach and one pill in the morning on an empty stomach. This is fine as it keeps the h pylori from coming back as well as helping to get rid of the bad kind of cholesterol. The Greeks take Mastic regularly as a digestive aid. I’ll likely continue this for another few months to be on the safe side.

      Good luck to everyone! Be patient, stick with the diet, and happy eradicating, Amy

  65. By the way, be careful with too much Manuka Honey – I think the honey is what kills both the good and bad bacteria. You may want to give the Mastic Gum a try because people with heartburn take it, not just those with h pylori.

  66. god bless you all guys
    everyone of you on this website helped me a lot
    i check it every day to see the new updates and developments
    big THANK YOU to amy and Dr. Ettinger
    i live in adelaide australia and yet have not met any specialist (Gastro Ent) able to help me appart from the usual poison(antibiotics!!!)
    i am waiting for a delivery with the products used in the Dr. Ettinger’s protocol
    at the moment as angel amy suggested, i am taking the three Ms but still have days when i am in a lot of pain
    wishing you all a good week

    • Hi
      I am also from Australia and I am finding it impossible to purchase any of these products namely mastic gum, because customs won’t allow it, can any aussies out there please help

  67. Hi Amy

    l suffer from Helicobactor H Pylori & l’m currently writing a peice on what l been through & hope to finish it in the next few days so everyone can get a outlook of how this infection can hide itself & mimic itself. its a very powerful infection & put me through 20 years of hell but was only discovered back in August 2009

    kind regards to all

  68. Hi Amy & to all the readers:

    I have this one big question in my head that i want out:

    How long does it take for one to get Ulcer or worst Stomach Cancer when a test result show infection of H Pylori? How many days/months/years?

    From what I’ve read so far people still have H Pylori, but are fighting it with non-prescription methods, but still have H Pylori, now doesn’t this still lead the way for Stomach Cancer?

    Thank you in advance. Love Halil

  69. I’m so grateful for this blog. I also live on Long Island, was just diagnosed with H Pylori (after being diagnosed with erosive gastritis). One day I had an iron stomach, and the next all hell broke loose. But I believe this has been going on since I was around 12 on & off and for the past few years had really been building up.

    Has anyone had glucose or adrenal problems from H Pylori? Joint Pain?? I have had multiple problems for the past 4 years since being on high dose steroids. I noticed after starting PPI’s that my joint pain has gone away. And of course the low blood sugar has now turned into high blood sugar due to taking aciphex.

    I am also not pleased with the followup with my gastro. They want me to take the abx that sound like pylori (pylora??) which I’m starting today, but don’t want me to follow up with endoscopy for an entire year! I’ve told them my blood sugar is unacceptably high because of the aciphex. They want me on that for 6-12 mos – just in CASE my problems are because of “silent reflux”. I’m super frustrated. Can anyone recommend a good gastro in Suffolk County?

    I’m also taking DGL Licorice (regenerates mucous lining), and Aloe Vera Juice, which turned things around for me. The bloating however is still there, despite the PPI + alternative remedies. I have to be careful about things like ginger or anything spicy because of the erosions. Peppermint tea really helps too.

    Grateful for any response!

  70. Actually, I should have said, they also don’t want to retest me for H Pylori for a year, and in the meantime they want me on aciphex (=high glucose) for a year needlessly.

  71. Sorry, one last past…has anyone tried taking Wobenzyme with abx? I was thinking about it, but am A) afraid of a die-off reaction and B) Afraid it will be too harsh on my erosions….

    It’s suppose to remove the protective wall around bugs so that they are exposed to the abx treatment…I guess much like the Lauric acid appears to do..I think (??)

  72. I just want to say thanks for all your dedication to this site! How amazing!
    I stumbled upon your site while googling H Pylori…what an awesome blog. My son has been sick for many months – he is now 6 months. He has been puking and crying since he was about one month old. The doctor has done so many tests – constantly saying that it must be GERD, however, none of the tests have shown that he actually has GERD. The doc has given our son medication to treat the GERD for over 4 months now – but nothing helps! I heard about H Pylori on Dr. OZ one day and decided to ask the hospital to test my son for it – and they did! He tested positive. However, our doctor doesn’t want to do anything about it…he just wants to treat our son for GERD.
    Also, my husband over the past 4 months has been having ‘heart problems’ exactly like you had mentioned above. We plan to get him tested for H Pylori too. He has had tests done on his heart and everything comes back normal.
    So thanks for the information and the dedications!

    • Nikki,

      I hope you all figure out what’s wrong very quickly and feel better soon. I hate that a baby is suffering from this – it’s not right!

      Good luck and warm wishes,


  73. Great information. After suffering from digestive problems for over a month I was losing my mind. I had the burning sensation, gas, bloating, constipation and other symtoms. I went to the doctor did some tests I was called back that I had HP and was given the triple therapy treatment. I finished the treatment but still don’t feel fine. I was beginning to feel that I was suffering from some kind of serious food poisoning. So I was going to see the doctor again tomorrow since I’m still not feeling well. Anyway I will still go but on way back I will seek other treatments. i’m going to start with aloe vera juice then go from there.

    Thanks Amy and all and wish me luck.

    • Cindy,

      Even after I was found to be negative for H Pylori, it took me a long time to feel okay again. Give yourself some time and be careful of what you eat. I’d suggest taking a low dose of Mastic Gum daily on an empty stomach (before you get up and before you go to bed – one capsule each time) to help keep the H Pylori away.

      Good luck and good wishes that you’ll feel better soon,


  74. I am so thankful I found this site! I don’t know that I have H-Pylora but have symptoms of severe burning of esophagus,mouth, throat & stomach. A month ago after a bad attack of burning needle like pains across & down both sides of abdomen, across the pelvic area, & fever, ended up at the hospital for a full abdoman & pelvic scan. Doc didn’t order throat or stomach scan! On antibiotics I felt well, renewed until the 1,000mg 2xday wore off, no more antibiotics & Dr., said “no follow-up. I have racing heart, sweats,shaking, nausea, faint, weak, wake up w/bad taste in mouth, bad breath, and feel like I’m on fire. What I have read at this site are safe natural alternatives to try. With my varied symptoms,tests, bloodwork is good, etc., Dr’s don’t want to be bothered. This started after being on a cholesterol lowering drug & I stopped it because of the horrible after-effects,throat-stomach burning, choking, chest burning, hard to swallow. For high inflamation, a Dr’s guess of immune disorder I was placed on Methotrexate & 2-hour IV treatments of Remicade(chemo) every six weeks which lowered my over-working immune system & has worsened my condition. I’m weak from little food,the burning throat, constant inner ear, sinus infections. Eating (nausea & burning) food in general & loss of sleep is doing me in. Was not aware that Mastic Gum killed both good gut bacteria & bad. I’ve found three companies that one can trust for quality & potency. One company is quite reasonable in pricing especially for Probiotics-16/16 Strain Formula. I use also Colostrum with Taurine. Colostrum is the first substance a nursing mother gives her newborn designed by nature to keep baby well. I use L-Lysine and L-Proline(all in one) essential free Amino Acids. L-Lysine needed for tissue rejuvination repair, L-Proline involved in production of cartilage & collagen, supports musculoskeletal system, the joints & the essential components of arterial linings & co-factor for Vit-C. Aloe I can’t use because of fibromyalgia & Aloe’s high salicylates. I use MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane) tablets. Could this take the place of broccoli sprouts? Any help would be appreciated and I feel so fortunate to have accidently found this site! I have Mastic Gum in the house, had forgot it so just took one & the burning is there but so much better!!

  75. Hi Amy, first off thank you for the very informative website as me and a lot of people have gained help from it. Thank you.

    I have read everything in the website but I am confused about Monolaurin.
    you said on the site:

    Amy King:
    “Monolaurin — (it’s derived from coconut milk, so is food based and safe as well) 1200 mg each morning and 1200 mg each night. It’s a natural antibiotic that many use for a variety of reasons. It’s especially popular with folks who get mono (Epstein Barr virus).

    Don’t buy Lauric Acid because it is not as potent as Monolaurin. You can find Monolaurin at any Vitamin Shoppe and even easier: it’s online at the Vitamin Shoppe as well as Amazon. I would pay about 13 dollars a bottle and went through two bottles.”

    My Question is, isn’t Lauric Acid an ingredient of Monolaurin? so it’s part of Monolaurin, but you say don’t buy lauric acid?

    and the product that’s in Vitamin Shoppe or Amazon has the 90 caps 300 mg by Ecological Formulas. Is this the correct product?

    Thank you Amy and everyone else for posting.

  76. Hi Amy, first off thank you for the very informative website as me and a lot of people have gained help from it. Thank you.

    I have read everything in the website but I am confused about Monolaurin.
    you said on the site:
    Amy King:
    “”””“Monolaurin — (it’s derived from coconut milk, so is food based and safe as well) 1200 mg each morning and 1200 mg each night. It’s a natural antibiotic that many use for a variety of reasons. It’s especially popular with folks who get mono (Epstein Barr virus).

    Don’t buy Lauric Acid because it is not as potent as Monolaurin. You can find Monolaurin at any Vitamin Shoppe and even easier: it’s online at the Vitamin Shoppe as well as Amazon. I would pay about 13 dollars a bottle and went through two bottles.”””””””””””””””””

    My Question is, isn’t Lauric Acid an ingredient of Monolaurin? so it’s part of Monolaurin, but you say don’t buy lauric acid?
    and the product that’s in Vitamin Shoppe or Amazon has the 90 caps 300 mg by Ecological Formulas. Is this the correct product?

    now also this dr named Dr. Jon Kabara was the man who invented Monolaurin according to him. i don’t know. and his product is http://www.lauricidin.com/

    But I will buy whatever worked for you, all I need is the name of the manufacturer or name of the product. Thanks Amy.

  77. Thank you Amy, you’re the best!
    You got my vote for the Nobel Award unlike Obama.
    You’re an angel for taking the time to reply back to each one of us. thank you.

    I haven’t seen a GI yet cause the earliest appointment my family doctor got for me is in March. I’m from Toronto, Canada and this is how the system is here. It’s hard to get an early appointment with any specialist.
    My other question for you is, when you saw your GI did he/she recommend VSL#3 medium dose or did you bring up the term probiotics?

    What shall I tell my GI? any pointers? I’ve been taking Mastic Gum, Manuka Honey, L-Glutamine, Broccoli Pills, Fermented Milk(50 billion organisms), and I have been on a diet consisting of Alkaline foods and avoiding acidic food.

    Do GIs know about what you know? Can you be my GI :D

    • Welcome, Mario. My GI brought up the probiotic bc I said I still wasn’t feeling well even though my H Pylori test was negative. He said it was likely because I killed off a lot of the good flora (intestinal bacteria) and that I should replace it with medical grade probiotics. He gave me samples at first to see if they helped; they did. I continued on them for about a month or so. You should consider getting the VSL #3 bc I think the Manuka Honey is what kills all bacteria, both good and bad.

      My GI was very open to my “home remedies.” Listen, foods can hurt and foods can heal. Most docs know that. Mine wrote down every item and the dosages in case he encountered another patient who reacted negatively to the standard triple therapy regimen. As you can see above, I have linked several medical studies proving the efficacy of Manuka, Mastic and Monolaurin. The research is there – it’s just that there is a standard response to H Pylori called triple therapy. Any doctor worth his or her weight will check the research and supervise your progress under those “alternative” regimens.

  78. Hi Amy,

    I found your website while searching about Matula tea. I am not sure how that search resulted in finding your site. Anyhow, have you heard of Matula tea?

    I have been suspected to have H. Pylori. Blood test came back elevated. My doctor, based on symptoms and the blood test alone believe that is what it is. Of course, antibiotics have been prescribed. However, a stool test revealed that I have no beneficial flora growth. I also am suspected to have leaky gut- have you heard of this yourself? I have a history of antibiotic use- did you?

    Since the onset of the huge array of symptoms- I have become very reactive to almost all foods I try to consume. I never had these reactions previously. When I say reactive, some cause shortness of breath, others hives or body itches, others unusual pressure in my head and ears, or bloating, abdominal pain. My diet is not an issue- no milk, cheese, sugar, pastas, rices, night-shade vegetables, juices, fruits, coffee, etc. All of it has been out.

    I have had a huge assortment of symptoms- very similar to yours. Not all of them are present still- burning/stinging skin, abdominal pains (mostly upper), stinging/burning in abdomen, burning in chest, burping, bloating, anxiety/panic, chest tremors (feeling of quivers/panic), increased pulse/heart rate, pulsing pains or spasms, muscle soreness, fatigue, unintended weight loss, etc.

    It doesn’t seem like you developed any food sensitivities besides increased abdominal pain or gi issues associated with the wrong food. This former sentence was a question really. Did you experience hives or shortness of breath or increased panic from food? Also, did you have cognitive effects besides anxiety? I am more emotional and down- not like myself. Was your sleep impacted at all?

    And also, have you heard of the Matula tea I mentioned above?

    Thanks so much in advance.


  79. Amy,

    This post has really become quite popular and you are doing a great job moderating it! This is for Mario – A little clarification on the Monolaurin. Monolaurin is 100% lauric acid. Extra Virgin Coconut Oil is 50% lauric acid by weight. Lauricidin is just a proprietary version of lauric acid and no more effective than Monolaurin 600mg caps (2 caps 2x/day) by Ecological Formulas. Note: I would not use Monolaurin alone. Add H-PLR (Apex Energetics), a multi-strain probiotic, vitamin C, maybe some mastic gum and/or Manuka honey, maybe some L-glutamine or aloe vera gel to soothe the tummy, and plant based enzymes for aiding digestion.

    Another note: I am blown away at the effectiveness of the H. pylori protocol once I started addressing “BIOFILMS” This is truly the hidden “Why” behind why chronic infection won’t heal. (scroll down to – October 03, 2009 update) http://www.advancedhealing.com/blog/2009/09/13/heartburn-gastritis-gerd-achlorhydria-or-h-pylori/

    Take care,

    Dr. E

  80. Hi again Amy,

    I posted above not too long ago. I wanted to thank you for starting a blog like this to help people.

    I have re-read some of the information you posted and realize I have the answer to at least one of my questions (if your sleep was disturbed). The obvious being yes now that I looked over your symptoms.

    Please, if you can reply or e-mail I would appreciate it so much.

    When you had the H. Pylori sort of at its worst or bad- did it cause cognitive effects? I am trying to figure out what exactly is happening to me. I have not had these specific symptoms for weeks and now, tonight am having those symptoms. I noticed to it is worst when I lay down or attempt to sleep. My heart races for no reason and there is like a ‘panic’ or ‘quiver’ in my chest that I am not causing myself. I try to sleep through it. It seems to stimulate my mind and won’t allow it to shut off or rest. This is particularly hard to deal with. I am so fatigued mentally- I literally can see words I have read about weeks ago when I close my eyes for example. It is though my mind is overstimulated, but not in your normal fashion– like drinking too much coffee or brainstorming something stressful. It is quite different than that. I have not missed sleep again really until tonight. So lack of sleep isn’t the reason. Did you experience that while dealing with it? I am extremely extremely thirsty- cannot quench my thirst and so short of breath. I drink non-stop too, more water than I ever have before. All of this is with the onset again of the chest burning, nausea, feeling like I want to throw up, indigestion, abdominal bloating. I have connected it to this now. Especially the quiver-feeling in my chest. Did you ever awake frightfully? I have not for weeks, but previously would awake out of sleep with fright and a racing heart. I had no idea where it came from or why. I think the adrenaline and stress hormones are what stimulate the mind at that point to not shut off or get fatigued. I am not sure. I have even considered whether by products of H. Pylori can migrate to the brain, especially if there is a leaky gut. I have no idea, I just want to be better, regardless if I make sense of it or not. I almost forgot that this happened to me before (weeks ago) until it did again tonight. The impact on my brain is amazing– like nothing I have ever experienced before. Only someone who has gone through this can understand that. I told you in my previous post that I am so sensitive to almost all foods I try. So, I may be dealing with more than just bacteria (nutrition). Today I was barely able to eat much with the exception of a few things.

    This is so hard to stick through. It seems as though some people with H. Pylori never experience such extremes as you did and I am. I am trying to figure out here if there perhaps is more going on or if the same happened to you. I have had so many tests with normal results. I have had scans as well with okay results. The H. Pylori blood test came back elevated and more than it was previously.

    If I could just talk to someone else who has gone through this– perhaps it would ease the road.

    During your nightly ‘attacks’– would your mind do the same when attempting to sleep? Weeks ago I did not have any of these symptoms- amazing. I did not have anxiety, panic, acid reflux and the whole bizarre assortment of symptoms.

    I thank you in advance for any help at all. Thank you for your time you don’t have to offer, but do.

    • Hello All,

      Thank you so much for starting a blog about H-Pylori… I think I am going to cry as I type…. I have been struggling with this for 6 months and it has been near impossible to diagnose…. All of the symptoms seemed crazy… Started in Feb. 2010 with heart palps. that sent me to the hospital. Then progressed to entire body weakness, insomnia, 15 pound weight loss, nausea, burning in my stomach, extreme nervousness and anxiety, dizziness, restlessness, I just feel like my body can’t stop, shakiness. I tested positive for H-pylori in April. I was then told it was gone in May, but it isn’t. When you tell someone about all these symptoms, they think you have lost it. How can formerly healthy person come down with all this at the same time. This has really taken a toll on my life. I am a young mom and wife and I can’t function properly. I can barely take care of myself, much less my family. I am having a sad day, but there is hope. I am going to listen to Michael Buble and start taking Mastic prescribed by a Homeopathic doctor tomorrow. I also made some changes to my diet thanks to this blog! Everyone hang in there… there is hope and I not going to give up! I know someday I will wake up and feel better~

    • You are the first person who has had the quivering chest like I used to have. My doc decide to remove my gall bladder. Apparently the gall bladder was non functioning for a very long time . The surgeon had trouble removing it because of scar tissue.Now after ten years, I still have sour throat and tongue. Probiotics have help a little. How are you now?

      • I’m fine. Sorry to hear about your gallbladder. Sounds suspicious. One doc wanted to implant a defibrillator in my chest. I got a second opinion. No defibrillator and no more heart issues now that the infection is gone. It’s been years now, and I’m still fine. I also eat better than I did before I got the infection. This is your chance to improve your eating habits.

  81. Hi Mary,

    Sorry to be brief – absolutely I had the quivering stuff in my chest. I didn’t understand why I was always shaky, why I couldn’t lie down, why my doctor couldn’t understand the notion of not being able to lie down (she said one other patient had complained of such a thing, though she knew of no cause), etc. You are not crazy! That bacteria really messes a body up! As for my mind, I don’t really recall. I was pretty much anxious, couldn’t sleep, chalked it all up to sleep deprivation and malnourishment since I lost all body fat – even my breasts shrunk, believe it or not. I am normally thin, so I was a sack of bones, literally. I don’t know how else to describe it.

    I think you should find a new doc if yours isn’t helping. A good GI is especially hard to find and they are often unsympathetic. If you are having mind issues, then you really need to get to someone who is going to help you, not just prescribe a bunch of anti-anxiety meds. I fought that. I was miserable, but I knew that I had never been anxious before and that something was really wrong. Basically, after so many bouts of heart “spells” or episodes that resulted in extreme racing, tachycardia, and then projectile vomitting and massive diarrhea for months on end, I was mentally at odds, writing goodbye letters and feeling like … well, about how you are describing.

    Oh, when I was able to get to sleep, even after I was recovering, I did have those times where I was startled awake by weird gut spasms, frights, pains, etc. It took a long time for those to abate too. You are not crazy, though no one ever gave me an answer for those bouts either. Just hold on to the fact that you will get better! Just really try to seek someone who is sympathetic and will believe you. Also, try emailing Dr. Marcus Ettinger — he’s linked above and is really very helpful! He always answers and is sympathetic after having the bacteria himself. Drop him a line, for sure!

    Good luck and many good wishes, Mary!


    • Hi Amy,

      (and others- thank you very much for your responses)

      Thank you so much for your response- really.

      It means a lot to hear someone say they definitely can relate.. and especially in the ways that don’t seem all too common for H. Pylori.

      When you said you had the ‘fright’- what was this like for you? Did you wake up or get startled frightfully? It seems the fright is all directly associated with the quiver-like feeling in the chest area. And as you and I know– the quiver feeling isn’t simply ‘anxiety’. It’s totally different.

      I was wondering though if you can recall if the fright actually brought frightful thoughts or feelings too. It is startling, especially when you are trying to sleep/lay down.

      My mind also fatigued– it almost acts over-stimulated (like a caffeine buzz but no caffeine). Did you have trouble getting your mind to rest..? Again, this is different from just thinking or stressing over the day (like a lot of people do before bed). I think you’ll understand that just fine.

      Did you have any chest burning, burping or abdominal bloating?

      I am sure all of this can connect in one way or the other.

      Thank you way in advance for your response- it is so helpful.

      As for the Monolaurin, where do you advise to purchase this? How many bottles do you suggest? I am sure you have given advice about this somewhere above– so hopefully it isn’t too redundant to answer again.

  82. Mary, I’m not Amy, but because you mentioned a racing heart etc. I wanted to let you know that I was diagnosed with Atrial Fibrilation in 2005 and later found out that some scientist believe that AFIB is connected with H.pylori, which I discovered I had this year. I have had less AFIB episodes since I have had the negative results on H.pylori after treating myself with Mastic Gum. Just a thought on the heart issue. You can also find some good information about rapid heartbeat and afib at http://www.afibbers.com Good luck, Sharon

  83. Hi! I just wanted to add to Sharon G’s post.
    I had the SAME symptoms as you all, anxiety, shaking, chest pain, nausea, weight loss, ect…. I was diagnosed with H pylori and went thru THREE rounds of the mega antibiotics. Then the Dr told me I was still positive was to start a round of Special TB drugs to rid the H pylori. I said NO and sought another opinion. After another endoscopy with stomach/ esophageal biospy which came back negative( the positive for hpylori was breath test). Dr said this was the first time he had anyone every positive on breath test and negative on biospy. Yea…sure!
    I only wish I had found this site before all the antibiotic treatments. I still have some anxiety, difficulty sleeping at night, and try to be very careful what I eat.
    But after all this I was finally diagnosed with PSVT, cause unknown??? Could this be from the H pylori??? All of my symptoms started with h pylori and ESCALATED BIG time when I started the first doses of antibiotics.
    Like you -all my FORMER Dr and ER drs said it was all in my head/ anxiety which I never had a problem before in all my life.
    So Amy any suggestions now?? I can eat some foods again ( very selective), ve gained some of the 40 lbs back I lost, but still have anxiety at times ( on a beta blocker), fatigued, gas,the fluttering in chest and body, and just feel like a shadow of my former self.
    Any suggestions from anyone are so greatly appreciated. This post is wonderful if for nothing else KNOWING I am NOT crazy.

  84. Kristi, did the doctor ever do the simple stool test on you? The first test I had for H.pylori was blood which showed positive, then after treatment with Mastic Gum for two months I had a stool test and it was negative. Seems they would trust the stool test as I understand that is the best after treatment. The blood test is no good after treatment.
    For anxiety, you might try L-Theanine, it has made a big difference in my life. They originally put me on beta blockers for AFIB, but I couldn’t function on it, so went off and now only use supplements for my AFIB and rarely have an episode.

  85. Sharon,
    Thanks.. I have tried l -theanine, great stuff but I do feel somewhat drowsy.
    But it is good stuff highly recommended by naturopath. What other supplements do you use for A fib?? Please post it might help others here who have the anxiety/ tachycardia. Thanks again.

  86. Hi Sharon, i have a racing heart also, but i just thought my racing heart had something to do with blocked arteries. You said you’re taking supplements? What supplements are they? natural remedies? can you tell me the exact name of the product? And, did your racing heart issue got cured now? Doesn’t one need to get a simple surgery to remove the blockages in the nerves to the heart to cure heart racing?

  87. Kristi, here is my protocol for controlling afib without medication. Magnesium Glycinate Chelated – 200 mg two times a day, Magnesium Citrate powder in a hot drink before bed 200 mg – Total 600 mg a day of Magnesium;
    Q-Absorb Co-Q10 – 100 mg @ 1 per day;
    Potassium Gluconate – “NOW Brand” 540 mg, powder, 5 tsp per day in water or juice. NOTE: RDA requirements for potassium is 4700 mg a day. Through a 20 day food study I found I was not getting enough potassium, so supplementing 2700 mg helps me make it to the 4700 mg. NOTE: Do not supplement potassium unless you are sure your kidney’s function properly or you have no kidney problems as excess flushes out through the kidneys. Taurine – “NOW Brand” 1000 mg – 3 times a day. L-Theanine 200 mg Note: I take at night. If I am having a stressful event or day, I may take up to 600 mg during a day. If I have an afib episode I may take another 200 mg.


  88. Sharon!

    Rapid or racing heart is known as AF?
    How did you get diagnosed with Atrial Fibrilation? Stool Test?
    I have racing heart sometimes, how can I get my Dr to get me tested to see if I have this?
    You’ve listed so many supplements, that’s alot, my question is, wouldn’t it be simple if you were to go thru the tachycardia surgery which is painless and it’s thru the groin.

    Take care – Mario

  89. Mario, I have Lone AFIB which means my heart misfires, but I don’t have any underlying heart problems. AFIB is not just a racing heart but also beats irratically. I had my first known episode in 2005 and in the Emergency Room they diagnosed me with Atrial Fibrilation. It was done through EKG and then later I had a Echocardiogram (which I have every year) and that verified that I did not have any other heart conditions. I also wore a heart monitor and AFIB was captured on the read out, so I had several confirmations.

    My doctor is a Electrophysiologist which specializes in AFIB. He is pleased with my supplement control protocol for afib and has not suggested medication. The surgery for AFIB is called Ablation (they burn the misfiring portions of the heart). I do not qualify for this surgery as I am not in consistant AFIB and I am able to control it. AFIB will not kill a person, but you can throw a blood clot if you stay in AFIB too long without conversion. I have an agreement with my EP that I will go to the ER if I go to 24 hours. I usually self-convert within 3-21 hours so have never had to go to ER since being diagnosed.

    I don’t have tachycardia so the surgery you mention would not be beneficial to someone with AFIB.

    Hope that explains it a little. Sharon

  90. Hi again Amy,

    I know you have yet to reply to my previous post (you can see it above).. but, another question came to mind. How much weight loss did you incur? Did you manifest any symptoms of malnourishment at all?

    I have lost over 10 pounds- you said you were a sack of bones (and nothing to lose to begin with). I did not have much to lose either. It all began with acid reflux, memory lapse, feeling off, nausea, abdominal pain. I tried to eat relentlessly and lost weight anyway. Then, I started becoming sensitive and reactive to food and more symptoms popped up. I seemed to lose weight initially regardless of what I ate. Unlike you, I do not vomit so am not losing that way. It really is more of a wasting process of fat so my body can acquire energy.. that is what it seems. Now, my food intake is so minimal due to being restricted. Did you have reactions to food? Throat agitation, hives, shortness of breath, or the racing heart to food? I am trying to see if H. Pylori can be a causative of leaky gut?? There does not seem to be much literature on H. Pylori and intestinal wall damage. It all revolves around Candida primarily. I know the two usually coexist. But, I wonder how much H. Pylori can contribute to intestinal permeability and hence the reactions to food and other systemic effects.

    Do you recall being disorientated, having memory loss, being confused or the like? I am asking so many questions because you have been such a help. Your situation has been similar to mine. I know you thought you were pretty bad (writing the letters to people- as you said)- so, would it be silly to ask if you were depressed and not yourself? When this all begin, I felt ‘off’- something just wasn’t the same or right with me..

    It’s probably likely you had the H. Pylori for some time (I think you mentioned this somewhere)- I wonder what precipitated it to suddenly get worse with you (to where it was noticeable and not ignorable).

    When starting the monolaurin- what should be expected? Do you get more nauseas or sensitive? Did you have candida issues as well? Did you have a history of antibiotic use?

    If you can answer– it would assist me so so much.

    I know you did not feel well quite yet weeks into your protocol/treatment- but, during did any of the symptoms gradually subside or did it take weeks before you noticed anything? Did you have extreme bloating?

    Thanks so much Amy. I am trying to help myself just as you did.


  91. Hi Mary,

    I don’t recall being disoriented, though my mind was certainly not steady. I was anxious and depressed. I do not recall any memory loss or serious confusion though.

    I did have the infection for at least a year before it was diagnosed, and thus, it was untreated for awhile.

    Yes, when I began the monolaurin, I experienced herxing, which I mention in the comments above and give a link to this phenomenon. It is a reaction to the bacteria die off – you may feel even sicker than you have been, if that’s possible, because the bacteria are like toxins that your body has to process and get rid of, so you don’t want to go too fast in the killing.

    I don’t know if I had candida but I was quite cautious with my food intake, including eliminating ALL sugars. I did not have a history of antibiotic use, except maybe once a year at most for the occassional sinus infection and twice before pneumonia. Overall, I have been mostly healthy and drug-free.

    My symptoms did gradually subside, though not as quickly as one would like. It took a few months for all to clear up, and that was with a strict diet and medications as noted above. I certainly did have bloating at times.

    I hope that helps — good luck, Mary.


  92. Hello Amy,
    God Bless You. I have recently been diagnosed with H pylori and C diff although I have no symptoms from C diff. I have all the symptoms you described, sadly I can’t eat broccolli or many of the natural remedies, as I have to take a blood thinner because of an artificial heart valve nothing green pretty much, or anything with vitamin k. I will start triple therapy tomorrow, and hope that it doesn’t lead to a c diff infection, as that could be deadly, for me.
    But my point is I thank you, I have worked as a CNA for 27 years and I usually have things figured out before the doctors do but for the life of me I couldn’t put these symptoms together. The sweats the palpitations, shortness of breath, until I read your posts. I was thinking so many things, I’ve had a lot of wrong diagnosis in the last couple of years, one doctor even caused me a stroke this summer, now I have short term memory loss and speech problems and I am only 43. But seriously I never thought a person could get so sick from this. I lost 30lbs in 3 mo. Ate a lot of yogurt then, other than pain in my stomach I didn’t feel sick. It has been the last two months that the other symptoms have been driving me nuts. Thanks again, and it is such a relief to know what it is I must say HOORAY I have H PYLORi!

  93. Hi Amy
    Still feel awful. I can’t imagine having this for a year because i’m nearing 2 months of hell. Seriously depressed and sad. The worst part is my doctor moved and i don’t have a doctor at the moment so I have to start hunting for a new doctor. We have doctor shortage. my tummy and chest feel like its on fire. I have lost apetite iknow the weight will also come down. Anyway i know there are so many things suggested that help but can you narrow it down to top two must haves. I will try to stay upbeat.

    Thanks Amy and all and wish me luck

  94. Hi Amy and all,

    I just wanted to mention a web site that I found helpful in helping me deal with h pylori. I hope this is ok with you Amy. It is so good of you to start this blog. I’ve learned a lot from David Hompes, who specializes in natural treatment for h pylori. Here is the link. http://h-pylori-symptoms.com/

    To your health,


  95. I ordered David Hompes book and it has a lot of good information in it. The only thing I didn’t like was he sends me e-mails promoting a consultation with him about h.pylori and it’s not cheap. So, just be aware when you get on his e-mail newsletter you could get some solicitation for his services. Sharon

  96. A general heath note – I read somewhere that wine can keep lots of illnesses away including digestive system parasites – a testimony to this is the old French man who smokes 20 cigarettes a day and yet lives to be in his eighties! Why? Because of the wine that French people drink more than anyone else in the world.

    So why not try drinking one or two glasses a day and see how it makes you feel bearing in mind that it has been reported that it (wine) can become harmful if 3 glasses a day is exceeded. And people with stomach ulcers should not drink it with empty stomachs.

    Get used to drinking wine and stay healthy and live longer, I wish I could ……!!

    • Rod and all.

      Sorry to take so long to get back to you and this thread. I liked David’s book as an educational resource. One of the most important things that I got out of it is that candida or yeast infection accompanies h pylori. Last year I treated h pylori with Mastic Gum, BIO HPF, but felt better after I added 3 phases of Aqua Flora, a homeopathic formula to fight candida. This is a clinically proven formula to fight candida that I used whenever I had candida problem. Matula Tea that David mentioned fights both, h pylori and candida. I did not stay on any maintenance dose of anything and the symptoms came back.

      I understand that ADP, Standardized extract of oregano, emulsified in a sustained release form is beneficial if tolerable. “A.D.P.is useful with toxic bowel syndrome, intestinal parasites, sub-acute bacterial and viral infections, candida and other fungal/yeast infections.” http://www.doclocke.com/prodlist.htm. I am learning how to use it more effectively.

      It is my understanding that that once you had hp you can easily get reinfected. Dietary change, eliminating gluten, dairy, sugar, alcohol, and yeast, is permanent. I suffer if I deviate.

      I did try Matula tea, and it helped but I did not stay on a maintenance dose, so the symptoms came back. I am getting retested to make sure it still h pylori that I need to treat. If David is right and candida is a part of the problem, and judging from my own experience I agree with that assessment, than using honey is not helpful, but rather might be harmful. I do poorly with any kind of even natural sugar, or more that 1 fruit/day.

      One treatment that helped me be hp free for about 6-7 years was this protocol, prescribed by an integrative medicine MD: Carafate (a prescription drug), SF 734, Mastic gum, and a probiotic, all for 1 mo. 60-80 oz of water/day were also prescribed.

      I am looking into the benefits on monolaurin.

      I have not read all the posts on this blog so I do not know all that is being discussed, but I hope some of you will find my comments helpful.


      It is really great that you started this blog.

      Elena, I hope you stay symptom free.

      Happy Holidays, and a healthy, happy and prosperous New Year, everyone.


  97. Rod,

    Diet wise, Hompes’s program is not much different from the protocols mentioned here. I also read his book and I can say that it doesn’t bring anything new appart from that matula tea originated somewhere in South Africa if I recall well!
    His protocols are ok and mainly I believe help to suppress the H Pylori but they do not provide the help needed to eradecate it and as a proof of it is the fact that his own H P’s infection is back after 3? years.
    I wonder if anybody here tried the matula tea he talks about in his book, I myself have followed Dr E’s protocol and shall soon find out if my H P’s saga is over!!!!
    It is also worth reading about Dr Ohhira’s Plus OMX probiotics.

  98. elena,

    I hope it works for you – please let us know your findings – all the best.

    Someone mentioned “Kefir” on this board and I did some research on it – it sounds like a magic food which everyone should include in their daily diet – if you are going to eat it regularly you must make sure you either buy the homemade one or you should make it yourself with organic milk – goat milk is preferred to cow’s but do not use processed milk if you can help it –

  99. rod,

    good news,I am over and done with the H P’s ordeal, the breath test confirmed that the eradication therapy was successful and all what I did was to follow amy and Dr E’s protocol mentioned here. BIG THANK YOU to both of you guys.
    Now it is time to heal those soar spots left behind and keep my stomach clean and happy.

    • Congrats, Elena! Great news! I’d stick with half the dosage of the Mastic Gum for awhile — the breath test only measures levels of acceptable bacteria, so to stave off a return, keep taking Mastic Gum on an empty stomach at half dosage for another month or so. I did for several months. I think the protocol is six months but I ain’t doing it that long! It’s okay to take as it has no side effects and has the added benefit of getting rid of bad cholesterol.

  100. elena,

    I am very happy for you – if you don’t mind can you put down the exact procedure you followed (I know it’s what Dr E suggested) but it would be nice if you could hightlight what you did.

    I hope you can keep this bugger out of your system for good.

  101. Amy and All,
    Just a question for you all-
    How long til we are “back to normal”?? Or is it never going happen again??
    I feel pretty good for quite some time as long I really restrict my diet. If I eat any greasy, spicy food or chocolate, or eat late at night -WOW!! I wake up as I did last night, feeling like I am having a heart attack, chest pain, heart racing, nauseous, ect…
    I also had my GB out through all this- GI dr said it is common for h pylori patients to have GB issues. She said there is a theory that that the bacteria infects the GB and causes damage?? ( I tend to believe its the 3 mega rounds of triple antibiotics that did it to me).
    Anyway, I would just love to be able to go out, have a drink ( all alcohol makes me ill), or have a piece of dessert, preferably chocolate, but everytime I do I incurr the wrath of my digestive tract… OUCH… for days, even weeks!!
    And I have to start rebuilding my strength and feeling good again!!
    Anyone else have this problem?? Or are we all doomed to a life of chicken noodle soup forever???
    Also is there anything natural anyone takes for “instant” relief for stomach ache, indigestion which works?? I love the mastic gum, but it is more long term in my opinion??

  102. rod,

    I followed the A and B steps from Dr E’s procedure:

    A 1. Monolaurin (I use the Lauricidin 2 x 1/2 scoops daily check the http://www.lauricidin.com/
    2. Nattokinase( 1 x 2 per day)
    3. Mastic (my favourite product is GastroMend-HP made by designs for health, 2 x 2 per day every morning on empty stomach and night before bed)
    4. InterFase Plus TM ( 3 x 2 per day between meals)
    5. L-glutamine (2 heaped teaspoons in my peptic ulcer fruit smoothie)
    6. Liquid herbal remedy( custom made by my herbalist made from hawthorne leaves and stems, turmeric, goldenseal, licorice 7.5ml x 2 daily- I also developed a heart condition so she, the herb lady, put me on hawthorne and guess what, my heart loved it!)
    7. Manuka honey (1 x 2 teaspoons as amy said on empty stomach together with mastic)
    8. I juiced everytime I had some time before diner: cabage, broccoli and carrot
    9. During the day to keep my pain under control, I drank a misxture of the following tea: pepermint, green, pao d’arco, sage and thyme
    10.I MIND DIET even now and I need to be doing it for many months still to come, just because the multiple ulcerations I have left in my stomack. The only naughty think I’ve done was to drink a cup of coffee in the morning, I couldn’t give up on it!!!!
    11. Now I am the doing the C step and keep the mastic going as amy suggested + very strong probiotics
    12. Also saw the herb lady yesterday, she put me on a different remedy now meant to heal and take the pain away made from: hawthorne again, marshmallow, dandelion, dandelion rt and withania- she also suggested to go on a low salicylate diet to minimise pain
    13. I couldn’t take Serrapeptase (step A product) as I have lots of little ulcers in my stomach

    Do not be intimidated by the length of the list, it only requires a bit of self discipline and financial effort but it pays off in the end. My GP lady was quite amased to see the result of the breath test as she is skeptical when it comes to alt treatments.

    Keep up the good work and do not give up as I belive that persistence breaks resistance.

  103. Wow Elena, what a list – you must be so disciplined. I wish I had a secretary like you :-)

    BTW, how do you know you have lots of ulcerations? Have they been picked up by endoscopy or you just feel you have them?

  104. Pippa,

    Yours probably have nothing to do with H.Pylori – they could be diet related, IBS or intenstine problems. Can you give more details?

  105. I had and gastroscopy and the results were positive for H Pylori and I was reading that constipation can be a sympton.

    “”It is known that H. pylori cause low stomach acid (see Heartburn & Acid Reflux) by damaging the parietal cells of the stomach. As a result, food is not processed properly in the stomach. Undigested food may be released into the intestine, creating a domino effect that ‘backs-up’ the entire digestive system.

    Thanks for the website :)

  106. Okay Elena, hope you will be completely cured.

    I am living in a different part of the world atm and I won’t be able to follow any of the stuff you used to cure yourself, the only thing I can do atm is eat the coconut itself and I am not sure if that’s enough to kill the little buggers!


    It might be worth looking at the site that Elena gave you. Just coz you are HP positive should not mean HP is the cause of your problems – as I am sure you know lots of people have HP who show no symptoms at all.

  107. Amy,

    Following below, is a summary of your H-pylori treatment, diagnosis, symptoms, and treatment results listed throughout your blog. Your info is SO important, and I am soooo grateful, that I wanted to give something back to you, and make it easier for others to have your most important and up to date info at the top of your site.
    Thank you!

    The main three main Natural Remedies that finally eradicated the H Pylori for Amy:
    Monolaurin 1200 mg. of twice a day (derived from coconut milk). It’s a natural antibiotic that many use for a variety of reasons. It’s especially popular with folks who get mono (Epstein Barr virus). I would pay about 13 dollars a bottle and went through two bottles. I used Ecological Research brand:
    http://www.amazon.com/Monolaurin-Ecological-Formulas-300-Caps/dp/B000WP67TG/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=hpc&qid=1259289018&sr=1-1. The first two to three days of taking the full dose of Monolaurin, I experienced nausea symptoms “die off” and felt even sicker – but it did pass. I’m told it’s called “herxing” after the Herximer effect
    Manuka Honey (activated and only from New Zealand) 16+ or 20+ strength, take a teaspoon twenty minutes before each meal (obviously on an empty stomach) and one before bed on an empty stomach (I would take my spoonful after I took the Mastic Gum so that the water wouldn’t dilute it and send it directly to the kidneys. (From my personal tests, it appears as though the manuka honey maybe killing some “good bacteria” along with the h.pylori. I believe this is true because after taking the manuka honey, my h. pylori symptoms vanish but then my breathing is slightly affected—when this occurs, I take a few probiotics and then my breathing is returned to normal.)
    Mastic Gum (derived from the Greek Mastic tree) 1000 mg (1gram – two pills) in the morning before food and the same at night before bed on an empty stomach.
    Amy also took:
    Probiotic – VSL #3 – medical grade Probiotic to replace good bacteria. 450 billion/powder packet is mid-level strength and can be bought over the counter. It’s about $90 for a thirty day supply if you take one packet of powder a day. (worked better than H-PLR (k-32))
    L Glutamine Put a half teaspoon of the powder on your oatmeal every morning. It helps heal gut tissue, thanks to the bacterial damage this potent bug can do) they recently also made the connection for people with h pylori that L Glutamine slows the damage and helps to heal it.
    Aloe Juice (from the aloe plant) take aloe vera juice daily (you need the unprocessed, cold pressed kind of aloe juice because it heals)
    Digestive Enzymes – by Garden of Life with each meal — they help the stomach digest foods more easily, as the h pylori reduces stomach acid in many cases.
    Diet is key in helping you to improve as your body fights the bacteria. You should absolutely eliminate white flour products like carbohydrates (white pastas, white rice, bread, etc). These are sugars! Sugars only feed bacteria and provide no nutritional value. Also, cut out obvious sugars like cookies and ice cream! You should even limit fruits for the time being. Your goal is two fold: don’t feed the bacteria and give the gut easy-to-digest alkalizing foods and time to heal. Avoid foods like tomatoes and dairy products too. You can catch up on calcium later. Milk is acidic in the gut. eat foods that alkalize – do not eat acidic foods.
    Other natural remedies that can be used in addition to Amy’s cocktail:
    Magnesium is like magic, and the glycinate form is the least harsh on the digestive system.
    Oil of Oregano -Those of you who are long-suffering may want to try a few drops of Oil of Oregano under your tongue a few times a day too.
    Bladderwack to keep the buggers from adhereing to the lining of your stomach.
    Red Wine moderate intake of red wine is also unkind specifically to h pylori.
    Stellar Organics :-) http://www.stellarorganics.com/ …because it also has no added sulfites.
    How Diagnosed
    Stool sample – Most reliable determination. But may still show positive for 3 months even after cured.
    Blood Test – Blood antibody test. A blood test checks to see whether your body has made antibodies to H. pylori bacteria. If you have antibodies to H. pylori in your blood, it means you either are currently infected or have been infected in the past.
    Breath test – can be done right after treatment to see if cured rather than wait 1-3 months for stool change.
    Felt like gone after one month, but stool still tested positive. Two months of natural remedy cocktail and Amy’s stool results came back negative, and her symptoms were gone.
    Diarrhea, vomiting, stomach pains
    racing heart, shortness of breath and anxiety,
    Miserable aches and pains in my back, legs, and arms that no doctor could conclusively say was a direct result of the infection. But I know with certainty that these weird pains and miseries were due to the infection because they have since cleared up.

  108. Hi Amy,

    I am confused about how much Monolaurin to take / day. You said 1200 mg. twice a day. But the link show it is sold in 300mg capsules and you said you only bought 2 bottles. Taking 1200mg in a.m. and 1200mg in p.m. would mean 8 pills a day! Can you clarify? And am i correct in understanding you suggest taking this at the same time as taking H-PLR (k32)?

  109. Dear Amy,

    Your blog posting is fantastic and I hope you continue to moderate it for a long time to help everyone and that you are rewarded for it with longevity. I have suffered from this far longer than most on the post, for too many years to count. I had my allergies tested and went gluten/dairy/sunflower and more free for about 3 years and it has cleared everything up except the pain. I’m going to try adding your protocols and I will let you know if it goes away.

    A few things that have helped me manage of the years: I use coconut oil, the Artisana brand for all of my cooking (fish) and raw and I freeze blueberries in the summer and put them in my smoothies all winter long, I add coconut meat to my smoothies and I use the coconut butter in my waffles that are made with Bob’s Red Mill gluten free pancake mix and egg replacer.

    For chest palpitations and episodes: Emerg-C in water just before bed can prevent them for me, if you have episodes of lying in the bathroom in pain and disorientated with constipation or dihharea, always have a packet you can get to and use it right away, it will save you especially if you are on your own.

    I was diagnosed with IBS in my teens and Chron’s or Colitis in my 20s, I’m in my 30s now. To figure out the foods you are allergic to, the best way is an Elisa blood test, everyone’s results come back differently, they really do, I’ve seen many tests. The only correlated results are those between mother and child.

  110. I have been having nausea, burning, sweating, etc in my stomach area. My gastroenterologist gave me an endoscopy and said I have gastritis. He wanted me to take Acidiphex or one those. I’m trying to do this naturally by proper combining my foods and taking Okra Pepsin which was prescribed by another dr of alternative med. It was helping and I was feeling better, but then it starting getting bad again. It wakes me up during the night, and I’m very frustrated. I’m trying to eat right, but never know what’s going to set it off. I’m about ready to take Acidephex or one of those other proton pump inhibitors to see if it heals up. I’m so emotional and upset, and my husband it very frustrated at this point and it tired of hearing about it. He thinks I’m overreaacting. I need to talk to someone.

  111. Sandi,

    Consider getting tested for h pylori. I struggled with gastritis for years before I found out that h pylori, not just stress, might be the cause of it. If you test positive for h pylori, there is plenty on this blog to help you decide on the course of treatment.

    For quick temporary relief you might want to get DGL or deglycyrrhizinated licorice, fructose free/sugarless, for soothing relief for the stomach lining, by Enzymatic Therapy. Vitacost carries it (online). Also, l-glutamine powder should provide quick relief until you get tested for h pylori and get on a program to eradicate it, if the test indicates it.

    Diet wise think of cutting out gluten dairy, sugar, yeast, limit fruit to 1/day, preferably low sugar content fruit like apple, pear, peach.

    Your emotional state is fragile in good part because you are not absorbing nutrients from food. You will feel better emotionally and physically once you get a right treatment. Meanwhile, take a deep breath and try to relax. Good luck.

    • Thanks for the advice Nancy. I had a blood test by my Gastroenterologist for HP and it was negative. I don’t eat gluten, and limit my sugar intake. How did you get better? Will Mastic Gum help?? I’m on the proper food combining diet and I take Okra Pepsin which helps, but I have to be careful of my diet and what I eat. I may have to look into the DGL and L Glutamine.

      • Sandi,

        Be aware that some medical professionals recommend breath and stool test to test h pylori rather than blood test only. Some consider the blood test unreliable so you might want to consider doing more research about that.

        For many years I really did not treat gastritis other than with diet modification (based on my own hunch and research) and learning to relax because some years ago I was told it was stress related. An integrative medicine doctor diagnosed me with h pylori in 2003 and his prescribed treatment worked very well and I felt well until a year or so (see my recent reply to Rob about the treatment, if interested). I have a hunch h pylori is back. I put myself on natural treatment for h pylori now while undergoing more tests, and my usual spartan diet, which I adhere to all the time–gluten, dairy, sugar, yeast free, with proper combining. I immediately started feeling better–experienced energy lift, emotionally calmer, less bloated. I also added additional organic magnesium called Calm by Natural Vitality (powder, raspberry flavor-delicious!) to my custom nutritional formula because of its calming properties and its role in energy, helping restore/maintain bone mass, enzyme production and many other benefits.

        I hope my experience helps you in some way and that you feel better soon.

  112. Progress Update:

    I started taking the mastic gum, honey and licorice tea and after just one day, I was exhausted and I had to stop. My heart is not too strong aparently as its been many years, so I got Hawthorne, L-glutamine, CoQ10 and L-arginine and I’m going to do a few days of it first. I definitely have H.plyori, there’s no doubt now. I did feel some pain relief and once I’m stronger I will bring it all on a little bit slower and report back.

    Thank you Amy.

  113. Amy,

    I too have h. pylori and went the antibiotic way but after two days I had rectal bleeding and was told to stop. I then frantically looked for ways of healing myself and finally went to a local herbalist who is now treating me. With my hp I also have acid reflux which I am able to control (occasionally take antacids when it gets bad) but it flairs up when I eat the wrong foods. I too started with the alkaline foods but I wasnt getting enough fat and protein so I branched out. My herbalist told me that my intestinal walls are weak and have low acid in my stomach and need to build it up. Once the acid is high again in my stomach my acid reflux should stop. I am taking a number of products including mastic gum which I feel coming up in my mouth. It’s a metalic smell and taste. Someone told me that the h. pylori is being killed off when you smell/taste it. Anyway, to make a long story shorter I need some advice on what particularly to eat. The brown rice and legums give me acid as they are all acidic. Would appreciate your help or your readers. Many thanks. Maria

  114. Maria, I had the metallic taste and was also told it was the bacteria dying and that proved to be true because the Mastic gum killed it for me. I also had a problem with food, lost from 123 lbs to 104 and I was a walking skelton. I had so much pain when I ate normal foods. I finally ended up eating lots of broccolli and rice, scrambled eggs, grilled chicken, rice toast and that was about the extent of it, everything else caused pain and went through my system like I had taken a laxative. After I got back the report the bacteria was dead I knew I had to gain some weight so I started eating non-gluten pretzels and natural peanut butter and banana’s every day. I have slowly gained back some of the weight (I usually stay around 113 lbs which is still underweight for my height, but at least I am gaining or staying stable). I still can’t eat gluten products so I don’t expect to gain back to 123 lbs anytime soon and besides I would have to buy all new clothes :-).

    Have you tried bananas? They seemed to do me okay. I also tolerated broccolli and ate a lot of that. I also understand that H.pylori hates broccolli sprouts and because I couldn’t eat raw sprouts I did the next best thing, fresh, steamed broccolli every day. I also took a good probiotic daily and that helped some.

    It is so hard while the stomach is healing because everything hurts, but hang in there if you are tasting metallic, then something is happening. Sharon

  115. Hi Amy,

    Thanks for the response. I recently learned that my problem is not acid but the overproduction of acid from eating lots of acid-creating foods and bad food combination (this summer I ate and drank lots of acidic foods/drinks). So my plan is to slowly start combining the alkaline foods with acid foods to see how I make out. Currently, my diet is organic free-range eggs, fruits, all vegies, almond butter and a banana one hr before bedtime. It helps keep the acid down (believe it or not). I have to watch how much fruit I eat because it turns into sugar and the hp loves sugar. I also have bought a lot of gluten free foods but they give me acid so I stopped (especially the grains). I’ve come a long way but still have a way to go. I lost 16 lbs from 128 to 112 which I need to start building up.

    Thank you for your support and if this can help anyone so be it. All the best to all of you and let’s get rid of this pesky HP in 2010.


  116. Hi,

    I reduced my omega oils and my dizziness went away. I have to take the mastic gum at night because its so strong, wow does it ever work.

    The best alkaline food is salad leaves of any kind just raw, they will soak up acid. Having protein right before bed is what athletes do to put on weight, a couple of table spoons of a nut butter are good. If you have meat at a meal, have an enzyme with it and it will help the tummy digest it easier. Beef is harder on the tummy than chicken or turkey and fish is the easiest to digest.

    I’ve been gluten and dairy free for years, it on its own definitely won’t cure h.pylori, but with the honey and mastic gum its working. The honey doesn’t seem to affect candida in a bad way at all, my gums are pinker than I’ve ever seen in my life after just the last several days and the pain I had from one tooth is completely gone.

    To everyone’s good health in 2010!!!

    • Realistically, the gum improvement I can’t pin down because I started both at the same time. I’m also taking acidophilis (one that doesn’t have dairy ingredients). The toothache I had for quite awhile that disapeared too. The gums aren’t staying pink 100% of the time, so I know I’m still fighting the battle.

      • The tongue and gums are always a good sign of health if they are nice and pink. My gums used to bleed when I brushed them and I think it was because of the H.pylori and after treating myself with Mastic Gum my teeth have stopped bleeding and they are very pink and my tongue never has that white look that shows something is wrong in the body. One thing that I learned from my local health store person is that a person should scrape their tongue while treating for H.pylor because the bacteria can be disposed through the tongue area, that is why some have a metallic taste after taking Mastic Gum, it is the bacteria dying. So I scraped my tongue for sure! Good luck, I know I feel so much better now. Sharon

  117. Rod, I am a writer and we writers always proof, but contrary to my regular habits, I failed to do it and thus the bleeding teeth. I will accept my marks graciously, I’m used to red marks on my papers anyway. Sharon

  118. In the last couple of days (holiday) I cheated and had acidity food (crab cakes and red meat). I noticed that I have constant burning in my upper mouth, tongue and throat. Antacids dont help. I looked it up on the internet and it could be Burned Mouth Syndrome which is caused by acid reflux, medication, over brushing teeth and use of mouthwash. Would like to hear from others who have experienced this. Thanks. Maria

    • Hi, Maria I have the same symptoms like U.. I was such in pain yesterday burning in my stomach throat and yes my mouth. After soaked all my toothbrushes in Hydrogen peroxide I dont have that feeling anymore woke up this morning feeling sooo much better… I will follow Dr.Ettinger program !!!I do all the diet sinds March been from one dokter to another.. they all give me PPI’s and it is not working I was indeed diagnose with the H.Pylori bacteria in March got anitbiotic for this… I have pain under my left breast this is because of the bacteria Had a breath test again for H.Pylori and the test is negative…The pain is still there after the antibiotics.. so maybe the H.Pylori is still in my system….

  119. Sharon,

    Do you write about health subjects? If not, can I ask what you usually write about?


    Very odd symptoms indeed — What medicines are you currently taking? I wouldn’t use any of the mouthwashes on the market, they would probably do more harm in the long run – why not gurgle some red wine in your mouth instead? More pleasant as well.

    • Rod, I write nonfiction and fiction, mostly short stories. I was a free lance writer for a local newspaper years ago. I have written an article for a Canadian newsletter on my H.Pylori experience which was published last year. I also publish a monthly newsletter for my church.

      I had a short story published in a local book two years ago and four short stories in 2009. These books were published by the local writers group. I am also writing a historical fiction novella about my mother’s life in an orphanage in the 1920’s. This should be out by the end of 2011. I am also writing a historical fiction novel about my family who has deep roots in the South with two uncles being officers in the Confederate Army a lot of historical stuff on them. Don’t know when that will be out, it is a real challenge to write because I have so much material that I have been gathering for years to write the book. I have written about 6-7 chapters so far.

      You can check out the current book of short stories by going to http://www.amazon.com and search for a book titled Southern Side Up IV, you will see my stories listed (Sharon Glass). Writing is my means of relaxing. I will never be a James Patterson and I don’t make any money at it, but really enjoy making characters come to life. I do hope to make some money with my novella, but we’ll see how that goes. Thanks for asking. Sharon

  120. Rod,

    I’m working with an herbalists and he prescribed a whole bunch of things…mastic gum, probiotic, Slippery elm/dgl/cuttlefish, liquid chlorophyl, Natural Esophaguard and few others. I did burn my upper mouth with a hot apple about 3 weeks ago and it went down my eshophagus. It was not a smart thing to do but I thought it would heal by now. I stopped using the mouthwash and toothpaste and using a paste of salt and baking soda to clean my teeth. I’m not sure whether the hot apple caused the burn or something else. I get to see my ETN next week and will see what he says. Gargling with red wine might be fun but I’m not about to try it because of my reflux.


  121. Its about 5 days into treatment now and things have improved fast. I can now take 500mg of mastic gum and not have to rest. My stomach doesn’t feel like there’s a knife in it any more. I do get the metallic taste off and on and I’m using blueberry juice too which is really helpful. I’ve started giving some to my family now and I can tell they have the bug too, but just not as bad as me. I’m going to follow the full treatment for 60 days and then try to figure out a maintenance program. If you’re even considering if you have this, give at least the mastic gum or honey a try. My gums are still pinker and it seems to the be the mastic gum because I forgot to take the honey yesterday.

  122. Joellyn, I contacted the company that made the brand of Mastic Gum I took and asked them about taking one capsule a day for maintenace and they advised for maintenance I should take Mastic Gum for thirty days once a year. Which is what I did. Some seem to be on a regular maintenance and I am not sure where I read that at. If someone does regular monthly maintenance, please share what it is. Sharon

  123. Hi folks,

    I have bought a fresh leaf of Aloe Vera, before I use it I would like to know if it’s ok to drink the gel? I am not sure if it’s all safe to do this as I’ve come across conflicting reports. Hence, I would appreciate to hear from anyone who’s used this internally before.

    Sharon, good luck with your writing – very interesting work you’re doing.

    Maria, hope your burns get cured soon – I shall now watch for hot apples as well as hot girls – only kidding :-)

  124. Rod, are you talking about the actual Aloe Vera stem? The one you break off the plant and open up to get to the gel? You called it a leaf, I call it a stem because it actually does not have leafs. If you are talking about the stem, just put a little bit of the gel inside the stem (tiny bit) on your tongue and I think that will sway you from wanting to injest the raw aloe vera gel. It taste awful! You can buy extracted aloe vera juice which still doesn’t taste real good straight, but can be tolerated. You can also mix it with a little juice and you can get past the taste. I actually was able to tolerate the straight aloe vera juice, one ounce every morning when I was treating myself for stomach pain because juices irritated my stomach. I finally got used to the taste.

    Pure aloe vera gel straight from the plant is great for burns, scrapes, bug bites etc. I have a huge plant that I break off a stem and open it up for the gel for that type of treatment. But, I wouldn’t ingest it straight from the plant because it is way too strong, don’t know if it is safe to injest without some diluting process either, don’t know the answer to that, but a health food store could probably tell you.


  125. I too bought the Aloe Vera but havent used it much. I think it’s primarily for ulcers but not sure. Anyway, I was getting reflux with it but then I get reflux with everything. Just a bit of info. I juice a lot (at least once a day). Cabbage, celery and half a carrot works best. You can do other combo’s but this works best for me. I’ve been juicing fruit but stopped because the hp loves sugar and I dont want to keep it alive.

    My mouth burns come and go but I’ll check it out with my ENT when I see him later this week. All the best.


  126. Sharon, yes we’re talking about the same thing. I did ingest some after my last post and I’m still alive!! – it tastes what I assume poison would taste like, absolutely horrible but I intend to finish off the leaf (stem) as I hear nothing is like the raw stuff. I will post the result if my pains go away. However, if you don’t hear from me again that would mean the stuff has killed me – only kidding :-)

  127. Rod, I would be careful because it does seem that I read something one time about the pure, raw stuff could cause some problems, I will try to track down that information. I think there are some things that are okay raw and some things end up being bad for you. I hope the aloe vera gel is not one of them. Sharon

  128. You can get the aloe vera juice in any health food store. The raw stuff is good topically, but there are things they remove in processing to make it a bit safer. Its kind of like raw leaves, they generally are amazing for us, but we need to rotate them because of the chemicals they contain so we don’t get a build up of them in the system.
    I just got a sore in my mouth, I wonder if its the h.pylori trying to get out???

  129. Sharon, I appreciate your concern – but I have no choice but to try something – I think as long as I just eat the gel I should be alright. Plus I really want to test this thing to see what all the hype is for!! I am really fed up with the pains and HP so I must try this first and then go to Mastic gum – also my bilirubin has always been on the high side, so I want to see if AV will bring that down as well, as there are some claims that AV has cured someone with a liver cancer!

  130. Just a quick update its been over a week now and I feel terrific. I take the mastic gum on an empty stomach only now (it really doesn’t work as well when you’ve had food). I’ve gone up in dose to 6x500mg pills over a 24 hour period and I’m not in stabbing pain this morning. I’m going to get the lower dose pills which I hear are more effective this week. If you have this, get yourself some mastic from anywhere right away.

    • That is great Joellyn, I know how good you feel because I remember how good I felt when I started getting better. I also took my Mastic Gum on an empty stomach. I took 1000 mg morning and 1000 mg evening. Are you taking 3,000 mg because you were told to take that much? Just wondering. Sharon

  131. I tried the cabbage juicing for a bit – it’s a real hassle (buying cabbage every day, cutting it up, juicing it after you buy the juicer, do it all again several times each day, cleaning the juicer, etc) and doesn’t taste good to top it off. I think I stuck with it for maybe four days. Good luck if you can stick with it!

  132. The reason cabbage is effective is because its high in l-glutamine, I’m taking the supplement form instead simply because its easier. Beets are too.

  133. Amy, youre’ right about the hassle – I’m feeling it with Raw Aloe Vera after my 6th day and I don’t even have to juice! I think I’ going to make a soup with it and see how it goes.

    Joellyn , you’re right about the glutamine in cabbage but it has a lot more to offer than just that. It’s nearly a complete meal on its own and when mixed with potatos and celery to make a soup it will even be more complete.

  134. Hi Sharon, I’ve had this problem for likely about 20 years so I’m taking that much because it takes that much to not be in pain all day/night and it works. I’m not seeing any negative side effects. I’ve changed the way I eat so I can get an empty stomach. I read some articles online that used higher doses. I do want to be careful with the liver of course, but it seems to be fine. I’m really in tune with my body. I haven’t had gluten or milk products for years and just needed to get rid of the pre-existing ulcer. Once its gone, I’m hoping it doesn’t come back. I’m definitely planning on a small maintenance dose of some kind.

  135. Has any one had thrush (candida of the mouth)? I was just diagnosed with it and my gp gave me clotrimazole (troche) and it’s not working. My gp said he cant do anything more for me. There must be something out there that works. If you have had this experience please let me know and how you got rid of it. Many thanks. Maria

  136. The Lord has brought me to your website!
    I have been on lots of forums reading about struggling people and I will be sending them this way.
    Blessings to you my sister!

  137. Try a really strong powder acidophilus and let it sit in the mouth for a bit before swallowing. Gargling with olive oil (natural or organic) really helps, you can alternate with baking soda teeth cleaning to keep the teeth white.

  138. Has anyone with Gastritis been drinking more than 4 cups of Green Tea a day? There are some reports that Green Tea heals gastritis and inhibits H. Pylori.

  139. Seventh-day Adventist

    Why did the Lord put this little bugger into the man’s digestive system and left us with no easy way of getting rid of it? Talk to your Lord and let us know the answer!

  140. That was an interesting article Rod, thanks for posting it. I think the mastic and the pine nut oil likely do the same thing towards healing ulcers in a much more natural way than antibiotics ever could. I’m allergic to pine nut oil, I tried it before, but its great to have many options.

    I am continuing to feel much better for those following. I stopped for a day and half to do a breath test for my doctor and the severity of the pain has permanent decreased, but it did come back. Since I’m only a week and half in I was expecting it to and I’m very impressed so far with the mastic.

  141. Joellyn

    Having read that article I am not really sure if I should now get rid of my Pylori – it’s really confusing now. What I think I will first do, I will try to heal my ulcer first by drinking lots of green tea and trying to eat pine nuts and if that cures my ulcer I will leave it at that.

    BTW, Mastic Gum and Pine nuts oil act differently – mastic gum kills HP but pine nut oil only repairs the stomach linings by attacking the build-up of the free radicals in the body.

    Have you tried eating the pine nuts on their own to see if you’re also allergic to the nuts?

    • It is the overgrowth of H.pylori that causes all of the problems, it is like Candida. You can have serious problems when excessive H.pylori shows up in your system, serious enough to cause an ulcer or even stomach cancer. So, it is a fact that H.pylori is part of the good/bad bacteria equation that we need in our body, but an overgrowth can cause serious problems. Killing it off does not mean you will not have normal levels of H.pylori come back in your body and interact as it should. But, when this bacteria buries itself into the lining of your stomach where the good bacteria cannot reach it, that is a bad thing. I understand the concept of not killing your bacteria, but the natural good/bad equation is a good thing, overgrowth is not. This is just my opinion. I would not hesitate to try and kill off an overgrowth of a bad bacteria. Sharon

  142. Hi Rod,

    You know I made a mistake when I said I was allergic to it, I was thinking of a different oil I tried before. I actually have the massive Costco size bag of pine nuts on my counter and I use them almost daily. I put them in with roasted potatoes, baked fish and all sorts of stuff. I can’t say they’ve ever helped my ulcer since I’ve used them for years, they do taste good and I’m somewhat addicted to them :) Its easy to get pylori back, so I’m going with get the ulcer gone because the kinds of cancer it causes are far worse, stomach cancer isn’t treatable even Gerson has trouble with it. You can always let it reinvade you later when your intestinal lining can handle it.


  143. Hi Joellyn (Stephanie = nice name)

    It all sounds tastey I mean the nuts :) but it seems a lot of hasstle to extract them if as you say they won’t cure ulcers.

    It seems killing the HP causes some cancers and not killing it causes other types, even the so called experts can’t be sure, so how are we supposed to know?! No wonder why so many doctors just don’t bother and take the easy route by just prescribing anti-acids.

  144. God Bless you Amy!!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for this Website!!
    One question……..What brand Manuka did you use from Amazon?
    I’m using an off brand from the health food store for now thats 16+.
    But I want to mirror you as close as possible to get rid of this H Pylori.
    Douglas/Grand Rapids, Michigan

    • You’re welcome, Douglas! I usually ordered the Wedderspoon from Amazon. I also bought from ManukaHoneyUSA. I couldn’t tell the difference. Good luck and feel better!

  145. hi amy .:) i was diagnosed with HB-p and Chronik Gastritis bulbitis eroziva ( i`m from macedonia and i can not find nothings from this products in my country. i have some friends around the europe and i need to order some products but your list is big and i do not know what to chose. so i need some help. and smth. more about diet list. not food that i can not eat cuz i dont eat nothing only patatos and some probiotic yogurt .. but what to eat ? sorry about my englis

  146. I have Atrophic Gastritis, and get tested for hpolyri next week could of had thi bug for near three years, ive had gatritis forever… and the DOC NEVER did the test and I didnt know about it gosh! SO Ill be happy to get another endoscopy and blood work and biopsy! Thanks for the info you have helped me on my gastriits journey.

  147. I, too, like Gina think the Mastica and the DGL I’m taking for the HP make my stomach burn. Is it possible it’s die off? I’ve been on them for a week now. Thanks.

    • I take the VSL too and it helps to cool off the effects of the Mastic, just started the VSL for two weeks now, my doctor prescribes it for me and my insurance pays it!! :)

  148. I have some questions, after reading most of the comments Ive learned that even after you are tested negative you will still have some of the discomforts? My other question is this does everyone who gets rid of their h pylori have a heart issue? because thats what it sounds like. Also Amy do you suffer from any heart issues and if so what have you done to cope?

  149. I didn’t have that problem, but I’ve used probiotics. My symptoms are nearly totally gone now, but not 100%. I’m very pleased with the improvement and I’ve lost my 10 year title as an amazing belcher because I can’t at all anymore. I haven’t drunk pop for 3 years, so it really was the pylori causing it. If you haven’t reduced gluten (wheat) and soda and you’re trying to get better, you will have much better results if you do.

  150. Gina, what is VSL? I dont believe I’ve heard of it. I too get a burning in my stomach but dont know what is causing it since I take so many things. Thanks. Maria

  151. I just want to say how great it is reading all this info. I was diagnosed in November (H-Pylori) and did the quad therapy and it did nothing. My husband and I are going to try the natural route like Amy. My stomach is killing me and I can’t wait to receive my orders. I was wondering how long my husband and I should continue with the natural remedies. I was diagnosed but not him. He is willing to take the treatments though because he doesn’t want to reinfect me if we can clear it up. I think he is infected as well now. He also is a belching champ!!! (and it is constant!!) Also should I continue with the prevacid in the morning as well?? Thanks for all the help this site has given me and especially Amy. Regards, Patti

  152. Hi Amy, a quick question. I’ve been taking the mastic gum now for about a month and a half. Is this enough time to kill the hp or should I take it a full 2 months?


    • Maria,

      VSL is a probiotic. Feel free to Google it or check my links. I took Mastic Gum much longer than two months, even after the infection was gone because it helps to keep it away — h pylori is notorious for coming back. You can take it as a preventative; Mastic Gum has been used for a long long time by the Greeks as a digestive aid and also has other health benefits such as eliminating the bad cholesterol. It is in the protocol to continue using it as maintenance for a number of months (at half the dose) once you test negative for h pylori.

      I do not, however, know if Mastic Gum alone can eradicate the h pylori. Is that the only medicine you are using? I don’t think it is enough.



  153. Amy,
    Do you know if any of this, (mastic gum , monolaurin, probiotics) will have an adverse interaction with Armour thyroid? I take that in the morning on an empty stomach as well.

      • Hi Amy, my name is dinesh. My dad and mom died because of cancer. Last my month I feel nausea after eating I went doctor he said that I have h pylori infection he gave pantocid hp tablet for two weeks I had that but still am feeling nausea am totally scared give me some tips or advise…

    • For folks with Hypothyroidism – ask your dr. if you can take your medication at night 2 hours after dinner.
      Here is an article from Wall Street Journal (December 28th, 2010), that you can take to your doctor.

      The Wall Street Journal link is- http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703814804576035641517516376.html?KEYWORDS=Thyroid

      Scroll down the page till you come to this ….

      ” Hypothyroidism: People with an underactive thyroid can boost their hormone levels by taking thyroid medication at bedtime instead of in the morning, the most common schedule, according to a study in Archives of Internal Medicine. Hypothyroidism affects about 4% of Americans, causing fatigue, weight gain, depression, intolerance to cold and other health problems. The medication levothyroxine sodium is a mainstay of treatment. In a six-month pilot study of 90 patients in the Netherlands from 2007 to 2008, patients were instructed to take one capsule in the morning and one at bedtime for three months (one containing levothyroxine and the other a placebo). After three months the pills were reversed. Taking the medication at bedtime was found to significantly improve thyroid hormone levels. Researchers believe that taking levothyroxine on an empty stomach results in better absorption and that taking the medication 30 minutes before eating breakfast may be too short an interval.

      Caveat: The study was conducted at a single site in the Netherlands, where eating habits might be different than those in other countries or cultures.

      Title: Effects of Evening vs Morning Levothyroxine Intake


  154. You say that Manuka honey is good, but it is HONEY, and you say elsewhere that honey is acidic.
    If one has to have more alkaline foods, then why would Manuka honey be in there as a cure for stomach disorders?

  155. Amy, thanks for the link on Candida Albicans. I will look into it.

    On the mastic gum, I have 9 more days to take it to make it 2 months usage. I’m also getting a burning in my stomach which leads me to believe it is caused by the mastic gum. I am now taking the mc one in the morning and one at night to see if it will cut back on the burning. I am also taking other supplements (which includes treatment) for hp and for my stomach lining repair.

    By the way, why are you glad you had pylori?


    • Rod provided the Candida link.

      I don’t know what else you’re taking, so I don’t know what’s causing the burning. I didn’t have burning, but I also didn’t have any ulcers. Do you have ulcers? Mastic Gum did not burn my stomach.

      I was happy I had h pylori because my heart issues went away as I got rid of the infection. In other words, I didn’t have a heart condition, so I was glad.

  156. Hi Sharon, I describe it in detail in the entry above and then refer to them as “episodes”. It culminated with a diagnosis of “Brugada syndrome” which I did not have in the end.

      • I had all of the tests, except the EP study. I refused. That was the precursor to treating the Brugada. I had an ECHO, many EKGs, etc. I sent the EKG my electrophysiologist used as the basis for her diagnosis to Dr. Ramon Brugada in Spain. He’s the son of the original doctor who ‘discovered’ Brugada syndrome. He kindly informed me that he saw no signs of Brugada (I still have his emails from ’09). I got a third opinion at the premier heart hospital on Long Island: St. Francis. I was taken care of in their Arrhythmia & Pacemaker Center. Nice facility, very good docs.

        While I was sick, I was diagnosed by my first electrophysiologist as having Neurocardiogenic Syncope by tilt table. However once I was better, I do not know if I would test the same. Maybe. But I’ve always had low blood pressure and, at that time, I was emaciated and having arrhythmia. I don’t have them anymore and I’m no longer weak and emaciated, so who knows what the tilt table would show now.

        Why? Are you having heart issues?

  157. I do not have ulcers. this is what I’m taking… liquid chlorophyll to sooth and heal my intestinal membranes. Slippery elm/Licorice/cuttlefish bone 20 (this is a mixture). Pepzin GI soothe, Resveratrol to kill the h. pylori, esophaguard and many vitamins. It may be a combination of all along with the mastic gum that may be giving me burning.

    I’m glad you dont have a heart condition. God Bless!


  158. Has anyone had success with oil of oregano for candida? I just received it in the mail but it doesnt say how much or how long to use.

  159. Hi Amy,
    Just got all my goodies two days ago. The Manuka honey is amazing in soothing the stomach. I got monolaurin in a huge jar from Amazon which is the economy size and more cost effective for people. It is the same as buying 22 bottles of the 300mg, it was $46.50 if that helps anyone, and has a three year shelf life. I just wanted to ask I also got the VSL #3. Do I take that along with everything else or do I wait to take it in a month or so? I also got the HR-32 I was wondering about how and when to take that also it really doesn’t say on the bottle. Thank you so much for this website, I so appreciate all the input from everyone. Thank you Amy

    • Hi Patti,

      I took the VSL after a few months because I was feeling off – my doc said I had killed the good bacteria in my gut. I took it for about a month. I would say take a small amount as you go along daily, but perhaps not full packets.

      As for the HR-32, check out Dr. Ettinger’s site linked above – he has specifics.

      Good luck!

  160. Amy,

    I was so relieved to find someone else who had the exact same symtpoms as me. Especially the problems when trying to sleep and the feeling of passing out. Doctors prescribed all types of sleeping pills and none of them work. I am now taking Adivan and antihistimes to get some sleep.

    Your website has given me hope that I can overcome this. I was beginning to think there was nothing that can be done and there was nothing on the market that could eleviate the symptoms. THANK YOU!

    I’ve been sick for 4 years and unable to work for 2. I also saw several GI docs as well as several other types of docs. Diagnosed with IBS and anxiety – GEEZ! My latest doc – thank goodness for him, found the H. Pylori.

    My questions is…did you have any side effects or worsening of symptoms when you started any of the alternative treatments? I have ordered the items you recommended but was wondering about this? Expecially the Broccolive.

    I have tried different oils – olive oil, Pine nut oil, garlic – and they made my acid reflux and chest pain significantly worse. I am still on Mastic gum (for about 6 weeks) but not feeling any better. I am hoping your recommendation will give me some relief. I have also been on a strict gluten free diet and stay away from dairy and citrus fruit.

    I have also taken probiotics and it makes the gas and cramping worse. Did you have any problems with this also.

    Any help you could provide would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks again Amy and I am so happy for you and your success!


    • Hi Tamster,

      Yes, when I first began the medicines, the “die off” of the bacteria makes you feel sicker because they become toxins your body has to get rid of. It’s called “herxing.” I link to this effect above for more explanation.

      Feel better! Amy

  161. I must say this as when I read through H.Pylori forums I come across this misconception that if someone has some health problems that doctors cannot cure and they are also diagnosed as HP positive then that problem must be caused by H.Pylor — this assumption could be very dangerous – the problem may or may not be due to HP — for instance there was a girl who thought her symptoms were caused by HP where as a matter of fact she was suffering from a hernia — the fact that she was also HP positive was irrelevant in her case — bearing in mind that a great number of people in the world are the carrier of this bacterium should make you think twice before you put down every undiagnosed pain you suffer from down to this bacterium.

    Another thing I come across is because we assume certain foods are bad for our ulcers or make the HP to propagate, we tend to deprive ourselves of essential proteins and vitamins our body needs to repair itself, which will consequently make our situation even worse in the long run — you will find if you stick to a sensible diet and just stay away from very greasy, sugary and very salty foods you won’t have to avoid any other types of food to starve yourself.

    Although, I myself am very restricted as regards all the stuff that some of you people can buy in the western world – I have tried a few raw things like Aloe Vera, licorice, green tea etc, but I have found the humble glass of water eases my pains more than any other of the stuff I mentioned —- simply have at least one glass of water when you wake up in the morning and one 30 minutes before you go to bed – as water weakens the acid inside your stomach, if you do suffer from gastritis or ulcers, then your stomach should feel a bit better and if doesn’t, you may be suffering from another cause which really needs to be investigated by a specialist.

    • Rod, I think that the only time a H.pylori diagnosis is made is when a person has an elevated reading of H.pylori. I certainly would never recommend self-treatment without diagnosis. Once the test is back it will show elevation or not, that is how it is diagnosed. That is how my doctor explained it. There is also medical concern for the bacteria causing ulcers and possibly stomach cancer, (my doctor also told me that), so it is not a good thing to have elevated H.pylori readings and even if it turns out to be something else, the bacteria should be taken care of.

      Rod said: “bearing in mind that a great number of people in the world are the carrier of this bacterium should make you think twice before you put down every undiagnosed pain you suffer from down to this bacterium.”
      Sharon says: I think we all know that H.pylori is part of the good/bad bacteria that normally live in our stomach and system. However, when diagnosed with H.pylori we are not talking “normal”. As far as undiagnosed pain, all of my symptoms leaned toward a bacterial infection and had my treatment not worked I would have been looking into what else it could be. So, it is up to a patient to follow through and then follow up if satisfaction and relief do not come with a certain treatment(s).

      Rod said: “Another thing I come across is because we assume certain foods are bad for our ulcers or make the HP to propagate, we tend to deprive ourselves of essential proteins and vitamins our body needs to repair itself, which will consequently make our situation even worse in the long run ”
      Sharon says: It is a medical fact that certain foods irritate ulcers and other stomach disorders. I do agree that a person should strive to make sure they have what is needed for the body to function and they may have to look for other foods to do that, but it is a medical fact that some foods do not agree with certain people and their system. I often doubled over with pain when eating certain foods and probably not because the H.pylori was rejecting the food but because the lining of my stomach was so irritated with infection that the food only irritated it more. There was also a possibility that I had developed an ulcer (my doctor made this assumption because of the pain I had when eating certain foods.)

      Rod, I do agree with your water remarks. I drink 1/2 of my body weight in ounces of water a day, starting early morning, throughout the day and ending the day with a glass. I have done that for years, however, that did not stop the horrible pain my system went through until the H.pylori overgrowth was killed.

      But, everyone to their own opinion, however,I think we should keep in mind that not everyone fits into another’s opinion.

      Healed of H.pylori (medically confirmed) by Mastic Gum, probiotics and eating the “right” foods and of course water. None would have worked as a stand alone treatment.

    • Elena,

      Thanks so much for the info. I seem to react to so many things nowadays having the HP so I appreciate you letting me know how you reacted. I will be sure start with a small dose and see how it goes.
      Again, thank you!


  162. Rod, you’re so right. I had difficulty breathing and pressure in my chest and upper stomach back in June last year and after a few trips to emergency, believing I was having a heart attack, and many tests to rule out any heart condition, I was diagnosed with Acid Reflux and sent home with PPIs. I rested and my condition improved but after stopping the PPIs a month later, I got a severe burning sensation in my stomach. I then had a gastroscopy and they found severe gastritis and HP. They sent me home on the tripple therapy and later had higher doses of PPIs, yet my conditioned worsened. It got to the point where I couldn’t eat anything at all and even drinking sips of water felt like I was pouring acid into me. I was put on a drip for a week and was given more PPIs, both orally and intravenously. I got worse again. The doctors were baffled and when I suggested that the PPIs might be making me worse they agreed with me that I should cut down and try to stop them. I went home, still feeling horrible, still unable to eat. I lived on a banana a day for the next three weeks and even that was forced. I then saw a Naturopath and over $3K later, some licorice, some mastic gum, and many many other natural remedies, my stomach improved dramatically, however as my stomach improved and I had more energy, I began doing things again and my breathing problem and pressure came back with a vengeance. Christmas Eve and Christmas day was the worst and I thought I was a gonner, really struggling to take a breath in. Turns out I had Costochondritis from the start and the PPIs caused all the stomach problems and I ended up with a leaky gut. I probably had the HP since I was a child and it had never effected me. I’m still not convinced that the HP was the cause of any problem because when I had a second gastroscopy in hospital after the tripple therapy treatment, I was found to be negative yet my condition worsened. I then had a breath test a few weeks later which came back negative and my condition hadn’t improved. I, like you, believe that doctors are too quick to blame the HP and by doing so, cause more problems to your digestive system than you had initially. So anyone out there with breathing problems and pressure in the chest… feeling like your stomach’s pushing into your chest. If you have diffuclties wearing a bra (ladies), if you you get worse after drinking caffeine. If you get worse after driving too long, vaccuming, repetitive and shaking motions like doing the dishes, brushing your teeth etc, lifting or raising your hands above your head, if you get a weird sensation that feels something like heart pulpitations, if your conditions worsens when you overexert yourself, if you feel like you have inflammation or pain just below the rib cage (upper stomach) please check for Costochondritis.

  163. Isabel, I am glad that you were able to find out what was wrong with you, and being able to find an answer. I had never heard of Costochondritis, so I looked it up and this was the definition:
    “Costochondritis (kos-toe-KHON-dri-tis) is an inflammation of the cartilage that connects a rib to the breastbone (sternum). It causes sharp pain in the costosternal joint — where your ribs and breastbone are joined by rubbery cartilage. Pain caused by costochondritis may mimic that of a heart attack or other heart conditions. Your doctor might refer to costochondritis by other names, including chest wall pain, costosternal syndrome and costosternal chondrodynia. When the pain of costochondritis is accompanied by swelling, it’s referred to as Tietze syndrome. Most cases of costochondritis have no apparent cause. In these cases, treatment focuses on easing your pain while you wait for costochondritis to improve on its own. ”

    Another name for costochondritis is fibromyalgia, which is common in thousands of people. Much like H.pylori it is a major cause of inflammation and with H.pylori and the triple treatment which just added to the irritation in your stomach it appears you were a walking case of inflammation. Bless your heart, that must have been horrible. I know how bad I felt with just H.pylori, I can’t imagine battling the infection you had plus the side effects of the strong medication. When the natural items started working that meant your inflammation was coming under control. We usually do jump right back into “normal” life when we should wait for out body to heal. When I was treating for H.pylori, I stopped everything in my life (except work), no meetings, no nothing, just constant rest. I didn’t allow my body to do anything but its natural work. I did this by eating right, lots of water and much rest.

    I am really happy you found your answer and that it was not life threatening and now you know how to handle it. Just listen to your body and rest when it says, “I’m tired.”


  164. Hi ,

    I have done endoscopy with h pylori CLO test positive with antral and duodonal ulcer with clonoscopy i find out ileal ulcer
    I started with triple ant medicines with one docior but no relief i tried with another doctor he prescribed pantocid and then rifagut rifaxin and then ritadine
    now after 3 months i gain some weight but not able to digest all food like white rice buk ok with brown rice so please tell what should i do ?
    should i retest again ? but in mumbai india there is only urea breath test no stool test available which according to some site more accurate
    should i restart with herbal therapy ?
    i think i have yeast overgrowth also after check with spit test
    so what do you think in my case is helpful to get clear with h pylori and other symtoms like bloating and stool is still not normal ?
    kindly reply

  165. Aby,

    You must realise none of us here are qualified to tell you what to do – I wish that I could help you but I can’t even help my own case.

    You must go back and see a specialist – can’t a herbal specialist help you to cure your ulcers? – I would have thought you must have a few of them in India?

    As I said I am very much like yourself and with what I have available to me I have not been able to cure my own ulcres.

  166. Did anyone else experience a bad reaction when you started the Monolaurin besides Amy? I want to know what to expect. And, is there anything one can do to ease the symptoms of the Herximer effect?

    I feel so sick now, I am afraid to start the Monolaurin.

    Please advise.


  167. julia

    If you are infected with hepetitis B, then your priorities should be to get that treated first. If you are suffering from some Pylori-like symptoms, those might even be due to your liver malfunction??

    When people have serious illnesses they should really get advice from specialists. Delaying your treatments and searching for cures on the internet could lose you valuable time. I will repeat again; none of us here are qualified to give serious advice to each other – forums are only for sharing our own experiences we’ve had with our own illnesses and should not replace one’s seeking the treatment from an specialist.

    • Aby,

      I am not a doctor and have only recommended what worked for me regarding eradicating H Pylori. Your case sounds much more complex. Honestly, I did not do the antibiotic regime because it sounds like it may have been more harmful to me than good. I cannot say the same in your case, but if it didn’t work, perhaps you should consider doing the regime outlined above. A number of people here have noted what worked to heal their ulcers. You should read through the comments and determine what course might help you. Are you being careful about what you eat? Spices cause problems with ulcers – do you eat the lots of curries? Oddly, there is a lower incident rate in India with H Pylori because the turmeric so prevalent in your foods keeps the bacteria at bay.

      I’m sorry not to give better advice – consult an herbal specialist as Rod suggested.



  168. Hi all,

    I had a negative test for h.pylori.

    I’m continuing to use the mastic because its really helpful for the mouth, along with coconut, aloe juice, l-glutamine for stomach lining repair and solaray multidophilus (a dairy and gluten free acidophilus). I couldn’t use the VSL#3 because its grown on dairy and will give me nosebleeds, but the solaray is a great alternative if you’re allergic, the doctors can’t prescribe it though so you have to buy it.

    Thanks for the board, its really helped my health.

  169. Success! Congratulations, Joellyn! I’m so glad to read this news. I think you’re very smart to maintain some of these aids because they’re each health in their own right and will continue to help you heal as you pass the next few months. It took me awhile, even after the negative result, to feel back to my old self, so good for you for being sensible.

    Be well,


    • Amy,

      It’s Tamster again. As I stated to you earlier, I have the same weird nightly symptoms that you were getting because of the HP and my acid reflux is not even close to being controlled, even being on 30 mg twice a day with Prevacid. Nothing seems to help. (I have had severe acid reflux since I was a child and have seem many doctors and numerous endoscopies but they just keep giving the same meds.)

      I have been using the Mastic Gum for 2 mos now for the HP not getting any better. I have been trying the other things you recommended – Grapefruit Seed Extract, Manuka Honey, Turmeric, as well as a couple of other oils. I have just received the shipment of the Monolaurin but the problem is this. All of these things I have tried have increased my acid reflux by 100%.

      Was your acid reflux much of a problem through the course of treatment you followed? It has made my nights a complete horror again – laying on the floor passing out then running to use the toilet. The chest pain is extreme again as well as breathing problems.

      I am considering that maybe I should look into the incisionless acid reflux surgery before I attempt to heal the HP. I have a surgeon in the area that does this surgery but am not sure I would be considered a good candidate. We’ll see.

      I see my regular doc in two weeks (who recommended the herbal treatments for HP) and will get his opinion, but I know he thinks the HP is causing the majority of the reflux.

      Did you have any of these severe problems with reflux? And if so, what did you do to ease the reflux?

      Please advise.

      Thanks Amy!


      • Tamster,

        I concur with what others have said: cutting out all carbs and sugars likely meant I cut out most, if not all, gluten, while I was sick. Anytime I would try to eat something like a seemingly innocent bowl of pasta, the reflux would flare. That’s why I went to eating lots of veggies in chicken broth many days. The stomach needs cooked foods when sick and mostly the health kind in a redundant fashion. It gets old but you have to stick to it.

        As for you having too much reflux, despite being on two large doses of Prevacid daily, well, that sounds suspect. Especially since you’ve been using it since childhood. Despite the way these proton pump inhibitors are prescribed long term, they were created for temporary short term use only. The long term effects, they are finding, may be worse than the temporary relief. I’ve read a few studies recently in which it is indicated that long term use increases the need for them, which to me sounds like an addiction.

        Additionally, there is a confusion over whether a person has too little stomach acid versus too much: the symptoms are the same, so doctors just assume too much and go with the drug companies’ directives and prescribe, seemingly forever, these temporary stomach acid reducers without actually testing if a person has too little stomach acid. If you have too little and then proceed to reduce what little you have, you are likely making things even worse. The stomach can only compensate for so long.

        There are tests to determine if you have too little stomach acid. You need to ask, nay, demand that your doctor determine if you have too little. I’ll post more information in a minute. In the meantime, I would advise you to increase your water intake and re-read this entire thread to see if anyone else experienced similar symptoms as yourself. My reflux certainly did diminish when the H Pylori was gone, but it was never as bad as you’re describing. Also, please take very seriously the restriction/disallowing gluten and carbs into your diet. It’s very hard to get them out, but they need to go for awhile at least.



  170. Tamster, have you ever gone Gluten free? So many people are gluten intolerant and when they stop gluten a lot of symptoms stop. I know I cannot do gluten as I have pain and get very ill. Just a thought, you may have already done the gluten thing. Sharon

  171. Just the tip of the acid iceberg

    Conventional Western medicine treats acid reflux on the premise that if we can stop or neutralize the hydrochloric acid (HCl) produced in our stomachs, we can solve the problem. If the acid is causing the burning, then take away the acid — right? This can certainly help some people in the short-term. But in truth, the approach only solves a portion of the problem: the symptoms. And inappropriate or long-term use of antacids (like TUMS or Mylanta), proton pump inhibitors (like Nexium — the “Purple Pill ”, Protonix, and Prilosec), or H2-receptor antagonists (like Tagamet, Pepcid or Zantac) can set you up for more problems down the road.

    In my experience, most patients with GERD or acid reflux are suffering from too little acid, not too much. Let me explain. During healthy digestion, your stomach uses an acid cocktail made up of hydrochloric acid (HCl) and the powerful digestive enzyme pepsin to break down food into the vital nutrients your body needs. Pepsin requires a highly acidic environment to do its job, and when HCl is low — which can happen for many reasons, including age, poor diet, infection and overusing antacids or other medications — it becomes increasingly difficult for your stomach to fully process your food.

    Wanting to get the job done, the stomach may initially respond to low acidity by releasing more gastric acid. This effect, sometimes referred to as acid rebound, can also occur after taking antacids such as TUMS: in response to the acid-neutralizing effect of the tablets, the stomach works to replenish its acid supply. But ultimately, prolonged use of acid-inhibiting medications such as PPI’s or H(2)-receptor blockers can induce a state of hypochlorhydria, or chronic low acid, perpetuating the cycle of indigestion. And once you stop the meds, you may yet face the issue of acid indigestion because you have not yet addressed its underlying causes.

    So, even if medication to block acid production helps in the short-term, it’s not a solution, and over time it can actually exacerbate the problem. Instead of masking your symptoms, investigate the root causes. This is the best way to prevent GERD from worsening — and even cure it.

    Finding the root cause of acid reflux

    In my practice, the health of a woman’s stomach and gut is paramount. For patients with digestive complaints, we often recommend in-depth diagnostic tests. In the case of acid reflux, for example, testing for the presence of antigens from the bacterium H. pylori or IgE and IgG testing for food sensitivities may be useful. In some women, we may also check to see if hormone levels such as estrogen, progesterone, or cortisol are unusually high or otherwise off-balance. Be forewarned, however, that conventional doctors may be unfamiliar with this type of testing and look askance when you request it. That said, I have seen the information that this kind of testing provides totally transform people’s health!

    Because we are all individuals, the path back to where your GERD began can be different for everyone. Here are some common causes to investigate:



    If your doctor doesn’t know how to tell, you need to find one who does.

    Nearly every senior you meet is on three medications (at least). They are most often a BP medication, a statin drug for cholesterol, and something for acid reflux. In fact, the dozens of medications for acid reflux bring in billions of dollars annually. For many people they may be making the actual problem worse.

    Acid reflux occurs when you have acid remaining in your stomach that should have been neutralized by your digestive system. It can cause both flatulence and burping, and, in extreme cases, even regurgitation. To control it, the standard practice is to simply give you an acid reflux medication.

    Few doctors ever test to see if the real problem is that you are simply not digesting your food quickly enough. Your food should completely empty out of your stomach in about 90 minutes–not three days or a week. It takes stomach acid to digest your food. As we age, our systems naturally slow down in production of the acid necessary for digestion.

    If you do not have enough stomach acid to begin and complete the digestive process, your food will do what food does when you leave it sitting for days and days in a warm place. It will rot! It will begin to grow mold and become putrid, emitting its own methane gas. That gas has to go somewhere–and if it’s in your stomach, it’s usually going to come UP before going down and out.

    The standard medical practice is to just give you more antacids–like Prevacid, Prylosec, and others to kill the acid. Good going. So now that the food has created its own acid, we have to kill that too, forcing it to sit there even longer.

    So How Do You Know?

    What Can You Do About It

    If your problem is being caused by too little natural–and healthy–stomach acid to digest your food, you need to add acid, not kill what little you have. First, you need to have a knowledgeable doctor confirm that this is your problem. The average doctor either doesn’t know or won’t tell you that this could be your problem.

    Once you have verified that your food is sitting in your stomach too long, you can purchase non-prescription supplements that will help. You need something to produce acid to digest your food, and you probably need digestive enzymes as well. Since it is difficult to create exactly the right amount of acid with external supplements, you may also need something to neutralize the acid after the food has been digested.

    Nearly everyone over 50 could use digestive enzymes. There are several brands available. You should do some research to see which ones actually work. Digestive enzymes not only help your food empty out of your stomach, but also keep the digestive process going in your intestines.

    One way of creating additional acid is with an inexpensive supplement called “Betaine.” You won’t find it at Wal-Mart. You can purchase it at some health food stores; also a large GNC should have it. The easiest way to find it is through the internet at [www.iherb.com].

    You can take from 2 to 4 Betaine capsules with every meal. You should take them just before eating as they work with your food to begin digestion.

    If too much acid remains in your stomach after the food is gone, you will know it because you will begin to get heart burn. DGL is an extract from licorice that will calm the heart burn by neutralizing the excess acid. However, it will not stop the digestive processes. It is also non-prescription and easily found on [iherb.com] and possibly other websites as well. Local health food and supplement stores may have it, although we have not looked there.

    Why not just keep going as you are?

    There are certainly other causes for gas pain and poor digestion of food. You need to find out. However, the decreased production of digestive juices is one of the easiest causes to fix–and is the least known about. That’s because it doesn’t require expensive drugs, and most doctors are into giving out drugs, not actually curing the problem.

    However, failure to cure the problem will lead to more and more medication that will ultimately fail to work. Failure to properly digest your food can lead to Perforated Bowel Syndrome (also called “leaky gut”), to uncontrollable gas, and ultimately to cancer. But, of course, that’s the ideal. The more drugs you take, the worse the problem will get, and the more likely that you will need the surgery–which means you contribute to the almighty no-health-care cartel that controls the finances of this country under the guise of treating illnesses and diseases.

    Be aware, however, that most insurance companies will not pay for anything they consider “alternative” even if the treatment has worked in thousands of cases. Regardless, find a doctor who knows how to verify that this is your problem. If it is your problem, you will save thousands of dollars that you would have spent on medication and will also avoid the ultimate surgery that is recommended once your stomach starts refusing to keep anything down.

    This article is for information only. We do not attempt to diagnose or treat any person’s disease.

    Karen Ruff, D.A. is a Registered Financial Representative, a freelance writer and insurance agent for a 128 year old nationwide company. Licensed in South Carolina and Georgia, she specializes in life insurance, annuities, and is certified in long term care. She also provides cancer insurance and alternatives for protecting senior savings and investments.

    Dr. Ruff is the owner of a quarterly newsletter “Senior Sword” which is available in print or as a PDF email attachment. For additional information, email silverscribler@aol.com

    Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Karen_Ruff,_D.A.



  172. Hi Tamster,

    It’s quite possible that your acid reflux is caused by the very drugs they’re giving you to prevent it. I don’t know if you’ve read my story above but it was the PPIs that caused me to have stomach problems and become too acidic. I never had any stomach issues till I was put on PPIs in emergency for an unrelated problem (costochonditis) which I’ve only recently discovered I had… that was causing me the breathing problems. Every time my stomach problems got worse (from the PPIs) they’d either switch to another brand, up my dose or give me two different ones to take. I ended up on 40mg of Nexium, twice a day, 40mg of Somac, twice a day as well as Zantac. I got so bad, I ended up again in hospital on a drip for a week because I couldn’t eat or drink water yet they kept injecting me with PPIs… this of course made me a lot worse. I got fed up with it. I knew that it was the PPIs that was causing the acid but no doctor would listen. When I asked my GP to lower my doses so I could ween off them, she rolled her eyes at me, told me that I should increase my dose and that I will be on them for life. I told her “NO I WON’T!!” and left. I reduced my doses myself that night and prepared for the worst because I knew I would get acid rebound. This happens because of gastrin levels rising. Gastrin is the hormone that signals your brain to produce more acid when needed. After you eat, gastrin rises, you produce acid to digest your food, when digested, gastrin levels drop and you stop producing acid. When you’re on PPIs, you’re not producing any acid so your gastrin levels keep rising to astronomical levels, especially if you’ve been on it long term. So when you come off them… or even while on them, they stop working and you produce more acid than even before. You really should reduce your doses over time to reduce the acid reflux and eventually get off them. They cause many problems like ulcers, gastritis and a leaky gut. You end up with bacteria overgrowth, candida overgrowth and malabsorption. I highly recommend going to see a naturopath. It’s expensive but if you’ve been suffering since you were a child, it’s probably worth it. I’m on the mend and my stomach issues are almost gone and now I can battle away with the real cause of my breathing problems… costochondritis, which is also improving after seeing a physiotherapist.

    Good luck, I really know what you’re going through.

  173. Sharon and Rod,

    Thanks for your comments. Sorry I didn’t see them until today. I don’t check in as much… that means I’m improving lol. I used to check this thread everyday when I was crook. It’s been really helpful reading it.

    Rod, no the costo is still there but it’s getting better. We’re not sure what’s causing it but we think it’s from an injury. At the moment I’m doing exercises to build the mucles around my back and rips. I cannot take any antiinflamattory medications for it because they’ll make my stomach problems flare up again. I’m taking some natural things for inflammation like turmeric and ginger tea (which has helped me so much) I add ginger and turmeric to my food when I’m feeling the inflammation flare up. I also take some other natural rememdies for the stomach problems which help with the costo as well. I’m taking Musashi’s Creatine Recovery Stack which has the amino acids… creatine, l-glutamine, taurine and others, to help repair and build up tissue and muscle mass. I’m taking glucosamine as well. Heat packs help on colder days and I lay in the sun for 20 minutes on warmer days. Every now and then I still get the stomach problems because it takes a while for your system to get back to normal so I add a bit lemon or ACV to my water whenever I’m feeling a bit acidic. All in all though, I can say 80% better than I was 3 months ago when I was at my worst.

  174. Hi Amy,

    I am looking for buying stool antigen kit for h pylori as this test is not available in india
    if anybody has this kit or know any site from where i can i buy it online kindly share it


  175. I just want to thank everyone for your help and suggestions for treatment. I have been off gluten and dairy for 3 years – when all of this started. However, I was checked and am not allergic to gluten and was also tested negative 3 times for Celiac’s Disease. However, I do find that gluten still triggers flare ups of the H. Pylori.

    I see my environmental doc in two weeks – he does believe in alternative meds over traditional treatments, so I will talk to him about your suggestions.

    I do believe that I need digestive enzymes to aid my digestion – it seems that food just sits in my stomach because that is where most of my pain is after eating. As well as pain in my chest and espophagus.

    I also believe I will start weaning off of the PPIs – though I did try it before and the reflux became much worse – but didn’t know this was just my body trying to adjust my acid levels. I just want to be sure I have something in place (herbal) to ease the reflux during this weaning process. I appreciate your suggestions on this and will give them a try.

    I don’t know how to express how thankful and appreciative I am for all of you helping me through all of this. This has been the hardest time of my life – I had to give up a job I loved and I feel, at times, that I will never have one day that I feel well and normal again and will also never be a viable contribution to society again. My family has been great through all of this but I know how continually worried they are about me and how hard they try to keep my spirits up through all of the pain and endless and “waste of time doctor” visits.

    Again, thank you and I will try to keep you all posted of my progress.


  176. Tamster, you said, “However, I do find that gluten still triggers flare ups of the H. Pylori.” I know you said you tested negative for Gluten allergy, so did I, then I learned that gluten allergies and gluten intolerance are different, so that is why I decided to go gluten free and it worked. So, you might consider that if gluten causes your situation to be worse, then you should think about going back to gluten free.

    Another thing you might consider is getting some PH strips and check your urine to see if you are acidic or alkaline. Being to acidic can be bad. You should be more alkaline, around 7.0. You can talk to the pharmacist and tell him what you want to do and you can buy the PH strips from them. Or, that is where I got mine, most pharamacies have them. I took my PH test several times a day for a week, then once a day and I was surprised that i would notice my stomach acting up and sure enough when I checked I was acidic. Then I would strive to get back to alkaline. I think this has a lot to do with the stomach issues we often have. Hang in there, you are trying to do all things right, it just takes awhile for the body to balance out. Sharon

  177. Tamster

    Keep away from putting all those chemicals inside your body and instead eat some real good organic food, keep your spirits up and be hopeful and your body will eventually respond – our thoughts are with you and all those who are not feeling well …




  179. My gut has improved GREATLY the past month
    on a diet and brown rice, organic chicken and little beef.
    It is imperative that one eliminates common food
    allergens such as casein (dairy) and gluten (grains)
    to prevent inflammation in the intestinal tract aka leaky gut syndrome.

    Supplement-wise, aloe vera juice, slippery elm, marshmallow root,
    MASTIC GUM, DGL and cabbage juice are all sure fire ways to
    correct ANY ONE’S gut! I put my word on it.

    Good Luck to all pylori sufferers.

  180. Dear Amy,

    hello =) I’ve been researching H Pylori and came across your blog looking for some good tips, so I’m glad you posted this.

    Normally I don’t comment people’s blogs, but when I read your “unknown” symptoms I couldn’t help myself, lol.

    I love the vibe you seem to give, at least in your writing, and you seem like you’re ready to research any symptoms you can on your own, whereas most people are letting their doctors feed them BS and don’t ask questions

    Your heart attack and crazy getting up and moving around and feeling faint and vomiting are all symptoms of poisoning

    MSG in fast foods and other salty seasoning flavors to make things taste better, poisons us

    ASPERTAME in soda is another good tasting poison and your symptoms match perfectly

    these combined are TERRIFYINGLY poisonous, PLUS the “flouride” they put in our water (which is waste products and flouride is used to cover MANY more poisonous waste products in the water but they won’t tell you about)

    These things sound like silly over paranoid accusations, Why would they put these things in our food and drink and how could they get away with it but PLEASE research the drugs they put in our food because you show STRONG poisoning signs.

    Do you have any memories connecting foods with these poisons to the “attacks”? and the hospitals COULD figure this out… you probably know, and that our knowledge these days is advanced enough to know why you would have this severe poisoning

    Please stay safe, fast foods are very poisonous, not just fattening =(

    with LOVE


  181. PS. If you’re interested I would LOVE to send you all the info I’ve found that I can to help back up my little “theory”. It’s why EVERYBODY is sick. we shouldn’t ALL have at LEAST one terrible disease. People can be healthy, they just don’t realize what they’re consuming

  182. Hi
    I am from Australia and it is difficult to get even the most basic remedys here- mainly Mastic Gum- does anyone out there no suppliers in Australia
    Great blog – thanks everyone

  183. Hi Jan,

    I’m also from Australia. I purchased Mastic Gum and DGL Licorice from the US (from ebay). You can bring items into Australia but you have to check the ingredients of the items against a list of customs prohibited items.

    You’re only allowed to bring in 3 months supply at a time. For instance if the recommended dosage on the bottle of Mastic Gum is 2 tablets twice a day and there are 60 tablets, you can order three bottles because 1 bottle will last 1 month.

    You’re also only allowed to bring them in for personal use and you’re not allowed to sell them here…. which is probably why no one else sells them here.

    • Thanks Isabel
      I have just ordered the Mastic Gum and waiting so I can start treatment- how is your progress are you beating it!- Its so good to read how the symptoms I have been experiencing for quite some time are not imagined or that you may have organs that are failing and there is a reason for all this bad stuff- bring on the natural treatment -I’ll look forward to killing off this intruder- Hope your health is improving
      Cheers Jan

  184. Hi Jan,

    You’re welcome. As I’ve written above, my stomach issues have improved greatly but I’m still having costochondritis issues… although that’s slowly improving too with physio and certain exercises.

    I highly recommend taking the following supplements or foods: Mastic Gum, DGL, L-Glutamine, Goji Berry Juice, Probiotics and Zinc. Add ginger and turmeric to your foods to reduce inflammation. Ginger will also boost your immune system. Have a teaspoon of Cold Pressed Virgin Coconut Oil a day.

    HPylor is a normal bacteria in your gut. When your digestive system is out of balance the bacteria increases. You have to get this balance back otherwise your symptoms will never subside. When eliminating HPylori, be careful because you’re likely to kill good bacterias too and allow candida to overgrow, causing leaky gut, inflammation and malabsorption.

    Check the Inflammatory Factor of the foods you eat on http://www.nutritiondata.com to increase the anti-inflammatory foods and reduce or eliminate the inflammatory ones. This site is also useful for tracking your daily intake of vitamins and you’re probably lacking some already so I suggest you take a good multivitamin in liquid form.

    Whenever you get that burning sensation, eat some raw ginger. It will burn your mouth but ease the stomach.

    Lemon juice/ACV.. when you can handle it, add it to your water and food.

    Garlic… also anti-inflammatory. If your stomach can handle it, add some raw garlic to your food every few days.

    Good luck with it Jan, hope you get better soon.

  185. Hi all,
    Can someone pls point me towards specific foods to eat whilst doing the diet?
    (im not sure i know whats left to eat once cutting out dairy, gluten and acidic foods)
    many thanks

    • Cooked vegetables, brown rice, keep it towards the ‘alkalizing’ side.
      Foods like red meat exacerbate the problem because it takes
      sufficient stomach acid to break it down.

      Like Amy said, it’s a boring diet but you’ll be cleaning up your
      life in a lot of ways after this experience. See it as your new found blessing

      Best of luck

      • Thanks for the reply much appreciated.
        whats the best thing i can make and eat that is enjoyable and not dry?
        vegies on rice sounds ok for a couple of days…
        Thanks agian

      • Switch up protein and vegetable sources every couple days.
        i.e turkey, chicken, fish, any white meat

        for carbs turn to only vegetables and brown rice since rice
        is non-allergenic. This is key! As far as vegetables go,
        broccoli, asparagus, celery, carrots, zucchini, etc.

        The main point is the rotation. Make it fun. Don’t stress over having pylori. It’s like getting a cold, it comes in, it goes out!

  186. for now… thru bleary eyes… and tears. all I can say is wow. i have suffered since I was 8 or 9 years old.. now 39 and almost unable to function, my doc finally did a fecal test. funny, we were only going to test for parasites, but the only test she had included the h-pylori. Finances were tight and it was another $90, but I told her, there must be a reason. To even think that after years of being ill with stomach and joint pain, heart palps, depression, exhaustion, cloudy thinking??? tears. I will be back to read more when I am less exhausted. I’m so happy i picked back up my laptop at 12am. bless each and every one of you. many many thanks.


  187. Could anyone advise if it is alright to take the manuka honey in tablet form, i cannot take it in its original form no matter how much it helps:) Thanks.

  188. well for three months they have been testing me I thought my hiatial hernia was back but they have already said my blood tests positive fro h pylori but you know they want more blood work and stool samples after mris and cat scans all with no insuracne mind you I am so thankful to come across your site I am only 4 feet 9 inches and used to be 100 pounds on a good day but for three months now and alot of throwing up what I eat 3 days a week it is hard to stay at 95 not good I hurt Im angry and dont even know why well now I do thank god for you I am going to try to get the three main things you talk about now and see if I can help myself since I feel like the drs. are either uninformed ignorant or don’t care . So again I thank you and look forward to healing, oh and since cancer runs rampid in my family I would like to get this out of me Doll

  189. Doll,

    The mastic and the probiotics are really essential. To save money, you can buy coconut oil and just eat a couple of tablespoons a day. It really does work and it does get rid of intestinal pain.

  190. My pain/burning is localised on the right side abdominal.Anyone experiencing this. I have burning on my back side once in a while. i got retested for pylori still very positive. The Drs. seem to be so tired of my compliants and yet i’m suffering. i just had pelvic ultrasound to check female stuff make sure all is okay and will go back to get results. I can’t imagined suffering like this for years. I’m alreday 6 months an i’m tired. to faster recovery everybody.

    • Cindy, have you had your gall bladder and appendix checked? H.pylori can cause appendix problems too. Have you done any treatment for the H.pylori either through traditional treatment of natural? Sharon

      • Hi Sharon
        I had the triple therapy treatment and prevacid. Waiting for the mastic gum shipment which i just ordered. i have been taking aleo vera j also.
        Iam going to ask the doc about the appendix and gall bladder. I did some test a while back and was told that all is okay. I’m so ready for this dr. that I have written my Q’s down on apiece on paper. Good luck you all.

    • hi cindy, i have the same pain as u mentioned in my right side of stomach and my shoulder blades, they checked me for gall bladder everything was fine, my dr said the pain is coz of h pylori,

  191. Hey guys,

    I originally posted on Sept 16th 2009 with my story and stated that I had H. Pylori. I took Monolaurin, Mastic Gum, Manuka honey, and Broccoli sprout pills for less than 5 months.

    I caved in and took the doctors recommended antibiotics. I only took those for about 3 days before I couldn’t handle the way they made me feel. I took Monolaurin and mastic gum more than anything else. I went back for a retest in Feb. and my H. Pylori was gone. I’m sure the Monolaurin and mastic gum had a lot to do with killing it.

    I still have really bad acid reflux and sometimes gastritis, but I think that’s another problem. I’m supposed to have another endoscopy done in the near future.

    I also took

    • Ish, Be careful – you may have depleted your good bacteria too. That’s what I did! I felt off after I was infection free, until I started taking the VSL#3. Try that or another strong probiotic.

  192. I was diagnosed with pylori a few months ago, after I had pain for a few months in my belly. First the doctor ordered a breath test, then I a had an endoscopy done as well as a colonoscopy. Thanks God I had no ulcer, but they found this killer bacteria, that gave me many sleepless nights.
    I choose to try supplements before I would take the antibiotics, which the doctor wanted me to take.
    I started with the Manuka honey, which did not help me, then I took tea from a Chinese herbalist, then I took the pine oil, which is sold on the web, I took different pills from Standard Process, I took the good bacteria’s in the morning, etc.
    It got to a point where I was so depressed that I would just cry. I was constantly in pain. Whatever I eat, gluten free, no cheese, I cut out coffee, sweets etc.
    Yesterday, I thought that I give it a last shot and walked into a homeopathic pharmacy in Santa Monica, before I would call the doctor and tell him that I am ready to take the antibiotics.
    Kristin, a lady who works there asked me what I need and I told her almost under tears what I am going through and that I spend already so much money…and that I have this bacteria called, pylori. She knew right away what I was talking about and assured me that she could help me.
    She recommended me 3 things and I paid around $120:

    -L-Glutamine from Designs for Health (3×1 teaspoon a day in a glass of water)
    -Quantum Stomach Complex from Premier Research Lab (2 Capsule, 3 times a day, 15 minutes before food with a glass of warm water)
    -Mastic Chios Gum Mastic from Allergy Research Group (1 Capsules 3 times a day with a meal)

    After already one day, Praise God for it, I feel so much better. I eat a big piece banana cake today with a cup of coffee, what I have not done in months and I felt fine, it is almost like a miracle, and this only after not even 48 hours.

    Never forget: GOD loves You

    I have writen above text one month ago. I will be retested again next week, but I have not had pain and eat everything again. I believe the LGlutamine and Mastic Gum really killed it.

  193. Hi Amy
    I have just been tested for Pylori after suffering for 14 months. I suffered food poisoning in March of 2009 and have been unwell since. All the symptoms are pointing to Pylori…acid, stomach bloating, diarrhea every day for a year, faintness, heart palpitations, pain in my stomach and joints, just a general feeling of having something wrong and no-one taking it seriously…I was told I had anxiety with the breathing problems! I have gained a lot of weight and just don’t feel like I am digesting anything properly. I am now awaiting the outcome of a blood test. I am almost hoping it is positive so that I have an answer to what is wrong with me. I have never felt so rotten in my life, getting to the point where I just exist on a day to day basis. I just stumbled upon this site and its given me some hope that there will be an improvement, so thank you.

    Sue xx

  194. I wish I could find out if people have had success with Matula Herbal Formula. I read through this entire blog and there is barely a mention of it. David A Hompes with http://www.h-pylori-symptoms.com says it works fast for his clients. Is he just selling for the company or is this product working?

    • I got it, tried it once, had diarrhea immediately, complained, and they accepted it for return. I haven’t read success stories about it except at the website that sells it. I don’t know if David Hompes used it or is just marketing it, but not long ago, his H Pylori returned.

  195. Stick to the protocol outlined here and try to do everything, you really can’t afford not to because it will take longer and cost much more in the long term. It really does work.

  196. The Garden of Life founder Jordan had gut problems and his stuff has really been good. There is as much good and bad about him on the web from different people. I’ve met some of his team in person and found the most important thing he offers is a probiotic that works for people with dairy allergies called Primal Defense and his recipe for Brasco’s Broth is very good, you need a big slow cooker or a big pot and then you can freeze batches. My h. plyori test was negative. I’m using clay as well (you eat it) and its amazing for clearing out the intestines. He also recommends mastic and licorice, they really work.

  197. Hi all,

    I’ve been using the suggestions outlined here and more to treat h pylori but keep testing positive (2 stool tests and endoscopy biopsy) even after 6 months of treatment.Overall I feel much, much better since I started the treatment but sometimes I feel worse–pain and burning in my stomach and upper middle back return. I am searching for a solution as to why. I have not been able to take digestive enzymes because they hurt my stomach. I recently found a formula for those with gastritis, Gastric complex by Integrative Therapeutics and am hoping it would help. I also increased magnesium, mainly from sea minerals recently. This helped eliminate muscle stiffness in my neck, shoulders, an upper back, which adjustments and deep tissue therapy used to helped eliminate but not in the last year. While benefits of magnesium are great, besides the ones I mentioned, according to one article I found, this extra magnesium might have lowered stomach acid, which stimulates h pylori growth.Here is the link to the article for those who might be experiencing similar problems.


    Any thoughts/comments are welcome.

    Here is to eradicating h pylori!


  198. Hi Nancy,

    One of the things I found out is that the Thai people don’t have h pylori, they use a lot of spices in their food and coconut. They have to be non-irridated for spices and organic or they don’t work. Things like cayenne pepper and raw organic coconut oil (Artisana) added to anything really help. I decided to kick the last of my health problems and I’ve gone 100% raw foods and I have incredible energy (I was up until 2pm last night and up at 7:00 am this morning bright and cheery), I used to go to bed at 9:00 every night because I was so tired. I’m working on becoming a raw food chef so I can teach others. Keep fighting for your health.

    • Hi Joellyn,

      Thanks much for your note. I love Thai food but have not had any in a long time. I use cold pressed organic coconut oil but have to be careful with hot spices like cayenne pepper, curry–they irritate. It is cool that you eat raw food and training to be raw food chef. I eat a good bit of my food intake raw, mainly salads and raw veggie juices and certainly appreciate their nutritional value. I just need to somehow stabilize and heal my stomach. I am trying Siberian pine nut oil along with other things. It seems to calm my stomach better than any other supplements. I seems very promising. Russians have done some research on it and it is clinically proven to heal gastritis and ulcers. I should know more in a few weeks.

      Besides physical remedies, I am looking into my stress issues. I have a feeling my symptoms got worse when the stress level hugely increased in the last month. I resumed my early morning walks and some yoga after 2 year hiatus and am looking for other ways to relax. I hope this goes a long way in helping.

      Good luck with your chef aspirations!


  199. I have tried the mastic gum with monolaurin for 15 days but it seems to give me more pain than relief!

    Did anybody experience this problem?

    I was dignosted with H.pylori last year so I took the antibiotics Hpac for one week. I felt great for 2 weeks and then all the symptoms came back again and worst then before. I read Amy king recommendation about Mastic gum and monolaurin but it seems to me they don’t help much.

    I also tried the Matula tea and it doesn’t help either.

    I don’t know what to do.

    When I read scientific articles, they pretend that the eradication rate is about 80 to 90% but from the stories of people it seems like nodoy got rid of this nasty bacteria.

    Wich good health for everybody.

  200. You don’t erradicate it completely because its a bug that everyone has, its all about bringing it and other nasty gut flora back into balance. We have to have gut flora and adding in positive probiotics and cultured/fermented foods is required to maintain it for the long term. Some animals live off the by products of their gut flora literally.

  201. Hi Amy,

    I am having a bunch of tests done to see if I have some digestion bugs like H pylori. I have been ill since 2007 with Celiac Disease and hypothyroidism but lately I have felt immensely worse. I have painful belching that is only relieved if I lay on my left side, abdominal pains, some sensitive glandular pain, back pains, worsening breath, severe weight loss… just to name a few.
    I read about your holistic approach and that is the road that I am on now because mainstream medicine has gotten me nowhere. My Gastro when asked if this could be h pylori said ” If I tested 10 people for it 8 of them would test positive” What kind of crap statement is that. I am feeling truly awful here. I cannot function anymore. I am to weak because it seems like my body is constantly trying to fight off something.
    I sent my tests to Lab Corp as well. I am having the stool test but if it comes back positive, I don’t think my Gastro will treat me for since he does not believe in it. I want to try the natural way but I had a bad reaction to some coconut oil that I was eating for good fat. My throat swelled up and had to go to the ER. My intestines have been through hell these last three years. Now it seems like I am allergic to things that never bothered me before. That mastic gum is made from the pistachia tree. I don’t want to risk having a reaction then having to run to the ER. I don’t know what to do because I know he won’t prescribe me antibiotics because he denies it’s even an issue but I have lost 60 lbs in two years but all my regular blood work keeps coming back fine. Just doesn’t make any sense. Thanks for any reply to this in advance, Theo.

    • Hi Theo,

      I hope you will be fine from your symptoms. If you are doctor doesn’t believe you, change the doctor then.

      As I said before, I tried the mastic gum and the monolairin but I got more pain than relief from those two so I stopped taking them. I don’t understand why I got pain from those two components.

      Take some probiotics, you will be fine.

      • Hi Theo,

        I hope you feel better soon. Here are some ideas/suggestions you might want to consider. You may have to take smaller or even very small doses then recommended of anything you decide to try, except maybe a probiotic–it may calm your stomach and help you absorb some nutrients. I use Healthy Trinity by Natren.I particularly experienced a calming effect of a probiotic after a colonic when the therapist filled my colon with it. You need a doctor’s prescription for that and you need to find an integrative medicine physician, that is a physician open to alternative approaches.Having some colonics might help you. It will remove old stuff that might be poisoning your system and it will hydrate you. People do not realize how dehydrated they are and this is a quick way to do it, especially if you have inflamation somewhere in you gut. I always feel better after a colonic–but must be low pressure, slow fill for me. In my view it is really difficult to achieve or maintain good health if your colon is unhealthy. I hope also that you have some sort of hot compress–I use one made with grains and heat it in the microwave for 2-3 minutes and put it on my stomach for 20 min or so. It always feel soothing. What might also help, and this may sound paradoxical, is try to relax and trust you will find the right solution for your problem. Do all the testing you feel you need to but also ask the universe for guidance and trust it will provide it. I always feel better when I take this approach to my health or any other problems. Good luck to you. Nancy.

  202. Hi Amy,

    I’m so glad you posted this h. pylori page! I tested positive for h. pylori back in March ’10. Since then, my doc put me on a product called Pyloricil by Ortho Molecular. It has mastic gum, bismuth, and a bunch of other herbal stuff. The symptoms drastically reduced/disappeared within 3 weeks! Since then, I’ve taken your advice and have kept taking 1 g mastic gum and probiotics every day. I’m thinking I might add the monolaurin too. I don’t know if it’s completely eradicated, though. Will know in a couple of weeks.
    Tell me, is your h. pylori gone now???? I’m so curious to know….

    Warm Regards,


  203. Oops. I just read that you tested negative after 2 months. Congrats on kicking it!
    Just picked up some monolaurin–here’s hoping!

  204. I have been diagnosed with H pylori last November and did the antibiotics and some alternative medicines. The results show negative for hp. I had a second encoscopy and my gi dr said I have chronic active gastritis. He wants to treat me with another antibiotic because he thinks I still have hp only in a different place. I checked with my regular dr and he is against it and referred me to another gi guy. I agree, this is too soon to take another antibiotic. I was wondering if anyone out there has a similar problem with gastritis/hp and what are you doing about it. Many thanks.

    • Maria,

      You either have H.P. or you haven’t – you can’t have H.P. in a different place.

      What has happened your H.P. has been eradicated but your gastritis hasn’t been healed yet – if I were you I would refuse to take more antibiotics – just give more time to your gastritis to heal and eat well in the meantime.

    • Maria, I agree with Rod – taking another antibiotic isn’t going to heal your gut any further, and that should be what your doc is focused on now, not eradicating HP that isn’t there. As noted earlier, you may want to give the VSL#3 a go as it helps replenish the good bacteria you need for healing. Aloe Vera also helps with gastritis. Get the cold-pressed kind (not the heat-extracted kind). Best of luck, Amy

  205. Hello, I read this, and it actually made me feel better. I just got h. pylori eradicated from me about 2 years ago, but I still have some lingering symptoms. I had the racing heart, but I think it’s gone, for the most part. I still have aweful belching and my stomach hurts a lot still. I was actually diagnosed with it from a test my chiropractor gave me. The medical profession is sad. I went from doctor to doctor, and a chiropractor diagnosed me, which is insane. The gastroenterologist doesn’t do anything for me. I still have really bad stomach inflammation, so if you know anything that is specifically for that, let me know. I am just so glad to see that I wasn’t the only one out there. I wasted my whole 20s so far dealing with this debilitating infection. I am going to be 24 and I want to enjoy my life. This infection sucks. Thanks for writing this!!!

    • Hi Amanda,

      You might want to try a low dose of the VSL#3 probiotic as well as a daily dose of cold pressed Aloe Vera Juice. Bot help with inflammation! I hope you feel better, and yes, I sympathize with your frustration with the medical profession. Acutely. Be well, Amy

      • Amy,

        Thank you for that. I will go purchase the Aloe Vera juice today. I already have probiotics, so hopefully both together will help. Again, thanks for the suggestion.


      • No problem. Just know that over-the-counter probiotics aren’t always so great. I was using Garden of Life before my doc gave me VSL#3. The GoL is supposed to be high quality but wasn’t doing the trick. You can get a lower grade version of VSL#3 from select pharmacies. The official site can tell you the store closest to you (just enter your zip code) or order online — http://www.vsl3.com/

    • Amanda, if your stomach hurts, take DGL, deglycerized licorice. It coats it quickly and has been shown to help regrow the mucosal lining quickly. If you’re still getting the belching you may still have it, I’ve had awful belching the last year. A good test is drinking water on an empty stomach or getting hungry. If your stomach is empty and you start belching, then it’s probably not from just bacteria/yeast, but from h pylori’s urease, that converts the urea your stomach excretes to digest food into gas, a base (possibly ammonia) to counteract the acid so it stays alive, and a free radical (bad). Rosemary tea inhibits the urease, also green tea.

      This and mastic gum should help kill it but you may want to do amy king’s mankua/coconut oil/mastic/probiotic recommendations since they will kill either normal bacteria/yeast or h pylori. I had this happen at a friend’s and I asked if they had turmeric, and felt sooo much better, despite the nasty taste of the turmeric. The belching plus the burning feeling is horrible.

      Tim M.

  206. Rod & Amy, thank you both for your feedback. I want to know which strength of VSL#3 should I use —- the high or low quality. With the hp possibly gone do I need the high grade? The Aloe Vera I am using but not sure if its cold pressed. If not, I will switch. One more question, a friend of mine also has h pylori but his symtoms are nausia and vomiting. He lost 30 lbs and has no apetitte. How can I get him to eat and what?

    Thanks again. Maria

    • I actually have the higher dose, which comes in a packet of powder. The lower dose comes in pill form. I only use a little sprinkle in a glass of water about every other day to maintain health – so a packet lasts me about a week or so. I think it’s more economical to go this route instead of buying the lower dose bc you’re likely going to take a whole pill, rather than just a sprinkle each day or every other day.

      As for your friend, I’d get him to take some medicine right away (i.e. Monolaurin, Manuka Honey, and even the Mastic Gum). He needs to make himself only cooked healthy foods that are very benign like chicken stock with well cooked chicken legs and lots of fresh organic veggies. I got through the first month with this food basically. You have to give up a lot of things you don’t think about to give your stomach time to clear up and heal. If he keeps eating regular stuff like carbs (i.e. bread, white rice, breads, cookies, etc), coffee, alcohol, sugars, etc, he’ll stay sick and nauseous. This basic soup is very good bc it doesn’t cause upset and is soothing and restorative.

  207. I can testify to all Amy has said regarding helicobacter. I has similar symptoms and was diagnosed with anxiety. Antidepressants just caused me to have a temporary personality change for the worse!!! Also diagnosed with hormone imbalance which I am getting treatment for but amazingly now I have had second lot of antibiotics and having natural therapies from my naturopath, those hormone levls are actually coming back to a more normal range!!! Also had the dreadful chest pains, palpitations etc and was convinced I had heart problems hence the anxiety diagnosis!!! Still have pains in side from time to time but much better than before. They are less frequent. I am waiting on breath test results as I have finished second lot of antibiotics. I feel that i still have the helicobacter but in more minor proportions as some symptoms still exist and I need to be really diligent about my diet. No more cheating with chocolate and potato chips. It is only for a small amount of time in perspective really. Not a lifelong change to diet although I am sticking to a much healthier diet. I too thought I would be told I had gall stones or liver problems but I really believe it is the H pylori.

    Another good site if you want to compare notes with Amy’s is David Hompes. You will find his corellates perfectly with all Amy says. He too had this bacteria and defeated it. We can be well people. Take note of what the recovered and recovering ones tell you and stick at it, keep focused and these little critters will be obliterated.

  208. Hi Maria,

    About your friend, she/he needs to go to the hospital as soon as possible – her/his case could be more serious that just an infection – any illness which results in sudden weight loss of that magnitude must be investigated urgently by an especialist – self-curing could be dangerous and futile. So please ask your friend to seek professional advice straight away.

    Good luck to both of you and let us know how your friend is getting on.

  209. Hey all,

    What do you all think of the Matula Tea Formula? I’ve heard equally good and horrible reviews, and I’m curious to know what you all think. Is it a total waste of money? It is pretty expensive…

    Trying to conquer this,


    • Hi Stephanie,

      The matula tea doesn’t work for me at all. I bought because of the pain in my stomach from H.pylor and it does nothing for me.

      I took Hpac before and it made me feel myself for 3 weeks and then the infection came with revenge. Then I decide to buy the matula tea that does nothing claimed.

      I’m not able to work or do nothing and I had to pay 200$ for the tea, shame on the matula tea liars.

      Becareful, this matula tea is a big scam.

  210. Amy;
    What is the name of the doctor you are using now and is he/she a GI specialist and what city is practice located?
    Thank you

  211. I Have A question…
    My Hpylori was 76 2month ago…
    yesterday i went too lab & i gave UBT test…
    My resualt is 17
    I want to know ihave a h.pylory Or Not?

  212. Hi Amy,
    I am glad you had H Pylori too! :) I believe that there is a reason behind all things. Finding your posting is a true blessing. I am so glad that you took such a negative experience and and turned into something positive by sharing it with the rest of the world and helping others out. So thank you.
    I was diagnosed and was so glad to know I wasn’t dying!! I thought it was going to be an easy 2 week treatment. After suffering through the antibiotics I am still positive. My Dr. wants me to do it again for 4 weeks. I was so excited to find your posting and have hope that I will not have to go through that again.
    I am diabetic and not sure how I will do with the no sugar deal as I tend to go low quite often. Have you read anything about “less h pylori feeding” sugar foods by chance? Also I know to stay away from the white starches and carbs, but what about wheat pastas and breads?
    Thanks and God Bless!

    • Hi Lisa,

      When you have HPylori, you have gastritis and the white carbs and sugars are very inflammatory. It’s not so much that HPylori feeds on them, because they feed on all nutrients and dead cells etc. What really helped me was a website that told me what foods were inflammatory. If you go to http://www.nutritiondata.com and type in a food product, you’ll see the IF (inflammatory factor). Try and have more foods that are anti-inflammatory to allow your gut to heal. Turmeric is probably the best thing to introduce into your diet because it’s anti-inflammatory, high in antioxidants and stops H Pylori adhering to your stomach lining. I went off all carbs for a while and it really drained my energy. Slowly I introduced few of them back into my diet. I still have very small portions of them and there are many foods that bring the symptoms back if I overdo it. Healing takes time but you’ll get there if you listen to your body. The first carb I had that helped the most was rolled oats (oatmeal). It’ll give you some energy and it’s high in protein and other goodies. It also didn’t flare up the sympoms but relieved them for me. Try and have a small amount at first and see how you react to it. Sweeten it with stevia and don’t add milk to it.

      Good luck, I hope you get well soon.

  213. Hey all!
    Guess what?? I tested negative for h. pylori!!! (stool test x 3). My doc discovered it back in March and said it was a bad case. For ONE MONTH he made me take a product call Pyoloricil by Ortho Molecular, one capsule in the AM and one in the PM. It’s a completely natural product and it has some of the ingrediants that Amy listed above. (My doctor prefers to use alternative medicine when he knows it will work–he said he’s had 100% success in treating his h. pylori patients with Pyloricil. I was skeptical then…not now!!!) It took exacty 18 days for me to notice a weakening of symptoms. By the third week all symptoms had disappeared!
    I then took 1 gram of mastic gum every night after I finished the 30 day Pyloricil treatment and a probiotic every morning (you know, just in case.)
    Now: NO MORE H. PYLORI!!!
    In case you’re interested:

  214. Stephanie, well done you cracked it at last and I’m happy for you.

    So in that case “Pyoloricil” should be the stuff that everyone must try first as it seems to be the good old Master Gum stuff — I have to find someone to get it for me as I live in an unfavaourable part of the world atm!

    Come on all, try Pyoloricil if you can get it and post your results here, please.

    • Hey Rod,

      I hate spelling mistakes too! The product is called “Pyloricil” by Ortho Molecular–not “Pyoloricil”!
      Hope you can get your hands on some. It’s powerful stuff!

  215. Can anyone tell me if they have had unbelievable back pain with their h-pylori. I was treated for h-pylori last January (2009) and since then I have had crippling back pain. Nothing seems to relieve the pain. It is located in my lower back and tailbone area. I am going for test and x-rays in Sept but it is not soon enough for me. I am hypothyroid(have been for years) and am probably going through my change as well. Every time I ask my dr he seems to sluff it off like it is my change that is the cause. Which it could be but I want to know for sure. I also have high blood pressure which I have never had in my life and I am 52. I am going to be tested in Sept again for the h-pylori to see if it is still there. I was treated with antibiotics for 2 weeks and then did Amy’s lists for about 2months after. Have done nothing since. I just feel really bad and want some answers.

    • Hey Patti,

      I’m hypothyoid too (Hashimoto’s). Have you been checked for Hashimoto’s? It can mess with your blood pressure. Also, I’ve read that these gut bugs can play with your b.p. as well.
      My lower back pain was situated around my kidney area. This clued me in to the possibility that my adrenals were exhausted. Sure enough, I took a saliva test (ZRT laboratories) and I do have moderate adrenal fatigue.
      I’d like to say that being hypothyroid increases your chances of hosting other gut bugs that you may not be aware of. Even though I have been cured of the h. pylori, I just found out that I tested positive for candida, klebsiella, blastocystis hominus, and three other parasites–all of which have entirely stripped my stomach lining!!! Be sure to investigate the other possibilities as they can wreak as much havoc as the h. pylori. (***Doctor’s Data has a fantastic test: Comprehensive Stool/Parasitology Test X 3. It tests 17 different aspects of your GI tract and includes testing for h. pylori.)
      But ridding the h. pylori has made me feel MUCH better…



  216. stephanie — naughty with that initial spelling of “Pyloricil”. I just copied and paste it from your message and it took me 5 minutes trying to teach myself how to pronounce it :-)

    Patti — sorry to hear about your case. Who knows what negative effects these strong antibiotics could have on the body when they kill the good bacteria in the system. If I were you I’d try to find a caring Dr and let him do the diagnostics for you – I’ve said this before, when things get to a complex stage one should not seek advice from uncertified people. Once the issue is diagnosed properly then one can seek further help from those who’ve experienced the same problem themselves.

  217. Amy: I am so glad I found your blog! I’ve been diagnosed with H. Pylori off and on for years. I’ve tried so
    many of the triple antibiotics which made me feel sick and nauseated during the treatment plan. I was on Prev-Pac in January and had the Urea test last week to find out I’m still positive. The doctor has prescribed Pylera for 14 days along with 2 acid reducer omeprazole. This medication really frightens me! Especially the warnings regarding the Central Nervous System…..numbess & tingling of arms and legs, peripheral neuropathty and convulsive seizures! Also there’s a possibility of this drug causing ? colitis. After reading all the feeback on your blog I have decided to try the alternative treatments. I don’t know which is worse taking the antibiotics and taking a chance of having serious side effects or not treating it and possibly getting gastric cancer or MALT. Tomorrow I will visit the health food store and buy the products that helped you took and that will hopefully help me! I have one question…..Is there a website or diet that I can look up since it doesn’t look like there would be a lot of things to eat. I know what to avoid but just need suggestions on what to eat! Any help would be greatly appreciated! Keep up the good work! I have learned a lot! Thank you.

    • Hi Marcia,

      There’s a good bit of info on the “what foods” throughout the comments’ section, but I’ll say a few things quickly. First, your diet will have to change dramatically for a good period of perhaps two months or more. Folks don’t like to hear that because they like what they like. I got myself to a very basic “bland” diet, which turned out to be healthy in the long run as I am much more aware of what I’m eating, and my slight-addiciton to sugar has diminished. I steal eat a bit of chocolate and a few cookies now and then, but a little satisfies me now whereas I used to be able to down a whole pint of Ben and Jerry’s, no problem. The thought sickens me at this point – no one needs that much sugar in one sitting.

      Anyway, I don’t know if you eat meat, but I basically made a “soup” at least once a week that would serve for a few meals. Very simple and affordable. Go to Trader Joe’s or your local decent food spot. Get several things of organic low sodium chicken broth. Pick up a few (3-6) organically-fed free range chicken legs (or if you prefer breasts, etc). Also pick up some carrots, small potatoes, kale, spinach, peas, broccoli, etc – basically any veggies you like and cook them altogther for a few hours. The broth and chicken are simple molecules and easy to digest – they also provide you with sorely-needed protein, esp if you haven’t been digesting properly. The veggies are integral, esp rich leafy greens and butternut squash, because of the vitamins you are also not absorbing. You should also consider taking a good multivitamin and some Vit. K.

      Anyway, that’s one meal that goes a long way. You’ll get bored with it, but it’s nourishing in a way that you need if you’ve been suffering with H Pylori for awhile. And it’s not acidic. If you’re feeling lots of reflux, you’re likely inflamed in your stomach and gut — try taking some good quality Tumeric pills for inflammation – I did for a period and they helped.

      You’ll need to avoid all spicy foods, alcohol, coffees, carbs (esp pasta), etc. You can try things like tofu stir fried in nutritional yeast with a little soy sauce and olive oil. Or slice and bake the tofu with soy sauce. Make loads of steamed veggies with every protein such as steamed zucchini, yellow squash, string beans (green beans), asparagus, steamed potatoes, etc. Another basic protein, if you eat meat, is baked salmon and flounder. Avoid fat-heavy seafood like catfish and raw seafood. I think I ate some steamed shrimp now and then as well as whole canned sardines with the skin and bones as other forms of protein, usually with a whole avocado and some other steamed veggie. I also ate the occasional veggie burger sans bun when I was really bored.

      Breakfast was often oatmeal with blueberries and on the side an egg cooked in chicken broth. Oatmeal is good as it soothes the stomach. You should likely avoid most fruits for awhile as they are sugars. I did have the occasional piece of raisin bread with butter but not too often. Again, avoiding carbs is difficult because you don’t even realize how many carbs you eat until you start to eliminate them from your daily diet.

      Also, switch to green teas as the pylori do not like them, and they contain antioxidants. They say a glass of red wine, when the gut inflammation is gone, also helps keep h pylori at bay. I drink a glass every other day now and still no return of the pylori. (I like to chalk up the wine to fighting the good fight, but I really just love it.)

      Once you start to feel better, it will be difficult not to quickly revert to your old diet — but you need to stick to this “safe” one for a bit longer. I was quite tempted to start up with my usual coffee and chocolate chip cookies when things felt even half better. Bad idea.

      Anyway, I think if you explore enough and mix up your “typical” sick person meals, you’ll make it through a couple of months of not-exciting food.

      It’s possible to kick this bug with natural food healers no matter what the medical industry tells us. People have done it, as evidenced by the comments right here. Some may take longer than others; some may cheat while others might have a not-as-fast immune system (or one that’s busy defending elsewhere in the body), but we’re able to help ourselves against this bug —

      Good luck with this; I think you’re right to be cautious about medicines that promise one thing but the “side effects” threaten even worse…

      Oh yes, stomach cancer from H Pylori is not a quick happening thing — it takes years, from what I understand. I don’t think you’ll be taking any risk if you give yourself a few months with these food-based meds to beat the H Pylori. In fact, my guess is that you’ll fare better for it.



      • Hi Amy:

        Thank you so much for all your help!! It’s very encouraging to know that this bug can be conquered with alternative medications. I enjoyed reading all your responses and I have your website in my favorites now.

        Today I started watching my diet closely and I’m getting myself on the right track.. I’ve been on the internet reading about alkaline foods. I like you had the sugar cravings. I am diabetic but I’ve been maintaining it with Glucgophage and diet. I’m not big on pasta, or meat so I don’t think I’ll have a problem with carbs but I know I must eat protein. However….I do love all fruits and since it’s been in season I had been eating lots of it. But I do know I’ll have to be careful on what fruits I eat now. I definitely want to get rid of this nasty bug! Over the years I”ve been on three antibiotic treatment plans and I did not feel well the whole time……nauseated and just felt sick. The last few days I’ve had almost a constant headache. I thought it was a sinus headache but the antihistamine and sudafet didn’t seem to help so maybe it’s not due to that.

        Today I bought the Garden of Life Probiotics but the Fruitful Yield health food store did not have Mastic Gum or Monolaurin. I did see on line that a local VItamin Shoppe has the Monolaurin but it’s 300 mg. Would this be the right dose? If this one is O.K. I may go there tomorrow to buy it because I want to get started on it asap.

        I have been eating oatmeal for breakfast and in the past added a little milk and splenda but this morning I added a little more water and I used cinnamon to sweeten it. It’ll be a learning process but if I get rid of this bug I don’t want it back……..so that will encourage me to change my eating habits. I did not know that bacteria feeds on sugar so this has been a “wake up call” and I’m eliminating it now.

        Again thank you so much Amy for all your help! I’ll stay in touch and let you know how everything’s going. it’s nice to know that I’m not alone fighting this nasty bug! Take care.


  218. Hi Marcia, I ate to the way Amy did for over 4 months. The only think I like to add is a comment about salt. Sodium is very harsh on the stomach so I avoided soy sauce and normal table salt. I mostly used “black salt” or “kala namak” instead. It’s very salty but low in sodium and it’s good for gastritis. It’s a bit smelly and smells a little like eggs but it tastes nice. A lot of vegans use it. Another meal which was a staple was an omelette for protein. I didn’t use the egg yolks because they’re very inflammatory. I whisked 3 egg whites with some some turmeric powder and garlic powder, some black salt (for the egg taste), a touch of black pepper. I added a sliced mushroom and a half an avocado, chopped parsley and any other fresh herbs and some thinly sliced kale or chards. It looks and tastes like a normal omolette. I also had salmon once or twice a week cause it’s also anti-inflammatory. You can have some chicken (organic). I usually baked it with some turmeric, ginger, garlic, lemon, black salt and a bit a teaspoon of coconut oil and baked it with veggies. A good salad to have is finely chopped chards, half a small tomato, diced, half an avocado, diced, some sea salt and some pepper or cayenne, some lemon juice and a couple of tablespoons of flax seed oil or avocado oil. Avoid milk if you can because it’ll stop you absorbing many nutrients and slow the healing processs. I have almond milk instead which tastes bleh but I have it in a yummy smoothie. The vitamin E in the almonds will soothe your stomach. Only use raw almonds. I blanch half a cup the night before and soak them in water in the fridge. In the morning or when you’re ready to have them, blend them with some water (i usually add a bit of hot water so that it’s warm instead of icy cold), then when it’s blended and creamy, add some papaya (paw paw). It’s full of digestive enzymes. You can sweeten it with some stevia and later when you heal you can try adding some banana but not yet. You’re probably full of candida too from the PPIs so have some coconut oil daily to kill it off… start of slowly, 1 teaspoon each day for the first week and then increase it to two, then a tablespoon.

    Another thing that you might want to consider is castor oil and oil pulling. You can google “castor oil pack” and “oil pulling” and read about it. I swear by both of them. I don’t do the pack but I rub small amount of castor oil on my stomach every day to stimulate my liver to help get rid of toxins, and i oil pull two or three times a day alternating coconut, sesame seed and olive oils. Remember HPylori and a bunch of other bacteria lives in your mouth as well as your stomach.

    Hope this helps and good luck with your recovery.

    • Hi Isabell,

      Thank you for responding to my blog! It’s very helpful to talk to others who have been fighting this nasty bug! I enjoy reading all the blogs to educate myself regarding my diet and alternative treatments. After reading about all the possible side effects with Pylera I just couldn’t talk myself into taking it. Especially with the warnings with the CNS and possible convulsive seizures…..peripheral neuropathy and tingling in the legs and arms. I would much rather try the alternative treatment any day and wished I would have know about this site in the past.

      I have not heard of black salt, almond milk or coconut oil. Do you buy these products at the health food store? I also did not know that egg yolks were very inflammatory……so thank you for that adice! You gave me some good suggestions on food choices so I will try those. Today is my first day of omitting milk products, fruits, flour and sugar from my diet. I’m sure it’ll take some time to get accustomed to a whole new lifestyle of eating. If I ever get rid of this nasty bug I don’t want it back so I’ll try to stay consistent with this diet!

      I really appreciate your comments and I will check back frequently on this site for new information! Thanks again!


  219. Hi Amy:

    I have a couple of questions regarding the H.Pylori. I started on the meds you recommended yesterday and was wondering if it’s normal to feel exhausted? Today I have no energy and I wasn’t sure if this was normal. Also, I have the abdominal bloating today. Is this normal when starting out?

    I have a difficult time eating oatmeal without milk. I bought the lactose free rice milk……is this acceptable?

    I have the Garden of Life Primal Defense probiotic……..500 mg. mastic gum and Monolaurin with (100 mg. Calcium, 300 mg, Monolaurin, and 7.5. mg. Inosine). I’m not sure when or how much to take of these meds. I would appreciate your help.

    Your pomeranian is adorable! She looks like my pom that will be 15 y rs. in Nov. but still looks like a teenager!

    I read in your April 2009 blog that your H.Pylori came back. Are you still positive?

    Thank you for your help.


    • Hi Marcia,

      My H Pylori never came back. Not sure what you read.

      My pom is 14! Congrats on yours too!

      I took 2 Mastic Gums in the a.m. and then again at night. The actual doses are above in the entry or in the earlier comments. I took a whole lotta mgs of Monolaurin daily. I would follow Dr. Marcus Ettinger’s dose recommendations. I’m pretty sure I did. Something like 900 mgs in the a.m. then again later. But don’t take my word on that – follow his dosage. He’s linked above near “The Bomb”. Just found it – he recommends The Bomb of 1200 mgs two times a day under “Treatment” here — http://www.advancedhealing.com/blog/2009/09/13/heartburn-gastritis-gerd-achlorhydria-or-h-pylori/ I think I actually did 1200 *per* day instead of twice a day, combined with the Mastic Gum and the Manuka Honey.

      And YES! When you first start taking the meds, the bacteria die off and have to be purged from your system. They are toxins that the body has to work to eliminate. Leaves you feeling exhausted and sometimes sicker, but that will pass in a few days. This effect is called “herxing.” Here’s a link describing it: http://www.earthtym.net/ref-herxheimer.htm

      Hope that helps. Best, Amy

  220. I also suffer from H. pylori. I was diagnosed on Aug 9 and currently on antibiotics under the supervision of GI. I never took pills especially antibiotics. My stomach issues started two years ago. My primary doctor for years kept telling me I have IBS during my teen years, but never tested me for a parasite and bacteria. I knew there was something major wrong. It was not IBS. I suffered from constipation for years. Then, two years ago, my stomach got worse. I could no longer tolerate gulten and dairy. I had an intestional blockage, which ended me in hosiptal. Now, I don’t eat gluten and dairy. No fish or meats because I am a vegetarian. Before starting the treatment, I was having severe bloating, constipation, gas, dark stools, indigestion, burning. I tried natural treatment such as Manuka Honey and Mastic Gum, but it did not do a thing for me. In fact, my symptoms kept getting worse even when I changed my diet to alkaline foods. Finally, I went to the GI and the blood test came back positive for HP. Tommorrow I am seeing a natural doctor. On my antibiotic treatment, I also take probiotic 50 Billions to prevent diarrhea and yeast infection. I am also taking Ginger for nausea. I hope the Ginger helps. I just hope the treatment works. I am doing everything in my power to eradicate the bacteria which made my life living hell. As a result of HP, also made me very depress. Hopefully, after the treatment HP will be gone. I hope the antibiotic works since I never took the bad tasting antibiotic before. My diet is vegetarian with lots of veggis and fruits. I also take probiotics. Does someone has a suggestion to help me eradicate the bacteria.

  221. hello everyone ! i have “IT” too …damn , fucking bug i feel used by “it” its nice to know that u are not the only one i wish u all good health ! so sorry for my lame english :D

  222. To those with the burning pain and palpitations and irregular heartbeats, H Pylori it’s not! I have suffered with this same syndrome since age 25 for almost 32 years now. I gets better and gets worse and there is no method to the madness! What I have discovered is that daily treatment with prilosec up to 40 mg or more lessens the paplitations and burning pain and puts an end to the night time racing heart and sweats. This burning pain is not from an ulcer!

  223. Does anyone know how long it’s safe to take mastic gum for? I’ve been taking it for 3 weeks (1000mg in the AM and 1000 mg in the PM) and just ordered the Manuka Honey and Monolaurin. How much longer for the mastic gum would you guess?

    I feel much much better but still have some gurgling in the stomach.

    Is apple cider vingear good for HP? I took some today and it make me feel icky.

    also…. Amy said 1200 mg of monolaurin daily. Is this 2 divided doses of 600 mg each?


  224. Hi, I also have this helicobacter virus. Can someone advise me what to do? I literally am like a drug addict when it comes to chocolate and chips. I literally can’t give them up. Its not like i eat a lot of them i just have to have a little bit every day. I have managed to give up all other bad foods except for these 2. Ive just started on antibiotics from the Dr for a week. I’m going to finish this course and if this virus hasn’t gone then that’s it, no more meds I’ll try the natural way. But how can I when I have this addiction.

    PS I take take nexium months back and yes it did get rid of my heartburn but not the HP apparently.

  225. I’ve had the same problems since I turned 19. I’m 20 now and I seem to have most of it under control, but I feel it still lingers. What helped me was switching to a low-carbohydrate diet. Eating more saturated Fats like Coconut Oil and more protein. I completely got rid of Bread, I don’t have any use for it personally. Also, you should be avoiding Sugar like the plague. I don’t feel that Fruit is even healthy in some cases because we tend to eat too much. Maybe a FEW small wild blueberries…

    I also eliminated things like Milk and Yogurt as they seemed to make it worse. I have butter a lot since I don’t have any reaction that I know of to it and I love it. Go figure I got lactose intolerant after they put me on Doxycycline after an Elisa test showed positive. I figured I had Lymes disease and probably did as I had several encounters with ticks. However, Western Blot was negative so they claim it’s not lymes and I’m pretty sure they’re right.

    I also found out I’m allergic to Amoxycillin after getting my four wisdom teeth out and having a reaction to it after 4 days.

    I’ve gotten past most of the symptoms and am still on digestive enzymes and probiotics. I even do fiber once in a while.

    My doctor was useless in all of this. However, endoscopy showed I have a Hiatel Hernia and that is the main cause of my acid reflux.

    I don’t agree with you on several things like drinking water to delude your stomach acid. I feel that’s the reason why I – probably, not confirmed – have H. Pylori is my Stomach Acid was too deluded so they got a chance to grow instead of being wiped out. Heck, maybe I’m wrong. But I feel better if I avoid water while eating or soon there after. I drink water in between meals instead and it keeps the acid reflux under control and I barely have burning at all unless I eat something that doesn’t agree with me.

    I’ve tried everything but mastic gum, the honey, and some other things you suggested. I will start them once I find a job and can afford them. However, I take a teaspoon of tumeric and cinnamon or just sprinkle it all over my hard boiled eggs since I don’t use salt.

    I think you should look into a low-carbohydrate diet and increase your fats and proteins and decrease your carbohydrates. I feel soooo much better since I have and I’ll continue to fight this battle until it’s gone.

    Love your post, thanks.

  226. I just recently got diagnosed with H. Pylori and was wondering exactly how my diet for the next 2 weeks while i get treated with the antibiotics is supposed to be. The reason why I am so concerned is because my doctor gave me a list of foods that i should eat and foods I should avoid and so it seems to be completely contradictory to the information that i have read online. I started my first day eating a plain bowl of brown rice with chopped raw green onions, 2 peaches, a kiwi, and some light tea, and some strawberry Jello (as all of these foods seemed to be approved on the list that my doctor has given me). Then when I went online, there are articles that say, fruits should be extremely avoided due to the high sugar content, Jello should also be completely avoided unless it is sugar free (even though my doctor’s list says ALL jellos are okay to have), any types of rice should be avoided due to the starch content and that tea and tap water should also be avoided completely due to possible spread of infection. I wasn’t this paranoid about this until i read that H pylori could lead to stomach cancer but now im going crazy trying to figure out what i am supposed to eat, I seriously am on the verge of just starving myself for the next two weeks. I was about to make some beet soup for myself (because it says home made vegetable soups and beets are okay to eat on my doctor’s list) but then i go online and it says that anything that is a hot liquid should be completely avoided.

    Can someone please help me figure out what foods i should eat and what specifically i should avoid? I am already taking the prevacid pack as antibiotics (prevacid, biaxin, amoxicillin) but I really dont want to starve myself for the next two weeks.

    • I was too diagnosed wth h pylori and since than ( 2 weeks ago ) i’be been obsesed wth this. Every free second I have I’m online trying to find if someone eradicate the bacteria with natural remedies. As someone has mention before it seems like eveybody tha has it can not get rid of t anyhow and there are no testimonials from anyone that is cured even with antibioticll. Its depresing. I just got my prescriptoin from the worst doctor that i’ve met in my life that I pay him 400 cash cuz I don’t have insurance and he lteraly kicked me out of his office when I went to get them and ask f I want to talk with him. He showed me the door saying here are your prescription. So I, stunned, said. Well I want to know how to take them, a det that I shoul follow, side effects, what is the chances that they will help, what f Im allergic on something??? And he just look at me and says; well you do whatever you want, take them or not!!! wow! can you believe it ? I mean I just wanted to smack his f**** face. So I left seing no point or hope that he want to help me anyhow. Maybe he was racist ( he was asian and Im white ) and I was the only white patient in his office. Anyway… My stomach problems start with taking antibiotics the begging of 2010 for allergies.( Also the doctor that tested me for allegies got my 450 and was completely wrong ) and I found on my self what Im allerging on so I’be been fine since that day on. ( by the way meanwhile developed astma,several sinus infections, cough that I thought I was diying from, 100% nasal congestion) And how absurde. I was wearing the allergen on me the whole time: PERFUME ! damn chanel! Im not joking. since that I’m free from eveything. :) thak god for that, but the stuped doctor that gave me the antibiotics messed up my digestive sistym. I had pancreatitis in may and after that couldnt eat anyting or 1 month . afeter 2 months I got in normal and start eating enly heatlhy foods and that 1 month ago I had in 2 days maybe a jar of peanut butter. ( way to much fat ) The next 4 days couldnt eat anything and start eating only fruits and drink coconut water. the pain was bearable but still bloating even on empty stomach… long story made short. I’ve been eating super heatly even since ( 1month ) fruits, vegetables,brocculi, brocculi sprouts, coconut oil and water, for lunch a little salmon or chicken,good gluten free oats with flaxseeds, camomile tea, no alchohol, no coffee, eating regulary, small portions. no food after 8pm. O yea. forgot Manuka honey too 4 times a day 1tbsp before food. Im feeling better , stll some pressure and fullnes all the time, some pain now and than and some belching. The worst s though I have zero energy and being a gym juncky Im depressed. I lost also maybe 20lb in the past couple of months and eveybody thinks that I did it on purpose. I will add probiotics in my diet from tomorrow, also will look up what is monolauring as I dont know what it is, also will ad fish oil, aloe vera and try to do some yoga and exersise no matter how low I feel. I will do that for 2 moths and hoping to kill this bactera. ** if it dosent’ happen I wll take the antibiotics followed with good probiotics and healty diet. Meanwhile, if someone had a succesful antibiotics eradication please let me know. I want to hear at lease 1 person was helped by the doctors who dont care about helping , only care about the money they make. good luck to everybody. I’ll keep you posted

      • Hi Juliana
        thanks for post. I had similar situation. I was prescribed pills for my sinus and then boom, got sick as crazy week later. Now I have sinus, cold and HP. Most of doctors dont do much, they just know how to prescribe pills. It is ridiculous!!!
        Hope you are feeling better now.
        I am trying hard!!!!


  227. Hi Amy, I still have the hp which I desparetly need to get rid of. I’ll be on my second round of antibiotics (first round I took for 6 days) and worked with an herbalist which didnt help me. I am down to 100 lbs and can’t afford to lose any more. I am still not clear on how much and which fruits and carbs I can eat during my treatment, if any. It may not make a difference if I’m doing the antibiotics. I have cut out all sugars, alcohol,
    caffeine, etc. Thanks for your help.

  228. I think each and every individual is different and what works for some won’t work for others.

    As much as i hate it if i eat marinated salmon and fish my stomach feels so much better for it, I’m going to try hard to just have this with salads and steam vegies. Oh and btw i took the HP7 treatment that my dr advised for the 7 days and felt great but when i stopped taking them I feel 100 times worse now!

    My dr wants me to take another 7 day course but i just literally can’t do it! I’m in Australia and a naturopath says he has something i can take that will get rid of it but knows??

    • Dear Tabby,

      I don’t normally check this website since I tested negative for h. pylori (finally!) but I do visit every once in a while. I just have to tell you (and every other sufferer out there) what finally worked for me. And no, it wasn’t the antibiotics!
      My doc put me on a product called Pyloricil by Ortho Molecular for one month. It has many of the ingredients that Amy has so kindly listed above. Let me tell you, the first 17 days on the product were really rough–I felt so sick and could hardly eat anything! But then, I started improving in leaps and bounds by day 18 onward.
      After I finished the product, I took some of Amy’s advice and continued with the anti-pylori protocol for an additional 3 months, just to make sure it was all gone. I strictly adhered to an anti-candida diet (good for pylori too), took lots of organic coconut oil everyday, took 1 g of mastic gum (Allergy Research Group) before bed on an empty stomach, and took probiotics every morning (Ortho Biotic). I tested negative for the h. pylori in August (3 samples all came back negative).
      I hope this will give you hope. The h. pylori is absolutely wretched and I feel for you! But there is hope! So I just thought I’d share my story.

      Warm Regards,

      • Steph, What is pyloricil ??? and do you feel normal and better? can you eat anything now? I’m happy I hear someone got better, that mean there is hope.

  229. Hi Amy,

    I have so many questions and don’t even know where to begin. I came across your website and have had so many mix feelings, happy because all of the symptoms you mention I have and others you don’t . I started back in feb 2010 with dry mouth and stomach aches, but it went away and came back this summer since then I have not been myself. It was when about two months ago I was told I was positive with Hpylori. I have so much symptoms sinus pressure, sometimes dry mouth, pressure on my upper palate, aches on the left side of my stomach, muscle aches, fatigue, after I eat I belch, and feel soooo full. I haven’t lost weight, or throw up, but I do get dizzy at times.
    I went to see a GI dr who did an endoscopy on me and said it came back normal, no more hpylori!?! I was like huh? I still have all these symptoms even after doing forteen days of triple therapy antibiotics. Now I ordered the pills you mention on your website to give it a try because I don’t know what else to do. I have no medical insurance and I am unemployeed right now too which doesn’t help. I am 32 yrs old and going to school and it’s affecting me my lifestyle. I have developed so much anxiety, and feel like I have something else more serious. I am always trying to diagnose myself through the internet and don’t know what to do. Could it be possible that I still have the bacteria? I am doing probiotics 50 billion aday the refrigerated ones and was wondering what you could advise me. I have a six year old son and I am sooo depressed in the way I feel I just want this nightmare over. Thanks for your time and hope to hear from you.

    • hi katherine, I can tell you from my experience after the antibiotic was normal to feel bad because they destroy everything both good and bad bacteria and your digestive system needs time to recover. That could be reason you still feel soo sick. After I finished with the triple therapy I felt the same as you are now, but unfortunately I am still hpylory (+). maybe you heard of candida albicans overgrowth, usually come after the use of large doses of antibiotics and can cause symptoms such as fatigue, muscle aches, belching, indigestion, and it appears that Candida is worse than hpylor to overcome … unfortunately.Here’s something that you can try for indigestion, called digestive enzymes, I bought and it really helps http://www.iherb.com/search?kw=digestive%20enzymes#p=1&sr=0 ..i bought irwin naturals full spectrum and i feel much better now . i hope this helps ,and i wish everyone great health in future!

  230. Hi Amy,
    What a great blog! I can feel for you..I’m going through some burning in my stomach and nothing seems to help. I’ve tried mastic.. It didn’t cure my problem and I broke out in a rash from it. I tested negative for h pylori. I don’t want an invasive endoscopy done. My ND said it could be other bacteria besides h pylori causing an overgrowth due to taking antibiotics. At least you knew what bacteria you were dealing with! I almost bought that matula tea but a friend showed me posts of it not working at all and at $175 for a box of tea…not worth the test. My only other course is manuka honey. I also noticed that GMO gluten grains cause more inflammation, so it looks like I need to stay off of them. BTW, I follow the blood type diet from Dr. Peter D’Adamo, and I’m not 100 % compliant, but I should be because I’d be feeling a lot worse if I didn’t follow my “A” diet from him.
    I had many more digestive problems when I was eating the Standard American Diet. Also, I read that chicken causes inflammation in the intestines.. and I get diarrhea from it myself. Just an FYI. So thanks for the info!

  231. Wow! Thanks for posting all of this information. My 13 year old was just diagnosed with H.pylori and I am so glad I can try something other than anti-biotics! She weighs about 116 pounds so I think I can give her the same dosage you were taking Amy. Does anyone have any input on that? I will run the dosage by her Dr. just in case. I already went to Whole Foods and have everything I need! Thanks again!

  232. hi, does anyone who has h pylori has sensitivity with light , dizziness , headache, ear noise? i been daignosed month ago with h pylori it change my life completely ,,, plz answer mee,,

    • farn,

      You complain of “sensitivity with light , dizziness , headache, ear noise”
      Have you been eating too much calcium? I did for a little while and would get all of these after having some cheese or milk or even prunes.
      It was very trippy eating even small amounts of calcium for those few days.
      If this is it, and you get it from calcium, you might want some lemonade/limeade (acetic acid, Vit C for making sure that doesn’t clog in your kidneys and give you a stone) and potatoes (potassium) with a little salt (sodium). Your kidneys maintain a Na/Ca/K balance, so if you have more of the others that should help them get rid of the extra calcium. Take magnesium as well! This will help get that calcium into your bones and out of your kidneys if that’s it. I’m not sure, but in my case I suspected the headaches were from some sort of osmotic pressure change.

      Taking too many B vitamins can cause ear-ringing. Sometimes caffeine or alcohol as well.

      • TIM m ,, thanx for reply and information, i had blood test done months ago my biliribun was high and i am on diet , my dizzyness and headcache is gone but i have eye sensitivity still,,,, i never drink alhohol or caffiene , i been in amy’s diet for about two months, my most of them problems are gone, but as i stopped taking manuka honey i started having stomach burning again i really dont know if i still have the h pylori or not, i have to see my dr for a stool test, thanx again,,


    Funny name but they contain a lot of tumeric. The naturopath claims this is what cured his h pylori.

    Ive also been trying so hard to stick to the diet mainly the anti candida one. Its driving me batty and i still cave in at times and have bit of chocolate and a few other nasties. oh and i also started taking manuka honey today and have some mastic gum aswell. havent tried that yet, havent even opened the bottle, do u chew the gum or swallow with water////???????

  234. Hello Amy and friends. I was just diagnosed with H Pylori yesterday after an endoscopy. After reading the horrible side effects possible with the standard medical treatment, I started searching for alternative medicines available. I happened on your website/blog and found it very helpful. More than helpful. While I was shocked about my diagnosis – because I was not symptomatic or so I thought, but now that I think about it, fatigue and unexplained aches and pains make sense to me. For some reason I did not start the prescribed drug treatment and I am so relieved that there are other avenues of treatment. I plan to order and begin your recommended therapies immediately and will continue to post. I hope I have the same results as you and others on this blog have had. Wish me luck and a much happier gastro system sans H Pylori.

  235. Hi Amy,

    I’m a 43 yr old male. I’ve been healthy and strong all my life, having played sports all the way to the college level and never experiencing chronic ANYTHING.

    I just finished reading your blog after waking up in the middle of the night and researching h. pylori treatments, something that’s becoming a routine for me. I partially blame myself for spending many hours in front of a computer with bad posture for my stomach problems. Anyway, your bad experiences with docs touched a nerve. My GP is supposed to be a gastroenterologist. After complaining of discomfort from my throat to my lower intestine, he cherry picked symptoms to match a diagnosis (acid reflux). When I asked him to do blood work, he did – for my cholesterol! He put me on a PPI and some time after that, I was losing my balance to the point of almost falling down. I went to the emergency room and got a CT scan for what I thought was a neurological problem (like a friggin’ tumor). I was diagnosed with vertigo. Since dizziness is a side effect of PPI medication, I didn’t need to be a detective to realize that there was a possible connection.

    After realizing that you weren’t selling anything, I studied your observations closely. Personal accounts like yours are few and far between!

    Because of your blog, I have a starting point for researching alternative treatments that my doctor is simply unwilling to entertain. Thank you!!

    Perhaps someday, we Americans won’t spend so much time resting on our laurels and realize how much we’ve fallen behind in some areas of health care.

    Best regards,


    • Hi Mike,

      I feel for you – dealing with docs who conform symptoms to fit diagnoses is frustrating and far, far too common. Glad the blog post will help you in your research! And yes, it’s incredible how much the prescription drug industry dictates exactly where our health system will, and will not, look for remedies. Good luck getting better, Amy

    • Hi Jean!

      I took Pyloricil for one month exactly. I took one capsule first thing about an hour before breakfast, and then I took another capsule at dinner. I took about 2 Tb. of extra virgin organic coconut oil/day, and I also drank a lot of aloe juice during this time as it tremendously soothed my stomach. Lots of raw garlic too. And NO starches/refined carbs/gluten/sugars/fruit/dairy! I had to say bye bye to my oats, rice, and potatoes for a while…that was tough…

      I should add that after the month on Pyloricil, I was nervous that the infection might return (or wasn’t completely out of my system) so I took 1 g mastic gum (Allergy Research Group) before bed every night. I also kept the same diet restrictions and I kept drinking the aloe juice and taking coconut oil.

      That’s what has kicked the pylori for me. I tested negative in all 3 samples of a stool test.

      Best wishes! You can do it.


      • Hi Steph,

        From your note you gave up just about everything. I want to know what solid foods you ate for breakfast, lunch and dinner and snacks , if any, during the month Thanks.

      • Hi Maria,

        Yes, I was extremely strict about my diet, but I don’t regret that at all as I think it may have helped me lick it in the end!
        Here’s a good picture of what I ate on a consistent basis:
        .scrambled eggs, a little salmon or tuna (rarely), and steamed veggies for breakfast
        .lunch and dinner: home-made broth, chicken and beef, + cooked veggies, coconut oil, avocados, garlic, and Celtic sea salt. Lay off the spices as it can irritate the delicate stomach lining.
        .aloe juice between meals.

        And that’s it. Stay away from anything that “hurts” your tummy.
        I will warn you that I felt soooo sick for almost 3 weeks into the treatment. It’s called the Herxheimer effect, so don’t give up and think “it’s not working”. Then I felt enormously better.
        Some people may have a tougher time eradicating the h. pylori, so stay on the regimen as long as you feel the infection might still be there. I had an aggressive form of the h. pylori but caught it in it’s earlier stages. Maybe that’s why I was able to kill it so quickly, I don’t really know.

        Just want everyone to know how I “licked” it, so hopefully it will work for you too. It’s a MISERABLE little bugger!


  236. I can’t stick to the diet but I’ve been taking mastic gum, coconut oil, tumeric tablets, lots of garlic everyday, vit c and E, olive leaf extract and probiotics. I’ve been feeling nauseous so I’m hoping its because something is killing off this bug.

  237. Hi Amy,

    Here the link:


    He answered somebody who said Zinc carnosine as the best treatment against H.pylori ( His nick name is Barjammar). He said that this stuff are unproven and they have weak activity against H.pylori.

    And here you can see that Barjammar is Dr Barry Marshall:


    I believe in the natural approach Amy, don’t get me wrong, but I didn’t notice much improvement. I’m having heart palpitations and so much stomach and back pain. The triple therapy relieved my pain just for a week but then I got my symptoms back. I tried the mastic gum and the manuka honey but I still have these pains.

    Next time I will try pyloricil and monolaurin and I will up date if there is any improvement.

    Keep up the good work.

  238. Has anyone here ever tried that diet devised by Be Wilder from the yahoo group? I’m really curious to know whether someone could get a coronary from eating all that fat she recommends. like 6 tablespoons of butter a day and 6 tablesppons of coconut oil a day and all that meat aswell. Yuck, I have a gallbladder issue also I’m sure eating like that would kill me! But it appears that diet has helped a lot of others though.

  239. Woohoo!!! I just rang the Drs office and found out my breath test came back negative so mines gone also!!! Thing is now I don’t know now whether it was the antibiotics that got rid of it, or the Tablets the naturopath gave me that did it, or the gluten dairy sugar free diet I’ve been on (mind you, I could never stick to it 100%) that did it, or the mastic gum etc etc….

  240. Amy, you are an expert on H.Pylori. What about a vaccine against it? It is so easy to get infected, what if it happens second time to someone? Though, I ‘ve read that re-infection rate (if not considering the re-infection in the first year, which can be incomplete eradication) is low.

    • I’m not an expert, but I do know that some people get H Pylori a second time once it’s been eradicated. I don’t know why – perhaps they didn’t change their eating habits enough or are exposed to it by a partner again. I have been free from it for sometime now, thankfully.

  241. Hello,

    Does anybody know where we can buy a probiotic that contains L.fermentis? I read that taking this bacteria is almost comparable to the triple therapy:

    It seems very interesting that this probiotic ( L.fermentis) gives up to 70% eradication rate:
    ”Accordingly, lactobacillus treated groups and triple treated group showed a significant decrease of H. pylori bacterial density, with an eradication rate of H. pylori 70.0% in gastric antrum and 60.0% in gastric body in L. fermenti treated group”

  242. Hi Jean and all,

    I do not know about L’Fermente but here is a link to an excellent probiotic by Dr. Ohhira, which has a strain that kills h pylori and other hard to kill bugs. http://www.crohns.net/Miva/education/articles/OMX_probiotic_Nan_Fuchs.shtml. Nan Fuch, Ph.D. in nutrition classified it as #1. More info on the distributors site http://www.essentialformulas.com.

    There is a different philosophy behind this product in that it remodels the colon so it produces its own lactic acid http://www.crohns.net/Miva/education/articles/Probiotics_Support_the_Colon.shtml

    I’ve been taking the professional formula for 2 weeks now and am noticing a big difference. All the gas and bloating is gone, my stomach was never flatter. From everything I read, this is the best probiotic, and judging by my own short term experience, it appears to be so. Crohns.net has the best price. http://www.crohns.net/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Product_Code=OMX1060. There is 25 years of University research behind this product.

    I’ve been fighting h pylori for a year now and so far none of the natural remedies I tried killed the bug. I feel good though, but I am hoping this probiotic takes things over the top and finally eradicates it. Gastric Complex by Integrative Therapeutics digestive enzymes helped a lot, they did not hurt my stomach like many do with protease and/or hydrocloric acid. It is designed for people who need to rebuild their stomach lining caused by gastritis/h pylori.

    Anyhew, some of you find this info helpful. Best of luck getting healed.

    Happy Thanksgiving.


    • Hi Nancy,

      You are absolutely right the quality of the probiotics. One study done to verify the viability of the probiotics in the capsules, they conclude that the majority of the probiotics in the market have dead probiotics and even low quantities than what it’s claimed.

      Also I saw that the probiotic you mentioned has L.fermentis :D. This bacteria is capable of colonizing the stomach and the duodenum. L.acidophilus cannot survive the acid like L.fermentis.

      In the link that I put before, L.fermentis was given for a short time and it has an eradication rate almost like the triple therapy (60% to 70%). Also the study was done by an university. So it is an independant study. Not like other studies done by the company who sells the products (ie, cranberry juice and broccoli).

      The bad news with the antibiotics is that H.pylory can become very quickly resistant to them. However, some studies suggest to increase the dose of the antibiotics to overcome the resistance by saturating the efflux pomps of the bacteria ( increasing Flagyl and doxycycline to penetrate the bacteria).

      Thanks again for the link for the probiotic.


    • Rod and All,

      I do not know how effective mastic gum is in helping eradicate h pylori but that particular study is not really comprehensive enough to tell us much about the effectiveness of mastic gum: the study sample size is too small, the duration of the study is to short and lacking proper design. Usually mastic gum is part of the treatment, not the whole treatment. It would be like taking one part of quadruple drug approach to treating h pylori, and taking one drug say prilosec or its prescription alternative and testing whether it kills h pylori. It will not do the job. Moreover, using drug testing standards for natural supplements often fails, because of drugs’ different design but it is nevertheless used to discredit natural supplements’ effectiveness for various reasons. I could go on about deficiencies of this study.

      I tried Prilosec alone and it did nothing for me. I so far have refused other more comprehensive drug therapy because other than Prilosec I have not taken drugs in 2 decades and I am highly reactive not just to drugs but to supplements as well. I have to start with small doses.

      So far my natural remedies approach has not eradicated h pylori but it made me feel much better. I have been using natural remedies such as Bio HPF and ADP by Biotics, Mastic Gum, various probiotics for a year and very healthy diet as always. Although I still tested positive for h pylori in April and August, I have been feeling good. I started to feel better immediately after I started taking those supplements last December (2009). I added Gastric Complex and pine oil from Siberian Tiger Naturals (for good antioxidant properties) in June, which helped with stomach burning and digestion. That pine oil also hydrated my hair and skin–they never felt softer! I am excited about Dr Ohhira’s professional formula probiotics as it contains lactic acid bacteria strain that effectively kills h pylori. I will test again after being in this probiotic for a month to see if h pylori is finally gone and will report back. I certainly hope that finally does it.

      My overall point is that we are all very complex organisms and no particular therapy will work the same for all individuals, which is what medical field has been trying to suggest with its drug therapies. The same goes for natural remedies. It took a friend of mine 2 years to get rid of h pylori using natural treatment, which is all she could handle. In Greece mastic gum works well for its population. Other factors of Greece population diet need to be duplicated in the studies to see why h pylori is not an issue for its population.

      Happy Thanksgiving and good health to all.


  243. Hi Amy,

    Thanks for posting this. I’ve been going through it all plus a lot of stiffness & difficulty walking. Oregano oil with carvacrol is helpful, mastic gum amongst others, manuka honey is making me constipated though and I’m still waiting for monolaurin shipment.

    I would like to buy bladder wrack seaweed. I have only found it either in flakes or in powder form !

    Websites where I can buy bladder wrack are greatly appreciated

    thank you

  244. Hi Everyone,

    I have been reading all your post and hoping to get rid of this hpylori that’s driving up the wall. I started with symptoms in February of 2010, and it’s just have gotten worse. I have so many different symptoms that I have read on the internet that people post who have this HORRIBLE! bacteria. I recently purchased pyloricil because I have that Steph highly recommends it and that it has worked. I was just wondering what I should look for if I am allergice to it and also how should I take it? I currently unemployed with no medical insurance and my son is 7 years old and I am so miserable, it’s so HARD to deal with. My doctor told me it’s anxiety, and my GI did an endoscopy on me and found nothing, besides esphogitis. I don’t get it, but I they found it in my blood result and gave me weeks of triple therapy and I have not gotten better, so I am looking for other alternatives. ANYTHING! to get rid of this nightmare! My body aches, my left side aches in pain depends on what I eat, and I feel exhausted all the time, depressed, get anxiety attacks, and heart palpitations.
    I also got some mastic gum recently, but when I take them it makes my pain on stomach go away, but gives me body aches, does anyone know why?
    Please if anyone could advise me on how to get rid of it this Hpylori bacteria forever!!!!

    I ask sincerely for you help :(

    Thank you sincerely
    Katherine :(

  245. What amazing reading! I thought I was the only one in the world with this bacteria, no-one I know has had it or even heard of it!
    My symptoms started May 2008, (continual nausea feeling) the doctor gave me lansoprazole for 3 months (an alkaline) which didn’t work, hardly surpising as H-pylori likes an alkaline digestive system, that’s why they bury into your lining to get away from the acid. However we do need acid to aid digeston, that’s the dilemma.
    After 2 years of suffering with a selection of symptoms as people have posted on this site, I asked my doctor for a stool test which came back positive for H-pylori. She gave me 1 week of the triple antibiotic therapy, and for 1 week after that I felt great with lots more energy. Then after that I felt really ill, much worse than before but with a difference, a huge sugar craving and a terrible ache between my shoulders. I researched the internet and put this down to a yeast overgrowth in my gut as a response to taking too many antibiotics. My doctor then gave me a further 2 weeks course of antibiotics, exacerbating the problem even further. I had days off work and felt miserable all the time.
    I accessed the internet for help and came across the David Hompes website, a nutritionalist based near my home town Leeds, in England. I paid for a consultation, he organised a stool test to check if there were any other bacteria that shoud be treated ( very important) My results also came back with a yeast overgrowth which I had expected due to symptoms. I followed his advice and regime for weeks before starting treatment for H-pylori and believe that this was the right thing to do as supplements will not be effective until inflammation in your gut subsides.

    For 60 days –
    eliminate gluten from your diet, this is a sticky substance that inhabits the gut and prevents the good nutrients from being absorbed
    eliminate processed cow’s milk + foods (alternative could be unpasturised goat’s milk and cheese)
    Avoid soy
    Cut back on sugar ( also meaning foods containing carbohydrates, potatoes, pasta, bread etc.)
    Throw out the bad fats, only cook with coconut oil, butter, ghee or lard

    I must admit, breakfast was interesting! No more cereal + milk, or toast + jam ( see David’s site for ideas)

    After the 60 days do a stomach cleanse for 30 days, this could be-
    herbs to kill H pylori plus probiotics
    Also a yeast cleanse if your test is positive for yeast overgrowth

    In June I personally tried, Beta Glucans, Berberine, Olive leaf extract, Zinc-L-Carnosine and a brand of probiotic + yeast killer called Syntol, although the probiotic in this was 13 billion which is the minimum you should be taking, it may have been wiser to search for a higher dose on reflection.

    I was trying to avoid the cost of the Matula Herbal Tea at approx $130 for a 30 day course, even though they offered a refund or another box if after 30 days it didn’t work!

    I eventually gave in as the other supplements weren’t really helping and at the end of July I ordered the tea and took it for the month of August. + a strong magnesium to stop the tremors and anxiety
    I gradually started to feel better, no sickness and bundles of energy! I would walk the dog, go horse riding then walk the dog again all in one day.

    I had continued contact with my doctor who arranged for scans of my abdomen, the latest endoscopy where biopsies were taken was in October and I am pleased to say no bacteria was found. He found no ulcers but a hiatus hernia which I didn’t know I had and fortunately doesn’t cause me much discomfort.

    I was feeling great until 3 weeks ago when a gastric bug at work set me back in health. Now I’m not sure if it’s the H-pylori returned or just my poor digestive system taking longer than the average person to recover from the bug. I think I’m paranoid about the H-pylori returning and don’t know whether to buy the Matula again.

    Whatever! the Matula worked for me as the biopsy results showed.
    There’s lots of stuff out there it’s just trial and error as everyone is different.
    It’s just good to read others comments and share stoires

    I wish everyone the best of health for 2011

  246. Hi Jean, im not sure about giardia ,maybe i will test myself,if it doesnt cost too much :D.Right now im on turmeric+monolaurine+mastic+salmon oil softgels,so far didnt notice any improvement i started taking this two months ago :(,but i have hope…I am curious about oregano oil seem like its very potent against bacteria,dont want to be rude or anything , btw why is that u want to reach me via email? good luck everyone! :)

    • Hi infected fan of Amy,

      The problem with giardia is the stool tests are not accurate. I did 6 stool tests and I was negative for giardia. Then I met a lady that was infected from her dog by giardia and she told me also that stool tests were negative for her. I discussed with her my symptoms and they almost fit. She was also misdiagnosed with H.pylori. Endoscopy and stool tests showed no H.pylori after. She described for me her heart palpitation as well as the acid reflux.

      The reason I asked you for your email is to discuss with you your symptoms in more detail if you don’t mind. Anyway, it’s your choice. If you feel confirtable in the forum we will discuss them here then.

      Have a nice night.

  247. hi amy,,, i started taking manuka honey 20+ with mastic gum one and half months ago, it really worked for me my diarriah is gone , i feel energitic, no dizzyness or headache so far , but 4 days ago i stopped taking manuka honey and i started having stomach pain and burning and back pain again, i just called my dr to make an appointment for a stool test so see if the h pylori is gone or not, ,,,, i still take my mastic gum, and my diet is changed too no rice, no white bread, no sugar, ,,,
    plz tell me if u or anyone here started back pain and stomach burning after they stopped manuka honey,,,
    sorry for my weak english,,,,

  248. hi every one,, i did take the stool test after one and half month of taking manuka honey and mastic gum and test result came back positive, i asked my family dr to refere me to a GI specialist, i been really stirct to my diet , i really dont know if i should continue taking manuka honey with mastic gum or should i start taking pyloricil\?/ plz any recomandation ,,, thanx

  249. hi amy,,, i am too infected with the disturbing bug, i want to know how mg magnisim , zinc, and vit k did u take per day, u also recomanded taking multivitamines should i take it in tablet form or syrup form, i have centrum silver in tablet form,,,
    about the fruits i eat one banana every day , one apple and some grapes, i dont know if i continue eating fruits during the remdy or not, plz answer ,,,

  250. Hi Maria,

    Thank you for your reply.

    Like I said in a previous post, gardia which is a parasite can give you gastritis. H.pylori is not s super bug. You can ask any microbiologist about that. I used to believe that H.pylori was causing all my problems because the DOCTOR said so. But now after I checked for H.pylori and I found I’m negative also and that there is a still an inflmmation, I knew for a fact it’s a parasite ( protozoa).

    Pyloricil worked for some people because it contains berberines and bismuth which works against protozoa.

    The people who really suffered from H.pylori never had symptoms like ours. They usully had stomach ulcers and some acid reflux but no bloating.

    I believe that shooting at the right bug is so important.

  251. hi , does anyone here done endoscopy? how do they perform it, i saw a GI specialist today he ordered endoscopy for me, dr said they will give me some medication to make me asleep while performing the test, i was wondering if anyone hase done the test b4, plz response me thanx,,,

  252. Hi Fan,

    I believe that I was misdiagnosted for H.pylori ( even if I was positive, it is not always the culpit). As you can read from my posts before the remedies listed by Amy and others also are effective against protozoa like Giardia. Berberine, lauric acid, bismuth all have antiprotozoal activies. Why I pick on Giardia because it’s highly infective ( like hell) and also it can causes Gastritis and deodunal ulcer.

    All what I recommand to you is to test by PCR tests for some pathogens and see if you are positive.

    My case is complicated because I have a protozoa with unknown taxonomy ( not known for the medical community).

    Ask your familly doctor for stool tests for Ova and parasites ( 3 tests with fixative) and also you have to stop taking anything before the test ( 1 to 2 weeks) so you won’t get false negative.

    You can ask me any question if you need help at my email : jyt(at)live(dot)ca

    Wish you good luck.

  253. Hi Fan,

    Try NAC ( N-acetyl-cysteine) to disturb the biofilms of H.pylori. Add to that EDTA to chelate the iron from H.pylori.

    After the treatment wait and then test.

  254. Did this end up aleviating the anxiety as well? My 10 year old daughter has h pylori and terrible anxiety that has now turned into a phobia of throwing up. She has felt sick for so long that now all she worries about is throwing up because she always feels so nauseous. Interestingly enough, she has never thrown up. But it is what she worries about all the time. If I can get her stomach/gut to feel better, did you notice your anxiety level off then as well?

    • My anxiety did ease, but it took a little while. You feel unsafe in your body when your gut is affected so directly. There are actually similar cells in your gut to those found in the brain. I forget the technical / medical term of those cells, but they’re there. You might want to ask your doc about a temporary low(est) dose of anti-depressant or anti-anxiety pill. I used one for two weeks but quit it as I didn’t want to get addicted. I think it was Paxil.

  255. hi, amy i have been using mastic gum & acidophilus for 2 weeks ,i am still feeling anxious ,depress lack of sleep,fatigue , is this a die out effect

    • I don’t know if the Mastic Gum is enough to use alone. You may be experiencing die off, but I think you need to take the other two M’s – Monolaurin and Manuka Honey. Have you tested positive for H Pylori?

  256. yes i was tested positive, i have used manuka but seems to have a burning effect ,can i use olive leaf extract instead of monolaurin. When symptom will disapear

  257. i have a question about broccoli sproutc and mastic gum,,, , how much broccoli sprout should we eat a day to fight h pylori? should it be the fresh broccoli or in pills form???? which brand of mastic gum should we buy, i bought the jarrow farmula is it the right one ?

  258. Dear Amy, several years ago I started dealing with insomnia due to a racing heart when I would try to sleep. My MD at the time told me, after a complete cardiac work-up that it must be anxiety. I never bought this diagnoses but started taking ambien to help with sleep (but have stopped for over a year now). I only had the burping and increased heart rate that are symtoms of GERD (which is caused by h. pylori). I now realize, with the help of my current MD, that it is likely H. pylori. I’ll be tested in two weeks, having to wait a month as I took bismuth for a week. The best information comes from The Helicobacter Foundation website–it’s written by Barry Marshall (he received a Nobel in 2005 for discovering h. pylori). For instance, to stop the racing heart I never lay flat–my heart and head are always above the stomach. Melatonin helps the lower esophageal spincter from relaxing so less acid enters the esophagus, and also helps with sleep. I eat very little after 6pm giving the stomach time to digest. In reading your blog I saw little on how powerful bismuth is in fighting this bacteria. I also wonder why I didn’t see anything about cranberry juice in your blog–it too as proven effective in research. And for me personally. Since I begun learning about h.pylori, and learning ways to address it, I have begun sleeping in a normal and healthy manner. My heart goes out to all fellow sufferers. Did you know that 2/3 of the world population has this class one carcinogen but we see so little about it in media.

  259. Hi, I was told from blood work that I have it and put on prev pac, which I am scared to take after reading everything about it. I am going to try the Manuka Honey, Mastic Gum and Monolaurin. My question though is can the pills be crushed since they are herbal? I have a hard time taking pills, I also looked it up but couldn’t find anything about doing it this way. I will ask the herbal store when I go to buy them but just wondered if you had any input about doing it that way. Thanks for this site, it really helps ease my nerves about this.

  260. Makes me wish mine was hpolyri at least you can get rid of it.

    My gastriits is mild gastriits but its from taking a antibiotic for a Urinary Tract Infection- Cipro.

    By day three of taking it I had burning under my rib, pain, belching, bloating, gas. Gastritis.

    I am eating an organic and good alkaline diet.
    I’m taking things like mastic gum, turmeric, Aloe Vera, chamomile, marshmallowroot, slippery elm, VSL3, ginger, list goes on… without much difference.

    I wonder if its just going to take a long time t o take effect or if it never will. I know the stomach takes a long time to heal, sometiems I dont know if I’m better off going on a acid drug like nexium but I am not sure what more to do at this point or if maybe i have to just continue to deal with the pain and one day the herbs do something! I wonder if its not helping cause its not turning off the acid giving the stomach time to heal, no herb can really turn off acid. But is it going to be neccessary or can I heal this herbal. All the questions with little answer! Id hate to think Im stuck this way for years from one antibiotic!

  261. I have followed this blog for 6-7 months now…Very interesting reading! I have now come to the conclusion that my symptoms mirror Amy’s in several ways with just a few notable exceptions.

    My background: I started having heart symptoms 11 months ago (crazy palpitations, etc.). I was checked out at the cardiologist with a stress/echo test and all came back OK. Around the same time, I was also diagnosed with hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s. A few months later, a stool test revealed I had an active H Pylori infection. The single biggest confusing issue has been that I never know whether the source of the symptoms (there have been more than my heart) is coming from the thyroid problem or the H Pylori infection. Plus, the thyroid meds are known to cause heart palps as well!

    The stool test that indicated H Pylori was ordered up by an out-of-state DC who I was consulting with on the Hashimoto’s. I took some H-PLR as he thought it was a recent infection. I saw a new gastro doc last month to get re-tested and was laughing on the inside for the whole appointment! Amy’s experience was spot on…the guy was completely full of himself and crass (he told me during the first 5 minutes of the appointment that everything I had done with the DC was bu&$sh*#…nice, huh?). Once he saw the stool test used PCR criteria to show a positive, he toned it down a bit. The funny end to that part of the story is that all he wanted to do was to shove the thing down my throat and get on with the gastroscopy. When I asked if either the breath test or the stool test were accurate indicators of an H Pylori infection, he answered “Yes, very accurate.” When I asked him to perform either one instead of the gastroscopy, he responded that “We don’t do those tests in this office.” Great–just the big bucks tests…So, I may have to come out of pocket to get re-tested.

    As I mentioned at first, I do have symptoms that mirror Amy’s, such as feeling as though I have heart issues on many different occasions. Of course, that brings on its own set of anxieties, as one never knows when the symptoms are going to hit. And, forget about mentioning to ANY doc that you think the heart issues may be linked to H Pylori…You get laughed out of the office! However, unlike Amy and many others, I have to say that for the most part, my bowels perform like champs! I am very regular, and have never noticed any subsiding of symptoms after a potty break, such as I think she experienced. Aren’t most H Pylori infections accompanied by more severe bowel problems?

    All this to say that it’s high time that I get on with Amy’s “triple therapy” approach and see if I get any results. I was already gluten-free for 5 months (I’m not right now), but just never saw any real benefits from it. I eat very healthy foods, but I know I need to “tone down” the spiciness and turn up the blandness a bit. I’ll report back in a few months. One more thing…I thank God that Amy wrote about her experiences. I think it’s helped many people more than she’ll ever know!

  262. Amy, I’ve been reading this forum for a month and a half and I’ve been following your protocol (manuka honey, monolaurin, & mastic gum) along with aloe vera juice. I have pain under my lower rib cage on my left side (it may be an ulcer). If you had any pain, how did you heal your pain and how long did it take to go away.

  263. Hi Amy
    Just wanted to tell you that I am sooooo glad I found your website. I have been suffering for 2 years now- and no one knew what was wrong with me. It started out that they said it was acid reflux- then I had an endoscopy done and the doc said I had a small Hiatal Hernia and pylori. I have been on 2 rounds of the triple therapy(H- Pak) and I am still sick. Having pains in the lining of my stomach and acidy all the time. I have been on acid inhibitors for about 2 years now and am trying not to take them anymore.. I have now purchased the manuka honey 16 and a product called Gastro Relief which contains some mastic gum and zinc carnine. Probiotics(61 Billion).also taking L Glutamine in water everyday and bladderwrack tea at night(yuck)- still have burning in my stomach. Am trying to follow the diet that you outlined above- quite difficult as I’m a sugar person…but so far have managed to stay on course. What do you think about eating popcorn? I need something to get me through the evening…

  264. Please try Oil Pulling (OP) too to fight H Pylori as well as minimize recurrant infections. It is also good for many other things too (yeast infection, candida, thyroid problems, diabetes etc). It is an ancient Indian Auyurvedic practice, can be part of your regular health practice.

    You can do this In the morning – before breakfast and on an empty stomach. Clean your tounge using a tounge cleaner before you begin this process to get maximum benefit. (I buy steel tounge cleaner from an Indian grocery store for a few bucks). Take 1 – 2 teaspoon of oil in your mouth and swish it around your mouth for 10 minutes (initially you many not be able to do it for more than 3-4 minutes). Try and push and pull between your teeth using the swishing movement of your tounge, cheeks as well as jaw. (DO NOT SWALLOW THIS OIL). After sometime the oil will get a whitish hue. Spit it out and then brush and rinse your mouth.
    It is recommended that this procedure be done with Sunflower oil or Sesame oil – but I have had success and very good results with coconut oil.

    OP should not be done if you have dental fillings as it can dislodge it. I have been using OP because of adult braces and it has removed debris, plaque as well as abrasions from my mouth – besides many other health benefits. Ihave used coconut oil and it has been great. However – organic extra virgin cold pressed Coconut Oil is a waste of money for this procedure – I use instead the “Parachute” brand cooking coconut oil that I find in Indian grocery stores in the US for a few bucks. (use the kind made for cooking – not for using as hair oil). Coconut oil has monolaurin and Lauric acid in it which is essentially dissolving the outer layer (biofilm) of the bacteria, so that the bacteria and fungus etc die off. For consuming internaly I would recommend using only the extra virgin cold pressed variety of coconut oil (or else you will clog your arteries). I spit it out in my toilet pot – so that I do not clog the sink.

    It helps with the bad breath associated with all kinds of digestive ailments too.

  265. One of my problems was that even when the pain of the acid abated (even when using PPIs), I was consumed by a never ending hunger…I used the following drink to remedy that. I drink it with all my meals – the Indian yogurt is very light and a great source of live lactobaccilus. Cumin, asaphoetida and Kala Namak are also digestives-

    Blend the following and enjoy –
    1/2 cup of “Deep” brand low fat yogurt (Dahi) from Indian grocery store
    1/2 cup of warm water or warm milk (what ever you can tolerate)
    1/2 tsp of Cumin (dry roasted and powdered)
    1/4 tsp of Kala Namak (Black Salt) or according to taste
    a pinch of powdered Asafoetida (Hing)

    I got all the ingredients from Indian grocery store (in the US). I dry roasted a big batch of cumin till it was all smokey and dark brown, and after it cooled I ground it in my coffee grinder. I stored it in a mason jar. I bought all the ingredients from an Indian grocery store because these are everyday cooking spices and ingredients in Indian cooking and so they always have to keep fresh stock.

    Another thing that has helped me to compensate for my daily tea and coffee habit is the following concoction –
    Mix equal quantities of Ground cumin seeds (not roasted), Ground Fennel seeds, Ground coriander seeds, Ground ajwain (carrom seeds?) . Use 2-3 teaspoons of this mixture and put in 6 cups of water – boil and reduce to half. Strain, and drink this hot during tea time, or cool it and drink in lieu of water. All the spices listed above you can get at any Indian or Pakistani grocery store world wide. And it costs just a couple of bucks – unlike online or in a health food store.

  266. You are a God send Amy, I have been struggling with the EXACT same symptoms for some time now. I too live in a big city, Chicago, and I’d like to think that these doctors would be qualified to help. It’s unfortunate that greed has hijacked the system.

    I have been doing some natural alternatives, but I have learned even more from you and I’m so grateful to have found your story and I’m so thankful that you took the time to share YOUR research with the rest of us who have been long suffering.

    After you cleared up the bug, were you able to have bread and sugar and coffee, oh, how I love my coffee in small amounts? I certainly don’t want to give up everything I love.

    I wonder, once we have the bug, does it really ever eradicate or does it lie in wait, waiting to be triggered again?

    God Bless

    • Hi Toni,

      I have not had the bacteria again. It can be eradicated, although it does recur in some people. I have been h pylori-free for about two years now. I also drink mostly tea now, but I do have the occasional iced coffee and dry cappuccino. Good luck to you!


      • Hi Amy.

        Exactly how much Mastic Gum did you take with Manuka Honey?? I will be following this regimen along with probiotics and all the other suggested supplements you shared. I started the antibiotics and they make me feel horrible. Worse part is that it’s only been 2 days but it’s harsh on my gut and body. Thanks in advance for replying and hope you are doing great after your recovery!👍🏼🙏🏼

  267. Hi,

    I just want to say, like Jean, for the ones that do not feel better, after the h pylori protocol, that it is probably not h pylori the problem, if you had it, it is probably dead by now, but you should take a look at parasites instead. Giardia can also live in the upper GI track.


  268. hi amy, i had a stool test for h pylori again came possitive i really dont know what else should i do to get rid of this nusty bug, nothing seems to work on me, i am working so hard dont know what am doing wrong ,,,,,,

  269. Hi Fred,

    I’m happy that you at least found what wrong. You might have Dientamoeba.fragilis which is a protozoa that lives with the pinworm.

    Check the web site http://microscopiccreatures.lefora.com/

    There is so many information there.

    Me I got PPTU which means that there is a protozoa unkown. But I know that it’s not H.pylori for sure. And by attacking the protozoa I feel fine.

    Best regards,

  270. Hi Fred,

    For pinworm, you should to use Albendazole or any dewormer.

    Pinworm is a vector for Dientamoeba.fragilis which is a stubburn protozoa that leads to IBS and chronic fatigue syndrome.

    For Dientamoeba you should try Monolaurin, caprilyc acid, black wallnut, wormwood.

    The only probiotic that might help against protozoa is S.boulardii because it’s a yeast and uses Mannan receptors to compete with the protozoans.

    Check: http://microscopiccreatures.lefora.com/

    with Dientamoeba.fragilis and pinwom you sould clean your hands very frequently to minise reinfecting yourself.

      • Hi Fred,

        Mebendazol should work fine against Pinworm. You should take it again after one week to kill all the eggs that became adults. If you check the web : http://microscopiccreatures.lefora.com/
        You could find that Pinworm is a possible vector for a protozoa called dientamoeba.fragilis. This protozoa is linked in more than one study to IBS. You should treat first the pinworms and then see how you feel.

        Regarding me, I got PPTU from Metametrix which means that I have an unkown protozoa as well as Giardia. The forum I created is just to deal with protozoans infections.

        Which protozoa do you have?


      • I have pinworm and pptu, I took my first batch of vormex, works great for the pinworm, will take an other course next week, and a third in four weeks.

        For the pptu, might be something like dientamoeba, I ordered flagyl, secnidazol, Nitazoxanide and Furoxone.


  271. Hi Amy, I am a few years late on this but as I reseached for HP I stumbled on your blog. You are fantastic and amazing. You say you aren’t a doctor but you ought to be.
    I was diagnosed with HP and have been through the usual frustrations. Eventually I came across David Hompes’s e book and haven’t looked back. ( Search for him ). Most of what you have given us is what he advises but you have given me a lot more now. I could say you should charge but I know you have a kind heart and when you follow the heart all else fades away. That’s what happens after a crisis, love and compassion begin to flourish.
    You make a difference, thanks for sharing this wonderful planet with me.
    Blessings Steve.

  272. I am treating h. pylori with Pyloricil, the same as Steph did. This was recommended by my naturopath. I asked if I should add Monolaurin; he said to add it and see how I respond. (He had me taking this before for boosting the immune system).

    My first 10 days taking Pyloricil were awful. I got stomach pains that I never had before. So my dr. said to take 10 days off and boost the gut with a supplement with l-gluatmine among some other ingredients. I want to eradicate this ASAP so I’ve started taking only 1 pill a few days ago. I’ll work back up to 2/day soon.

    Jean – along with the h. pylori, my stool test revealed an unidentified protozoa. The result said that if I have no stomach issues, it may not need to be treated. My naturopath said I”d need to get treatment from an MD as herbals are too slow for protozoa. Though I’ve not addressed it yet as I’m now focusing on the HP.

    However, I already knew I had a protozoa as I had a blood test done by Fry Labs in Scottsdale, AZ. He’s fairly recently identified a new protozoa which is linked to IC, lyme disease among others. I was working with a practitioner for IC (a bladder condition) and she works with him. I chose not to treat for it at this time b/c I can’t find anyone in the chat boards who’s successfully cured their IC from eradicating this protozoa.

    • Hi Renee,

      I don’t know what do you mean by unknown protozoa? Did you tested for its DNA 12 S or they saw something under the microscope.

      Anyway the presence of H.pylori in the crime scene does’t prove that it’s a responsible for your gastro disconfort. Even if Pyloricil will work remember that it has a lot of things that work against Protozoan as well. In your case it seems you have Bebesia protozoan infections which is a protozoa that can be carried by ticks like Borrealia which is the cause of Lyme disease.

      Regarding H.pylori, my personal position is that in many cases this bacteria is innocent. There is no prove that it is responsible for Gastro problems. Science doesn’t distingish between strains of H.pylori that are pathogens and the one that are probiotics. It’s like E.coli There is a probiotic one and there is a deadly one also.

      So I’m trying to make a pharmaceutical protocole for the protozoan infections. The majority of probiotics does’t work against protozoa. The only one that is studied is S.boulardii which is a friendly yeast and has been shown to decrease the number of Blastocystis.hominis in children infected with this protozoa.

      So if you need any information regarding protozoan infection feel free to contact me or to check my forum:

      Best regards and don’t give up you will beat these beasts and you will be healthy again.


  273. Was just diagnosed this week. Unofruntately the way the Dr. wrote the prescription for some reason pharmcy doesn’t get it. Hmm.. and of course it is a long weekend.. so have to wait till Tuesday to get new prescription so trying to think of what I sahould be eating or doing till then. Am also going to see a Naturopath. Glad to hear that many of you have been cured. Hoping for the same results.

  274. Hello peoples

    Here is Leon from Poland

    My answer for HP is:

    Cranberries raw or dried to eat and 100% cranberries juice can be diluted with water (am trying to get dried ones with no added sugar but very difficult to get in poland all sweetened).

    If you choose probiotics choose L. Salivarius then becouse this strain eats HP.

    ( Im not tried yet L. salivarius becouse cant get it in f*king poland)

    So I leave to you discover how or if it works.

    I wish to buy L. salivarius from america or wherever in the world but have no bank account. :(
    I wish to get L. salivarius some lucky day or if somebody help me to get it. I trully believe it`s works.

    My story now:

    Ive found about a month ago that ive got this nasty bacteria in my digestive tract I yell HP!!..
    Ive done a blood test as well and it shows over normal level antibodies/gens for HP..
    another sign that bacteria is present is a white coating on the back of tongue which has dissapear after eating cranberries and/or drinking cranberry jiuce of course both with no sugar added !!!

    Thats why i see cranbeery works becouse symptoms goin away very quickly.
    Compounds in cranberry prevents Hp to stick to the any surfaces in the digestive tract so bacteria is pushed out from the body.

    I ve been battling with candida from 2 years now but i know now that main problem was and is present helicobacter pylori…

    Now I understand more and think that everyone with HP got candia as well..
    HP to survive in stomach produce ammonia to neutralize stomach enzymes and makes alkaline ervinonment.. simply stomach with no or less enzymes cant digest food.. undigested properly food cant feed the body and going pass digestive tract/gut.. undigested food couses food allergies and feed candida as well..
    thats how i see this going.. it sounds very logic to me..

    So way to heal i think is the diet plus suplements like:
    – cranberry,
    – l. salivarius,
    – etc. like mastic gum, matula tea, broccoli sprouts and others ive read about but not tested yet.

    Try eliminate from Diet:
    – eliminate simple sugars,
    – gluten becouse mucus over production
    – all diary products becouse mucus over production,
    – red and other meats for time
    – dont smoke tabbaco/marihuana
    – drugs
    – coffe and stimulants like caffeine
    – painkillers
    – everything what is hard to digest
    – black tea
    ** thats my opinion but problem is that i cant tell you for how long so dont take it seriously plz.

    What I eat now for every meal is mix of everything like:

    tablespoon of:

    – grinded millet,
    – buckwheat flakes
    – quinoa flakes
    – chickpeas flour
    – amaranthus flour
    – dried raisins or apricots or plums
    next I do is pour all igredients above in 350ml of boiing water (and cook for about 1min)

    next I do is:

    put into simple coffe grinder tablespoon of:

    – flax seeds
    – poppy seeds
    – hemp seeds
    – sometimes nuts it can be walnuts or hazel nuts or almonds ( i use only walnut becouse allergy for athers)

    after seeds and nuts are grinded fine I putting this into cooked stuff and mixing everything.

    It seems to look like complete food for me which contains carbohydrates, proteins, fats, fiber and much more.

    What Ive noticed after 2 days of eating like that is:
    – stools looks perfect
    – going 2-3 times daily to the toilet
    – no constipation or diarhohea (i had no regular bowel movements by the last over 2 years)

    Im start adding some stuff to my meal like:

    – few drops of black wormwood complex,
    – anticandia herbs in powder maybe they help kill HP
    – tea spoon of glutamine powder

    Will see how it will works

    I will be more than happy to share experiences with any one.
    my email is:

  275. In this blog I see the best of people, in that they are sharing and connecting. In times of illness, overwhelm and crisis the true human potential of growth and compassion shines through. To be aware of this is important in the healing process of the mind, body and spirit. Crisis can direct us to change and in that change can come an awakening and the awakening will lead you on a spritual journey. On the journey you discover many insights and one is about the cycles of life and with these cycles comes more spiritual growth and insight.
    All the wonderful information on this blog is such a help and I hope you get inspiration knowing that this cycle and crisis you are at will bring growth and insight. Stay disciplined and accept and surrender to this time to gain peace and clarity in your choices and like Amy you will Be happy you have H Pylori.
    Believe in yourself and what you do.
    Blessings Steve.

  276. I was recently diagnosed with H Pylori after a blood test showed a high eosinophil, (immune cell), count. I was also having a lot of bloating and loose stools. I was lucky enough to have a doctor that suggested testing for the bug. Wanting to eradicate this bug, I did go through the two week course of two antibiotics along with Prilosec. I did get some relief; however, there were some mild side effects and I know that my natural flora was also destroyed by the antibiotics. I’ve been doing research and am currently taking the Manuka Honey, a good quality Probiotic, Digestive enzymes, Aloe Vera juice, (two ounces per day), and DGL, (chewable licorice). I have improved; however, I’m still having some bloating. In doing my research, I also came across a web site by David Hompes, (www.h-pylori-treatment.com), which has some very helpful information. He strongly suggests Matula Tea as it was the only thing that completely cured him of the bug. It’s expensive; however, the makers of Matula Tea are the only ones that offer a guarantee that their product will provide a cure. It’s expensive, but I’m definitely gonna give it a try soon. I’m gonna get a stool sample first, to see if I’m still infected and I’ll try to post my progress. Hope this information helps:)

    • Hi Alex, Even though through this great blog it seems there are a few ways to tackle the bug I have been following daivd hompes ebook and I haven’t looked back. Like amy’s regime diet is so important to give your gut a chance to heal from all the inflammmation and also to eventually see if you have developed food intolereances over time. I plan to slowly introduce all the foods I cut out in about a months time. It’s crucial to be disciplined in your change to a healthier lifestyle.

  277. Dear Amy,

    Its been two years since I came upon your site, I had all the classic symptoms, at one point I thought I was having a heart attack! I have done Monolaurin -Vigin Coconut Oil, 15ml three times a day. It was life changing! Thank you very much. Now I have come back to your site and found numerous people having a renewed life. My advice is to follow it astutely. The first 2 to 3 days, I had severe diarrhea, like my gut was being cleansed, blood in my stool, after a week, my stool got firm and I felt relieved, body aches, stomach swelling, anxiety were gone, I could finally sleep a full nights rest. I continued it for 2 weeks until it cleared up. I have been following a diet, but lately I had sinned and have become a glutton again. The other things that helped me where colloidal silver and mangosteen capsules, as these were available in our country, I could not find mastic gum or manuka honey here. Ginger tea was good too and I found a very good massage therapist. I found exercise and physical work to be very therapeutic as it balances mental stability. To all comrades in the fight, be brave! We can be overcome! Thank you for this wonderful site.

    Jose Miguel

  278. Hi, Amy
    Thanks for posting useful information regarding h pylori. I have been suffering from almost exactly the same symptoms that you had, night sweats, syncope/nearly passing out at night (thought it was a heart attack – even went to ER they found nothing wrong with heart), lack of sleep, feeling lethargic, no energy, heart palpitations, brain fog, stomach bloating, stomach pain/ burning etc etc. I have been suffering from these symptoms for almost 5 years. The doctors I went to over the years, tried to diagnose me with depression, anxiety, Irritable bowel syndrome, ulcers etc. but did not check for HP.

    A Dr..recently found that I have HP and has put me on a heavy dose of antibiotics for two weeks
    You said that you were cured by taking ” Monolaurin, Manuka Honey and Mastic Gum,” I want to know how long did it take these products to eradicate the HP?
    Also were do you buy them from i.e., Amazon etc. can you recommend a good source to buy, and Since you got rid of HP how long have you been free of it?

    Thank your information on this blog is very helpful and encouraging….


  279. Hi Amy IAm a South African woman age 58 and have been suffering with H Pylori propably since 1982 when I was diagnosed with leukemia treated and suffering many years later and with all symptoms mentioned by you and all other people on your site went for every test available at the time but after passing out a few times a MD in Brits tested me positively in Sept 2009 for H p was treated and was Ok for a while but symptoms returned twice and was treated accordingly Iam going for a Gastroscope tomorrow to determine if the Buggers are dead or not meanwhile I am suffering with heavy gasses after eating or drinking certain items More info later

  280. RE: Mastic Gum… I recently read a study in which they ran tests on various herbs and spices to kill H. Pylori. Ginger came up tops killing H. Pylori within 15 minutes. This is nothing strange because ginger has been used for hundreds and hundreds of years as a cure for many stomach related problems. I had researched Mastic Gum, but felt there must be other alternatives to mastic gum that would kill H. Pylori. The study is here:

    Click to access Short%20Communication.pdf

    The bonus with ginger is, it also cures and treats many other stomach problems as well as dealing to H. Pylori and kills other unfriendly bacteria in the stomach and has now been found to kill cancer cells, so your kind of getting other benefits from ginger that you may not get from mastic gum. Studies into the cancer benefits are here:


    Just thought that I would post that here for anyone who finds it difficult to get a hold of mastic gum and who want to give it a shot. I’ve contemplated that my symptoms are H.Pylori only as yet and have had no tests. I started to take ginger anyway because my issues are gut related and there are so many positive studies into ginger – any ginger can be used, just the powdered ginger at the super market or you can take it in tablet form. I recommend tablet form if you have GERD as it isn’t nice when you get belching episodes and I had an osophageal ulcer that just never seems to have healed from taking Omazeprole. If I have no success then I may try the mastic gum but I would certainly stick with the ginger after reading the benefits. I too take L Glutamine as I have assumed that I have leaky gut due to all my symptoms correlating with that and having also Fibromyalgia like symptoms. My symptoms cropped up after taking anti biotics and prednisone which wreaked havoc with my guts and caused the GERD. After being treated for GERD I developed all the other symptoms and gradually over time various nutrient deficiencies have cropped up. Iron showed up initially and GP treated me for this with iron and vitamin c but subsequent tests show me as not absorbing it very well and still being anaemic.

    I have shocking bloat within 10 minutes of eating and tie this in with gas being created in the upper small intestine almost immediately after the food leaves me stomach somehow. Pro biotics cause even worse bloat when i take those…it’s almost like whatever bacteria is in my gut feeds off the pro biotics and uses them to create the gas and acid seems to be worse when I’m not drinking water between meals. I noted that when i drink water 30 mins before a meal I do not have any acid reflux whatsoever. This week I had a week where I totally lapsed after eating refined carbs (cake) and drinking coffee (mochacino at McDonalds). It has set me back and I have been bloated for days even though I went right back to eating clean and taking my supplements.

    Celiacs tests proved negative as did many other tests for bacteria. Thydroid tests came back fine and kidney tests. I have changed GP’s THREE times in the past two years and am still not getting the adequate attention where my symptoms are concerned. My fatigue got worse and I eventually developed frozen shoulder in both shoulders and couldnt move my arms above shoulder level without pain. I had done NOTHING to even cause muscle problems i.e. workout with weights or do anything strenuous. Serious migraines, vertigo that left me in bed for days and wishing i could just sleep until it went away – close eyes and still vertigo sensation. I had balance issues and would be out on a shoot and looking through the view finder of my camera and suddenly just veer off to my lieft and fall over. Constant tinitus that is just never going away and which is my worst symptoms as it is with me every single day all day. I have developed depression because of all these symptoms and all all GP’s insist that this is IBS and just stress related. The final straw was being scripted up to three drugs for IBS and not getting any relief and then not seeing my fatigue dissipate after the iron supplements. That and the GP not listening to me and stating that I needed an anti depressant to “help me relax.”

    Honestly… I am so pi$$ed because it seems to me doctors are all to great with scripting drugs that cause all these health related issues and completely upetting what is 70% of your immune system, and then come the day the proverbial $#!+ hits the fan, they abandon you because they are unqualified to deal. Worst still, they throw insult after injury by suggesting it is all in your head and you need to relax. Absolute nightmare. I have never been this ill for this long and have rarely visited my GP in the past and when I finally do, I am treated like a lunatic hypochondriac or it’s my age (48 yrs). I’m just not really sure how I should deal now as I asked to be referred to a Gastroenterologist and was told that my symptoms are not serious enough for that. Apparently you need to be bleeding from the back passage or in agony and vomiting everywhere 24/7 etc. When I find posts like yours it makes me realise how bloody stupid it all is that there are stacks of people out there suffering with similar complaints who are having exactly the same problem with GP’s.

    I’ve spent thousands on natural alternaitve medications trying to improve my symptoms and treat myself holistically because right about noe after having all the crap with the anti biotics causing this and recking my immune system, the last thing i want to go on are anti biotics. Especially since they dont even work! Before this I could eat anything and drink anything and was so bloody healthy…and the whole experience has left me with cynical view on GP’s and how they work. Mainly because every drug I have been scripted the past two years has had ten side effect symptoms that were far worse than what I initially presented with. One anti biotic I read later could cause spontaneous rupture of tendons for Petes sakes. Talk about phamageddon, worst still most of the drugs are not tested beyond three months! So your talking guinea pig here anyway…so like hell am I gonna feel bad about researching my sympotms and trying alternative remedies.

    Good to hear that you got on top of your H. Pylori and solved the problem. I totally agree that when you have had this bug it takes months to heal the GI tract. I am still suffering with osophageal ulcer problems from time to time even after taking ant acids for 2-3 weeks and allowing it some time to heal. I dont believe ulcers are healed right away and when people use these remedies they certainly need to use natural remedies for at;east two months and more to keep the count of H.Pylori down whilst they heal. Whilst something like ginger kills H.Pylori within 15 minutes, it is very easy to be re populated with H.Pylori as I thoroughly believe that it is a normal bug found in everyone GI tract and has been for some time. If you research this you will find that H.Pylori is a bad bacteria but it is pretty much normally present in the gut of many people, but for some reason in some peoples gut’s it wreaks havoc.

    I suspect that for people who develop ulcers through some other mechanism, have difficulties with H.Pylori because they somehow have SIBO (small intestine bacteria overgrowth) and that that imbalance somehow exacerbates the H.Pylori colony and creates problems. When gut friendly bacteria are plentiful though, just like candida, H.Pylori probably behave themselves when their levels are under control. If that theory is true then the medical establishment working to decimate H.Pylori colonies in the gut are essentially creating another bacterial imbalance I guess. Little is known about H.Pylori and to be honest after rwading that certain bacteria produce certain enzymes or help to produce vitamins, nothing would surprise me if there is a real purpose for small quantities of candida or H.Pylori to be in the gut e.g. to stop over production of enzymes or certain vitamins etc. Just as some bacteria produce alcohol or in your body and cause a lot of awful symptoms if the specific bacteria is in abundance. I mean think about it… there are got to be some occasions where they’re needed or where they serve a useful purpose when they are in the right numbers e.g. they produce the enzyme urease, which generates substances that neutralize the stomach’s acids. There may be times when this situation needs to take place??? Food for thought!

  281. I never leave comments on forums, but this time I feel the obligation to do that since due to this very specific forum now I am H Pylori free. I started the H Pylori diet – David Hompes book (1 month before taking Monolaurin, Gastromend HP and Mannuka Honey plus probiotics). After one month of diet I have taken Monolaurin, Gastromend HP and Mannuka Honey just like Amy mentioned. However, I also kep the diet. Today, after 3 months of Monolaurin, Gastromend HP and Mannuka Honey and 4 months of H Pylori diet I was confirmed that I am H Pylori free. I have also had other issues as Candida (strong strain) that has also gone with another natural treatment in 6 weeks. It is possible, you can do it, it is not as hard, but I suspect diet has a lot in this war! Follow what Amy mentioned and you can get rid of it! – Stefan

  282. Have u ever been tested for celiac? 99% of our symptoms are the same right down to racing heart and syncope. My hear rate would go from 6-250 in less than a min. Once gluten was removed it clears about 70% of my symptoms. I was just diagnosed with h pylori today! Hopefully this gets rid of the rest of the stomach problems.
    Wishing u and all the others who are unwell out there a speedy recovery.
    ~ Carri

    • I saw an allergist, who tested for everything. I don’t have Celiac disease – and I’ve been free from H Pylori for years now. The symptoms cleared once I tested negative for H Pylori. I eat much of what I used to eat, except I don’t have coffee everyday now. Only once in a while…

  283. Hello All and Amy, I stumbled on this blog after I started on a another protocol about 4 months ago. I have gained so much from all your courage and comments, thank you. My protocol didn’t work with the symptoms coming back. I feel like I have been in the ring for ten rounds and my opponent is about to belt the hell out of me, but again I will use the valuable sources on this blog on my way to optimal health. ( not ready to throw the towel in yet, you all inspire me. )
    Illness can be our harshest yet wisest teacher and it gives us humility and compassion.
    There is one thing we can always access in whatever situation we are in and that’s the present moment. It’s a bit like H/pylori it’s elusive, all we need to do is to choose to find it. ( “The gate to life is narrow and the way is hard and there are few who find it ” ). Stay present dear friends, it’s all you need.
    ( A poem for you. )

    Life can be as short as your next breath
    With confusion and the dominance of fear
    Life can be as long as a rainbow
    With beauty and with no end
    Take a deep breath and follow the rainbow.

    • Hi Steven,

      I can’t recall, except I actually thought I had gotten rid of the infection by the end of the first month of taking the supplements, but the test came back positive. So definitely less than a month. After the second month, I tested negative for H Pylori.

      I had to wear the monitor for two separate months and they caught the heart stuff then. I ended up seeing two difference electrophysiologists; the first one wanted to implant a pacemaker / defibrillator! That’s why I went to the second one. Whew.

      • Amy,

        Is it OK if I stop the manuka honey because every time I eat it, I feel like it is burning my stomach? And it makes me feel very nausea afterwards.

      • Right Amy. :)

        Yes I’m seeing a doctor and suppose to get an endoscopy soon. The thing about all of this is that the damn heart racing wakes me up so many times during the night!!! HELL!!!

      • So sorry, Steven. I don’t know if it will help you, but I had to sleep very propped up, which was a little helpful, though not a lot. Have you tried the Monolaurin and the Mastic Gum? Drink lots of water all of the time?

      • I have not tried the mastic gum yet, I’m currently trying the monolaurin but at 300mg 2x/day because I’m not sure how my body will react to it. I have been using it for three days so far. I will add mastic gum soon. I’m trying to drink as much water as my acid reflux would allow..

        No need to be sorry Amy! Love your blog.

      • Also about the sleeping thing.. I also notice when I sleep propped up, it does not get that bad.
        Why is this???

        Is it because of the acid reflux or possibly sleep apnea that is caused by all of this (h. pylori + acid reflux)….?

      • Thx for the tips.. Yea I think anxiety plays a role with the heart racing that’s why I am trying to stay as calm as possibly when it’s very bad.

        Don’t mean to keep bothering you Amy, but I got another question.

        Did you notice the heart racing was worse after you ate something?

      • It was worse when I was digesting later. Like two hours or so. But also, I would wake up with it as well. Major racing, sometimes vomited, which would stop it.

      • First my doctor detected the antibodies in my blood. Then stool sample confirmed an active infection. Follow up with an endoscopy (stomach biopsy). But they re-checked twice to confirm infection was gone with stool tests. First stool test after one month confirmed that I was still positive. The second stool test at the end of two months confirmed I was negative. I never took a breath test.

      • I’ve read the endoscopy is the most accurate, but no one can get one for each test. So the stool sample seems to be the next best thing in determining success of treatment.

      • Amy,

        I’m a bit frustrated right now..

        I have almost every symptom you have except for the vomiting. Doctors can’t find anything wrong with my heart.. AND my stomach biopsy was negative for h. pylori..

        Doctors think I’m insane and just gave me some anti-depressants.

        You think a breathe test for H. Pylori would be the next step? I’m not sure if my GI would even do that for me…

      • Yep, endoscopy.

        I read from some other experts that the breath test may be more accurate. But I don’t think my doctor would even give that to me because of the negative stomach biopsy. The only thing I can really do now is to start the herbs again and hope it goes away soon.

        It is hell living with these symptoms, I feel like a zombie…

    • Hi Steven, I was on a slightly different protocol from Amy and when I stopped the protocol the symptoms came back. When I took Gastromend ( mastic gum plus other beneficial ingredients ) again 90% of the symptoms cleared in a day. Without the stronger symptoms the anxiety goes. Emotions play a big part in this with our lives and lifestyles changing, maybe this could be a factor with the racing heart symptom.
      Gastromend and another great product, GI Revive can be ordered from Moss Nutrition. I live in Oz and it only took 4 days to get here. They also have the Monolaurin.
      Stay Cool, Blessings Steve.

  284. hi your blog reads so inspiring and when i am just about to give up all hope and go back to the doctor for more antibiotics i just sit and read your journey with h.pylori, i am currently trying manuka honey 20+ mastic gum (nearly finished first bottle) a good probiotic, golden seal, fenugreek i am eating 80% alkaline food drinking loads of water but still have it, have you heard of matula tea ? as i have read that 30 teabags are all that is needed for eradication the down side is that it costs a fortune, but will it work, i would spend anything if i knew that it would get rid of the h.pylori bacteria.
    best wishes

    • I tried it once, got diarrhea from it, sent it back and received a refund. Some internet testimonies claim it works – I can’t confirm that. Good luck, Amy p.s. It took me two months to eradicate the bacteria on Manuka Honey, Monolaurin & Mastic Gum.

  285. First I would like to say how sorry I am you have had to go through all of this. It really is a terrible experience!
    It is quite inspiring to hear your story. I have been sick my whole life. I know that sounds a bit dramatic, but I went undiagnosed with celiac for 28 yrs along with h pylori. It was awful. I was at the dr constantly complaining of stomach issues. All the damage was suspected to be from the celiac. But 3 years after being gluten free I suddenly couldn’t get food down. My esophagus had completely closed from acid reflux scarring and I had developed the ulcer. While expanding my esophagus they tested for the h pylori. My husband has also tested positive, but had no symptoms. My sons test results will be back in about a week.
    I am almost all the way through my antibiotics treatment now. U have truly inspired me with this post and was so glad I found it. I had been doing Gse for years and it would make me feel better here and there, but it always returned with a vengeance. My herxheimer reaction has been pretty nasty, but Ihave had this for a long long time. I have an ulcer at 31 and most of my stomach lining is gone. I figured this was just how it was going to be… then I was diagnosed and scared out of my mind when they said it would have been cancerous soon. That’s when I started researching and found your article. I decided to do the antibiotics just to clear it fast due to health risks. It has been almost 2 weeks and I too am happy I have h pylori. Finally an answer AND A CURE. Thanks so much for the inspiration and hope that maybe I can finally be normal, well my digestive system anyways haha.
    Thank you!

    • I’m so glad to hear that you’re doing better, C.J., especially after suffering for so long, unnecessarily. It’s a shame they don’t test for this bacteria with more regularlity – so many of us wouldn’t have suffered as long as we did. Your case is exceptional, and the damage simply unforgivable. I hope you can recover completely, or as best as possible, and live a happy life full of as much tasty food as possible! Amy

  286. Hi Steven, This great blog and the David Hompes Diet ebook ($20) are my main resourses now. In his ebook he makes an inportant point and that concerns diet and lifestyles, they both are contributing factors in causing Inflammation in our gut. If this inflammation isn’t dealt with tiny pockets form where the bug can hide and our protocols and treatments may not be as affecttive or as in my case didn’t work at all. Diet plus the products I mentioned help significantly in reducing inflammation.
    Blessings Steve.

  287. OMG… This stuff feels like I have a live alien inside of me from outerspace and each time I try to treat it it comes back worse then before ever since I started antibiotics ( will be starting my third treatment if I go back) I have been sick I cant take it any more I have sunk into deep depression and taken off many days of work form that and the illness. Im at my end this thing in me feels very much alive and almost like it is trying intenionally to destroy me and when I fight back it gets angry. Sorry for sounding crazy but I believe this issue I have has made me so.

    thanks for listening
    Very desperate

    • Hi Stacy. Even though this is Amy’s blog I feel compelled sometimes to write replies to people’s comments but I resist, in your case I wont. Firstly you have the ability to see this through and you will come out of this healthier and stronger. You have got this far in your life and you have pushed your threshold many times before and you are still here and still connecting and sharing your story, a beautiful story.
      Try to calmly read Amy’s blog it has all the answers, you just need to be disciplined and focused and make getting well your main priority. Everything you need to get well is out there. Your inner natural healing ability is there for you, just add the belief in yourself and faith in what you do.
      You can do this. When the times is right let the tears flow and then stay strong.
      We are with you
      Blessings Steve.

  288. thank you so much I have had this all my life since second grade I no only not until recently did I know that was what it was. I appreciate your advise but each time I do treat it it comes back so much stronger its the most bizarre thing I ever seen its like it now is effecting me in every way. No worries tho I am a fighter and I want to be well I will not do antibiotics any more although I do beleieve in pro biotics. We as a people need to know b/c I work in the health profession in the back office that doctors get kick backs at times to get people to try new treatments but you know what sometimes the cure is worse then the illness. Thank you so much for youe response and I am trying these treatments that are all natural I am taking control :) :) :)

    depserate but impowered lol

    • Hi Stacy, I hope I wasn’t to patronizing but I really felt for you, this crisis pulls you down. My symptoms have come back stronger too each time I stop a protocol. It just means I need to give it more time and get the inflammation in my system down to make the herbs more affective. Diet is crucial, since cutting out certain foods, especially ones with gluten, I’ve gained more energy.
      Nice to see the smiles. Smiling back at you Stacy, Blessings Steve.

  289. Thank you Steve your words mean alot to me and it is nice but at the same time sad to no I am not the only one with this issue. I’m ready to go to battel again so to speak I can do this and will.
    thank you u have helped and impowered me to do this

    • Your sadness, Stacy, shows us that you are compassionate and caring. Like all emotions feeling sad is beautiful. When you add your Value the world is a better place.


      There is an immense need for you to be here
      Your ever changing story is to be told
      To change it is madness

      If perfection is the acceptance of imperfection
      The only real choice is acceptance
      For unfulfilled choices are disappointments

      Our universal heritage is to prove one’s worth
      But your value is missed
      The purest need of all is your existence


  290. Amy plz contact me via email @ tonya_pantoja@yahoo.com I have been diagnosed with hpylori 3 times and 3 times been prescribed triple antibiotics therapy and still test positive I feel so bad and I am so scared I feel as if I am dying a slow death plz help me

  291. Well buggar! I’m pretty sure my HP is back again after almost a year! I havent been tested yet but the same ole symptoms from last year are all back! I SOOO don’t want to take those antibiotics again, I mean, I’ve taken antibiotics in the past but the ones I got to clear this thing up last year were just revolting! Nothing worse than a metallic taste in your mouth.

    I’m going to try and go gluten, dairy, soy and sugar free and I’m taking just tumeric and coconut oil for now. I’ve got manuka honey here but I’m worried if I have candida also and God knows I probably do, then taking that will probably make the candida worse.

  292. The importance of correct testing is important in whatever protocol you choose in not only fighting HPylori but in getting your system to optimal health. As David Hompes says in his ebook you will save yourself time and money with the right testing, something I did not adhere to. After nearly 12 months of poor health and trying to eradicate this bacteria I have just found out HPylori is NOT detected in my gut. I have an unknown parasite and a very high sensitivity to gluten. Maybe I did not have HPylori all this time , I will never know this but I want to stress the importance of testing. I have had 2 breath test over the last 6 months both coming back positive and the last one was definitely a False Positive. I am now on a heavy herbal course to eradicate the parasite and then as Amy has said I will give myself “care and time”. After only a few days I am starting to feel my energies coming back and it’s a wonderful feeling in many ways. We can all learn from our time in crisis and we can then give that back to those around us, just like David and Amy.
    Blessings Dear Friends, Stay Present , Steve.

  293. The importance of correct testing is important in whatever protocol you choose in not only fighting HPylori but in getting your system to optimal health. As David Hompes says in his ebook you will save yourself time and money with the right testing, something I did not adhere to. After 10 months of poor health and trying to eradicate this bacteria I have just found out by the Metametrix Stool Test that HPylori is NOT detected in my gut and fungal growth is insignificant. I have an unknown parasite and a very high sensitivity to gluten. Maybe I did not have HPylori all this time , I will never know this but I want to stress the importance of testing. I have had 2 breath test over the last 6 months both coming back positive and the last one was definitely a False Positive. I am now on a heavy herbal course ( Paracea Forte ) to eradicate the parasite and then as Amy has said I will give myself “care and time”. After only a few days I am starting to feel my energies coming back and it’s a wonderful feeling in many ways. We can all learn from our time in a crisis and we can then give that back to those around us, just like David and Amy.
    Blessings Dear Friends, Stay Present , Steve.

  294. That’s interesting, Steve. My husband and I had the same Metametrix stool test, which revealed that we both have an unknown parasite and I also have H. Pylori (husband does not).

    I work with a naturopath that had him focus on his yeast rather than the parasite. I’m also taking some herbals for the parasite, but it’s tricky since we don’t know what it is and parasites are so common.

    Did your Dr. recommend the paracea forte? Has it worked for his other patients with this finding?

    • Hi Renee, My Naturopath had a parasite infection and got rid of it with the Paracea Forte. It has 4 of the main combatants against parasites. I am on triple dose for 10 days, off for ten then back on again. If this does not work Metametrix works with contemporary doctors that use other means, your naturopath should know this. There is another great company Designs for health that make GI Microb X that David Hompes uses and it has 3 extra known combatants in it. David’s $20 H Pylori Diet ebook is well worth the money and time.
      I have been working with possible fungal problems now for over a year and the test came back insignificant. It been a week since taking the Paracea and I am starting to get my energies back and my mind is becoming clear again. ( boy have I missed that ).
      I could write more on what I have learned not only with HPylori but with all the systems we have in place in our societies but I will just say that I always look at the big picture and I choose to become the creator of that picture. Choice is very powerful.
      After I send this I am going to look at a email from Amy ” Occupy Wall Street ” and this what I mean. We can obtain optimal health, it’s what we do with this energy that really counts.
      I hope this all helps Renee, Blessings Steve

  295. I’d love to do that stool test that david Hompes mentions but it costs around $500? It apparently also checks if you have candida, parasites, yeast etc but then again I hear that there is no official test that actually confirms if you do indeed have candida. I just don’t have the $500. I don’t have any major symptoms other than losing my voice when I wake up in the morning and as long as my diet is okay I have no pain and have never had any nausea.

    Does anyone here know what would happen if someone with HPylori had surgery? I had surgery earlier this year to remove my ovaries and ended up with a very bad ecoli and uti infection. None of the drs could explain why this happened. I also ended up with a blood clot in my pelvis and almost died.

  296. Hi Amy,

    Can using DGL licorice right before a stool antigen test give a false negative? I’m pretty sure I have some kind of bacteria (and I was positive for H. Pylori in the past) but my stool came up negative though I’m still have bad symptoms.

  297. Hi!! Amy,
    I am suffering the same ailment but my symptoms are little different. I did went on two rounds of antibiotic and of no use. I am going to try your waynow and i am confident that i will be cured because i found another post who did the same thing you did in 2005-6 and i am posting it here below which is in a PDF file. Note she had the same symptoms of yours and the heart related problems are related to H. Pylori. Good luck and thanks for your post.

    Click to access Glass.pdf

    • Thank you for that resource! It’s amazing how similar our stories are! I was also experiencing episodes of afib; they caught it on the heart monitor I had to wear for two months. Now, no afib ever since I was diagnosed negative for h pylori! Good luck eradicating yours!

      • Amy, I was just reading through your blog and ran across “my” story posted by Shabbir from the afibbers site. I am happy to report that I am still H.pylori free, and this year I have had only 3 afib episodes, and I believe I can account for each one of them as stress related or being in a cramped position too long. I have found that I cannot eat any gluten products and if I eat too much sugar I have stomach issues and my heart will race also. I have not taken any medication for afib since two months after I was diagnosed with AFIB in 2005. I take certain supplements daily for AFIB and it keeps me in check.

        My Electrophysiologist (EP) specialist in AFIB sees me once a year and says he won’t mess with anything I am doing, he just makes me promise that if I go with AFIB close to 24 hours I will go to ER as I am not on blood thinners. I told him no problem and haven’t been to the ER yet. I believe the stomach and the heart are in tune and when the stomach is not right it can affect the beat of the heart.

        Love your blog, keep up the good work, there are somany people out there sick with H.pylori and stomach issues.

        Sharon Glass

      • Glad you are doing so well, Sharon! It’s not easy being careful, watching one’s intake and keeping track of symptoms, but it certainly seems better than the alternative: relying solely on western medicine that so often isolates and only treats symptoms, rather than working to locate the primary cause. Thank you for sharing your story and best to you and your health!

  298. Dear Amy,

    Thank you for this post! I’ve been going through this for 10 months now and finally had an endoscopy today. I too had/have vasovagal syncope and also chest spasms and was told I had a deadly heart condition (which wasn’t true). Sometimes the pain is unbearable. I get test results in a week but suspect it’s been H. Pylori the entire time. They found many small benign bumps (polyps) in my stomach and the LES is lax and doesn’t close properly. I’ve read on the net that the benign polyps are often from H. Pylori.

    Your symptoms were exactly the same as what I’m going through now and grateful to find this post as it definitely gives me hope. Just curious if you became extra sensitive to the supplements or if all of them were OK (no adverse reactions).

    Many, many thanks for sharing your story.

  299. Dear Amy, I just want to thank you so much for this site / blog. I had been diagnosed with H Pylori a few weeks ago and only made it one day on the PrevPac. It was a terrible and scary experience – the side effects of the triple therapy. I had (still kinda have) many of the same symptoms you did and am treating the illness naturally now. I feel a little bit better and stronger each week and will post again when I am CURED to share my ecperience! I cannot wait for that day… and reading everything you wrote just gives me hope and reinforces that I am on the right path. Thank you again for all your insight and for sharing your crazy story. Who knew a bacteria in your gut could wreak such havoc? Thank you again! Edyta
    PS – Diet is KEY! I know you say this a thousand times but I will reiterate it again just in case anyone is thinking otherwise. The natural meds will work but not without a major change in diet to support!

  300. Thanks for this site. I have just been diagnosed hp. I have just started the triple therapy I hope it works. My symptoms were fatigue/nausea a sore abdomen and nightsweats. Like almost everyone here it tools ages to get a diagnose I went to ER twice and had every test ct scan xrays blood tests urine all fine. My local gp discovered it with a breath test. I was relieved in a way I thought I was going mad everyone was telling me I was fine. It is a relief to realize I’m not alone. Thanks again Amy.

  301. Dear Amy, I want to thank you very much for sharing your story. All the information was very helpful and made me feel better when I was having these horrible symptoms.
    I was tested h pylori positive 3 weeks ago. Stared taking 2 different antibiotics- Tetracycline and Flagyl. Side effects were nightmare. Went to my GI and he prescribe Levofloxacin and Amoxicylline + Prilosec+Pepto. I was also vitamin D deficient. My symptoms disappeared but taking powerful antibiotic like Levofloxacin sure enough- I got yeast infection in my mouth and throat. Today I was prescribed Fluconazole. After the first pill I already feel better and surprisingly hungry. Probiotics and Manuca honey are really great.
    Thank you one more time :)

    • hi there Nadia ,i also have yeast infection which i got after dealing with antibiotics :/ and its been like that for a loong time .I am curious to find out how would your treatment with fluc. end up .I forgot to say im also h+ for years now :/ ….keep it posting please and i wish best of luck to everyone !

  302. Wow this sounds identical to me. I woke up with a racing heart and feeling like I was going to pass out about 3 month ago with a horrible stomach ache and diarrhea. I ended up in the ER two days in a row before they just said I had “exhaustion”. My primary doctor then called it a “virus”. I then went to a GI doctor and just got my biopsy results back from my colonoscopy and upper endoscopy. He says it’s “nonulcer dyspepsia”. Makes no sense. I’ve been on Prilosec since last week with no improvement, I have nearly every symptom you listed such as: foul smelling gas, back pain between the shoulder blades, feeling like I am going to pass out in the middle of the night, I get woken up after about an hour of sleep in the middle of the night, stomach noises, bloating, cramps, belching, anxiety, red eyes sometimes, nose running, chest pain, headaches, etc.

    I am going to call my GI doctor tomorrow. Hopefully he doesn’t think I’m some quack for asking him if this could be a possibility. If he does, I’ll find a new primary and new GI doctor!

  303. Hello all,
    Where can I buy monolaurin in Canada? I tried in some health food stores but they did not have it. Do you know online where I can order it? Thanks.


  304. Amy

    how did you know you needed the vsl #3 and how long after you took it did you know it was working? How long did you take it to populate your intestines and do you still have to take it?

    Do you still take any of the other supplements to keep pylori at bay? thanks!

  305. I have been suffering from this nasty bug for 7 years. i am also diabetic? Does anyone out there know of another alternative to the Manuka Honey?

  306. Hi Amy – I have GERD (heartburn & acid reflux) and possibly ulcer – still waiting for the results of my endoscopy. At times my heartburn get so bad I am so bloated that I have difficulty breathing. I came across an article drinking aloe vera juice can help minimize heartburn so I tried and it helped me. It decreases my GERD symptoms. In Dr. Weil’s website, he recommends taking aloe vera juice for ulcer. http://www.drweil.com/drw/u/ART03201/Ulcers-Peptic-Ulcer-Disease-PUD.html If you google “benefits of aloe vera juice,” you will find many benefits by aloe, including digestive health.

  307. Dear Amy,

    They diagnosed you with a heart arrhythmia and it was really a parasite? I am 21 and they just diagnosed me with Atria Fibrillation for no apparent reason. Although my stomach was swollen and I had diarrhea for two months and the Palpitations occoured 2 weeks after I had the stomache pains. I still have the stomach pains and my doctor shrugs the stomach pains off and goes directly to diagnose my heart. I truely believe he is ignoring the stomach pains and I got a different doctor to order a stool sample and the test came back that their may be a parasitic infection but it was not diagnostic. From your experience did the heart palpitations go away 100% after the H Pylori was gone? And did you have to specifically ask the doctors to test for H Pylori?

  308. Hey Amy,

    did you notice your symptoms would get worse even after drinking water?

    BTW, I’m finally going to see another GI for a second opinion…

  309. Just found this website and it is an excellent read. I found out several months ago i had h.pylori and chronic gastritis. Since then i have been going through the wars suffering with

    -panic attacks
    -heart palpitations
    -chronic burping
    -almost fainting

    and the list goes on. I have been to so many Emergency Rooms, G.P.s psychologists and psychiatrists. And have had almost every medical exam known to man. Slowly but surely i am making a recovery but still have some of these symptoms not sure if the bacteria is still there have to go back in January to do a test. I have been really trying to think positive that i can beat this surely man kind is stronger than bacteria. And must admit I am feeling a lot better than i was. I will try out this diet, Manuka honey and mastic gum thing soon. Right now i still feel a little bit uncertain if i will ever recover as the symptoms still continue daily even though i have stopped treatment 2 months ago. I know it is a process to heal but will i be able to get my life back??? i am 25 years old and i dont know if i will ever be able to drink again with friends. I am a dj also and last time i played in a nightclub I had a panic attack and have not been djing since then. it has affected my whole life style and want to get my health back.

    If anyone has further advice let me know

    Thanks in advance


    • Barry, I’m not really sure how long I have had this bacteria H.Pylori, I did take the usual antibiotics, and did improve, but still have some of the symptoms. The burping especially. I did a liver/gallbladder cleanse and that made a big difference in my energy level….It’s not a fun thing, but it’s really healthy. If you are interested, e-mail me and I will go into detail as to what you need to do.

    • Barry,
      How are you feeling? I’ve had all the same symptoms you’ve had and I’ve been taking lots of vitamins but I still have headaches and anxiety. I wanted to find out if you are feeling better??


  310. I am stll suffering from this horrible afliction for 3 months now. Somedays I feel pretty good then I will be out and feel nauseous,panicky and my stomach will start to ache. I have had great health until now this illness to be honest has ruined my life. I had the prevpac but I don’t believed it has worked I’m waiting on the results of my breath test. I have been trying all the natural cures mastic gum,manuka honey etc but as yet not much luck. It’s amazing how quick this has happened basically my symptoms started one day which led me to the ER. It took a month to get a diagnosis of HP. I haven’t given up but it’s extremely depressing as I’m stuck at home and all I want to do is enjoy my life. Sorry about the rant but it does feel good to write it down. I hope everyone gets better soon and Merry Xmas.

  311. Hi,

    Just came across this website. Seems there was a flurry of activity for 2 years and then it became very quiet on here. Has everyone been cured or simply stopped posyting? I’ve just found out from an endoscopy that I have H.Pylori and have ben given antibiotics. If that doesn’t work I’ll give the recommendations on here a try!


  312. Hi Amy,

    You are truly helping each and everyone of us who is suffering from this horrible bug. I have read your blog and it says to cut down all the sugar from the diet. What are good options for breakfast?I normally eat toasted wheat bread for breakfast alongwith greek yogurt with active cultures. I want to cut down on bread though. Is oatmeal a good option?
    I have a couple of weeks before I start triple therapy. I am going to give it one try before starting alternative treatment. I bought virgin coconut oil yesterday, so should I try eating virgin coconut oil and manuka honey in these two weeks or should I wait to finish triple therapy first and then start other treatments? What do you think? Any help is deeply appreciated.

  313. Hi Amy
    2 years and 3 triple therapy courses of antibiotics later I still have H.Pylori infection. Thank you for this blog and for giving me the motivation to do this the alternative way. I’m surprised I didn’t go down this route a long time ago as alternative methods have always worked for me in the past. I’m in London and our NHS system doesn’t involve paying a doctor by the hour but unfortunately does involve long appointment waits and not being able to choose which doctor you see! I totally get the frustrations of certain docs just ushering you out the door and any mention of natural supplements just throws them into panic! Most don’t know or want to know the power of alternative methods as it throws their 7 years of medical school training into insignificance! That’s why I’m going to stop this battle with them and start to help myself.

    I’m 36 and most of my adult life I recall having stomach problems from mild bloating with food intolerances, candida albicans and now H.Pylori. Reading your experiences and the supplements you’ve taken has made my experience all fit together like a jigsaw puzzle. Through years of my own research, supplement taking, elimination or gut support diets, its clear for me that there is an obvious link for what makes a happy gut and what makes an unhappy one. 16 months ago I successfully completed a 6 month candida free diet with support supplements and I felt amazing. All of the weird and debilitating symptoms I’d had for years completely disappeared i.e. diarrhoea, constipation, headaches, insomnia, muscular cramps, urticaria, anxiety, palpitations… the list goes on! So it totally makes sense for me to hear that your symptoms were linked. Its amazing when you come through the other side how you learn to listen to your body and so I understand when I read other peoples comments and they feel a little uncertain or skeptical but that’s ok, it’ll take for each individual to either leave the advice or take it and experience good gut health for themselves.

    Anyway I have read all of the above and have my list of supplements at the ready! I decided with Christmas feasting and over indulgence that it was not a good time to start a strict diet and spend £££’s on supplements so it’ll start with a New Year resolution…

    Heres to a healthy happy New Year and a happy gut!

    Thanks again


  314. Hi Amy,
    I just found your blog learning so much about what you have gone through becasue of H.pylori. I started having a upset stomach, indigestion and nausea since early Nov 2011. A GP finally asked me this month to do a blood test on H.pylori which came out positive. I just finished a week of antibobitcs and I would say it was not pleasant. The symptoms seemed to go away a while but now after 3 days of completing the course, I just feel symptoms are back. I have developed anxiety and thought throught a lot what I should be eating to avoid the discomfort. Heard so much about the natural theraphy, don’t know which are the best. Please advise

  315. Hi Amy,
    Im 21 years old and the past 3 weeks of my life have been hell. it started with a UTI and i told my doctor that i have burning pain in my stomach and he said it could be from the infection. so after i was prescribed to cipro , my infection was gone but the stomach pain remained. i had few visits to the ER and they treated me like i was crazy and want pain medicine. anyway after few days i started having sudden heartburn and it got severe to the point i thought i was having a heartattack. i never had any heartburn problem before. im losing alot of weight, pain all over my body, swollen node in my neck, sore throat , pain in my left side of abdominal and just weird pains all over my body. my GI doctor ordered the blood test and came back positive for HP. im currently on my 5 day of my triple therapy and feel little bit better but im pretty sure its not goin to eradicated it.
    i bought a book online, The hylobacter pylori diet by david hompes and am trying to follow his diet. he also recommends the matula tea instead of the mastic gum saying it made his symptomps worst but ive also heard people complain about the Matula. its all very frustrating and also when i pee my urine is very foamy and bubbly which i believe is some sort of deficiency. im too young but feel like a 90 year old. anyway, he also said that sugar should be completely avoided and the manuka honey after all has sugar. its frustrating that i cant find one thing that has just positive feedback. can you help me out? i dont want to go on another session of antibiotic therapy but am hopeful i can eradicate this evil bacteria the natural way. i started a good diet yesterday organic eggs, bacon, tumeric, garlic, avocado. cabbage, and alot of vegetables. hope i can hear from you soon!!

    • The beneficial properties of active Manuka Honey (at least +16) far outweigh the fact that it contains sugar.

      I don’t know about it eating bacon. You need to consider that your stomach is something of an “open wound” – it has bacteria teeming in and out of the lining regularly to feed. Imagine an open sore that is infected on your hand or arm – it would appear red, inflamed and very sensitive. Since you’re asking your stomach to continue doing the work of digestion, you want to make sure you give it the least work possible – foods that are cooked, mild and pass easily into the intestines. Bacon / pork is not one of those foods. I’d recommend organic, soft cooked chicken in small quantities. Even vegetables should be steamed or made into soups – pre-cooked veggies, including salads, are harder on the stomach and contain bacteria your body has to fight. Eat only alkaline foods. Look those up.

      Keep in mind too that you need rest, etc. as you are giving the immune system the tools it needs to fight the bacteria. If you can boost your immune system through rest, proper diet and food-based medicines like those mentioned, you can fight this infection.

      As for Mastic Gum vs. Matula Tea – I used the Mastic Gum from Allergy Research with no problem (another brand was too harsh) – http://www.amazon.com/Allergy-Research-Nutricology-Mastica-capsules/dp/B00014DMVY/ref=sr_1_4?s=hpc&ie=UTF8&qid=1325531682&sr=1-4

      I only took the tea once and had immediate diarrhea. But I think everyone’s system handles these things differently, so I suppose you go by trial and error.

      Good luck!

  316. Lady, may God bless you because of the wonderfull help to other sufferers like me, and the time and effort . If theres a story to tell thats exactly like yours, its mine! (sorry for the bad English) enjoy your health. God bless

  317. Amy, you are an inspiration in my case also. I want to thank you for allowing everyone a voice here. I’m not the best at grammar and often get rediculed on forums. Your blogging is wonderful and I plan to follow this subject for as long as your sharing information.

    I was diagnosed in 2000 while in my early 30’s. At that time I read in an article the doctor gave that stated, most of the population over the age of 60, in the united states have H.Pylori.
    I’ve gone through 2 rounds of antibiotics and the second one made my head feel as if it would explode. I stopped half way through. I then used Pau’darco (sp) but eventually felt sick.

    Just recently I had an episode of explosive vomiting that just left me with stomach upset. Eventually, I had issues with palpatations and rapid heart beat. It kept me from sleeping flat at night and I ended up in the E.R. on Christmas day with tachycardia. Dr. sent me home with nothing but prilosic and aspirin. When I got home from the E.R. (not being able to even swallow water), I had a headache. I take 200mcg. of selenium normally for a headache and it always helps me. So at midnight, I took one and within 15 minutes the belching and reflux had almost completely stopped. Within 20 minutes the rapid heart rate slowed to just above normal but the burning was still there just not as bad. I was able to sleep leaning just a bit on my right side finally. At 6 a.m. I took another selenium because the reflux started back up again. Caution is always adviced against taking more then this in a 24 hour period. At 7 a.m. I took 250mg each of potassium and magnesium. Again at 8 a.m. and then again at 9 a.m. I felt wonderful for the rest of the day minus the fact that I could not eat.

    Since, I’ve only eaten pureed vegetables. Mostly uncooked which feels best and some cooked just to warm me when I have chills. I have also managed to keep down knox gelatin with puree’d pumpkin seeds, hemp seeds and chai. I’ve lost 17 pounds since and I am still researching but have been led to believe that the h.pylori is running rapid. I’ve done tons of cleanses and used iodine which I know helps.

    After having shingles I believe my stomach changed dramatically. Definately, believe it fueled an increase in the bacteria. I took 1 tsp. manuka & 1 tsp. turmeric 3x p/day during shingles outbreak and got alot of relief but my teeth suffered damage. The reflux involved caused erosion of my bottom teeth at gumline. Dentist accused me of sucking on candy but I never do such things. Dislike candy.

    Initially, it was believed that I was having gullbladder attacks. I’ve done 10 liver flushes so figured this was not possible. Then pancreas was suspected but came out okay. Thyroid is fine also. I have read that H.Pylori can also cause Adrenal stress which in turns effects hormone levels. At this time I am on a heart monitor. Tonight while reading your blog I took manuka again, aloe juice and licorice extract. Then massaged the area under my breast bone and this brought a huge amount of relief and feels very satisfying. I’ve ordered the 3 M’s, as you refered to them, and plan to start on this immediately.

    I do believe that I have passed this on to my teen and husband. I’m still researching on safety for teens and what to do but plan to search until I find the answers. Thank you so much for the time you have put into this blog and that your still at it. You are always patient in repeating your info too. Your a great citizen. Many thanks and I wish you the very best that life has to offer.

    For those who dislike tasting turmeric-It can be blended into milk or a milk substitute with honey, mixed with mayo substitute on cracker or mixed in a good cultured yogurt.

    • Just stick with it – it CAN be beaten! For some people, it takes a little longer. To be fair, I did NOT do the antibiotics before starting the 3 M’s. Someone I know recently did begin, after two rounds of antibiotics, and she thought she’d never feel better. It took her longer, but (knock on wood), she seems to have turned the corner recently. She’s also older than me + the antibiotics. Don’t be discouraged! Keep at it! Good luck!

      • Hi Amy and fellow followers,
        Like I posted earlier, I have been diagnosed with H Pylori recently and I am planning to start 3M’s soon instead of antibiotic therapy. I was wondering whether you consulted your physician before you started the 3M’s. I want to keep him in the loop but I feel that he might just dismiss my suggestions. I am confused. Also Amy or anyone else, do you know of a good naturopathic medicine practitioner who can be contacted either online or in person? I live in NY. Thanks for all the info that you all are sharing on this blog!

      • My general practioner approved, but I didn’t keep the GI I had at the time. My doc found me a new one, who took detailed notes after I became his patient (i was already cured by then). Both docs said they’ve had patients go through three rounds of antibiotics and were still infected. I don’t know if they’re ever recommended my ‘meds’ to anyone.

        Most docs will likely laugh off my ‘meds’ as they believe in the tough approach with antibiotics, plus h pylori is the precursor to stomach cancer, so they prefer you go the traditional route. You can ask for a supervised trial run of a month initially. That’s what my doc agreed to. Since I was feeling much better, though still positive for infection, she agreed to another month. My test came back negative at tee end of that.

        Dr. Marcus Ettinger is linked above. You could contact him. He was very helpful to me. Good luck!

    • Hi Shannon,
      You said you were diagnosed in 2000, so all these years did you ever have any of these symptoms or they started recently? Wonder if H Pylori can remain dormant. I recently had gastritis and that’s when I was diagnosed with H Pylori. I am not sure when I got it and how long it’s been sitting there. Please keep us posted with your developments. Take care and Good luck! Hope you will feel better soon.

  318. I had h pylori and had bad heart palpitations and high blood pressure constant nausea. The dr said it was just anxiety then just acid reflux turns out i had h pylori. Took them about 2 months to figure it out while I was thinking i was dying. Finally took the meds but didn’t feel better. Had every test under the sun done. Well the h pylori seems to be gone and i feel better but still stuggling with anxiety and insomia any suggestions its been 8 months now!! I need relief.

  319. Hi Amy, I had been on Monolaurin, Gatstromend HP (this is mostly mastic gum plus other good things for the intestines) and Broccomax for many, many weeks (10+ weeks on each – Also I started with TWO months on the Matula Tea). I am also taking a variety of other supplements: Bio HPF, Minerals, Vitamins, GSE, Oil of Oregano, etc. Anyway, I stopped taking the Monolaurin a few days ago as it ran out and my symptoms are slowly creeping back in: chest pain, burping, shortness of breath, anxiety. I know that I have adrenal fatigue too and am aware that I can’t address that illness without first eradicating the H Pylori. I intend on starting the Monolaurin, Mastic combo again this week as soon as I get all my supplements delivered. Not sure if you know the answer to this but (1) should I be concerned that I was on the protocol for so many weeks and it seemed to be working but the minute I went off all symptoms returned and (2) is it ok to restart taking all of these supplements again (is monolaurin harmful if taken for several months)? I am seeing a naturalpath and plan on asking him these questions too… but I was just wondering is it normal for some people to take a VERY long time to recover… much longer than you or Dr. Marcus Ettinger for example. Also, I am going to be retested via stool antigen test later this week or next just to make sure that I haven’t already eradicated it and have some other illness altogether. Thanks for any feedback on this. I am so stressed that the symptoms are coming back. UGH!

    • Don’t know how you’re doing now, but I encourage you to explore the biofilm issue. Do a search for “Elena” to find her protocol. Essentially, she did what Dr. Ettinger recommends. You won’t get rid of the HP until you destroy their homes.

  320. Amy, this is such a useful thread. I treated my HP first time with mastic alone, for 2 months (I had tested positive but was asymptomatic at the time). Now, 2 months after ceasing treatment I have major symptoms – body pain, headaches, the works. This time I’m going to do your triple therapy for 2 month, no messing about. I thought this might be interesting for some sufferers.

    Also, the diet you followed sounds remarkably like the GAPS diet, the purpose of which is to reduce available food for pathogenic bacteria, which may be useful for those entering treatment now.

  321. Hi Amy,
    Thank you for writing this blog. I only wish I had found it back in 2008 when you starting it. Maybe then I would have seen a Doctor much sooner. I am now 50 years old. At age 47 I became very fatigued and really had no energy to speak of. After giving birth to 6 children and running a full time business I put it off as age and possibly the start of the “change of life”. At age 48 my youngest child (15 years) told me she was really angry that I didnt work out anymore and that she was tired of seeing me just sit around instead of up “doing things”. Little did she know that I too was upset that I wasnt up “doing things”. I had no energy. When I attempted to get on the tread mill or go for a bike ride not only would my heart race like crazy right then and there, but at night when I would attempt to go to sleep I could feel my heart beat out of my chest and I my breathing was very heavy and fast. Her comment to me however is what made me call a Doctor for an appointment to check out what was going on inside my body. The Doctor scheduled numerous test. Within 3 days of the blood work he called me to come into his office to discuss what he had found. I was told I was very anemic and that my B-12 was extremly low. I was sent to a gastrointestinal Doctor to determine if I had a bleeding ulcer since my red blood count was so low. I had an upper and lower GI performed and it was determined that I had gastritis. The specialist (Gastrointestinal) then ordered a stool sample, which determined I had H-Pylori.

    I have not heard any mention in any of these blogs or replys that mention anemia. One reply talked about B-12 and the lack of it. I am wondering it you have anemia. I have been told that H-Pylori and anemia go hand in hand, along with B-12 deficiency. I was put on the “cocktail” of drugs and my H-Pylori was gone. A year later I have gone back to be rechecked (stool sample) and am told that the H-Pylori is still gone. However, I still have anemia and my body does not absorb B-12. I have to take 3 prescription strength iron pills everyday and monthly B-12 shots. I still cannot exercise because I have no energy and I gain weight (which was never a problem before 2 years ago). Does anyone else have these symptoms. And do the food supplements you take help with these syptoms. I also battle constipation and gastritis in which they have my on Omeprazole daily.
    Thanks again

    • I am going to elaborate a bit on my situation with H-Pylori, I sent my first reply last night, here is the rest.
      During the early stages of my first diagnoses (H-Pylori) my step-mother (400 miles away) was going thru some important family papers. She was not aware of my situation. She came across a biography my Great Aunt had written about her mother (my Paternal Great Grandmother. Having lost my father to an accident when he was 51 years old, my step mother decided it was important for me to have these papers which described some of my family history. It appears my great-grandmother died of Pernicious Anemia at the young age of 38. She was a successful business women. Single with 2 young children she traveled by train from Salt Lake to Washington DC after receiving an invitation to attend one of the Presidents receptions (President Roosevelt). She was givin a job there in the Department of Agriculture. During this time she began feeling the strain of work which began to take a toll on her health. She had acquired an anemic condition although it had not yet become diagnosed. She went to stay with family and began devouring large steaks in hopes to regain her energy. This did not help. As she became weaker a prominent Doctor of the time advised she go to the hospital. Three Doctors had finally given her the diagnosis that she had pernicious anemia, lack of red corpusles in the blood, which was at the time a rare disease, usually fatal. They had no cure and no way to treat it at that time. The medication they gave her did not help and she became weaker and weaker. What she needed was blood transfusions and vitamins, they did not know about the transfusions then and they did not have supplements at that time. She became a victim to the disease.

      I received this profile of my great-grandmother at the most important time in my life. Having living for years with no energy and just thinking to myself that it was age or hormones. I was waiting for results to come back on the blood work that was taken 3 days earlier as I was laying in bed reading this biography. Just as a reached the last few pages and read the words “pernicious anemia”, my Doctor called me to come in to his office. I took this profile with me. (I guess having it in hand maybe the Doctor would believe that something was wrong with me). My blood work showed both anemia and lack of B-12 (both extremely low as I previously mentioned). Further testing was performed because of my newly found family history. It showed that I have pernicious anemia. Then further test showed the H-Pylori. I am sure this was all started because of the H-Pylori. I am sure my great grandmother must have had it as well, although it was not even known back then.

      This form of anemia is chronic. Your body does not absorb any B-12 from food or supplements. This is due to the H-Pylori which damages the mucous lining, not allowing these important nutrients to be absorbed and utilized by the body. That is why I have to get the B-12 shots every 3 weeks. Iron can be absorbed by food but apparantly it is a very slow process because I still have very little energy. Exercise is still out. Just working, cooking and cleaning wears me out. I feel guilty not participating with my family the many things we used to enjoy doing together as a family.

      I would like to know if there is anyone else that has any of these other symptoms. After reading this blog by Amy and the responses I havent heard mention of anemia. Everything I have been told about says that it is a typical response to H-Pylori. I have changed my diet to iron-rich foods. And cut out the foods that hurt my stomach (gastritis). Or atleast try to. It seems the ones that hurt my stomach seem to change. I have alot of bloating. I look like I have a baseball just under my rib cage in the middle of my abdomen. I had an ultra sound because I though I had develped a hernia. It is tender to the touch as well. Dr. says it is just the gastritis. I countinue to gain weight, tho I dont eat that much. Please if any one has any advise please let me know. As I mentioned I no longer have H-Pylori, but will continue to be tested yearly. But I am left with all these other medical challenges that the H-Pylori has caused.

      I am grateful to atlease have the iron supplements (prescription 3xdaily) to take and the B-12 shots. I cannot imagine how I would be without them. But maybe someone out there knows something better. Or knows a great Dr. that is better at helping patients with this condition.

      I am a young 50 year old woman that has never had anything wrong with her till 3 years ago. I have alot to live for (7 kids – birthed 6 and a wonderful step-daughter, 7 grandkids). Alot of family functions. I push myself to entertain everyone and then for the next week I pay for it- in that I can barely get out of bed. My husband has really stepped it up in helping with all our family functions, I cant just let life pass me by and not participate, but it takes a huge toll on my energy. I just run out of steam. People look at me like I should be fine because I look fine. This disease is very deceiving in that you have no obvious symptoms that people can see. If you look good you should feel good, right? Wrong!

      Hope to hear of some help. Thank you all for reading!

      • Hi Tracy,

        I am sorry for all that you are going through. Beating back H Pylori is a big victory even though it does not feel like it due to your other symptoms. It’s my opinion that your concerns are beyond the experiences of people here. In my suffering through many a symptoms only to find out 1 1/2 years later I have H Pylori, I came across a website I think you should consider reading through. It is as follows: http://www.easy-immune-health.com. This is an experienced medical professional – an RN – who gives a great deal of information about Vit B12 (among other important topics) including the issues surrounding taking B12 injections. While you can ask her a question, be forewarned, she really needs you to read through what she has already posted beforehand. She has personal clients, etc. also needing her time and attention and, like most of us, doesn’t enjoy repeating herself when she has posted thousands of threads on multiple topics. I hope this helps and that you find a good doctor soon….

  322. i have tried mastic gum without the desired result. i want to try matula tea. i just want to know if anybody here has tried it with success. Amy please give us the brand and the link of mastic gum and other natural antibiotics you used and also their website links. thank you. anxiously expecting your reply

    • Hi Emma,

      I have been battling this bug for 5 months on my own – matula, mastic, monolaurin and LOTS of other supplements. If you read Amy’s original blog post above, you will find most of the answers to your questions as well as links to some of the supplements. Matula did not work for me and I actually used it for 60 days. I do not recommend this product. I have now turned to Dr. Ettinger in Southern California for guidance on finally finishing this process. I learned about him on Amy’s blog. Reading this blog entry on his site is key: http://www.advancedhealing.com/blog/2009/09/13/heartburn-gastritis-gerd-achlorhydria-or-h-pylori/. Basically, I wish I had contacted him from the very beginning. I have spent thousands of dollars essentially suppressing my h pylori symptoms these past few months but not ever totally eradicating the bug. (It can live in our sinuses and other locations… not just in the gut.) I am working with Dr. Ettinger now and will update this blog on my success (hopefully) in the next few weeks. Since other people have been capable of eradicating this naturally, I have hope and you should too. I would advise you in finding a doctor like Dr. Ettinger who has success in eradicating the bug naturally to guide you through the process. That is the only thing I would have done differently 5 months ago… rather than having waited and trying on my own without success. I am on the east coast and was still able to connect with him remotely for guidance. Good luck and hang in there! :) Edyta

  323. After reading this page, it is amazing we ALL haven’t taken out a Class Action suit on the people calling themselves, MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS. The whole thing is a big joke (PHYSICIANS and DOCTORS) and I’m not laughing. Just about 3 months ago I went to my primary doctor to ask for help with this gassy feeling I had in my chest. He then wrote out a prescription for “Rantidine” and gave it to me. I took the pills for a week with no change to my bad feelings in the chest. I went back to my Doctor again a couple of weeks later while things had gotten worse. He then referrred me to a cardiologist for test. Did that and passed with flying colors but still I had the discomfort that kept worsening. He then directed me to a “GI Specialist” who immediately put me on “Dexilant”.Once again, I went back a week or so later, feeling the same discomfort. He then changed the medication to “Prisolic”. I “did not” respond to that medication neither. In the meanwhile, I had made three (3x) ER visits because of my “chest pressure” something the GI Specialist was treating as ACID REFLUX. I have never had this problem before and I thought it to be odd but I just wanted to feel better so I did what was recommended. One of my visits one night to the ER, the attending Physician asked if my GI Specialist ever tested me for “H. Pylori”. I told that he had not been ever asked to take a Blood, Urine or Stool test. I then aksed the Attending ER Doctor if the H. Pylori test could be done at present, in the ER. The attending Physician said to me that My Primary Doctor or GI Specialist would have to be the one(s) to handle the test. So. A few days later I went back to see the GI Specialist and told him what had happened, he ignored me completely and prescribed yet another medication for Acid Reflux, “Nexium” and he advised me to have an EDOSCOPY and COLONOSCOPY both at the same time, just before Christmas Holidays. I responded by telling the GI person that I would NOT want to do both Exams at the same time. He disagreed telling me that it’s common procedure and it wold make perfect sense to proceed with both. So I spent my Holidays in torment waiting for some relief but that never happened. .
    NOTE: The “GI Specialist” as he’s referred to, never, till this day, do a BLOOD TEST, URINE/STOOL TEST or BREATH TEST on me yet I was being PRESCRIBED ALL these medicines for ACID REFLUX. Finally in January of 2012 the GI Doctor decided, since I had mentioned H. Pylori to him several times because of my ER visits, he would do the ENDOSCOPY for me without doing the COLONOSCOPY. Of course I was grateful. After I went back for the results of the ENDOSCOPY ..of course the GI Specialist told me that I have, H. PYLORI. On January 24, 2012 after almost three (3) months I was started on ANTIBIOTICS plus PREVACID (the only stomach medication that helps ME feel some comfort). So now that 12 day Antibiotics treatment is complete I am having to continue taking the PREVACID for an undetermined amount of time (30 mg 2X a day). My insurance will not pay for it and I am having to pay out of pocket for the medication. It is possible, perhaps I might not be suffering so much if my GI Specialist had begun the optional Test on me beginning the first day I saw him considering I was sent to him by way of my Primary Doctor. WHAT IS GOING ON OUT HERE IN THIS WORLD?. Yeah..Yeah…let’s hear it for the Doctors who get to have “your life” in their hands. I wish everyone better luck than I’ve had…Thanks Amy.

  324. Dear Amy or anyone,
    My husband was diagnosed with H. pylori and has been doing the 3 M’s plus probiotic. He has trouble keeping the “meds” down in the morning. He has been on the 3 M’s about a week. There is still a lot of projectile vomiting. Does anyone have a suggestion as to how to relieve the nausea and vomiting? He feels like he’s losing all the “meds” he’s taking in the morning. Thanks for any help.

  325. Amy – on line in many places it says to wait one month to retest; however, you suggested a breath test can be done right after treatment – do you know if there is any benefit to waiting? Also I am continuing to support my system with manuka honey, lauricidin/monolaurin, mastica gum, slippery elm and probiotics…. do you know if any of these can interfere with the breath test results.

    Thanks for your time.

    • I’ve had Herpes problem over 4 years. I tried everything, of course I went to the DR. about a hundred times, probably not that many, but it sure seems like it. It never did any good for long and caused all kinds of other issues having to do with taking too many antibiotics. Life wasn’t easy for me until I stumbled upon this natural remedy online, which i requested for and it was sent to me here in my country, i was told on how to use them and miraculously just after 14 days that my life changed completely. I’m feeling so much better now and all of my symptoms are totally gone. I haven’t had an outbreak for over a years now, All Thanks to Dr Mozambi the great traditional doctor, you can reach him on (mozambi.traditionalmedicine@gmail.com or mozambi.traditionalmedicine@hotmail.com) you can call him on +2348166886752.

  326. Many thanks to the posts above n very helpful tips…..i really suffered for months bt finally recovered coz of right diagnosis in time, it takes time n very careful selection of food to get cured in time.

  327. Dear Amy,

    I’m glad treatment went well and hope you are all better now. I have very similar symptoms right now and a blood test showed that I had the antibodies. But the endoscopy sample didn’t. For the time being I am on 2 anti acids pills a day but still suffer from reflux, heartburn and severe nausea, upset stomach, weakness, heart palpitations, light headedness, vertigo.. I also have joint pain, occasional night sweats and constant back pain. All the doctors that I’ve been to previously have determined it’s just stress but I’m not convinced, even if at one point I started to doubt myself. What advice can you give? Should I ask for a stool test to confirm? My doctor told me that the blood test isn’t as conclusive as the sample, and that it was positive due to the fact that I also had an episode of rushing to the bathroom, fainting, upset stomach..which he ruled it out as stomach flu. I also had many heart exams, all deemed that my heart was good thankfully. Another ugly test was the tilt test to check if you faint.. mine was positive but at the time I was still extremely dehydrated from the episode and so I couldn’t stand on my feet.. but my doctor suggested drinking “perrier” and I couldn’t but laugh in his face. I also did a food allergy test to check which foods I’m allergic to. Cut the consumption yet still have the symptoms. Also checked if it’s an inner ear problem, thankfully it wasn’t. I’m 23, was pretty active, love to do sports but at the moment going to the gym is really tiring. I don’t smoke, drink alcohol or coffee (the things that my doctors quickly point out that I need to stop) It’s becoming really frustrating and I’m now looking online for an answer.
    Anyways, thank you for reading my story and sorry if I bore you. I think I’ll do another blood test and check for any vitamin deficiency as well as the stool test and hope for the best!

  328. Hello Amy

    I used to have H.Pylori when I was 9years old and i’m now 24years old. I have been getting acid in the stomach every morning and also pain in the bladder area, also need to pee a lot can H.Pylori cause bladder pain at all ?

    I was treated for it when I was 9 years old.
    What is the chances of getting it again?


  329. Hello Amy, thank you for the information you provide for everyone in the world to see. I have been taking mastic gum (jarrows) for about a week now and ive started feeling pretty tired halfway through the day and I was wondering if youve had this same feeling when you began with it. My bowel movements have also been loose since i started the medication. Its only been a week but im still going with it..

  330. Hey Amy. Thanks so much for posting this. Your symptoms are absolutely identical to mine so tomorrow I’m seeing a Gastroenterologist and I will ensure he does a test for H Pylori!!!

    My blood test from a few days back came up with nothing and my stool sample say “no parasites found”, much like you and your first doctor.

    My dad also had this and he described similar symptoms. So god help me if it’s not H Pylori. It started off really bad for me one night, then it got better and better over 3 weeks. Then I had an average portion dinner and I was back in the bathroom in cold sweat trying not to vomit and since that happened 5 days ago, I can’t friggin’ wait to see my specialist and I pray its H Pylori so I can finally get rid of this horrible suffering!

  331. Dear Amy,

    I came across your site while researching h. pylori and was most interested to read your case. Almost a year ago now I developed some odd symptoms and despite visiting numerous doctors and undergoing various exams have yet to come up with an answer or treatment.

    I also underwent a gastroscopy where a small ulcer was found and a biopsy was taken. It was tested for h. pylori but the result was negative. However, despite trying 2 different proton pump inhibiting tablets my gastric reflux has gotten worse, not better.

    I won’t bore you with the details, but I would like to ask you a question.
    In your original post you mentioned that you had consulted with a gynaecologist and you were tested for perimenopause. I have done the same and again the results were negative. Did you also experience irregular menstruation and did you find out if this was related to the h. pylori infection? Or did that normalise once you started treatment?

    Also, is it possible that the biopsy would have missed the h. pylori infection?

    I look forward to your reply and thank you for your trouble.

    Kind regards,
    Olivia – South Africa

    • I don’t know if a biopsy can miss the bacteria, sorry. Also, I don’t recall if my periods were irregular during that time; I was just too sick to notice.

      I think you should consider consulting with someone who knows about these issues and can help you. See my link to Dr. Marcus Ettinger above – he gives good advice and is very knowledgeable. He’d be able to help you better than me.

      Good luck!

  332. Amy i love your web site. its given me a reason to live. H.Pylori is a very crippling to your life. I know this because i have been suffering since 1998. WBC 19.2. told me heartburn in E.R. Sent me home with Tagerment. Dont trust Mds. they dont care unless you got money. I ordered everthing from your web site. thanks a million cant wait for products. O by the way after 6 years. they finally tested h.pylori i was 3.1 postive…Thank-you Ronnie

  333. Hi Amy,

    Your blog provides tremendous source of information. Thanks a lot.
    I am suffering from gastrities and other associated problems for long. I was diagnosed H. Pylori positive in last December. My doctor gave me medicine for 6 weeks (double antibiotic for 1 week and omeprazole through out). then he advised me to do the breathe test. I was advised to wait for 4 weeks without any medicine before the test. But I was having regular pain in my stomach. So I started to search internet, and that was the time when I came across your blog.

    I started to take Active Manuka Honey and changed my diet to include brown rice, green tea, aloe vera juice etc. When I went for the test I was on my 10th day of Manuka Honey treatment. The test results came out to be negative, but my symptoms (pain before and after food, gas formation, bloatedness, frequent bowl movement etc.) are still there. Doctor didn’t give me any antibiotic but told me to continue taking omeprazole. I am continuing that along with my Honey treatment – but can’t see any further treatment.

    Any advices ? I would have expected the problems to go away as I am now tested negative.



      • Hi Amy,

        Thanks. I am inclined to take VSL #3. During my last visit to doctor I asked him about probiotics – but he didn’t encourage me. Can I just buy and start taking ? Is it ok to take this without doctors advice ?


  334. My story: I started feeling sick at work, just nausea and bad weakness. Then in the evening my heart started racing like crazy and muscles cramping and shaking really, I was rushed to the hospital, where they tested my blood for heart problems and everything came back normal. Cost about $3500. Then they told me to see my reg doctor to see what was wrong with me. Doctor said that I just have a seasonal virus and told me to drink lots of fluid. I Came back after 1 week with same symptoms. Then they tested my blood for h pylori which came back positive. They prescribed me the triple therapy (antibiotics) . When i started taking them i felt worse and thought I was going to die on my second week of taking them. So then I went to see a natural medicine doctor. Which was amazing: told me everything about it, what to eat and what not to eat: no alcohol, no sweets, no spicy foods, no breads. But eat: well cooked veggies(no tomatoes) non spicy soups, boiling bones for 12 hrs and making boulion. No coffee no tea( except chamomile). Basically a light diet for a month at least. Then prescribed me natural medicine. All these cost me only $145 , compare that to the reg clinic which cost like $4500 and made me feel worse.

  335. Just wanted to say thanks Amy. My mother is going through this, although not as severe and I have been scouring the internet looking for more answers. I hope other people suffering the same thing find your website.

  336. Thank you so much for all this great info Amy!

    Now that it’s been a few years for you, are you now able to eat gluten, sugar, dairy, etc? Or have you had to permanently eliminate these from your diet?

    My H. Pylori symptoms were a bit different, and it took me a few years to figure out what was causing them. Every time I would eat gluten or a high carb meal (or sometimes sugar or dairy – it wasn’t always consistent), about an hour later I would notice a strange smell in my sinuses. It was like I was smelling a black sharpie marker! It was SO annoying!

    At first I thought it was candida, so I worked with a naturopath, did the candida diet, supplements etc, but it just wasn’t going away. Finally, I just did a stool test and sure enough it was H. Pylori.

    We also discovered that I wasn’t making enough stomach acid, and I began taking Hydrochloric Acid capsules with meals to digest my food better, which has helped with the H. pylori.

    The smell in my sinuses isn’t as bad now. It’s more like kind of a menthol sensation in my sinuses. It’s hard to explain, but it’s still really annoying.

    I also had a lot of problems with heartbeats, but as long as I take a good amount of Magnesium I’m okay. I also get insomnia and almost every night I wake up between 2:30 and 3:30 a.m. I haven’t been able to fix that yet.

    The naturopath that I’m working with for the H. Pylori has me on mastic gum, colloidal silver, Zinlori and Colixen. But, I still get that menthol smell if I eat wheat or too much carbs or other various things, so I’m going to incorporate your suggested supplements into my protocol.

    I was just wondering if you can eat any gluten/wheat now or do you still notice your symptoms. I’m so tired of being gluten free!!


  337. I’m so grateful to have found your blog entry. I was just diagnosed with h. pylori via endoscopy, after 2 months of miserable symptoms almost exactly like yours (the worst being the racing heart). I’ve ordered and have been taking mastic gum & monolaurin, but after reading through the comments, I’m very confused and hope you’ll take a couple of minutes to clarify something.
    I’ve been taking 1200mg of monolaurin, TWICE a day, which is what your protocol summary says at the end of your post. It’s day 3 and I feel horrible, 100x worse than before.
    So I read down about 3/4 of the way into the comments here, and you then say you only took 900mg, TWICE a day. Then, you say no, you actually only took 1200mg per day TOTAL, or apparently only 600mg twice a day.
    I’m so confused, and am scared now that I’m overdosing. What is the amount you took, for sure? I’m desperate to take the proper amount and hopefully rid myself of this horrible bug, but I also don’t want to take too much, and it seems I’m taking twice as much as you actually did, even though that’s not what it says at the end of the blog post.
    Please clarify. Please. I hope you see this and can post asap. I’m desperate for the info.
    Thanks again for this post and for sharing.

  338. Hi folks,

    Have not read all the posts through so if this has been posted b4 I apologize.

    Using slippery elm and drinking good amount of water during the day specially after waking up has cured my gastritis and heartburn – so if i were you I would throw away all those antacids tablets and do as I did and in less than 4 weeks you will be rid of your heartburns.

    The following site brought this to my attention –


    Good luck and thanks to Amy for her great blog.

  339. Thanks for all the useful information. I was just diaghnosed with H.Pylori this week and have another Dr. Appt tonight. I had a random physical and told her I have a consistent case of heart burn. Luckily we now know it’s H.Pylori and I can start an antibiotic.

  340. Wow. I thought I was crazy!!!! I have also been suffering a racing heart, diarrhea, nightmares and vomiting. After seeing a fewGPs I was told it was all down tO depression and to take lexapro. I hated the way it made me feel and there was no change! Went to see a lovely Russian dr (I’m in Australia) and she ordered the blood test right away which came back with good old helicobactor plyori! Now I’m on a week of hardcore antibiotics (8 a day!) and it’s leaving me with horrible metallic tast in my
    Mouth and stomach pains. I just hope it works and I can go back to normal. Going to get manuka honey and fennel tea right away! Thanks so much for this article. It’s made me feel like there’s light at the end of the tunnel. All the best on your recovery journey!

  341. Hello,

    Has anyone here tried the H. Pylori treatment that Amy King used… Manuka honey, monolaurin and mastic gum? I have used this treatment for the past 3 months and now have diarrhea every morning (about 2-3) bowel movements for the past 4 days. I finished the 3 month treatment a week ago. Has anyone had similar issues? Has anyone taken a specific probiotic after a 3 month natural treatment? Please email me at Vesta314@gmail.com

    Thank you for any help or advice!

  342. Hi Amy, i just found your site here and am confused as the dates are a little old. Are you still around. I haven’t read all the articles, i need to clarify a few things. do you still have Hp or have you cured? has any one followed David hompes treatment, it seems so expensive and he expects us to takes so many tests for every conceivable bug. I am following the diet, which , like everything else works some days and not others. Thank you love Maryxx

    • I’ve been cured for years now. I never did the Hompes diet, though some have said my food suggestions are similar. Good luck eradicating it! It can be done.

  343. MY GI did a EGD/Colonoscopy a couple of weeks ago and sent biposies to the lab. I just received the news today that I have H. pylori. I can’t help but be hopeful. My symptoms have been so many and changing every week. First I had the horrible heartburn with back pain that lasted for 8 hours each time and wouldn’t let me sleep. I though I was dying, literally. Then, I started to feel bloated and my stool turn all shades of green. Those first 2 weeks I was still eating normally, but I stopped coffee and dark cola. Then, the next week I had this overall indigestion feeling but no heartburn. I started to get constipated. Then, I couldn’t eat at night and had stomach pain. Now,the heartburn is back,mild, but I can’t eat anything without feeling worse. I was forcing myself to eat and then using laxatives to avoid the constipation, but I had just decided to go on a liquid diet as suggested in other sites. I am taking aloe juice, DGL, VCO, and ACV hoping I can cure myself naturally. Anyway, the nurse informed me she will be sending the antibiotics to my local pharmacy and I cannot wait to start treatment. I also had the anxiety and heart palpitations with shortness of breath, but that has subseded now. I am crossing my fingers that this antibiotic treatment will work.I’ve had this for about 4 months now. I am taking probiotics too.

  344. I tried the matula herbal tea for 8 weeks and it didn’t work. I think it is a scam. I wasted so much money for the tea.
    This method works for me:
    2g of Monolaurin (1g taken in the morning and 1g taken at bedtime) + 900mg-1200mg of DGL licorice (300-400mg before breakfast, lunch, and dinner) + 3 glasses of raw cabbage juice taken daily for 1 month cured me and I was H. Pylori negative. This method is much cheaper and it works. I didn’t take mastic gum, manuka honey, or any other supplements.

  345. I finally kicked the bugger after a second course of quadruple therapy antibiotics. I did combine the treatment with a radically changed diet of steamed vegetables (broccoli included) and generally healthier food. In terms of supplements I used Siberian Pine oil and 9 strain probiotics. In the course of the five month period that I had the problem I was also training for an ultra-marathon. the nett effect was a ten kilogram drop in weight. However, I do feel much better now and have permanently changed my diet for the better. I completed the 89 km marathon just two weeks after completing the second course of antibiotics. I did suffer from terrible bouts of nausea with 20km to go, probably from the battering that my stomach mucosa had taken in the past months.

    I hope that this posting serves to give other suffers out there a sense of hope that you can and will beat this nasty disease. God knows, there were many times when I doubted that I would feel any better. Stay positive, continue to watch what you eat. Keep an active diary of what you are eating and how it is making you feel.

    I continue to supplement with probiotics and Siberian Pine oil.

  346. Amy,

    I recently purchased the mastic gum but it was in 500 mg capsules. Should I be taking 4 of these in the morning and 4 at night or 2 capsules in the morning and at bed time? I started taking it and saw some results, but I want to make sure that I am taking the correct dosage.

    • I think I took two in the morning and two at night, but stopped when I tested negative. The only thing I maintained after that was the honey. And the probiotic, which I actually started after I tested negative to help me digest properly again.

      Good luck!

  347. Hi Amy ~
    I was so grateful to find your blog when i was told i have Hpylori and didn’t want to go the antibiotic route. I purchased all the items you used in your summary including the monolaurin. Yesterday I called a manufactor that produces monolaurin and a knowledgable ladies informed me that since hpylori is a bacteria and monolaurin works on virusis it does not work on hpylori…..I am sooo confused. ALso i read that manuka honey will actually feed the hpylor since it is a sugar. Before I embark on your protocal…….i would love to hear your opinion of these two conflicting items..

    blessings & health to all that read this.

    • From what I understand, Monolaurin affects both viruses and bacteria. And if you research and read the Manuka Honey sites, the antibacterial benefits of the honey far outweigh the sugar.

      These both worked for me, and I remain H Pylori free and never took antibiotics. As they say, ‘Nuff said.

  348. Amy. You are a life saver…… God will bless you forever. I have been through lots of stress because of this nasty bug. I was diagonised with H.pylori around March 2011 using my blood sample. Before then I have some symptoms like tightness in my chest, acid reflux and poor energy. So the Dr placed me on Antibiotics, i started taking the antibiotics after 4 days I developed severe Anxiety, low energy, low B12 and Anemia. I have been on 6 Emergencies and they gave me one chalky stuff to drink NON work, i did an xray, upper GI, ultrasound on my stomach everything came out good. I started praying to God to save my life. I quit taking the antibiotics because of the terrible side effects. I went back to Dr, he prescribed me the same antibiotics I took it for 3 days my body immume system started getting weaker I quit immediately and started looking for alternative. I search on the internet and I stumbled on Amy’s blog, and I was happy to hear that someone has been healed. I ordered monolaurin, mastic gum, manuka honey and GL licorice. I also take b12 and magnesium supplements and powdered slippery elm, I change my food compleately. I eat lots of vegetable cooked, okra, spinach, brown rice, cramberry juice but i miss it with aloevera juice. After taking this I started bouncing back. NOTE natural remedies takes more longer time to work, so you need to hang in there at least two most to heal you completely. I am feeling better now, but still on the supplements. Amy thank you and continue doing your research…. The best Dr is you, your Dr sometimes dont undestand how you feel. God created Herbs for healing and cure… H.pylori is 100% curable

  349. I have one more comment , H pylori was causing my kidney inflammati/ infection … I felt every single symptoms was happening to me was caused by one thing.H Pylori, but the dr may not see it that way. H . pylori lives on fat, … bacteria turns the fat into ketones, which are hard on the kidney. Here is a very long lecture by Dr. Amy Yasko on the properties of H. pylori and how to get rid of it.


  350. I read the whole story. Thank you, darling. I have been sick for ten months. I am a single mom and I will be 50 in a few weeks. My boy is 9. I just got diagnosed with Pylori. It’s been the rockiest ride ever and I hope to God it goes away with all these horrible antibiotics. I’m afraid of them and always have been. I am going in the kitchen to make up some ginger and something else tea. I am the weakest I’ve ever been in my entire life and I don’t have any short term memory. That is how sick I am. If the drugs don’t work, I will try your remedy.


  351. Wow, it sounds like me!
    I have been suffering for two years! And my blood was tested positive for HP at the start, but my stupid GP Nr. 1 dismissed it, since the titers were so low…go figure. I just finished my first round, got better for a week, and now everything is back again. GI wants me to wait 5 more weeks for the breathtest and the stool test. Partner has symptoms, too.
    I am on scd, and I heard that pau’darko tea and mastic gum helps, too, but both are illegal on SCd diet. Will switch to ginger tea and manuka asap.
    My symptoms are nausea, vomiting, hot pain in my small intestine, heartburn, fatigue, bloating and weight loss.

  352. When I was reading your blog it was as if you were describing my problem. The racing heart and the pains in the chest and shoulder made me rush to the ER several times and every time the great mechanical robotic doctors take my ECG, take a blood sample and tell me that everything is Ok with my heart and you don’t have to worry about it!! Yeah..but why the hell is it hurting everyday??? I finally started writing down what I was eating on a daily basis and was trying to find out what was causing it. I believe everything in your body happens because of what ever you eat/drink. Finally I figured out it was lactose intolerance that was causing the bloating which resulted in shortness of breath and pain in the chest (under the left rib) and sometimes pain radiating to the left hand and palm. Stopped taking milk and all the symptoms were gone! All the x rays, blood work, stress test and other crappy medication was for nothing. I It really bothers me when these doctors act like pharmaceutical company representatives. For normal well being, I turned to alternative medicines instead of the traditional western medicine. I take a mixture of freshly grated ginger with a teaspoon of honey in half a cup of water in the morning on an empty stomach. Its worked wonders for me thus far.

  353. Hi Amy,I start the treatment a month a go with monolaurin,mastic gum and manuka honey 19+.Prior that I took for a month Lansoprazole.I keep my diet as you said,I am ok,but I feel so weak.I took the VSL3 probiotic for a few days and I think to start taking digestive enzymes(psyllium husk)and L -Glutamine.
    It is curios,that the food I could not eat before,I can eat now,for example onion and ,garlic,but 2 days a go I had aubergine salad and my stomach was out of order,I had terrible pain.At this moment I have no energy,I try to have plenty of vegetables,but how you said I think is because of calcium,and I will catch up later.Thank you for opening this blog,and I will let you know about my progress.

  354. Waiting for h pylori blood test results but figure since I have the same symptoms,I will start tonight with the manuka honey. I cut out carbs and sugar several months ago and am now on the t scd diet. My symptomss of bloat, heart burn, wierd shoulder,chest and arm pain,shortness of breath,stomach pain and ibs have been plaguing me for YEARS. Just knowing there are others who have gone through the same and have paved the road to. successful healing is a true blessing. Thank you Amy and all whi have contributed

  355. I know that it’s been a while since anyone commented on this blog, but I just came across this after being diagnosed with H. Pylori a few weeks ago. The Dr. prescribed me Prevpac, and I am sensitive to antibiotics. After only 2 days on the Prevpac, I decided that I just couldn’t do it anymore and wanted a different way! I am waiting for payday before I order the supplements, but I plan on doing Monolaurin and I was looking into Interfase as well as Pyloricil. I was wondering, is it OK to take Pyloricil with Monolaurin and Interfase? Or would that bring on too much shock to the stomach? Interfase is a natural medicine that attaches to biofilms. Hope someone knows this because I really miss living a normal life! :) Thanks in advance!

  356. If you have time could you please contact me? I have couple of questions I like to ask. I also been test positive for h pylori bacteria.
    I feel like you are my answer to my prayer and giving me the gift of life.

    Mia Yorkey

  357. I too have h pylori. My second bout with this dastardly bug. The first time it was eradicated with antibiotics. This time three cycles of antibiotics have left me testing positive for the dreaded h. I take 80 mg of protonix and antacids. ordered matula tea over internet as desperate attempt to rid myself of this nasty bug. I am certain that taking a substance called creatine triggered both outbreaks although i didn’t put two and two together the first time I got the illness does anyone have insight with creatine or the matula tea formula?

  358. I’d like to contact CTM (March 2012) but there is no reply link and no followup posts. His/her symptoms are most similar to mine and especially wanted to know how he/she tolerated the PREVAC 14-day antibiotics which was prescribed for me. I was diagnosed today and am overwhelmed with information. I wanted to know, Amy, if you took the antibiotic course before your natural remedy? I’m terrified by all the comments on how the antibiotics were so harsh and the gastro pain and suffering during and after treatment. I’m going to wait until I know more before taking the pills. My main symptoms are diarrhea (several months of) and intermittent stomach pain and gas. My accupuncturist gave me “coptis” a chinese herb for these symptoms which helped me feel better but when my symptoms persisted I finally got tested (stool) and was positive for hp.

    So glad to find this blog. I don’t feel so alone now.

  359. For most of my adult life I have dealt with some sort of digestive problem, to no avail every doctor I went to could not find a root problem for any symptom I might be having at that time. About a year ago I started having problems from one extreme to another, constipation, diarrhea, vomiting, pain in my stomach and not being able to eat which finally lead to losing 20 pounds plus. The last 4 months have been hell for me, after my symptoms worsen to the point that I could hardly function, I finally insisited that my family doctor refer me to a Gastrologist. I have finally been diagnosed with H.Pylori and severe Gastritis in my lower stomach. I just started treatment two weeks ago and am trying to be optimistic that I will be on the road to recovery soon. Although I feel like I have finally found a doctor that can help me, I would appreciate any feed back from all that has dealt with this and has any suggestions on how to continue to deal with it.

    • What is your treatment course? Antibiotics or the natural methods in this blog? Am I correct in inferring that you must have had HP for a year or more before being correctly diagnosed? I’ve pretty much decided to exhaust natural methods before subjecting myself to the prevpak antibiotic course. It looks devastating. Seeing another doc this week for second opinion regarding meds.

      • Everything I did is outlined in the post as well as ad nauseum in the comments. I did not do traditional antibiotics, and I had HP for more than a year undiagnosed before I began treatment.

      • DENTAL HEALTH AND REINFECTION FROM H.PYLORI – I remembered that bacteria from periodontal disease can affect your heart health and we know our mouths are full of bacteria. Check this out …Recent scientific evidence indicates that the H. pylori bacterium plays an influential role in ulcer formation. However, we must remember that pathological organisms only flourish when conditions are favorable. For example, dental plaque can harbor a supply of H. pylori, which may allow continual re-infection (Dosai, et. al 1991). In cases of gastric ulcers, we must first address diet, stress, food allergies, liver health and digestive power. It is sometimes possible to obtain symptomatic relief with cooked okra, cabbage juice or bananas. A few weeks or months of DGL licorice therapy can also serve to strengthen the stomach and intestinal membranes. This is very effective, even in some cases of H. pylori infection. In stubborn cases that do not respond to simple therapy, research indicates that mastic gum (Pistacia lentiscus) is emerging as a beneficial anti-ulcer therapy (Huwez, et. al 1998).

  360. I would like to say thank you so much for the article yes it is very hopeful but i have a few more questions…. Started and feeling so much after i had a total of 6 doctors just giving me pills….. But now i’m very concern about all the foods that i can eat please help because i have been eating breast chicken but grill and i noticed that i ate almonds and i woke with pains again ….. Am i not supposed to be eating those thing.?

  361. I sure appreciate every one on this blog. Gotta say, I’m confused. Diagnosed a month ago after a screening DNA stool test. No obvious symptoms. Been on SF734 for one month, one more to go. Daily intense itching of eyes and serial sneezing attacks seem to be gone since the SF734. My decades old back pain, which I always associated with fatigue is also gone. I can get quite tired, but the back pain does not kick in. This is so awesome.

    But what to do about the suggestion that total erradication could mean inviting other serious problems. Here’s a podcast suggesting that HP may be “good for the young, but bad for the old.” Link at end of second paragraph.


  362. Fascinating! I will follow most of your suggestions. I’ve been in agony for 9 months and the MD tell me to take acid reducing meds, which seem to make it worse. Can you please tell me where to get Bacillus subtilis?

  363. Amy, thanks a lot for detailed post. I have just finished my Triple Therapy three days ago, but don’t see BIG difference in how I feel even though doc said that I will feel much better after finishing up antibiotics. When did you start feeling better? I also just started taking Mastic gum, probiotics, and flavonoids to make sure I get rid of it. But getting kind of desperate – I’ve been sick for over a year now, and the last few months were most miserable.

    • I didn’t do triple therapy, so I don’t know. I felt better by the end of the first month – like it was gone! – but I did another month bc I still tested positive. I actually started feeling much better, if memory serves, a good week or two into my alternative treatment. Good luck!

      • Thanks, Amy.
        I finally read all of the comments here! Wow, it is amazing to see how many people suffer from the same thing and yet doctors are still at loss and pretty much useless when it comes to diagnosing. My symptoms were almost exactly same as yours, minus vomiting (thanks, God!), but they wore me out just as much – I went to ER too many times to no avail, got my heart checked, my blood sugar, my thyroid and adrenal glands – after a visit to endocrinologist, who suspected I might have an adrenal gland tumor (imagine hell I went through just thinking about it!), I lost 8 pounds in 2 months, my hair started to fal out too, then one day I woke up with pain in my stomach and decided to visit GI doc. They sent me to do a CT scan, because they suspected galbladder problems, kidney problems and even appendix. Finally he did the parasite and bacteria testing and found H.Pylori. Needless to say, that I was just like yourself – thanks God, it is pylori and not a cancer! My insurance refused to cover EGD, so I might even have an ulcers for all I know, but my doc decided to do Triple Therapy regardless – to eradicate the bacteria. I did very extensive reading on the Internet about it (incl. Russian websites, since I am bilingual), and found lots of info, but was glad to come across your blog – just to see a confirmation that you can eradicate H.Pylori (before that I came across a forum, where people were sharing their experiences with Triple therapy and other treatments, but left it because it was a little bit too depressing to read). I am happy to see that people can actually get rid of this nasty bug after all! Thank you for sharing your treatment. I’ve been taking Mastic Gum, probiotics and flavonoids for a week now after finishing my Triple therapy. I just placed an order for Monolaurin and L-Glutamine, as well as stronger probiotics, and hope that it will help. I had to quit my job due to this illness because I wasn’t even able to leave the house for a few weeks, I had to stopped my dance classes, I showered about 2-3 times a week, because water was literally hurting my body and making me feel like I was about to pass out. I’m slowly venturing out now, but after finishing 11 days of antibiotics (I couldn’t tolerate them for full 2 weeks, they made me very ill), I felt like some of the symptoms came back 2 or 3 days later. I am having heart palps almost every time I go up the stairs and just before I have to use bathroom (not as bad as they were before the meds, but nonetheless). I am SO ready to go back to my normal life and eating more or less normal food – I’m quite tired of chicken soup and porridges, but more fiber seems to aggravate my intestines. So this is more or less my story. I hope that your alternative treatment will due the trick and I will be back to normal life soon. Thanks again and good luck to everyone!

  364. After Hurr. Katrina the water in NOLA was not fit for consumption. We had to drink bottled water (which I did anyway before the flood). Only trouble was when the New Orleans Sewerage & Water Board treatment plant lost electricity (often) you weren’t notified until hours later to boil your water. Bottom line: I got Hpylori, I got treated with the antibiotic regimen, it went away.

    Now I am in CA and my daughter and her partner do have Hpylori and live with it. I think I’ve gotten it again from eating at their house. Going to get tested this week. Feel the same symptoms as before.




  365. I also took the Matula tea with no results. I drank it 30 days religiously as per directions, wait two weeks and make my laboratory test with results “strongly positive”. I think Matula is a fraud!

  366. Hi Amy,

    Interesting and detailed blog. I’ve been suffering from H. Pylori for a couple of years now and the inability of any doctors to fix my GI problems has rendered me hopeless. I have lost faith with conventional medicine curing me of this bug !

    I’m ready to experiment and try anything. I’ve been researching on the internet and that’s how I found your blog.

    I have placed an order for the Matula Herb formula. If Matula doesn’t work at the end of the 30 day treatment plan, then I ll have to look at other options. After reading about other people’s experience with the Matula Formula on the web, I’m skeptic about it’s effectiveness. I ll try it anyway.

    I’m considering your method as my next course of action. Do you continue to take any of the supplements today ? And did the symptoms reoccur at any point after you recovery. Does alcohol consumption have any effect on your digestive system now ?

    Your feedback would be appreciated,


  367. Hi Amy! I just want to say thank you so much for posting this and also for sticking around although you are completely healed! Most people leave these forums after feeling better, I guess cause they are out living a happy life symptom free but you are awesome for still posting your success 4yrs later. I have already done the triple therapy antibiotic which made me feel so much worse and I still have it. I am so hopeful that this will work and plan on starting your remedies in the next few days! One question do you still have to do a strict diet I know you were starting to eat more of the “good” foods but are you still able to eat more of the “good” foods now not such a strict diet?

    Thank you thank you thank you!!

    • Sorry one more question which you may have answered already here somewhere but I can’t find it. Exactly how long did you take each one? Are you still taking any?

      • I eat what I want to now, but the change in diet during the illness made me aware of healthier eating habits.

        I took the three M’s for about two months. It’s all in the comments and the notes.

        Good luck!

      • Hi again Amy sorry but I also wanted to ask you if you used wheat pastas during the diet or no pasta at all? Also which of the m’s do you still take to keep it away?

        Thanks again

      • I take Manuka Honey regularly – like a teaspoon every other day / once a day. I didn’t eat pasta, which is sugar that feeds bacteria, while I was sick.

  368. Hi Amy,
    One last question did you ever have a sore throat with hpylori? I have a sore throat that developed a little while after I did my antibiotic treatment and my gi Dr says its acid reflux but I never had acid reflux issues before the hpylori so I’m hoping its just the hpylori and after I get rid of it the sore throat will also go away

    • I have the same symptom after finishing the antibiotics. I think we all react differently and side effects from antibiotics are so different. I have a sore throat for 2 weeks now. I am about to start what Amy did today. For me it was really bad as I have got H. Pylori and C. Dificile at the same time. I got rid of the C Difficile with antibiotics, but now, my Doctor wants me to go through more antibiotics, and I am so afraid to do so. When you put antibiotics, you can make C Difficile come back. I am going to try what Amy do for 2 months, and hopefully I will go back to feel normal again. And yes, I do feel a sore throat.

  369. Hello Amy. Within the last couple of months, I’ve had severe stomach issues and finally and Endoscopy which confirmed I have H Pylori. I told my new doctor that I had a blood test in 2007 to confirm it, but apparently he wanted me to endure the endoscopy just to be sure. I tried the PrevPac just three days ago. It was only this morning, which is at night for me, because I am on the night shift, that I took the fifth and final dose that I plan on taking, that I had my heart pounding through my chest thanks to the Clarithromycin, or Biaxin ( I think it’s called ) when I woke up. This scared me to death as you could imagine and my anxiety shot through the roof! I’m in the dark on the Amoxicillin, but I may be allergic to it too.

    I saw someone link your page of Topix.com, and I’m very interested in trying out what cured you.

    I have sent my doctor a note via the healthcare portal they use for their offices and let him know that I had quit it immediately. I’ve yet to hear from him, but I’m unsure he’ll be open to the natural way of curing things because I don’t know him well enough. I have no idea on what he’ll suggest next. He is a regular MD however, so I expect it will be antibiotic driven.

    I however, am more than ready to try your cure. I’m unsure about the super strong biotic however. I have a 90 billion culture probiotic, that during my stress period a couple of months ago where my stomach was messed up, had seemed to stress out my stomach even more. While my stomach is not in distress any longer, I still don’t want that discomfort again!

    If you have any advice, please fill me in. I’m eager to move past this and get this bacteria out of my system!

  370. Hi Amy,
    I just started my monolaurin today, I got the one you recommended but I’m a bit confused the bottle says take 2 twice a dat with meals, you said take 1200mg twice a day but you only went through 2 bottles, they are 300mg so do I take 4 capsules twice a day? Thanks for all the advice!

  371. Hi Amy and others,
    I found this blog shortly after my Metametrix profile results showed h. pylori at 7.2E, which translates to 720,000 organisms per gram of specimen. After catching random bits of the many postings, I finally printed the entire blog, to the tune of about 272 pages. I’m a slow reader, and a full time educator, so I am still working on it, but am down to the last 20, or so pages. When I encounter something I want to research further, I mark the paragraph and pull that page out. It really is a page turner. 
    There are a few things that have stood out:
    -your patience in answering the same questions many, many times. Bless you!
    -someone seemed to think that the DNA testing done by Metametrix indicates that h. pylori manages to inject its DNA into ours. I do not believe anyone has found that to be the case. The Metametrix GI profile scans for any DNA that passes through and identifies it, as best possible. In addition to h. pylori, my test showed a “non-human parasite” and an “ingested fungus.” This is a superior test in that it does not rely on survival of the whole organism in order to detect its presence.
    -there seems to be the belief that endoscopy is the most reliable test for finding HP. Well, that doesn’t seem to have been true for me. In my research I have found many references to HP beginning its life in the human gut during childhood. Indeed, I do recall many bouts of gnawing stomach pain as a child. Fortunately (dubiously so), my parents were Christian Scientists, and did not take us to doctors. Had they, I would have surely been put on tranquilizers had an ulcer been suspected. Outside of those childhood episodes, I have had only occasional stomach distress, and it has always coincided with whatever bug was making the rounds at my school; so I suspected nothing unique. Because of colon cancer in the family, I began 5-year interval colonoscopy screening 15 years. The first two times they did an endoscopy as a routine measure and came up with nothing unusual. Even said that they took a biopsy and tested my stomach cells to see if they were producing HCl. They were which surprised me because I was tested and told by an internationally known preventive MD that I was producing next to none. I am of the belief that the profile that screens for the DNA of any and all organisms that pass through the gut is the only truly reliable test; and then, only when the pre-testing protocol has been followed.
    -nearly all posters to your blog seem to have suffered from stomach distress, heart palpitations, heartburn, etc., before seeking any help. I did not experience any such symptoms. The reason I went for testing was that I went to a Weston A. Price conference in Dallas last year and had the opportunity to listen to a talk by Paul Jaminet, co-author of Perfect Health Diet. During his presentation and in his book, Paul asserts that “everyone gets chronic infections.” I spent most of the following seven months reading his blog and seeing that many of his readers had had the testing and learned of otherwise unknown infections. I do well battling the osteoarthritis that started 20 years ago, but am always working on the puzzle of “why me?” So, in July, I found a doc who works with the lab and told him about Jaminet. He agreed to order the test. Because I was willing to pay up front, the cost to me was only $395. The doc was visibly shocked at the results – positive with a reading of “high” infestation of h. pylori. I took his recommendation of Thorne SF 734, and within three days my constantly itching eyes stopped itching and have not returned. About two to three weeks into the treatment I experienced 90 minute bouts of racing and wildly irregular heartbeat. This happened about five times and always frightened me, until I found your blog and read that it can go with HP. Thank you!! Again. Then, after about a month on the Thorne product, I noticed that my mid-back burning pain seemed to be absent. Over the decades I had come to call it my holiday back pain, as I got it only when doing those demanding tasks that mothers do to prepare for holidays. However, in recent years I have had the pain three or more times a week, always when I have been fatigued. Chocked it up to old age and never tied it to any condition that could be treated non-invasively, beyond massage, which did not help. About a month into the SF 734, I added Jarrow mastic gum, turmeric, and broccoli extract. After two months I stopped everything and within a week was suffering terrible burning mid-back pain. I went back on everything and saw my doc. He suggested a breath test. I took the test during the evening of a day that I had taken a dose of everything in the morning. The test came back negative. But again, after a week, back pain returned and I went back on the treatment. A couple times, after being off the treatment, I experienced burning and gnawing stomach, which passed as soon as I took mastic. Contacted Dr. E by email and he said if the test was negative, it was likely reliable and he did not recommend adding his protocol to my present treatment.
    -Biofilm: After reading of it on your blog, I became very interested in the information on biofilms and researched, while maintaining a maintenance AM and PM dose of the 734, mastic gum, and broccoli extract. The information on Dr. E’s site is enormously helpful and very convincing. My mother suffered for thirty years of recurring pseudomonas infections and chronic COPD. I have to wonder if addressing the possibility of biofilms could have eased her misery.
    After some bit of talking I have been able to convince my doc to consider that the breath test may have been false. He has put me on Interfase Plus, Undecylex, Biotagen, and Ther-Biotic Complete. Did not charge me for the products, as their pull date is close and wants to observe the results. My conflict is that I would like to add components. I have heard that zinc carnosine is very important, as is NAC. At this year’s W. A. Price conference in Santa Clara, Chris Kresser stated that NAC is a biofilm disrupter. I can call my doc and ask, but at this point I don’t feel much like being a lab rat; I just want to be done with this. I think evidence of biofilm is significant, as every time my back pain has returned. I am very interested in Pyloricil, after reading of it on your blog.
    This is very long, but I wanted to be of some help, since so many have helped me. This drive-by friendship, of sorts, leaves me wondering about the folks who have posted. I will figure that if they don’t tie up their stories in the last pages I have yet to read, they must have cured themselves. Wondering about Steve and others.

    • Biofilm update…Want to share the latest. When I was convinced the HP was not eradicated (severe mid-back pain from morning to night – caught my reflection in a full length mirror and I was stooped in pain like a very elderly lady). The following morning I began the Interfase Plus and the Undecylex. I was taking half the prescribed dose of each (2 Interfase 2X a day with 1 of the Undecylex 2X a day), as directed by my doc, with the plan to increase gradually over the first week. After 3 days of this half dosage of each, I answered nature’s call while at work. (Warning…the following is a description of what I saw in the toilet. The squeamish should stop reading. Being a biology major, I am not at all squeamish.) I had felt a bit constipated that day (last Monday), so I did not see great quantities in the toilet, by any means; but what I did see was memorable. Large – half inch to one inch in diameter – round and oval chunks imbedded in the regular stuff. The best analogy is to say that it resembled a miniature pinto pony, or spotted guinea pig. This had just come out of my body and, again, having a great interest in biology I would have done everything possible to retrieve this specimen these white chunks (don’t be too grossed out, I would have used a hand covering or some tool), but the automatic flusher on the toilet promptly kicked in and the stuff was swept out of view in only a few seconds.
      Aghast, I just stood and contemplated what I had just seen. Then, I thought of the “ever present” patch of fattiness, an irregular oval about 4 inches in diameter, just below my right rib cage. I first noticed this when in a doc’s office ten years ago. I asked this ND what this strange swelling was and she readily dismissed it as “nothing.” I never think of it unless I am in the midst of dressing and catch my reflection in the mirror. I’m of average build and not at all overweight, so this was quite visible. Well, this past Monday I stepped to the mirror in this public restroom and lifted my top to examine my belly. Certainly, the patch of fattiness was still visible but when I rubbed my hand over it, it was pronouncedly smaller, without the underlying substance it had before. When I stood up very, very straight and stretched my skin, this shadow of what was, disappeared completely. I did run grab my cell and snapped a photo to show my doc. It was still very visible but is somewhat better now. Likely this imprint will remain for years to come after having been stretched over the underlying biofilm for so many years.
      I believe this “fattiness” was a biofilm and, at least, partly responsible for the recurrence of HP every time I stopped the SF734. The ND who dismissed it with ease was so problematic in many ways during that visit to her office that I never went back to her, but am now highly motivated to write her a letter. Just for your entertainment I will share that in addition to not recognizing a very obvious disturbance in my body, she measured my height as 5’4” (a height I have not been since I was something like 12 years old – I have been 5’6” all my life since my teen years), and most offensive of all, she told me the issue we needed to discuss was the matter of my drinking. Incredulous, I asked, “MY drinking?” With a look of derision she nodded. I told her that 5 glasses of wine a year would be a heavy drinking year for me and that I had never had a drinking problem. She replied, “If you’re going to lie about it, I can’t help you!” I took this bit to another doc and he said she was looking at the wrong number and “must have been having a bad day,” for the elevated liver number was not anything to be concerned about; tested me again and it was normal. I think most of us agree that a great faction of the medical community is not a population deserving of our respect.
      So, this past Tuesday I noticed much smaller chips of the white stuff and now wish that I had undertaken the disgusting process of fishing out a couple, just to see its consistency. I figure it would have been composed of primarily calcium, magnesium, and iron. I am a grandma and have diligently heeded the dubious counsel to take my 1200/600 mg of cal/mag.
      I will continue with the Interfase Plus and Undecylex, along with the evening dose of Biotagen (prebiotic) and the Ther-Biotic Complete Powder (probiotic) for the three weeks my doc prescribed. I can’t do the VSL that Amy used because I am sensitive to an additive in it.
      This past Wednesday I awoke with intensely itching eyes (this problem had disappeared back in August, 3 days into my SF734 treatment. I suspect the demolished biofilm released a horde of HP and they, along with their toxins, are migrating to my small intestine and seeping through my leaky gut, exciting my immune system. Thursday morning was just as bad, but yesterday and today have been somewhat better.
      In addition, I’ve ordered Dr. Ettinger’s other products, along with 2 jars of the Manuka Honey and glutamine. I will do my doc the favor of continuing his protocol and will follow up with Dr. E’s program as maintenance through January.
      The upshot? Listen to Amy – print up this blog, read it and get her WHOLE story, then read what Dr. Ettinger has to say – especially about the problem of biofilms. I’ll post again when all is done. My primary hope is that there will be no recurrence of the horrible back pain, but also hope that the irregularities on my tongue and my fingernail ridges will improve. These are supposed to be associated with B12 deficiency, and HP has been hijacking my B12 for many, many years.
      Thank you, Amy. I hope my staying power to write this is appreciated by anyone still trying to figure out this turmoil.

      • Just to update on the “white chunks.” Turns out that it was not chunks broken off from something, but a nasty white worm that had been hanging out in my duodenum for many years. When it exited my gut, it was coated in the normal stuff that exits the colon, so it was kind of camo-dressed.

        I am finished with the Interfase Plus and the Undecylex as of three days ago. The next several days will tell. If the back pain does not return, I’ll proceed with caution and see. I think Dr. Ettinger is so right — get rid of the biofilms or you’ll have quite a battle to rid yourself of the HP.

        For those who don’t know, Interfase Plus is an assortment of enzymes, plus a heavy metal chelator, and the Undecylex is an herbal concoction, with Calcium Undecylenate. It is probably good that I began with the Thorne SF734, because that reduced the numbers and had bentonite clay, which is absorbtive. No die-off with the Thorne product. I did have die-off the first day from the Undecylex/Interfase Plus (likely the killing of the worm), but never so sick that I missed work. A week and a half into this treatment the backpain returned, along with hives on my backside. I suspect this was due to release of HP when the biofilm was broken up.

        Oh, also each evening, for the past three weeks I have taken, with meals, Biotagen, a prebiotic, and Ther-Biotic Complete powder. Took these once on empty stomach and was quite sick to my stomach. I am continuing these two products indefinitely. Will see my doc later this week to see if the Biotagen is still needed.

        I would like to add that the only reason I was able to get a diagnosis is that I listened to a talk by Paul Jaminet, co-author of Perfect Health Diet. In his talk and book, he asserts that “everyone gets chronic infections.” After months of reading contributors to his blog who said their tests had come back positive, I enlisted the help of a doc who was willing to order the Metametrix DNA Stool Profile. Were it not for hearing what Jaminet believes I would still be figuring that my allergies, back paim, etc, were just aging.

        Care to all, and a blessed Christmas.


  372. I’ve been having all your symptoms + 1 major symptom, difficulty swallowing. I’ve lost 20 pounds so far and am very scared. All tests including endoscopy come back normal and doctors have given up on me. Could this be caused by H pylori? I will request a test soon. I just wish to have hope back in my life

  373. Hi Amy,
    I don have words to express my thankfulness for your post. I was diagnosed with H.Pylori about 4 weeks ago. I believe I have the bacteria for more than 5 years now since I have had lots of acid re-flux, stomached, pain on my back (which drove me to think I had lungs problems, so I went to a lung doctor), but no doctor was able to diagnosed me. Lately I have been stressed and not eating enough, so I believed that contributed to the grow of the pylori. I am half way done with the antibiotics. I am not happy. I was doing fine until 3 days ago I had pasta with tomato sauce. Of course, who doesn’t know that tomato is acidic???? me… I was sick as a dog yesterday. Doctor only gave me a vague explanation, she told me not to eat dairy, caffeine, sodas and acidic food…
    I totally agree with you that our health system is faded. It makes me hate this country sometimes.
    yes, depression comes along since you dont know whats next…
    I regret taking the antibiotics but I will try your advice after it.
    I hope you are ok and thanks a lot for your blog!!!

  374. Hey Amy
    I have been diagnosed again WITH H PYLORI. tHIS IS TWICE IN THE LAST 2 YEARS. M totally devastated. Have no trust in any kind of medicine now!! After reading your blog have ordered Manuka honey & mastic gum. I have coconut water of 2 tender coconuts everyday.
    I live in India & do not have the breath test/stool antigen test here. The only way to diagnose the infection is by endoscopy. So there are no chances of me knowing that the infection has gone until I get an endo scopy done post medications. And AM NOT DOING THAT AT ANY COST. Pray for me that i get fine.
    wish you all good health.
    Also can u mail me the link where I can contact your naturopath online…
    Tk cr

  375. Racing heart at night, shortness of breath, shaking, nausea–you described my symptoms dating back to childhood! Up late because I was recently diagnosed with the nasty organism and got a little too ambitious with a kefir-coconut-Manuka smoothie… Anyway, felt compelled to say THANK YOU for sharing your experiences! I am so encouraged to hear that natural medicine worked for you!

  376. So great to find your website. After eight years and many, many MD’s I have been diagnosed with Hpy. Problem is I am allergic to myacin antibiotics. My MD said we would try others but that myacins work best. Thank you for offering a healthy alternative.

  377. Thanks for all this information. I was waiting for some positive news regarding my condition before posting something that might help others. Well, just wanted to go quickly over my initial symptoms and then what helped and what didn’t. Moreover, this post is just for your information and should not be considered as a medical advice. So here I go.

    I had a really nasty time with this bacteria. Went to the E.R. thrice because of severe pain it caused. Since there was nothing fancy according to the ER docs, they let me go with a prescription for pentalloc. As my symptoms were a bit confusing to my doc, so he had a tough time diagnosing and treating me or may be he’s terrible with that. My initial pain began as an itch in my stomach, which kept on growing and then took its toll over me. There was no nausea or any digestive issue. I used to scratch my stomach throughout the day.

    I was on PPI (pentalloc) after my ER visits and this did help initially. To let you guys know that this bacteria loves alkaline environment, so for them these PPIs were like a frosting on the cake (which was my stomach). After taking these for 10 days, I suffered from chronic gastritis and cramping pain as this bacteria spread itself.

    Surprisingly, the very first exam my doc put me on was an X-ray, then an ultrasound, then full body CT (this I really regret doing and hate my doc for this), blood test (everything apart from h pylori blood antigen test), urin culture and then finally the H Pylori blood antigen test, which was positive. God knows how he became a doc.

    He put me through the triple therapy (Amox, Biax and PPI). This didn’t work so that time I found this blog and followed Amy’s advice on the three M’s. That really showed some positive results but only made my condition stable so that I could eat properly and do some work but did not kill the bacteria even after a month, as it came positive in my endoscopy. My results also showed a small benign polyp in my antrum. I then took the quadruple antibiotic therapy without anything else, which again failed. Finally I got in touch with Dr. Ettinger and then followed his protocol with third round of antibiotics. This finally helped to get rid of this bacteria and all its symptoms. I skipped Bio-HPF and H-PLR as I read that they might interfere with antibiotic absorption.

    I just want to say that please don’t mess around with this bacteria. If your symptoms are not improving with natural products then go for the real medicine, even if this does not work then go for a cocktail of natural and synthetic medicines but take care of your liver health as well while on antibiotics. I’ve heard that this bug sometimes takes 6 rounds of antibiotics to get rid off so this can lead to liver damage. I would strongly suggest you to see a GOOD doc before you start experimenting yourself.

    Thanks and I wish everyone a very healthy life.

  378. 21 years old. Began to get a painful gnawing pain in my stomach in the early mornings about a year and half ago. Kept waking me up at night. Also extreme bloating and constipation began, later black bits appeared in my stool. Went to drs once and gave me some medicine to help my digestion. One day 4 months ago I experienced sudden vertigo, rapid heart beat and palpitations, extreme fatigue (went to bed at 8pm) one day. Next day went straight to drs in fear of a heart attack. Sent me back saying it’s probably labyrinthitis. An infection that affects balance and other things.

    Over next 3 months, I experienced heart palpitations, light headedness, fainting, aches pains everywhere, inner left side shoulder blade pain, extreme ringing in the ears, muscle twitching, major fatigue, chest pain, left chest pain, anxiety and panic attacks. After blood tests, urine tests and stool tests for everything under the sun, and 15 Dr appointments, found out I had H pylori. Suspected bleeding ulcers. Put on eradication treatment with triple antibiotics for 2 weeks. This had exacerbated the problem 10 fold. A week after finishing the course of antibiotics, black stools, extreme constipation, bad acid reflux, pain in stomach and shoulder blades, sever light-headedness and fatigue. Very painful sharp stomach cramp on the side of my belly button 30 mins before needing to empty my bowels.

    It’s now xmas AND I AM MISERABLE. Can’t get a drs appointment for another 2 weeks to see about the black stools. Unless I book an emergency appointment which I think is unnecessary!

    I’ve only just began to research on alternative treatment for h pylori and purchased about 7 of the things listed above. I am not even tempted to go back on antibiotics if they prescribe me it. The first set has already made my constipation unbearably painful.

    I assume I was infected as a child, as I have always had constipation and heartburn since I can remember. My family has a history of ulcers and bowel problems, so I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re all infected with the bacteria. Making complete eradication pretty much impossible! But at the moment I will try anything to at least relieve the painful symptoms. I don’t care if I can’t get rid of the bacteria completely – I just want to relieve the symptoms as they are worsening my quality of life! I am on the verge of quitting my job and it’s so frustrating!

    • you have systemic sub- scurvy and need massive amounts of vitamin C and i am talking about 30,000 to 50,000 per day it is very difficult to get that much by mouth- use liposomal vitamin C which gets more into the blood stream (about 5x and is directly into blood stream) oral for 1000mg you get 130-190mg in bloodstream and it has a half life of 30 minutes so every 30 minutes that pass one half is gone from blood stream- yes your body has told you for some time it is shutting down so also add vitamin b3 3000mg per day- you may have to work up to that because of the flush- email me in a month if you have done these things and i can assure you you will be better on on your road t recovery- if you do not do them them you will get worse- yes do research on scurvy, liposomal vitamin C and B3- so please post this message for others as well- it is such a shame people will simply not listen to advise as to what to do. yes it will take care of Heliobacter baterias or your ulcer as people call it. ronald dishnger- please reply you got this message

      • Thank you for replying. They have taken 15+ viles of blood to test for different things and nothing came up as concerning to any of them. I was diagnosed with h pylori through a stool test. I’m pretty sure that out of the 15+ viles they would have tested for vitamin deficiencies? How can you be sure?

        I have been taking vit c supplements (2000mg a day) but worsen my GERD symptoms and is extremely uncomfortable. Even if I did have systemic sub-scurvy, my Dr has already labelled me as a hypochondriac so I’m not sure how I’d get her to take me seriously. It mentions that it requires dr supervision. Before finding the h pylori she put me on 4 different antidepressants and they all made me 10x worse. She explained that I’d have an endoscopy if I still have the black stools after eradication, but then explains to me that she doubts that I have an ulcer after my last visit to her.

  379. I’ve suffered a full month. I have a scope scheduled in five days. I’m blend wring my food to help digest. I can’t eat much at one time. I have always had an iron stomach so this is painful and scary. I have no energy . I’m over 60. I appreciate your info. I want to start the things you’ve recommended but I’m afraid to kill the germs and be scoped for nothing. What do you suggest

  380. Hi Amy,
    I wanted to thank you for the extensive support on the topic. I personally discovered i had H.Pylori early in 2012 and then (as I was completely in the dark) followed my doctor’s advice to take antibiotics. Afterwards i was still experiencing the symptoms and did my research and consequently found this website. I took the mastic gum, the manuka honey and coconut oil (as a substitute for monolaurin). On the side, I was also drinking licorice tea, taking omega 3s, L-Glutamine and probiotics (VSL#3). I think one of the other most important things was the diet. I kept carbs away, switched to completely GLUTENFREE menu and focused on veggies. I got tested (feces test) and now i am negative, but still take probiotics and mastic gum occasionally. I feel much much better.
    Anyway, I guess i wanted to share my experience and say thank you and good luck to everyone who is still fighting.


  381. I know years have passed since your proper and encouraging diagnosis; however, I must say that most of those heart related symptoms were more than likely derived from anxiety. In the future, when illness arises, try not to stress too much as anxiety will only further suppress your immune system and no amount of nutrient intake will be able to save you. Always remain calm–that’s the key to life. Thank you for bringing more awareness to this “silent nuisance” as many GI physicians refuse to test for this bacteria. There was a recent study that showed 60% of people who had a hiatal hernia were also diagnosed with the H-Pylori bacteria. There is also a study being done to see how these two are related and hopefully a prevention breakthrough in the near future. Best of luck and glad to hear that you are taking the natural approach to medications and healing process :)

    • I had an underlying heart condition that came out due to malnourishment and went away when I eradicated the infection. The doctor decided to forego the EP study for that reason.

  382. Hi there
    I had a gastroscopy done as I feel like there is something stuck in my throat, last Begining of last year, did BIOpsY for H pylori, I have tested very high to allergies mainly dust mites, which was a 6, the highest was a five, pollen was 5, others were low, everything came out clear with gastroscopy, also ENT said I have post nasal drip, was put on Sloane taBLETS, NASAL SRAY during spring started in August 2O11 But I STO it 2nd week of DecemBer, noted that i had from throat to TOp pART OF chest i had some tightness , it was not the sinus or hayfever as my nose was clear y that time ut still had the feeling in throat together with a weired cough that comes up when i get the tightness in ches, WAS 1665 AND WHEN THE ENT SENT ME IT WAS 1695 THE BLOOD TEST FOR ALLERGIES IS , it would even mE wake me from my slee, I am lucky to go to Bed after midnight and wake u AT four am, BY mid decemer WAS pUT ON 2O MG nexium, SEEMED TO GET RID OF MOST OF THE TIGHTNESS NEAR THROAT BUT STILL HAD IT SLIGHTLY, THEN ASKED TO TAKE 4O MG NEXIUM FOR TWO WEEK STARTED TO TAKE IT, BUT WOULD TAKE IT AT NIGHT WHICH MADE ME FEEL LIKE MY SALIVA WAS GOING OUT OF WACK AND AS IF T WAS REALLY THICK, AS WELL AS NAUSEATED BECAUSE I TOOK IT BEFORE GOING TO SLEEp AT NIGHT SO BROKE THE TABLET INTO 2 AS I DID NOT WANT TO GO AND GET MORE 2o MG NEXIUM, AND STARTED TAKING IT BUT THEN READTD THAT TAKING NEXIUM FOR LONG TIME COULD CAUSE LIVER ISSUES SO DECIDED TO TRY aSOFITIDIA, A LITTLE BIT WITH WARM WATER AS WELL AS A CApFUL OF omam WATER, THAT MAKES ME BURp ALOT, i THINK THIS IS SETTING OF MY NOSE BLOCK AGAIN NT SURE, JUST A QUICK QUESTION AFTER THIS TESTING FOR h pylori, and everything clear could I have got it during that time.

  383. This is a lengthy post, but very informative…can someone please tell me if they used only “the 3 M’s” with success and for how long without recurrence of HP? I am really trying to avoid doing the antibiotics and want an inexpensive but successful cure I can do from home for this condition.

  384. I would like to Thank you Amy so very much for this blog, I know it was back in 2009, but ran across it recently, I have been sick since 10-23-10 and was treated for various illnesses.. antibotic after antibotic, finally got sick of it, saw my doctor she looked at me and asked; Have you ever been tested for H-pylori, said No, never heard of it. She said she had been misdiagnosed for 25 years as IBS… Got tested mid 2011, test came back positive for H-pylori.. like you said Yippie!!! but went through antibotic treatment nothing, chiropracotrs, medicines, cleanses, changing eating habits still not well, was web surfing and saw your link.. My husband read it and immediatly ordered me everything you were taking to iradicate and heal. I decided to go all in!!!! tired of being sick and not going out, seeing my friends, work suffers….so I am taking all of it and changed my eating habits. I just concluded my 3rd full day yesterday and I am up moving around, more energentic even went to visit my son in his new place (out of my house). Granted still have all the issues but day by day getting better… counting the days until 30 and retesting… Sorry to go on and on, but I wanted you to understand just how Thankful my husband and I are that this blog was wrote :-)

    • Hi Fran,

      Your coming close to the 30 days of treatment. How is it going so fa? I’ve been on it for 12 days and I feel better everyday some days I still have a hard time. Hope your doing much better.

  385. I hope you will correct your original blog post about staying away from acidic food. H. Pylori thrives in a basic environment, which is why it produces ammonia when it digests urea that is excreted by the stomach. Ammonia is a strong base, about 11? Ph. You would be well advised to eat highly acidic foods if you think you have H Pylori. Apple cider vinegar is one sure way to neutralized the basic stomach, high urea, and the ammonia.


    I drink ACV and tomatoes with ease even during a flare up. I think this confusion starts when people hear that H Pylori increases Ph and thy think that means it increases acidity. But an increase in Ph is actually less acidic.

    Also you should limit protein in the diet to near zero until you are healed. The break down of protein by the liver creates urea as a waste product. More urea, more urea excreted in the stomach for the H Pylori to feed on with its’ urease. And once those little buggers make it through to your blood stream they can feast right off of blood urea before it gets to the kidneys. In fact I think H Pylori should not be eradicated for this reason, as another way for the body to tell us we are eating poorly. :)

    Essentially, treat yourself like you have liver disease and reduce any foods (mainly protein) that create nitrogen wastes (ammonia, urea). And definitely do not go on the paleo-diet if you have H Pylori.

    My treatment eases quickly on:
    •No protein diet (You might disagree with this based on a rat study but those rats were FEED H Pylori and had no urea cycle disorders.)
    •Not drinking chloramine disinfected tap water. (Chloramine is NOT the same as chlorine. Water treated with chloramine has a Ph of about 8.3 and also may contain ammonia. And look at the last three charts on this page. more chloramine, more h pylori.http://aem.asm.org/content/68/2/981.full )
    •25g Broccoli Sprouts 2x a day
    •2 Tbs Apple Cider Vinegar 2x day and most times I spike my water with it. Be careful of your teeth and try to swallow it past your teeth or rinse with baking soda after you drink it. DO NOT SWALLOW THE BAKING SODA)
    *Zinc 50mg
    *Zero salt or as low as you can get http://cancerres.aacrjournals.org/content/59/19/4823.long
    *Wheat and Dairy free, they are both the highest sources of dietary ammonia.
    •I am set to try Mastic Gum 500mg 2x a day but only to heal the mucosa.

    Here is some long reading:

    As a theory and a side note, I think people who are blood type Rh– or Rh+- are more likely to have H Pylori issues. Mainly because they have a harder time removing ammonia in the blood.

  386. Amy thank you for posting this I went through the PYLERA triple antibiotic regiment it did help but the symptoms are coming back. I have all the ingridients that you mentioned could you please give me a schedule with the times in the day of when I should take all of them. thank you.

  387. Hi Amy,
    I am a little bit confused here. In your article you mentioned that broccoli sprout is good but in one of your comment above you said asparagus-yes, broccoli no. Mind to explai

    • I have tried a few natural treatments, but within three days of stopping each one, my symptoms returned worse than before. I have just finished the steps that Elena took. Do a search of Amy’s blog to see her protocol. She followed Amy’s and added important steps described by Dr. Ettinger. I am convinced Dr. E is correct about biofilms. They are fortresses for HP and when the coast is clear, the bacteria re-emerge to cause you renewed misery. Treat the biofilms. I plan to be tested again in four weeks.

  388. does any one have a working link to Dr Ettinger’s bio \film doc the links on his website no longer work. I did not include the digestive enzumes and I think that they are the ones responsible for eliminating the biofilm environment that the Pylori hide in.

    I was told that a product called Candex is able to attack the biofilm and also a product called O-zymes.

    • If you select all of Amy’s blog, then search for “elena,” you will find what Elena did, which was a combo of Amy’s protocol and Dr. Ettinger’s. You can then do a search for all of Dr. Ettinger’s posts and then piece these all together.

      I agree with you that the enzymes are critical to removing biofilms. I suggest you go to Dr. E’s website and follow the procedure for becoming a distance patient. I don’t blame Dr. E for removing the links to his protocol because folks were using the information without purchasing products from him. This really is not fair. I tried to become a distance patient, however, when I explained to him that I had finished two months of SF734, but felt that I still had HP, he told me to resume my life as I was probably clear of the bacteria. I knew I was not, as I had horrible back pain and huge hives; all of which disappeared when I was using any treatment. I felt it was urgent for me to begin on the biofilm, so I followed Elena’s protocol, along with Manuka honey, Amy’s diet (pretty much, but I do not eat chicken, so went with ground beef). When my Lauricidin was gone, so were my enzymes; so after 7 weeks, I stopped all and I have, seemingly, been fine since Valentine’s Day. I do continue Gastromend, probiotics containing Bacillis subtilus (sp?), and a couple cups of kefir everyday.

      Good luck to you. If you can afford to pay Dr. E, I think that is the best way to go. He may have discovered something new by now and you would benefit from what he may have learned.

      • Thank you so much for the reply Lana. I have finally found Dr E’s link


        I have started a distance patient consultation with him already but I must have started a good protocol already as he has not changed any thing from my protocol except for putting me on a Paleo diet and adding natural lipids like avocados, coconut oil and cod liver oil. He did mention that my diet for the past two years was lacking lipids. I was able to provide him with a blood test and the H pylori endoscopy biopsy report from my gastro so he could come to this conclusion.

        So I’m on Amy’s protocol minus the manuka. The reason I cannot do manuka is because the Paleo diet regulates your blood sugar so well that taking a spike in sugar gives your body a shock. I started to take the HPL-R K32 a few weeks after I stared amy’s protocol and found out that the ensyme Interfase Plus by Klaire Labs to get rid of the biofilm.

        Have you been able to return to a normal diet like dairy and complex carbs like pasta or quinoa or beans and rice?

    • I did not see a link for the post to which I am replying, amaru laiqa, so I hope you see this. I took everything that elena took, including the Serrapeptase, which caused her discomfort. I was on the Interfase Plus for three weeks, along with that company’s product, Undecylex. Great results while on it (including passing a large nasty worm), but after those three weeks and three days of no treatment, my symptoms returned. It was mid-December that I started elena’s protocol — the assortment of enzyme products along with monolaurin — but I should clarify that I did not take her herbal teas and did not juice. Also, I did not take the HPL-R K32. Years ago I took golden seal for something and it seemed to have a broad antibiotic effect, which I did not like.

      I am interested in the fact that many on this blog, including Amy, seem to have responded to treatment without the enzymes. I wonder if this is because they had acute infections, which immediately showed themselves with gastric symptoms, before much in the way of biofilms were created. I recall many, many years ago, as a child, having gnawing pains in my stomach, which were always helped by eating. My parents were Christian Scientists, so we never took the problem to a physician. But here I am, now, I parent of adult children, a grandparent of 5, with none of the traditional symptoms and my Metametrix results showed a very large infection.

      Then, upon beginning the first treatment with the Thorne SF734, the mid-back pain late in the day that I had lived with for decades, simply vanished, as did the intense itching of my eyes that had been present for two years, and the huge hives on my buttocks upon waking each morning. Every time I stopped a treatment, these symptoms returned, until the seven weeks of Dr. Ettinger’s recommendations. It has been a month and I continue to be free of these difficulties.

      To your question: I have not eaten wheat or wheat-like grains for 20 years because of their association with joint pain. Within six weeks of stopping those grains, long ago, all my joint pain disappeared. For the past year and a half I have followed the Perfect Health Diet, developed by Paul and Shou-Ching Jaminet. I eat no grains whatsoever except for white rice. (I have not re-started rice since eliminating it in December because it definitely seemed to be associated with the back pain and hives when I went off the other treatments. I will start it again soon, however.) In terms of dairy, I consume about a pint of milk kefir a day and about a quarter cup of creme fraiche a day. I add butter to my veggies, my bone broth, and even my tea. I also have some cheeses. Other than that, I have no dairy. The PHD (Perfect Health Diet) eschews all foods containing toxins, and cereal grains and legumes are major offenders. They can be prepared in ways that reduce these toxins (see Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon), but I work full-time and have a gliadin sensitivity, so I simply don’t bother with them. Rice noodles have gotten quite nice and are a great substitute.

      This blog has been so beneficial to so many!

  389. Hi Amy, i was diagnosed with h pylori like 6 days ago and im on my 5th day of antibiotics, i am planning to start my natural treatment after i finish my antibiotics with Manuka honey, monolaurin and mastic gum 1000mg but i was wondering if you could tell me which brands of mastic gum and monolaurin you used since there are tons of companies out there? btw, did you experience any bad breath when u had h pylori, im experiencing a horrible halitosis from this bug.
    i appreciate your kind help and im very glad i came across this page:)

  390. Amy,

    I did this protocol. I am almost at the two month mark, but right at the one month mark I got a stool test done and I was free of h. pylori. This bugger has been causing me problems for a while and this protocol did the trick. Now to keep going forward to heal up and get things all better.


  391. Fructose Malabsorption. I was diagnosed with this after a run with H-Pylori. Turns out the two go hand in hand. The test for this is a breath test. Funny thing is after my run with H-Pylori and a round of anti-biotics, I wasn’t better so we moved on to other diagnostic tests and thats how we found the fructose malapsorption. However, we never went back to check to see if I still had H-Pylori. Felt better after a few months on an elimination diet (FODMAP diet)…then re-introduced gluten and other foods slowly. Within a year, became sick again but with different symptoms….severe fatigue, shortness of breath, nausea, anxiety so it never occured to me that it could it H-Pylori. It’s now been almost 2 years of suffering with these symptoms. Awaiting the results of my stool test.

  392. Hi, I was wondering if you could help me too. I was on a cruise in January and noticed that I had a bit of heartburn for a few days but nothing bad. just burning in the chest area. the last day of the cruise I had a meal and got very bloated from that meal. Within an hour or two I got such a wave of nausea and had to run to the bathroom and had the runds but no vomiting. My heart was racing and the burning was shocking.. I went to the medical doctor and they gave me an injection and some tablets as it was very scary the racing heart. Since then i have been so unwell. Constant Nausea, loose stools, loss of appetite, weightloss and severe fatigue. I feel also very emotional and seems to get anxiety and also depression. Has anyone else experienced this?? I always seem really down and flat feeling towards everythingI dont know if it is because of constantly feeling sick and Im so anxious to get back to the vibrant happy and healthy .. I had an endocsopy and it showed mild gastirits and a small hernia. The GI who i went to was not nice at all. He said biopsy showed no H pylori so i am confused .. however Im doing a stool test and a H pylori breath test as well. Its been over 2 months of feeling really sixk and no appetite to eat and then when you try and eat you feel really full after a few bites. I was hoping if I could get yuor feedback.

    Thank you so so much
    Carmen :)

    • Hi Carmen,
      I noticed no one has responded so I thought I would give you my opinion. It definitely sounds like hpylori but until you get that confirmed I wouldnt start treating it. When you get your results and if that is what it is you can email me thevillagranas@yahoo.com I have been going through this since last summer and had no idea what hpylori is until after I did the triple antibiotic treatment which made it worse. I was deoressed, started having anxiety, couldn’t eat, chest pain, acid reflux no sleep. It has been a rough ride but I finally did all the research and worked with Dr Ettinger and I am now slowly starting to feel better and will find out this week if its gone. If I can help anyone with this awful bacteria I would be more than happy to :-)


  393. I know this is an old post, but I just wanted to say – thank you so much for posting this! I was diagnosed with H Pylori today after feeling ill for MONTHS on end. My doctor only ran a stool sample because I insisted I still wasn’t feeling better – and this is obviously why. I’m so familiar with your symptoms, but thought I’d add my other ones for people who might be trawling the web!
    My symptoms were predominantly palpitations, which seemed to come and go as they pleased. I also had a horrible dropping feeling in the middle of my chest, which I thought was a heart attack and went to the ER for because it literally felt as though everything stopped in that moment. Needless to say, wasn’t anything heart related. And the feeling moved – which was why I went back to the doctor – to all the other parts of my abdomen, up in my stomach and then around the sides.
    It has been a very very nasty three months, and I am so thrilled that I get to start treatment that I’ve even accepted being on antibiotics for the next week – I don’t like taking them! The only thing which makes it OK is that I might never have to feel this way again – and I really wanted to say thank you for collecting all your findings on natural remedies; means I’ll be able to take those after all of this antibiotic nonsense and pray it never EVER comes again!
    Thank you so much!

    • Good luck, Charlotte! Main thing is the three M’s and diet modification. No need to starve but get rid of carbs, sugars, anything that is hard on the gut, until the H Pylori is gone!

      • Hi Amy,

        Thanks so much for the response! Unfortunately I had palpitations from the clarithromycin I was put on – so I stopped taking it and went in to see the doctor (again) who told me to try a different combination of antibiotics. I’m not really willing to do that to myself again, though, and so am now building a ‘natural remedy’ diet for the next couple of weeks to try to get rid of it naturally.

        Is there anything of the above that you mentioned that you really felt worked straight away? Or anything particularly potent?
        Thanks again for your response :)

  394. Wow! I thank God I stumbled onto this site! My 16 year old daughter has been fighting all of these same symptoms for six months. She also has Type 1 Sugar Diabetes, Celiac, Vitiligo,and has Eosinophilic Esophagitis. Her blood sugars were out of wack so that’s where we started. Her doctor just keep insisting to get her sugars under control and she would feel better. We went to a new doc..she sent us to a GI to investigate. He found EE, put her on a food restriction (really? as if Celiac wasn’t enough?), prescribed Flovent, and said she would feel better in a couple of weeks. Nothing improved..more new docs, tests, drugs etc…nothing better. My daughter was worse. We were told she’s having hormone changes, maybe she’s constipated, she’s overwhelmed. Here’s my favorite (What’s the real reason you don’t want to go to school?) My daughter loves school..she cries because she can’t go. She’s an A student!!! Active on the high school soccer team, active in her school choir, loves to act in the theater!! Full of life! Now, she had to drop to a half of day school..and goes once or twice a week if she feel well enough, missed major concerts, and had to give up acting in the plays! Depressed? Damn Right! She is 16!!! No answers from the docs! We took her to an allergist. This doc is listening and working with us. She wants to test for H pylori..but my daughter is taking prilosec. We have to go off of that and wait for 2 weeks cause doc says it will throw off the results! UGH!!! I think I will just start all the natural drugs Amy listed!! I can’t wait to get back my vibrant, lovely daughter!!!! Thank-you Amy!! And, thanks to all of you for posting your stories!! Keep your head up..this has to be the answer!!!

  395. i am so confused about all the foods,especially the fruits…is strawberry,kiwi and bana allowed?
    it realy helps to read i am not alon,thank u

  396. I’m 33 and have stomach problems for a decade. Other than my stomach I’m textbook perfectly healthy. Was diagnosed with GERD in my early 20s when I even told them that I didn’t have heartburn but something was causing symptoms of stomach pain, nausea, and esophagus spasms. Had 2 endoscopys within those 10 years, both times tissue samples came back negative, had slight gastritis and continued to tell them i had zero heartburn.

    I week ago I went to see my GI because ive became intolerant of eggs, i have bloating and excessive belching. He wanted to do an ultrasound to see how everything was emptying. I didn’t object but I stressed my interested to be tested for a bacterial infection (specifically H. Pylori) first.

    He hesitated and assured me i didnt have it due to the endoscopy 5 years earlier came back negative. I insisted and he sent me for a blood test.

    They finally called back today and told me the results. I’m positive! BUT! he doesn’t want to do anything but monitor it. His reasoning is because the antibodies are still active for so many years after eradication. I told him he’s full of shit. He was positive i didnt have it due to endoscopy test 5 years ago, but now I’m positive, i was never treated for it to have ever have been eradicated. I’ve also never been accidentally treated for it because the last time I took antibiotics was when I was 7 years old.

    I’m really frustrated right now, and I feel like I’m a guest in my own life. I don’t want to go back to this creepy quack but I also have no clue how the next doctor is going to be.

    • Find a laboratory able to do H-Pylori test in feces and order it by yourself. If positive read all that you can in the web, don´t pay attention to doctors, but hear and consult them.

  397. i was recently tested positive for hpylori, through a blood test. however, when they did the endoscopy, they did not find the bacteria in the stomach. i had been doing rounds of coconut oil, grapefruit seed extract, probiotics, and sticking to a very good diet, for a couple months prior to the testing. my question is, will these remedies work to clear the bacteria from the blood? tried taking the double dose of antibiotics, but had to quit, as it made me so sick. any suggestions? thanks much.

  398. hey amy,
    thanks for your sharing…i have been suffering with hpylori for over a year. didn’t know what it was until the last six months. since researching my symptoms, i started cleaning up my diet, and taking coconut oil, grapefruit seed extract, and mastic gum interchangeably. found alot of relief, but recently had a relapse of symptoms and went to the doc. she tested for hpylori, and my blood test came back positive for it. i was diagnosed with an ulcer, through an endoscopic procedure, and prescribed antibiotics and an acid blocker. became even more ill after starting the meds, and had to stop taking them. my question is will the natural remedies take care of the bacteria in the blood since that is the only place it’s been found. did not test positive for it in the gut. thanks!

    • No, it can show in the blood for a long time I don’t think anyone really knows how long but they say up to 10yrs. In my opinion the breath test is the most accurate or a stool test but I have even heard of false positives and negatives with the stool test


  399. I just got diagnosed with this last week after an endoscopy proved that I not only had this, but I also have moderate Celiac Disease. The Celiac sounds bad, but it really means I just have to go Gluten free. I went to two different GI’s, but the first one missed it. It was my second doctor who did the endoscopy and tested for Celiac Disease, which is what we think caused the H. Pylori or at least helped it to start aggravating me. Hope after this current treatment that all will be well. Thanks for your blog post and all your helpful advice.

  400. Is there a set round of natural items along with diet changes that anyone has tried/used and has worked? I’m also on my third round and I’m tired of the antibiotics. It seems like it got worse once I started all the medication.

    • Lily,

      It’s rude to come to the site, not read anything, and ask me to re-write what I’ve written and re-written extensively.

      As for being sick, I know a great deal about it – you’d know that if you read my account.

      And you’re welcome for making this info available. I am not required to maintain it or even share it. I do so to help sick people. I had to do the research myself – hours upon hours of it – when I didn’t have a diagnosis for a year. I was exceptionally ill, barely able to walk, and yet, I was able to read out of desperation – no one did it for me.

      • I’m just saying that when some people get sick they can barely function, which includes taking in information. I was so sick I could barely put 2 thoughts together. I was living in constant brain fog. If someone spoke to me like you did I would have been really hurt and upset.

      • I’m sorry, Lily – you’re out of line. I didn’t lambast her. I questioned the fact that she wants me to retype info that I’ve already typed out numerous times here. The same reading is involved – she just wants me to do more work than I’ve already done, specifically because she doesn’t feel like reading.

        As for you reprimanding me, without even so much as a nod of appreciation for what I’ve done here, well, you are no longer welcome.

    • Lily, if a person does as I did (print up the entire blog and read it), that person will have the information. For months (since last September) I have marveled that Amy has not lost her patience and abandoned this effort because of all the people who ask the same questions over and over again. The answers are here. Amy has done an amazing work with this blog and I am ever thankful for the information.

      My often repeated recommendation in my replies here are to print up the blog and start reading. I read very slowly and am a full time school counselor, and I’m rather old. But I was motivated to get better without antibiotics. If Amy has the kindness to maintain this blog, then I can certainly read it and re-read it until I get it, brain fog, notwithstanding.

      If a person is not going to read it, then simply google Dr. Ettinger in San Diego and pay him to be a distance patient. Amy’s blog is free but there’s a lot to read. Anyone who doesn’t want to read this can go to Dr. E.

      If nothing else, put yourself in Amy’s position — she ended her ordeal back in 2009 (as I recall), yet here she is still checking in to see if anyone has additional questions for her. This blog is a mission. Be thankful, not critical. Amy is anything but rude. She is one of the most generous people on the web.

  401. I had all of those symptoms and more…
    I gave up in western doctors after discribing all these humiliating symptoms to the 4th doctor (who diagnosed me within 2-3 mins and offered a perscription for allergy meds based on all my symptoms, plus a scratchy throat when I lay down at night…acid reflux but this brilliant doc thought allergies). The other 3 offered a perscription of Prilosec which not surprisingly did nothing for the fainting from dehydration, throwing up, constant nausea, diarrhea, breath issues, esophigial spasms, sharp pains, etc.

    10 years of being non-social (its hard to eat, drink or just hang-out publically when you have to run to the bathroom every 15 minutes) and one triple-antibiotic treatment later -a treatment I discovered on my own which did help for a few months and made me gain those 10 lbs the throwing up and diarrhea had kept off all those years, but the rest of my symptoms remain and I am now excited to try these natural treatments. I hope they works so I can get my life back once and for all:)

    • Stick with it – the 3 M’s took me two months to get rid of the bug. I never used the antibiotics, so I don’t know what they’ve done to your system, but repeat use of antibiotics can take its toll. Good luck!

      • Hi Amy,last year I start your treatment I only did 5 weeks,because I was going to do stool test a week later (my doctor was thought I was taking antibiotics) and I did a stool test and was positive again.Than, I have had the antibiotic treatment 3000mg /day.Two month later I had the test again and was negative.So ,I ‘ve got rid of H Pylori.But something interesting I want to tell you,I was hepatitis B positive since 2009.This year in January I did the test again,and because the nurse was not there in February they call me in April to read the test.She start screaming:What have you done?and after that she called the doctor,and he start:what have you done??I was bloked stoned!I did not understand?!and then they asked me what I took because my hepatitis was gone I mean gone for good!:)I try to say that maybe the result is not accurate to repeat again and she said :No way,the result at their laboratory is 100% sure.And than I said Ok I will repeat the test next year ,she said what for?You no come here any more,I discharge you.And they was asking me question,about what medication I took, and I could not remember about the monolaurin,They shake my hand,kiss me and hand me the discharge note to go to reception.Was only the next morning when I remember about taking monolaurin.I am sure that the H Pilory has gone when I took monolaurin,but I did not wait 2 month to see ,but in the same time I cured my hepatitis.My AgHbs is negative.Thank you for your blog.

      • WOW, Vera – that’s great news! I have to say, I still use Monolaurin whenever I feel sick – I have had two sinus infections in the past few years and have NOT had to take antibiotics because I’ve used a bunch of Monolaurin! I’m so glad the Monolaurin got rid of the Hepatitis B!! Good for you!

      • Hey Vera
        How much monolaurin did U take and for how many months.
        I have herpes, was wanting to try it. dDo you know anyone who might have tried this.?

  402. Hello – I am Male, 34yrs old, weight 185lbs. I have also been suffering from much of these symptoms for the last 8 months or so. At 25 I started having really bad acid reflux and the doctor prescribed Prilosec 20mg twice daily – he also did an endoscopy and I was diagnosed with ‘Barrett’s esophagus’. I was not very consistent with the Prilosec and only took it once a day, with binge drinking and acidic foods it has gotten worse over the years. Then last year I took a trip to Jamaica after which everything was multiplied by times 10 in my gut. I could not eat, drink and was down to 1 meal a day. I went to the primary doc a few times and he thought it was nothing and just acid. Finally I researched online and asked my doctor to give me the Breath Urea Test and I was positive for H pylori – so he started me antibiotics (Prevpac) which absolutely was horrible. I finished the course and the symptoms were still there. I also had my 2nd endoscopy done by the 2nd GI and the results were no ulcers, barretts still present but the cells were no cancerous, stomach was really red and was said to be gastritis. Since I still had the same symptoms I did the breath urea test again with 3rd GI and HP was still positive. 3rd GI put me on antibiotics (Helidac this time) and a nightmare again. After I finished the antibiotics, I slowly started to feel better and normal. I could eat and drink normal for about 2 months when I started feeling the symptoms again so I was like here we go again. This time I did the 3rd break urea test and it came back NEGATIVE but I have all the symptoms of HP, also not sure if it is a false negative. 3rd GI also change my meds from Prilosec 20mg twice daily to Dexilant 60mg once daily. I do not have diarrhea but have gas, severe bloating, stomach and intestines hurt/cramps. The pain also runs from lower left rib all the way to lower right rib and it almost seems like that it is my transverse colon that is hurting. Pins and needles in the gut region and sometimes it almost feels like that there is something that is eating me from inside. I get a lot of face pimples (pretty sure it is related to the gut), sore throat lately and wake up choking at night. I really do not know what to do anymore and was researching and came across your article and looks very promising. I have already ordered –
    Ecological Formulas/Cardiovascular Res. – Monolaurin 600mg – 90 Capsules
    Manuka Honey 16+ – wedderspoon
    Mastic Gum – Jarrows
    VSL#3: (Unflavored) – 30 Pack
    L Glutamine – Jarrows
    Integrative Therapeutics Similase Sensitive Stomach Digestive Enzymes
    Whole Raw Aloe Vera Juice 33.8 fl. oz. – Aloe Force

    So of course I will take the top 3 as you recommend the dosage etc but should I take the rest also with the top 3? I am missing something? Thanks Amy for such an awesome article detailing how it all worked out for you. I haven’t completed all the comments section and have been through only a quarter but plan on finishing it soon. This stuff really does get expensive but I really want to fix myself.

    • You’ve certainly endured a saga, Jon.

      The only one of those ingredients that can be difficult is the Mastic Gum (at least, in my experience). I had to find the right brand because some made me feel worse.

      Otherwise, the Aloe and L-Glut are healing ingredients for the gut. Your “gastritis” means your gut is essentially a raw wound where the bacteria have been entering and burrowing, emerging to feed on sugars in your stomach. You have to cut out carbs, sugars, and, temporarily, drinking. Otherwise, your gut won’t heal. The only exception is oatmeal, which soothes the stomach.

      The Monolaurin won’t kill off good bacteria and is a powerful force against the bacteria – as it the honey, which will also soothe the gut.

      Take the enzymes before you eat to help your stomach break food down. The probiotics will help get intestinal digestion back on track.

      That’s about it. You’re likely feeling those pains in your intestine because there are various turns the colon takes, esp on the left side, where food can get hung up if digestion isn’t happening fast enough. Try to eat as mild food as possible, but make sure you get very easy to digest protein (shrimp, steamed or soup-cooked chicken, etc). Your diet will be bland for a month or two, but that’s the price you pay to get things back in order. I’m back to eating what I want, so suffer it out and stick to it for the two months so that your gut can HEAL.

      Good luck,


      • Thanks Amy for the quick and the prompt response. Which brand of Mastic gum do you recommend? cuz the current one (Jarrow) is in fact making me feel worse and even more bloated. I have pretty much tried all the stuff that you recommended but nothing made me feel better – i kept getting worse n worse. i had not started the monolaurin cuz i was scared that it will make me feel even more worse but couple of days back i got really desperate to fix myself and finally started the monolaurin and right away i started feeling better. Finally I can say that i am a little better for the past two days only cuz of the monolaurin. I also purchased and took the vsl and the next day i woke up shivering with my entire body hurting for the entire day not sure though if it was due to the vsl. Right now i am only taking aloe juice that you recommended, sensitive digestive enzymes, monolaurin, manuka honey here n there n carrot juice. Can you please tell me –
        – Brand of mastic gum i should take
        – Brand of oatmeal and how much to eat?
        – Anything else that I am missing that I should add

        I will give the vsl another shot and hope that i do not have the episode of shivering again.

        Thanks again so much for all your help and insight.

      • Jarrow was too strong for me too – I used Allergy Research Group Mastic Gum. But if it that one is too strong, maybe you should table it for a bit.

        I just ate a small portion of oatmeal in the mornings with a teaspoon or less of L Glutamine on it.

  403. You Go Girl, I am so happy to have run across your webpage. I do very much believe in natural healing and am going to start doing some of your applications. I went to Dominican about a month ago and caught a virus, I was so sick, coming home that they almost didnt want to let me get on the plane, when I returned home my flu like symptoms disappeared but I was still having alot of discomfort with my stools and blood in my urine,stomach pain and bloating along with heartburn but alot of this seemed normal to me as I already had GERD and IBS…I was on proton pump inhibitors for many years and I was taking grapeseed extract and probiotics for these symptoms already. Long story short after several weeks of testing and trying to figure out why so many things in my blood were not normal, my nurse practicioner suggested H. Pylori testing and it was positive…..I had been tested for this about 3 years ago and it was negative then. For the past year I have had many of these symptoms, just not as strong as they came out after getting the virus.(also, I believe, I had not been doing the natural remedies while I was away) I have been doing alot of researching trying to feel better and in doing this I now realize that I had been keeping the symptoms at bay for about a year, I had been to Jamacia the year before and believe now that that is where I had contracted H. Pylori. As you can see I am still looking for an alternative way to heal this as I have just completed a week of the h. pylori treatment and still have issues with my stomach. I can’t wait to feel better again!

  404. This may have been introduced by another reader. Whether from me or someone else, I encourage you to watch it and distribute it widely.

    I am not affiliated with the production or distribution of this documentary. I am endorsing this voluntarily and strictly as a matter of conscience.

    Full Movie (Genetic Roulette; The Gamble of our Lives)

  405. The type of antibiotic prescribed will make a big difference in eradication of the h pylori according to a 2004 study: The four sites reporting the highest proportion of isolates resistant to one “brand” were Indianapolis, Indiana; Galveston, Texas; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; and Washington, DC (Table 3). Dual “brand” resistance was most prevalent in Detroit, Michigan. Indianapolis had the highest overall resistance: 50% of all isolates submitted were resistant to at least one agent. The Atlanta site reported the highest proportion of clarithromycin-resistant isolates (Table 3). The highest proportion of metronidazole resistance was reported from the Indianapolis site. Isolates resistant to amoxicillin were found in Nashville, Tennessee, Philadelphia, and Washington, DC.

    So it depends a bit on where you are as to what antibiotic will most likely work for you. This study was from 2004 – who knows what updated info reveals.


  406. Hi…. thanks for this site. I’ve been feeling off for months and have recently been in bed for a week feeling like death with all of these symptoms. Doctors were telling me it was viral and I had to wait for it to pass. Two days ago I came across this site and thought it sounds like exactly what ive had so I rang my doctors and demanded the test and what do you know.. ive got it. doctors can be so dumb for such intelligent people. ive been back and forth from the docs for months. I’m taking to anti biotic route and gonna include some of the natural remedies. If you think you have this demand the test and you’ll be on your way to feel better soon. Thanks again for this site x

  407. Dear Amy, and all the others reading this,

    I don’t even know how I got on your blog (I guess it happens all the time in the Internet) since I wasn’t really looking so much into H.Pylori, as into gastritis and bile reflux, which I was diagnosed with more than a month ago. What causes the plethora of symptoms in my body, especially GI-wise, is the pyloric valve not closing properly, if at all. That means there is a lake of bile in my stomach leading to inflammation. And inflammation I have, a big one apparently, with blood and other nasty looking things.

    After 10 years, or so, of fighting it off with different types of diets, I finally decided I needed a serious check-up. Funny, cause whenever my GP had suggested I did gastroscopy I always put her down saying that I would never be so desperate to go ahead with this. As it turned out, I was wrong (never say never, right?!). I got so tired and restless with everything I was going through that I saw no other way but to give in and do whatever it takes to get better.
    got online and found a gastroenterologist who supposedly helped a lot of folks get on their feet after years of failed treatment. It seemed he would be the guy for me. Now, I think I might have made a mistake choosing him. To be honest, I don’t really believe I could get any better any way.

    After the examination (USG, gastro, colonoscopy) and finding the cause of my feeling the way I have had for years, he prescribed me the following:

    Omeprazolum, Mebeverini hydrochloridum, Sulpiride, Simeticonum with some strain of probiotic, Pancreatinum, Acidum ursodeoxycholicum.

    Sulpiride is the only one I have not had enough courage to try; somehow the prospect of taking it scares the hell out of me.

    A few days ago I decided to stop taking omeprazolum due to a peculiar, ongoing cough (which I do not remember having in years, especially that kind) and more peculiar sore throat; I also had a bout of fever along the way. I had also experienced an unusual tiredness which now, I know, must have been brought about by taking this medication. Just when I figured these might be side effects of one of the drugs I was taking, I decided to do a little research and found that Omeprazolum is no candy. It can actually ruin your (MY!) life, as if you (I) didn’t have enough problems already. After reading a comment after comment about what it does and how dangerous it actually is, I stopped using it cold turkey – it was three or four days ago. That is, I guess, how I got here, looking more into natural remedies for curing my belly.

    Today, at a local herbal shop, I was able to get my hands on the Manuka Honey, Mastic Gum (Pistacia lentiscus) in tabs, and of course the old good Aloe Vera juice. I couldn’t, however, get Monolaurin/laurin acid; it seems it is not available where I live, not even online.

    I am well aware that the protocol you provide is to treat H.P., which I don’t have according to the CLO test I had during gastro. However, I had (and possibly still do) a big flare-up in my stomach lining and in the pyloric valve, and that is why I though the treatment that you followed might be of help to me, regardless of whether H.P is there or not. Would you agree with me on that one?

    I only wish there was a natural remedy to help with the functioning of pyloric valve which I don’t think exists. I’m afraid that the only way to aid it is by taking drugs like the aforementioned Sulpiride, which I dread to even think about. However, if you or anyone following this thread believe or heard otherwise, make sure to let me know!
    have a question regarding Manuka Honey – you said you are supposed to take a teaspoon before a meal. My concern is with its sweetness: I have been sugar free for years now (just as I have been careful with sodium intake) and I am having ‘trouble’ consuming sweet things – even ripe bananas push me off. Is there any way I could be taking the honey in a different form, with tea for instance?

    The other concern is that I am allergic to many different things, including the ‘usual’ honey. Do you think the Manuka honey is as allergic as other types and should I really approach it with caution?

    Anyway, I hope you’ll find time to respond to my longish post. I know I could have just asked the questions, without all the storytelling, but I think it is important to share – I find comfort in and learn from reading other peoples’ emails/posts, so I thought maybe I would go this way too.

    Thank you for sharing your story and for being ‘here’.

    • Hi Pablo,

      I’m not familiar with your condition nor the drugs you mention. However, if you are allergic to honey, then I think that rules out using Manuka Honey – it’s HONEY! Made by bees in New Zealand!

      I hope you find a solution to your stomach ailments!


    • Wow Pablo you have been dealing with a lot. Is it the flap that opens to your stomach from your esophogus? I forget what its called but if that’s the case there is a surgery you can get done called the nisan I believe or a new one called linx. Yes all the acid reducer meds are horrible for you however you should ween your self off of them not just quit Cold turkey. There is a website called healing unleashed that is wonderful go to healingunleashed.com and join the forum for gerd I thought this is what I had before I figured out it was the hpylori and I got a lot of good info from there. The people are super nice and very supportive


  408. Siberian Virgin Pine Not oil is also healing complex for H.Pylori:
    I will try it after finishing this poison PREVPAC therapy ! will also try Manuka, MasticGum, Monolaurin-

    Thanks for this wonderful site–

    I suffered of Nausea for almost a year–my primary dr suggested prescribed ultrasound, blood test etc—negative !
    So after he said to me 3 x to see psychologist- soooo F* insulting !-finnaly I run to monday morning in may to GI–telling I cant take this Nausea anymore — (already been ther 2x) GI specialist and he ordered Endoscopy – I was positive for H.Pylori,chronic gastratis–and ulcers !

    My friend sister died 15 years ago of horrible stomach cancer (55 LB when she died) and Autopsy found H.pylori—
    H.Pylpri was discovered in 1982–and about 70% world are infected with this bacteria–most do not have symptoms.

  409. never tried metagenics zynlori 75? amazing and now other companies have knock offs of it. it is a l-carnisine/zinc formula which does a number on pylori. it was developed just for that and i found it much better than mastic. i have fought this bugger off and on for years…maybe 40 years. i found it would get worse when i was pregnant or going through the change. had to eat tons of yogurt in those days because there was nothing else to do.

  410. Vitamin E, flavonoids, linoleic acid, and OPCs are highly concentrated in grape seeds. These compounds can also be found in lower concentrations in the skin of the grape. OPCs are also found in grape juice and wine, but in lower concentrations. Resveratrol is another of grape’s compounds which is related to OPCs and found mainly in the skins. Resveratrol has become very popular as an antioxidant and is being studied in connection with a variety of diseases.”‘-^

    With best regards http://healthmedicinejournal.comei

  411. Thank you so much for your uplifting and inspiring story. It is so nice to hear that I m not going crazy and that there is hope after all! Lol. I m on my 2nd week of triple therapy and can t wait to stop taking all these pills! I will be following your helpful natural remidies once I m done. Thanks so much again for sharing your battle with the “bug”, it made me feel alot better. :)

  412. Hey, I am currently suffering from the same disease. I am doing the medicine course second time because my doctor wanted me to but it doesn’t seems to work. I have a question regarding the diet. What should I basically east meaning for breakfast lunch and dinner and what foods do I need to avoid. Any tips would help. I would highly appreciate for the reply.


  413. n ulcer is a lesion that develops on the skin or mucus membranes of the body. Ulcers that occur in the stomach or small intestines are known as a peptic ulcers. A peptic ulcer in the stomach is also called a gastric ulcer. Ulcers may be caused by lifestyle factors like diet and stress, or an excess amount of stomach acids. However, the majority are caused by an infection caused by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori). Ulcer symptoms are acute for some people and mild for others. Sometimes ulcers are asymptomatic, meaning a person who has them experiences no symptoms whatsoever.”-.’

    Most recently released content article on our internet page <http://www.wellnessdigest.co/index.php

  414. Amy,

    Firstly thank you for all your information and hard work in providing all of us with a lot of valuable information. When it really comes down to it, our health is really in our hands…..
    Myself, I was recently diagnosed as H.Pylori positive (blood work), I have a lot of the symptoms already mentioned…stomach aches after I eat, diarrhea with intestinal pain, sporadic heartburn etc.. the reason I am emailing you is I was wonder; (I have numbered my questions, so maybe it is easier to answer by typing the number with your answer…thank you).

    1. Which biofilm-zapper did you use…I printed out this whole blog with all your information, and I honestly cannot tell which you used. Dr. Ettinger mentions: InterFase Plus (I cannot find this anywhere??!!), and he also mentions: NAC, did you use any BIOFILM destroyer and if so which one?

    2. I have just ordered the Monolaurin (Ecological Research 600mg…so I will take 2 capsule (1200mg) in the morning and 2 capsules in the evening (1200mg), until my order comes I went to the local health food store and bought Barlean’s Cold pressed Extra Virgin Coconut Oil, I checked other coconut oils and they have the same CALIBRATION on the back : 1 tablespoon =14g…. on the back it states that 7g (1/2 tablespoon) of the coconut oil has 6220mg of LAURIC ACID (at half of a tablespoon the amount of lauric acid is over 6000mg.)
    In reading through this whole blog individuals are taking tablespoons like me,……. at least 2 tablespoons of coconut oil, like them…. I am taking 1 tablespoon in the morning and 1 tablespoon in the evening….so 2 tablespoons in total I think I am taking WAY too much lauric acid over 12 000 mg x 2…that’s like over 24 0000 mg!!!, Amy how are people taking 2 tablespoons of coconut oil, is this not too much??? Am I missing something here, that I am doing the same error???

    3. Did you take any HCL supplement with your meals when you were on your protocol? If so what brand and how much (mg/capsules)?

    Thank you for all your help….you have a plethora of people reading and following your information….if you ever have any questions or issues, pop them up, maybe all our heads together can help each other :-)


  415. Just wanted to say how much i appreciate your time and research for this blog. It gave me hope of feeling better and affirmation of my symptoms.

  416. Irina,
    Amy or anybody else in this forum…
    I was wondering why individuals who took or use ‘Pyloricil’ only took/take 1 capsule in the morning before breakfast and 1 capsule in the evening before dinner…..I just ordered a bottle and on the back it states to take 3 capsules daily??? I was wonder if people who took Pyloricil….(Stefan) did you get the recommendation of only taking 2 capsules per day as per instructions from a Naturopathic Doctor?? Is it better to take 3 capsules??


  417. Hi Amy,

    Thanks for the elaborate story and remedies to follow up. I had almost same issues over the last two years and multiple visits to ER! Some of my thoughts based on the research as you did to explain some of the things we faced are-
    1. Due to the bacteria the absorption of vital vitamins/minerals goes down resulting in loss of energy ending up with exhaustion. Most importantly decrease of two most vital Vitamins D3 and B12 create havoc. It is also been reported that low Vitamin D3 levels lead to palpitations and cardiac diseases if not checked. B12 is also responsible for proper nervous functioning. Low levels of B12 create nervous system related breakdowns! Its easy to test your vitamin levels. Taking this supplements in addition to the other remedies will help. Mostly if you are vegetarian/vegan the source of these vitamins is almost zero and with H-pylori you can easily exhaust the stored content. So all the more reason to start with these supplements in addition to treating the infection!


  418. I have a question I was hoping someone could answer…I have h-pylori and I began taking mastic gum (along with Manuka Honey, pro-biotics, & pepsin gi) 1000mg per day for about 10 days and I began having new sharp twinges/pain in my extreme lower abdomen…I’ve researched the mastic gum and thought it was safe but am having doubts now so I stopped taking it…Is the mastic really safe…Does anyone know any different? Thanks, I’d really like to keep taking them because I am sensitive to the anti-biotics the dr. gave me but i have to get rid of this horrible bug…I’ve been so sick it’s shocking (4 er visits so far)…What an awful. bacteria I wouldn’t wish the sickness it brings on my very worst enemy,,,Thanks again…I really appreciate any help…(I really don’t trust drs. anymore and I need to learn how to heal myself.)

    • Hi I have suffered side effects of mastic gum. I finished one botter of Jarrows mastic gum as per Amy’s blog. It was only when I was half way through to the second bottle. My body appeared to be in hyper drive. I could feel an adrenaline rush and I started becoming restlrss till upto 6 hours after taking the medicine. I stopped it for a day to check if it was due to mastic gum. I was fine that day… It was indeed due to that. I stopped taking that all together as I was very paranoid. You could tryreduce the dosage to 500mg tds and see if that suits you.. All the best. Leena

  419. Hello. I really need some help I stumbled on this article looking up this infection my lil brother has it he is 21 with a new baby and he is deathly sick wont eat or get out of the bed they put him on the antibiotics with made him worse. I need to know a quick way to help him and get him to eat sometimes he says he just wants to die… Please please help

  420. Dear Amy:

    Where exactly can I buy the following?

    Monolaurin – 1200 mg twice a day (derived from coconut milk). It’s a natural antibiotic that many use for a variety of reasons. It’s especially popular with folks who get mono (Epstein Barr virus). I would pay about 13 dollars a bottle and went through two+ bottles. I used Ecological Research brand.

    The first two to three days of taking the full dose of Monolaurin, I experienced nausea symptoms “die off” and felt even sicker – but it did pass. I’m told it’s called “herxing” after the Herximer effect.

    Manuka Honey (activated and only from New Zealand) 16+ or 20+ strength. Take a teaspoon twenty minutes before each meal (on an empty stomach) and one before bed on an empty stomach for about a month. I would take my spoonful after I took the Mastic Gum so that the water wouldn’t dilute it and send it directly to the kidneys.

    Mastic Gum (derived from the Greek Mastic tree) 1000 mg (1gram – two pills) in the morning before food and the same at night before bed on an empty stomach. (Once H Pylori is eradicated, continue taking Mastic Gum for a few months – it keeps the H Pylori from returning and has other benefits like lowering cholesterol).

    I cannot find them at all. I found some manuka honey on Amazon but it’s not from New Zealand.

    This is my fifth eradication effort…

  421. This information you posted is a BLESSING! I kept telling several of my docs including a GI doc that I had H.Pylori. Test are all positive.
    All the same symptoms & HORRIBLE pain for THREE YEARS. You info posted helped me more than any doctor. I am trying the natural approach. Thank you!

  422. hi I have been experiencing all the symptoms of H.pylori for over 2months now and have been to more than 8 doctors. I have had 3 blood test that all say positive and a stool test that says negative, but yesterday I went to my G.I to collect results of my endoscopy I had done a month before which included a biopsy and a bravo capsule to measure my acid levels. My G.I told me all my test results were “Normal” and in fact I did not have acid, or most surprisingly “H.Pylori”.
    however a week before I had seen a new doctor who gave me a blood test that showed positive and from all my symptoms started the antibiotics immediately accompanied by lansoprazole. I stopped the lansoprazole because the medcation made it worse but I stuck with the antibiotics. in my opinion the antibiotics have started to work although I still have another week left. But I cant understand my G.I doctors results. It might be possible that this bug could be in my intestines instead of my stomach. I know im not crazy I deffinately have all the symptoms all the really bad symptoms. So bad that I cant go any where or socialize because of the pains, nausea, acid, dizziness, inflammation, temperatures, etc.
    I would like to know if anyone is have the same tests as I am and having the same results.

  423. Hi, I want to start this treatment for h.pylori (was diagnosed last week, incidentally, the day before I was to begin the Ultimate Candida Diet treatment program as I suffer from systemic candida as well). How many milligrams/grams of L-Glutamine did you take? And how many times a day, as well as dosage? Also, is there a difference between powder and pill form? Thank you!!

  424. Amy, it was God’s intention to re direct me to your blog, I was just about to buy the Matula, just like you, I’m also into anxiety because of my symptoms. And all my experiences in 2 specialist on GI IS HIGHLY INCONSIDERATE AND NO EMPHATY AT ALL!!!
    Thanks you so much,Amy…you have lifted so many torn souls. I am not taking h.pylori test yet but after reading all the blogs here, I finally ask the GI to make a request for stool examination… I don’t know why he’s so upset with my being so interested with h.pylory.

  425. Hi guys i m a patient of H pylori. My story is way too long but i would just try to make it short. I m 19 years old right now.
    So it started 3 years ago i started to get too many sinus problems so what i actually had it was like too much mucus coming out of my nose and throat. So i went to my doctor she told me to do a bloodtest. In my bloodtest came out that i had a deficiency of vitamin b12 and d. After that i started to feel sick everyday. Everyday i had like flu and had no more energy. I went many times to a nose and throat specialist but they told me that there was nothing wrong with my nose and throat. I had to take vitamins but they didn’t help either. I was feeling sick everyday. After some time my doctor gave me acid reducing drugs. I started taking it but still till now i have something coming up my throat it’s like white which i think it actually is acid.
    After that i went to a gastrologist. I had to do a endoscopy of my stomach. He saw it and said there was some sort of infection going on. So he also gave me a acid reducing medicine. But i didn’t feel better and i had to go again. This time i was actually feeling more worse. I had constipation and diarrhea for 2 or 3 months so i thought it was not normal. I did an endoscopie again of my stomach and also of my large intestine in which i came out H pylori positive. My doctor gave me a heavy dose of thripple therapy for 10 days. i completed it with too much effort cause i started to have undigested food in my stool and i had no energy at all anymore. After few weeks i did a stooltest which again came out h pylori positive. My doctor gave me again a therapy of 5 medicines. I started to feel very good but still had diarrhea. Some of my symptoms like the too much mucus in throat and nose are completely gone which i had for 2 years :( but some symptoms sweating while it’s cold, pain in the bones, lack of energy did went gone for a while but now they came back.i had to do a endoscopy again. My results will come on monday. But i still have diarrhea and a hell of a gas which forces me to go to the toilet after every 1 hour and also that undigested food in my stool. I m feeling like it will stay like this for the rest of my life. Sometimes i think it would never go away and i have to live with it.
    Guys i would love to hear what u people would say about this. Thanks in advance. Any help will be appreciated.

  426. Hello Amy. You have stated that a stool antigen test may still show positive for 2-3 months afterbeing cured. This is news to me, Can you tell me how you know this or who advised you about this? I would really like to know more. Thanks, Brad.

  427. My name is Gina, i am from Cape Town in South Africa, I was once a prostitute in my area. I got effected with HIV due to the nature of my job, In May 06 2013 i was tested positive to HIV, this is a true life experience. I never taught there’s some one who could ever get my HIV-AIDS cured with his healing spell, i have tried almost everything but I couldn’t find any solution to my disease. I always spend a lot to buy a HIV drugs from hospital and taking some several medications but no relieve, until one day i was just browsing on the internet when i came across of abuyespelltemple@gmail.com I quickly contacted him, and he asked me some few questions and i did all things he asked me to do, i did not pay him for his service until I was finally cured, only to see that at the very day which he said i will be healed, all the strength that has left me before rush back and i became very strong and healthy. I went to hospital for the final test to the virus and the result shows i am HIV negative. I am very happy about the cure doctor Oye gave to me from the ancient part of Africa, you can email him now for your own healing on his email: abuyespelltemple@gmail.com

    • Hi Gina You have only mentioned an e mail address, there is no website… You must have tried this healer based on some facts… Where did you find those facts? On a website or a blog i suppose.. Can you share that Also is there a way to validate the authenticity…because from your mail, i am sorry to say, it appears as a promotional tool of the healer. Because on both accounts you have mentioned e mail id only- no website no blog, which is rather strange and doubt generating This is a very scientific blog and Amy is still trying to help anyone and everyone even after months, so lets respect her efforts and make comments, contributions that are proven and scientific and not incomplete. Our attempt should be to helpp people and not mislead Thanks

  428. { Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth & H Pylori }

    Since H Pylori is a bacterium has anyone tried Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth?

    I bought a sack of it, 50 lbs, because of the testimonials and haven’t been sorry. And besides it was sooooo cheap for all the good it does! It’s helped me with pain in my knees. I have given it to others for digestive problems, migraine headaches, joint pain and other things I can’t remember them all. Good results!

    DE is supposed to be good for parasites, tapeworms, bacteria, viruses, and toxins of all types.

    How it works:

    Human Use Testimonials:

    I sure hope someone tries the DE for this ugly H Pylori and lets me know if it helped them in anyway.

    Even though I don’t have this pain, H Pylori, that you all have I sure feel for you.

    May you folks here find the answer to this horrible issue, H Pylori.

    Most sincerely,

  429. I thank you so much for writing all of this. I had the same thing and read this and have a road map to feeling better now. I ordered all the supplements and now drink aloe and have lost 30lbs and I don’t feel like I’m in a dream world or depression my life is coming back now. The H Pylori took it away and caused seizures and made me miserable. Thank you Thank you Thank you. Please write more about how you are doing now and what you eat and all because I am scared to eat now because of the anxiety and seizures that came along with digesting food. I eat broccoli and have 1 meal a day and take all the probiotics and suppliments you suggessted and honey too.

  430. Hi Amy, I’m currently fighting this nasty bacteria, although I’m not sure if with any success at all. I was put by a ND on Grapefruit seed extract, which I stopped using after finding out through some web articles that it is possibly laced with dangerous chemicals, as methyl parabens and tryclosam (really good stuff!). Also, I’ve been taking CandiBactin BR, as well as, digestive enzymes. Tomorrow it’ll be a month of doing this treatment, but so far, I haven’t seen any improvements, if anything, I’m having weird pains on my upper back, and went from having isolated heartburn episodes, to having them on a daily basis, which I entirely blame on the PPI medicine that I have to take in order for the treatment to work. I’m getting desperate, and thinking about taking the regular course of antibiotics that the conventional doctor prescribed. I’m really afraid this bacteria can morph into something worse.
    I must add, that after reading your very informative blog, I started taking VSL#3 capsules twice daily (225 billion cultures), and got a bottle of Aloe Vera, as well as, a jar of Manuka honey; my only concern regarding the honey is the sugar content, as it is well known that bacteria, and yeast feed on it.
    Just one last question, did you take any acid reducers when you were on your regimen? Or the monolaurin, and mastic gum are just enough?
    Thank you for your help, and especially for your amazing blog.
    Thank you for your help.

    • Hi Amy,
      Well so much to say for all the H. pylori that’s been passed around. I haven’t had so much luck. On December 2, 2013 I proceeded to the emergency room with fire burning chest pains thinking I was having a heart attack. Had 20 second EKG done with heart ok and no problem there. So, with the diagnoses of gastroenteritis and a prescription for Zantac and being sent home after four hours in the ER. Was told to follow up with my doctor in a week if I didn’t feel better. With not being able to see my primary doctor or G.I. doctor, I’m sorry we have no openings until after Christmas and some till January 8. After two weeks home not feeling well and burning stomach pains, heartburn (never had before) and nausea so bad, I then made another trip to the ER. I couldn’t go on feeling as bad as I did. At that time I was determined I was going to see my doctor don’t matter how long I had to wait. I saw him. I asked my doctor to please run an H. pylori bacteria test, it came back positive. So from there he referred me to my G.I. doctor. I had a CT scan and they put me on a Prevpac. I couldn’t have a endoscopy because the Prevpac could give a false reading. After that was completed, I went back to my G.I. doctor who scheduled me for a gastric emptying test. I now had a new diagnosis, gastroparesis. Not something I expected to hear but at least I know what’s wrong. Now I’m in the process of having the endoscopy done in a few days. I’ve since lost 14 lbs. In 1 month. They’re going to see what the H. pylori has done in my stomach. Then I will go from there. I’ve got pretty used eating soups and puréed foods that seems to be a little bit better tasting than some things that I do eat. Broccoli is one that I can’t have because it’s heavy and tends to linger longer in my stomach. Chunky things like chicken and meats, I’m not able to have either. But I’ve since purchased a blender and I purée everything LOL.
      Good luck to all of those who have had the H. pylori bacteria that their prognosis hasn’t stemmed furthur into the lining of the stomach. It’s very hard when you don’t feel good you can’t enjoy the holidays with family. I pray your journeys aren’t long and you find comfort in the medication(s) and remedies you take. Unfortunately when you have the H. pylori bacteria it’s dormant in your system you never get rid of it. It will return. Thanks for all the messages. What a life-changing experience. Hang in there no matter what happens. I know my journey has just begun. God bless and take care.

  431. I have had all the symptoms as Amy described. After several dr visits and tests, I asked for the h pylori blood test after researching my symptoms on line. Doc was reluctant, but I was tested and of course positive ! Just finished antibiotics and am thankful to have found I’m not alone dealing with this bacteria. Thanks for the advice on food and supplements, I will begin today!

  432. I really like your plan. I don’t know if I have an ulcer but do have candida overgrowth. Do you care to email back a few times to get me on the right track. I have successfully treated my gastro issues with cabbage juice but it is a pain. I tried the l-glut amine tablets but don’t seem enough. I may look into this mastic gum. Is it expensive, safe, etc?
    Thanks for all your previous help and hope your doing well.
    Stephanie from Plymouth , MN

  433. Hi Amy,

    Oatmeal and brown rice are also starches that turn into sugar yet you have posted that you consumed them daily. Since you did eradicate h pylori, I’m assuming they were ok to eat. Did you control your portions and ate smaller amounts? Also, when you mention limit fruits; does that mean 1 fruit a day?

    I want to try your natural approach to killing off the bug. Thanks for your post and help.

  434. I just went to the dr today and she requested blood work to check for H. Pylori which I’m hoping is what I have considering these weird symptoms! I don’t have the diarrhea but weird GI symptoms and that pressure! Did you have weird sensations in your throat/esophagus? It is the weirdest feeling and I can’t lay flat on my back. My back hurts and my chest. I have horrible gas and feel like I have to go to the bathroom all the time. I understand that feeling of panic and thinking maybe this is it….well at least it will be over if I die in my sleep. I’m so anxious and think the worst- cancer. So I’m hoping and praying this is what I have. I haven’t gone through any of the testing and things you endured mainly because of my deaf of a terrible terminal disease. I hope you are well now. Thanks for the blog!

  435. Hello! Just letting you know you’re not alone. I’m to this day suffering from this bug! And it’s already been treated 3 yrs ago! The lining of my stomach will never be the same. It took my doctor about a month to test my blood and determine I had H Pylori then she started me on antibiotics for two weeks. Which consisted of 4 horse like pills (they were huge!) in the morning and 4 in the evening!. Bug gone! But the heartburn and nausea never left. I got pregnant with my miracle I say miracle because she cured me! My appetitw was back and I was less nauseas. Oh by the way I was 124 when I got H pylori and ended up 101 due to nausea and loss of appetite. I still get nauseaus but at least now I get hungry :) Hopefully my lining will completely heal! Many blessings and wishing you ! 101% recovery!

  436. You, Amy King,
    Are wonderful for sharing this I’ve been battling this for do long. You put much time and effort into this. You’ve given me hope. Showed me I’m not the ignorant pushy one as the nurses seem to imply. At 40 i never thought id see a medical system so flawed and disinterested. Truly they don’t know about it most often and it takes people who care to let others know. Thank you. Not only for me but my son who is my world.
    Gratefully , Ida.

  437. I have exactly the same symptoms especially not being able to take a fu breath,chest xrays and spirometry were all normal,just got the diagnosis for the nasty bugger today,stomach is always swollen and so is my throat,it’s irritated and find it hard to swallow. I will be trying your treatment from tomorrow onwards hoping all of these symptoms will go away. Thank you.

  438. Hi Amy thanks for the very informative post, i too have been suffering with ulcers, indigestion and heart burn for a very long time, after every meal heartburn seems to be very bad, i had scopes done about two years ago where the DR picked up peptic ulcer, and put me on antibiotics and nexium, i have been hooked on nexium that helps with the heart burn and indigestion, at times it used to get so bad i used to get a dull pain in the stomach and very pain full pain in my back which would result in me visiting the ER for a bascopan drip, i recently quit the nexium and started the mastic gum capsules, after reading online i see that it helps with H pylori which i think i have due to the ulcer pains i get the back, currently on day 3 of taking this 1000mg a day, seems to help, although i still suffer from heart burn and indigestion after every meal, i am only 31 years old and would appreciate any help on the heartburn and indigestion

  439. Do a DRG Pathogen plus stool test for the GI or a Metemetrix GI test. It costs about $300. These tests quite literally saved my life on 2 separate instances of ill health. ( once in 2009 and recently ).

    Both test use DNA sequencing to tell you what parasite, virus or bacteria you have as opposed to some Lab analyst looking at an agar plate . This was a god send for me as I had been misdiagnosed by countless doctors who were clueless as to the what was making me vomit every day, sore stomach and nausea. When in fact it was a bad Dientamieba Fragillis infection coupled with an H-Pylori infection which I subsequently was cured through a course of Metroniazidole.

    I am from Scotland and came across this page and blog by accident which is excellent Amy King. Brilliant insight and knowledge.

    Knowledge is power.

  440. Sounds like those doctors aren’t motivated enough to listen to what you’re feeling. Anyway, nice job on looking for a lot of alternative stuff to help you. BTW, I myself have been fascinated by turmeric, it has a lot of uses. From pain reliever to holistic therapy for cancer, not to mention that it’s also a very good antioxidant!

  441. Back from Cuba oct. 18 2013 … in November 12 diagnosed with Mononucleosis and Now H pylori terrible join pain for months. Dr. test for arthritis,lupus, etc. Finally went back and i said “Im not crazy and I will like to be test for H pylori” days later they call me back “positive” Today I finish the treatment of 7 day with H Pack.. but i will tried Amy’s natural remedy .. Thank you !!!! from Canada

  442. I think my daughter has h. pylori, but the hospital refuses to give her the breath test, saying they don’t test minors, and the doctor says the blood test is “unreliable”. HELP! Has anyone else experienced the hospital refusing to give the breath test to minors?? Does anyone know why??

  443. Amy, I have been having ALL the same symptoms for a year straight, but they began in 2012. All the ER visits say anxiety/tachecardia. At first thought it was all related to alcohol/xanax withdrawal. That has been a year now too! I demanded a test for H. Pylori and they blew me off until I had to show my crazy self….it was positive. I am on day 3 of the antibiotics and feel like death warmed over!

  444. Um goin to have gastric sleeve done to help wih my obesity But I have h pylori and now im takeing the prevpac and its making me very sick only one day I need help I want the surgery but not if the bacteria is goin to make me more sick

    • I hope you’re doing well, Janet. I have read that if gastric bypass is done without eradicating H. pylori, then it won’t be eradicated — ever! Please consider this, get tested, and follow Amy’s protocol — better yet, search “elena” in this blog and do what she said. Then follow up with mastic gum for months after. Good luck.

  445. Hi guys, i got diagnosed with this a few days ago, i just had a blood test done and i was told to start taking iron pills due to my anemia, later my doctor told me i am h pilory positive i am going to start taking Lansoprazole, Clarithromycin and Amoxicillin for 14 days. i honestly havent had all these symptoms people say they have, i did have some nausea and weird appetite my heart has definitely been beating faster than usual but all of that has pretty much gone away when i started taking my iron pills. Im worried any advice on how i should handle this? I have an endoscopy scheduled next week, my email is fabijaure@hotmail.com and any advice helps!

    • Hi! How u doin’ now? I am having this bug called H. pylori too and same medicines I am taking now. Does the prescribed medicines help? Hope to hear from you soon.

  446. Hi Amy, I have bern researching and researching and stressing over what other alternatives i could use other than antibiotics. I dont see any updated responses since 2014, but I wanted to try to comment and hopefully get a response back. I have used new meds suggested by a friend of mms, and scd diet or paleo diet. But realized its like what you gave said it’s basically a hit and miss on what foids your stomach feels good with. I reallllly would like to eradicate what I have, and be kinds to myself and gut. I am 31, have been feeling like a victim because of this bugs but can’t to make the comment you opened your research with. Been up for almost three hours looking and reading of research and comments has made more hopeful than ever. Please respond, hope this is not a hoax. Deeply grateful! A

  447. Hi amy, and fellow fighters!, few more things i juthoughm to my previous post. This outlet is not a hoax, apologize for that comment. I have been looking for quick fixes to curing this bug desperately want to be normal again. My mother and grandmother die to stomach cancers, I want to help my family but know I have to help myself first. I will get on this regimen of meds, hopefully and know will find them all. Maybe can help others with your guidance and experience. Wr have to deftly get that gut strength and be our own advocates. Please respond, thank you thank you amy!!!!!

  448. I have had very similar issues. I also had three tilt table těsta and cpu d I have pots or vagel. My lil sis does too but a diffrent form. Mine causes my heart to stop. I actually flat lined on a tilt test.
    I wear compression hose, drink salt water and have a strict diest from being allergic to many medications, soy and gluten intolerant.
    I too have had the nausea, no appetite, constantly having diarrhea. Now it has turned black and kidneys seem iffy. My nutritionist has me on zinc-carnosine to take care of the burgers in stomach. However the other doctors have no idea to help me stop passing out and shaking.

    Of you find out you have pots it might help you on your medical journey. Good luck amd lots of light amd love to you

  449. Hello,
    Great post and lots of very interesting information. I am not sure to understand why reducing the acidic level of the stomach is helpful against H. Pylori? As you indicate in one of your notes, H Pylory strives at high PH levels and struggles more with increased acidity. So based on this, it seems that increasing alkalinity would allow H Pylori to grow faster? (from http://www.pnas.org/content/106/34/14321.long Microscopy studies of the motility of H. pylori in gastric mucin at acidic and neutral pH in the absence of urea show that the bacteria swim freely at high pH, and are strongly constrained at low pH.)


    • According to Marcus Ettinger, H. p. must and will neutralize the acid in order to survive. The lower the ph, the more they will work. When the acid is neutralized, they feel more secure, will not launch defensive tactics and will expose themselves more readily for more thorough eradication.

  450. My primary Dr. detected the bacteria through a physical anual blood test. I took some meds but the bastards didnt die. So i have been sick for more than a yr and let me tell u ! your post made me cry cuz this is painfull! not to mention deppresing! im now on 3 dif antibiotics that my Dr brother gave me. I hope i get better after this and ur tips of a healthy diet help. I also take probiotics to help digestion and mynt tea natural foods and avoid junk food. Eat lots of veggies and no white unhealthy bread or rice… no raw meats and no dairy cuz that makes you worse! I went to the Gastro Dr but I got scared with all the things he said I had to get done…endoscopy and something through my butt…. you can take the test with ur primary Dr. u just gotta blow into a bag and it will come out possitive or negative! my symptons include diarrea, vomiting or nausea all day, always bloaded and in pain, hot flashes, fever, incredibly thirsty, bitter taste in my mouth, constipation, my heart was going crazy, migraines, anxiety, bad temper i guess due to the pain, fatigue and weakness which all led me to lose 18 lbs and dont think Im lucky for being slim! this bacteria can lead u to stomach cancer and not cuz I read it online but because my brother who is a Dr. had to yell at me and force to take these 3 antibiotics I am on right now to kill these bastards! the bacteria might come back in months or yrs if you dont take care of urself! The only advice I took from the Gastro Dr. is a healthy balanced diet free of fatty foods and spicy is not even a joke… it will kill u…avoid taking tylenol or any of those pills it just makes it worse for the peptic ulcers this bacteria has caused you! good luck to all in thir recovery! oh btw quit smoking and drinking if u luv urself a little!

    • I’m sad to read your post, April, because I have read and heard that the 3 antibiotics do not work. Your post makes it sound like they do. Call Dr. Marcus Ettinger in Orange County California, send your positive results to him, then follow his protocol. Save yourself from the torment of those antibiotics.

  451. I haven’t checked this blog is some time and am, again, dismayed to find people asking questions that are answered earlier in the blog. Print the entire thing and read it; or, contact Dr. Marcus Ettinger in Orange County California, and send him you positive test results, then do what he says.

  452. Hi Amy

    I have a positive h pylori blood test but a negative stool sample test. I am not sure if this means i have it or not (even tho I know it is not positive for an active case in the stool sample) One gastro says take the antibiotic treatment and the other says do not take it (de-stress instead) and wait longer. In the meantime I would like to start on your regiment.

    I should take the following (please confirm doses. thank you!):

    Mastic Gum : 1g a day/in morning on empty stomach?

    Probiotic: 1/day :Garden of Life Primal Defense Ultra Ultimate Probiotic Formula

    Manuka Honey : 1 tablesonn / 3 times a day?


    + Tumeric Tea

    Can I start with just this?


  453. Sadly I saw this just now and not earlier when I was diagnosed with HP. After an endoscopy that diagnosed it, a brutal antibiotic treatment and subsequent clear stool test I should be A-OK. However, the symptoms (vomiting of clear liquid/bile in the morning on an empty stomach and general indigestion) persist.

    I have been a Manuka Honey (15+) user for 3 years until December 2013 when I started getting these symptoms and ironically stopped it. The HP was diagnosed after several months of vomiting, occasional vertigo/disbalance episodes. I went to a neuro for vertigo, got a clean brain MRI. Went to a General Physician who eliminated Liver and Pancreas issues and then referred me to GI for endoscopy. Now HP is clear and still I am not well. All he can tell me is maybe the symptoms were not caused by HP alone and general acidity overload.

    So now his advice is 3 different antacids and daily 45 minutes of walk. What would you recommend for my case based on your experience. Please note I live in Pakistan so specific brands may not be available for me but I may be able to get alternates.

    • Before I was diagnosed, I had three endoscopies and none showed positive. The stomach has a large area in which this bug can hide. If you can get a GI Function DNA stool test, you should be able to find it if you have it. Antacids make H. pylori very happy, as it saves them the trouble of having to neutralize the acid. When they’re happy they don’t bother you so much. So, don’t take antacids. Get rid of the bug. Amy’s protocol works, but research the biofilm problem with Marcus Ettinger in California.

  454. Hi,

    My mother has had the same problems for 3 years. And the doctors will not accept that it is not her heart it is her stomach that causes the heart palpitations. I have no idea how to get help for her. Her heartrate was 289 just yesterday and she is barely speaking or eating and they wont prescribe anything but heart medication.
    Everytime her stomach acts up she throws up and as soon as that happens her heart starts. And she is always burping and tired and not eating.

    • Hang the doctors…start the protocol and see if it helps. Then, if it does, contact Marcus Ettinger, in California, who can guide you through Amy’s protocol AND can help you dissolve the biofilms.

  455. Thanks for the wonderful post and all the replies here. I may be in the initial stage of HP but I also wanted to share what I’m doing rather than following the above which I might consider if this doesn’t work. I had breath test when I told my symptoms that I feel pain or a tingling sensation in my upper abdomen most of the time to the right but sometimes in the left too. Doctor prescribed the traditional triple antibiotics but I didn’t take. I believe food should be medicine or I call the other food for healing these diseases.

    What I do and this has fairly taken down my symptoms:
    1) Eat raw ginger in the morning after brush
    2) After that hot water with lemon/lime (one full) with Organic turmeric almost 700 ml. A half teaspoon of turmeric.
    3) Soak the liquorice powder (2 tea spoon) in hot water and leave it for half hour.
    4) Meanwhile I do my yoga and pranayama (for those who don’t know…it is an ancient Indian technique to breath with a technique)
    a) Anulom and Vilom Pranayama or alternative nostril breathing.
    b) Kapala bathi Pranayama (Flapping of stomach where you concentrate on exhaling air and inhaling is automatic process. This
    Pranayama is the best to save from all ailments and diseases including slip discs.
    5) I also take Oil of Oregano under the tongue 3 to 5 drops in the morning.
    6) I have the powder form of Oregano and mix it with Carol seeds along with garlic cloves and ginger and sautee it and mix rice(a cup) as
    another way to eradicate this bug.
    7) Rasberry is good but I also make a berry shake with kale as another source of my food.

    what I’m trying to tell here is I haven’t bought any of those stuff above which I know works but I gave this a try and it is working and as I write I still might have because I just started few days back. I’m getting good sleep with the Pranayama and also it is healing or atleast I don’t see the symptoms of tingling in stomach after I eat.

    I believe Nature should heal whatever diseases we have or atleast we should know what is the food that heals the body. In my whole regimen everything I do from morning to sleep is something or other that is not pleasant to this HP. so I hope it works. if it doesn’t I’ll follow the above thread and order.

    The reason I took time and wrote is there might be situations that one might have money to buy it or even if they had they might not be available. so whatever it is I thought to share my experience with the fellow community. Once I see and get tested if this is gone with this procedure I’ll post. no matter what I will post and share…hope it helps others too. Though I live in Los Angeles and have access to all the stuff I thought to try home recipe first.

    GoodLuck to all and wish me too..

    • Hi Vasu,

      Has your home remedy helped with the HPylori eradication. My chronic HPylori was diagnosed in May 2013 and came to know in April 2014 and took 14 day HpPAC antibiotic in September. Did urea breath test and am still positive. I am not a pro – antibiotic.
      Please let me know if the home remedies has helped you.


      • Amy’s protocol is written here in this post, right after her story of illness and symptoms. But you must follow it to the letter. Contact Marcus Ettinger, a chiropractor in California. He advised Amy and has other protocols that break up biofilm. I don’t know how Amy eradicated the bacteria without addressing the biofilms, but I highly recommend it.

      • Vandana – My home remedies, yoga and pranayama helped me a lot. Just bring natural and followed strictly and I feel much better and in fact I could eat whatever the doctor refused.

        Our soul can ou be happy if the temple of the body it resides in is happy; so let’s help other souls and their bodies heal. Don’t give up train your mind and heart to fight and it will help in healing in releasing the right hormones.
        I want to thank Amy who has strayed this wonderful blog. Namaste.
        I’m based out of Los Angeles and you can also mail to email ID if anyone needs any help. Vasudev04@gmail.com

  456. I’m trying to find a way to talk to you I’m sick scared and very lost my kids and wife will be lost with out me .I am truly sick. Dont know how much more I can take don’t have any idea how long I can take the herbs before I do to much damage to my self I’m out of money time , and hope I’m a fighter that don’t lose but I find my self in a fight for my life and I’m loosing please help contact me I’m a good person my family needs me I’m the strong one I hold every thing together text me 909 659 8428

  457. This is crazy. I have been sick for years. Thought I was going through early peri menopausebecause I was having night sweats, random nausea, migraines, heart palpitations, crazy heart rates. I am an athlete and I was training for a race and I did not realize what was happening. I Trained for a race for 6 months and my heart rate was still 188 after warming up properly, etc. Then I started getting severe nausea to the point where I couldn’t eat and had severe stomach cramps. After starting to get severe anxiety, they sent me to a psychiatrist who put me on mess that made me fat, sick and anxious. 5 years later, a new doc decided it was a time for a test for h. Pylori.

    I tried to sep

  458. I had Helicobacter maybe my whole life. I was 15 when I got stomach issues the first time but no doctor made a breath test. So it took about 25 years and a really bad year to diagnose this bug. For about one year I felt really sick, had heart issues, panik-attacks, night sweating and much more. Finally I was nauseous for about two weeks, when my father told me that I maybe had helicobacter. I made a blood test on my own and it was positive. For several months I tried to get rid off this bug the natural way with: high doses of Vitamin C, Mastic Gum, Broccomax, but nothing helped. I was so fed up with the nausea, that I took the first regimen of antibiotics: metronidazole and amoxicilin with pantoprazole for 7 days. At first I felt fine but after 3 weeks the nausea and the sick feeling returned and the breath test was positive. During the antibiotic treatment I took VSL#3 and I had little side effects. The second regimen was: clarithromycin + amoxycilin with omep for 10 days. I had more side effects: tired, bloated stomach and nausea. But nothing really bad and it worked! I took the VSL#3 2 months afterwards and had no diarrhea during or after the treatment.
    My panic-attacks and tachycardiea are gone (there is a study from the university of warsaw, that there is a link between HP and higher anxiety levels. Everybody in this study who had HP, had higher anxiety levels) I have a normal level of energy again and feel fine.
    What really ecouraged me was the helico.com website from Dr Barry Marshall.
    I spent a lot of money for alterative treatment and it didn’t work out.

  459. I have gone through the entire blog over the year and half I have been suffering from a duodenal ulcer. I have tried Amy’s protocol and within a month, I tested negative, however, I have been having the durnest time healing the actual ulcer. I find that since it is in my duodenum, that most of the products I take are dissolved in the stomach and very little makes it to the duodenum. In addition, the painful symptoms of a duodenal ulcer are located in the lower extremities, which means that the pain comes on hours after you’ve actually eaten.

    One of the problems with duodenal ulcer is that the pancreas is one of the organs that is supposed to neutralize the acid coming from the stomach, so mine is impaired somehow. I wanted to give hope to duodenal ulcer sufferers because our story is rarely addressed. We have difficulty getting soothing remedies to our inflamed area because of the stomach acid issue. I have found an enteric coated pill that will survive the acid of the stomach and which will alkalinity the small intestines. It is called bicarbonate balance by Alkalife. It delivers potassium and calcium bicarbonate (like baking soda) to your small intestines to prevent and relieve our intense pain that we get hours after eating or which wakes us up out of sleep. I ordered from amazon and I have been pain free for 3 days now after having my worst nighttime attack ever.

    Last, I really enjoyed reading everyone’s experiences and Lana, I don’t think anyone asked you many questions but I was wondering about your continued health after the biofilm treatment ridding you of parasites. I will be doing the interfase again soon but that is some intense stuff or at least opening that biofilm up releases major stuff and you experience symptoms long forgotten.

    Final last, thank you Amy, your blog gave me real hope after that crazy week I attempted to do the quad antibiotic treatment that made me feel like having pylori and gastritis was a dream in comparison to the treatment.

    • Sorry for the late reply…I don’t keep up with this blog on a regular basis. I believe my Hp was stubborn, but it did respond to the various things I took. Felt I was completely cured until 6 months after completing the protocol described by “elena” in Amy’s blog. Then, the telltale back pain returned. It responded well to Lauricidin, but returned when I stopped it. I am convinced that water kefir contains strains of probiotics that are active against Hp, because when I drank large quantities, the back pain disappeared. Finally, I had no back pain, but when I took HCl (hydrochloric acid) (I have been tested and have very little – probably, in part, thanks to the Hp) the back pain returned. I believe the HCl made the residual Hp active as it will work to neutralize it. I was fine if I didn’t take HCl, but then I knew I wasn’t absorbing my nutrients. Then, a few months ago, I began eating a tablespoon of the kefir grains each time I make it — 2X a week — and I can now take all the HCl I want with no back pain. A recent blood test showed 6 on a negativity scale of 0 to 20, which means I’m good. :) I will continue my water kefir throughout my life and will eat the spoonful of grains every time I make a new batch — 2 to 4 times a week.

      Regarding the worm — and I do think it was only one, as I have had negative parasite tests since then — except for the noticeable emptiness of the puffy shape on my abdomen — I don’t really notice anything. I must be getting more nutrients, as I’m not competing with the worm. But I must be better as I’m not sending worm feces into my gut.

  460. It is really important to clear H.pylori. This bug isn’t given the respect it deserves. As it invades the digestive system it impacts on your complete body. It influences nutrient uptake and also modulates the acid in your stomach which can have wide ranging effects on your body. Years ago I suffered from spasms going up my neck into my head that use to throw off my balance, the doctors kept giving me anti-inflammatories which never helped. They treated it as if I had a back injury. This progressed to getting worse and worse and my energy levels became depleted. By chance I heard that there was a link between stomach problems and shoulder issues, due to stomach acid and I asked to be tested for H.pylori. The doctor still didn’t think that was my problem, but I asked to be tested. I got the breath test done. It turned out that I had the 2nd highest count that the testing centre had ever seen, the highest was in someone confined to a wheelchair. Within a week of treatment I had energy levels I never had before in my life and I felt like someone had left me out of a cage and I could fly, my clipped wings were no longer clipped. My posture changed as well, it turned out that I was holding my posture forward to protect my stomach, and was doing this without realising this, and this is why I had the spasms in my neck. Be careful of the test that is used for you as well and make sure it is a reputable one. The blood test isn’t suitable if you are being checked for clearance as the antibodies will still be there even if you are cleared. Also it takes a while to get your stomach balanced after the bug has been cleared.

    • Carmel, search “elena” in this blog and follow the protocol she describes. Get water kefir grains and make water kefir so that you can drink it daily. But be careful — if you have a large infection, the kefir will make you very sick before making you better. Finally, eat a tablespoon of grains a couple times a week. Search for what i did under “lana”

  461. Dear Amy,

    I’m sorry you’ve had to go through this. Thank you for putting this site together to help the rest of us with this struggle.

    Over the last 2 months, I’ve been to my GP (doctor) several times, the ER, an allergist and still nowhere. I have many of the same symptoms including hives. I do not believe in antibiotics as they usually cause other damage to the body. I will be consulting with a natural doctor and hopefully getting this issue under control.

    • A.Z….have you looked into the 3M protocol as mentioned above by Amy? Plus adding a good probiotic. You may suggest this to the naturopath doctor when you visit.

    • Hi A.Z.,

      I used Amy’s protocol (plus some other stuff and a stricter diet) and beat H.pylori – I had my negative stool test yesterday! You can see what I did on my page, lydiaisanaturalgirl.wordpress.com.

      You can beat this without giving a naturopathic doctor your money. Many of these “doctors” are disreputable. If you do choose that path, make sure you go to someone who has an M.D. but practices integrative medicine, i.e. knows what the medical community recommends but also incorporates “alternative” treatments.

      Don’t put your health in the hands of someone who may or may not know what they are doing to your body.

  462. Hi everyone.
    Me, like all off you i struggle for years with Helicobacter Pylori..A few months ago I managed to get a diagnosis.
    I followed a treatment with antibiotic and from the third day I felt great.I saw again how it is to live a normal life.
    Unfortunately 3 months after, the problem has returned, worse than the first time and my life became crazy again.
    Now I’m on the third day of tratamement with Colostrum, Sulforaphane from broccoli and Mastic Gum.Did anyone tried this treatment and achieved good results?
    And if so, after how long?
    Thank you and hope we all will feel better.
    (i am not a nativ english speaker so sorry for misspelled)

    • Hi Diana,

      Sulforaphane is extremely effective against H.pylori but only in whole-sprout form, not supplements, and only temporarily. In trials the sulforaphane significantly lowered the levels of H.pylori in infected patients but did not completely eradicate it; as soon as they stopped eating the sprouts the H.pylori was able to re-affirm its hold in their stomachs. The mastic gum will definitely help.

      I beat H.pylori in two months using a modified version of Amy’s regimen – I got my negative stool test back yesterday. I detail everything I did on my page, lydiaisanaturalgirl.wordpress.com.

  463. Your story sounds just like mine but my husband keeps insisting for me to go back to the doctor and is so frustrating, I have spent so much money on tests but my Manuka honey and my mastic gum will be arriving soon. I am dying from the burning is so painful and i can’t function.

    • I remember days of not sleeping and people telling me I was crazy. I had this heart beat in my stomach though and I lost my appetite and lost 20 pounds in 20 days. I felt like I was not myself and there was not anything to help this. 2 and 1/2 weeks of doctors appointments and even the hospital. I could only eat a cracker or a banana a day and Activia yogurts. I would have strong ginger root tea at night for some relief. When I found Amy’s article I felt so good because I was not as alone as this H-Pylori makes you feel. I loved all her tips and I got the mastic gum and the coconut oil and honey. I took the antibiotics and eradicated the awful H-Pylori on the first try but it came back and I did not use the antibiotics. I changed my diet to low/no sugar or carbs. I ate mostly chicken or fish and had broccoli and cabbage and cabbage juice as tea and sometime ginger root tea with the special honey. I read that cabbage juice makes your stomach heal. I also took a mastic gum and a little coconut oil daily and I healed it myself. I am doing well. Thank you Amy! I hope you are still better.

  464. 8 days of treatment and i am not feeling better.I feel evan worst.My bigger problem is that i have diarrheea all the time.I can”t eat anything anymore, when i eat something in half an hour i have to go to the toilet.I am anxious and depressed because of this…..

  465. Hi Amy (King)!

    I’ve just read the entirety of your blog and all the subsequent comments over the years.

    Thank you so much for all of the information you’ve provided to people desperate for some relief. (Also, you have the patience of a saint – I don’t know that I would be able to keep answering the same questions over and over for years without going bonkers!)

    My gastritis symptoms consisted of a very mild burning sensation just under my ribs. I’m wondering whether my heart palpitations are related; however, they could just be due to more mundane things like anxiety, eating too much salty food, and consuming too much alcohol, all of which seem to set them off. They stop completely when I don’t do those things, so I’m hoping they’re unrelated to the bacteria and my case is mild. My gastritis discomfort began on Wednesday night/Thursday morning. I went to see the doctor that evening and she diagnosed me. Luckily she immediately ordered an H.pylori test along with some other blood work.

    I’ve been using the weekend to read up on the bacteria and the treatments for it and determined that the antibiotics are ineffective for so many people that I’d just rather not even give them a go. They absolutely destroy your body – I’ve had antibiotics many times for various infections over the years and always feel terrible on them. I can’t even imagine taking two at once.

    I’m waiting for the results of the H.pylori blood test as we speak and the suspense is agonizing. However, my gastritis is extremely mild compared to what you and many others went through – just some mild burning beneath my rib cage and some very minor intestinal discomfort and gas for the last few days. I’m fairly certain I picked it up from a new kabob place down the street from me when my boyfriend and I ate there on Tuesday. (He’s completely fine, of course. Lucky bugger.)

    If it turns out that I have H.pylori I’m not even going to bother with the triple therapy the doctors recommend and try your method first. I’ll keep everyone updated on what happens!

    Amy – thank you again, so much. You’re a very kind person with a big heart (and an infinite well of patience!)

    • Archeo,
      The breath test…I think …UBT, is also used to determine H.pylori. In my case like many others, after an Ultra Sound test, Upper GI procedure then an endoscopy-with a biopsy, it was then determined I was infected with the H,pylori strain. I think there are 7/8 different strengths of the strain, but the medical community only give s you a pass/fail whether or not you have it. Now later I found out from a visiting Japanese doctor at Univ of penn, in Japan the stool-sample is used as the most efficient way of determining the presence or clearance e of the bacteria. Hope you come back negative.

      • Hi Ron,

        Yes, the UBT (Urea Breath Test) and the stool test are the most accurate ways the medical community has of determining whether you have an active infection. Blood tests only detect antibodies to H.pylori, which the body can keep producing for 3+ years even after the active infection has been eradicated. Blood tests are good for your first test but useless thereafter. There are many different strains of H.pylori, that’s true; only a few of them do any lasting harm to humans. Most of the world’s population is infected with some strain of the H.pylori bacteria, but the vast majority (85%) experience no symptoms. Lucky them!

      • Oh – and unfortunately, my test was positive. Under the supervision and with the blessing of my doctor, I’m embarking on a personal three-month science experiment using all of the supplements Amy mentions here as well as a pretty heavily restricted diet, daily yoga, and cardio if I can stomach it. We’ll see if all that works in concert to get rid of this nasty bug! I get retested in three months; I’ll post the results here. Wish me luck! If it does work, I’ll detail what I did on my own page. (It’ll basically be what Amy did anyway, though.)

  466. I will continue to make updates maybe my story will help others..I hope it will be a happy end story :).I started on friday to take Curcuma pills and grapefruit seed extract along with Mastic gum and Sulforaphane.I started also an alkaline diet but i still drink coffee,it is the only thing i can„t give up..Sunday was the first day when i felt better.This is the 3 week of treatment.

  467. Oh, Amy – here’s something I forgot to ask in my last comment. Did you do any exercise while you were doing your regimen to get rid of the bug? I saw you mentioned yoga but I’m wondering about cardio-related things. I don’t imagine you’d have had the energy with the restricted diet, but wanted to ask!

    • I think Amy’s protocol is very effective, however, I don’t know how she got her good results without taking an assortment of enzymes to break up the biofilm. I followed the protocol described by “elena” in the blog and it worked great. Followed it for two months. Still had a relapse 6 months later, but now swallow water kefir grains twice a week and my symptoms (back pain, hives, palpitations, sneezing, itching eyes) are gone and the antibody blood test is negative.

      • Hi Lana,

        I followed Amy’s protocol (plus some other stuff and a stricter diet) for five weeks and just got my negative stool test back from the gastroenterologist today! It’s definitely an effective protocol even without the biofilm disruptors.

  468. HPylori may not be as bad as we think. I know when I managed to eradicate mine I went into full-blown 24/7 heartburn. I developed severe esophagitis. During a EGD I was reinfected with hp, and two days afterwards, my heartburn disappeared. I keep the bacteria in check by taking DGL, iodine, and boron. http://gut.bmj.com/content/49/3/319.full

    • I have not posted on here for a very long time, and I haven’t a lot of time now, but wanted to update. I recently had a blood antibody test done and on a negativity scale of 0 to 20, my score was 6. Thus, I think I won my battle. You can find my process if you search “lana” in this blog. I am ever thankful that I did the three different therapies, because it was the Undecylex and the Interfase that killed the worm in my duodenum, which finally explained the irregular shaped thickening on my abdomen. It was Valentine’s Day 2013 that I believed I was through with Hp, but then that summer the telltale (for me) back pain returned and was crippling. This was during a time that I was not able to keep my water kefir on hand. I’m convinced my homemade water kefir helps tremendously. I drink the stuff everyday, and once a week stir the leftover kefir grains into my yogurt and eat them. If I travel, I look in stores to see if I can buy a similar drink. Last summer, in Austria, I found a fermented juicy watery drink, so I think it’s possible in most places. I have always been intrigued that Amy, as I recall, did not use any enzymes to help break down the protective biofilm. I believe the biofilm is where they hide during treatment and when treatment is stopped, they emerge to cause renewed problems. So, I did Amy’s protocol, sort of. If you search “elena” in this blog you will find her protocol and that’s pretty much what I did. Diet: allergic to chicken so my bone broth was from beef bones and I ate beef and salmon during the two months on Amy’s protocol. Dates seemed to encourage the Hp, so I had to be careful with those.

  469. I suspect I have h pylori – had a blood test in Dec and it was negative and the doc just put me on another PPI – I was having pain below my breast bone – after starting that PPI I developed constant bloating and pressure, a strange tightness in my abdomen, and wake up every morning with my stomach cramping, and I burp even when I haven’t had anything to drink or eat. I’ve tried every home remedy for bloating and it hasn’t worked so I’m suspecting h pylori. Was the tightness all the time? It is so strange and my abdomen feels hard.

    • To all here and Amanda – I was diagnosed with H-Phylori too and the Doctor prescribed the standard anti-biotics and the other stuff like you all. I refused to take and I tried to heal it myself and healing and getting better every day. My question to all of you is ” Our body has both good and bad bacteria and how many bad bacteria are we going to kill? In that process we are also killing the good bacteria and weakening the immune system (IS). Today we might have H-phylori, tomorrow might be something and we can’t control and kill every single bacteria when our IS is weak or getting weak.

      What I have done is done natural ways to make my immune system because all these bacteria’s existed ever since we existed and they always co-existed we can’t eliminate only we can make our IS stronger. Our body is powerful enough to heal if we put it in right path because Universe exists in us and so much power.

      Alright now that I said how to understand your body now I would share what I have done. I made strong my immune system from all angles.
      1) In the morning I had Cummin, Fennel and Corriander powder or seeds water by soaking them over night. This helps to reduce immediate gas and bloating and cleans the digestive system by activating the Liver and the flushes the toxins.
      2) Drinking a spoon of Clarified butter (Ghee in Indian) in the morning after half hour of drinking the above water, Ghee has Butyric acid which is what our good bacteria in the Intestinal tract and boosts our immune system fuels the colon and increases metabolism. Once it feeds the good bacteria your immune system gets stronger.
      3) Third thing you can do is mix Ashwagandha (Indian Ginseng) with Turmeric and hot millk(you can use almond milk for sensitive stomach). Ashwagandha boosts immune system and fights any inflammation and turmeric’s bio availability in the stomach helps body to fight internal inflammation.
      4) Drink lots of water.

      Some quick yoga in the morning and before sleeping also helped me:
      1) Head stand or Sirsha Asana also called King of Asana releases any gas and strengthens
      2) The Half Spinal Twist – Ardha-Matsyendrasana in empty stomach both morning and evening.

      And I also did an old Indian technique called ” Oil Pulling” ; this removes all the toxins from our system because it is believed to have 72000 Nadis or nerve endings in our mouth, when doing oil pulling all of them are activated and the blood collects all the toxins in the swishing oil mouth; do this swishing for 5 to 10 mins which will remove daily toxins.

      I only did this and I don’t see any burps or any hard cramps or stomach or any dizziness in the morning; tingling sensation on the stomach after eating is also gone because nerve endings in the intestine are sensitive for any gas so either you feel tingling or pain or hard stomach….It is gas.

      Above all have faith in whatever you are doing. I did the above and it worked for me. you can connect me on Instagram: _freesoul_yoga.

      My belief is share knowledge and help people. I saw this tough journey and I know the pain and I can share or help what I know. Peace and Love.


    • Amanda,

      PPIs aren’t good for you and you shouldn’t be on them for long periods of time. This wasn’t the way they were meant to be used. Once you stop the PPI your heartburn/whatever symptom you originally presented with will probably come back 10 times worse because your stomach will begin trying to overcompensate for the lack of acid in it.

      If your symptoms started after you began the PPI they’re probably side effects from the medication. If you suspect an active H.pylori infection then get a stool test, but the blood test you took in December should have been reliable if it was the first time you had been tested for H.pylori. If you have no H.pylori antigens in your blood it’s highly unlikely that you’ve ever been infected with the bacteria. However, a stool test will tell you whether you have an active, current infection.

      If I were you I’d go back to your doctor and explain your concern, your, symptoms and the timeline of their appearance. Try to get off the PPI if you can; you don’t want to be on it for the rest of your life.

      Disclaimer: I’m not a doctor, I just read a lot of scientific studies on H.pylori while I was infected. I got rid of mine by using a modified version of Amy’s protocol, which I detail on my page at lydiaisanaturalgirl.wordpress.com. Hope you’re feeling better since you posted this!

  470. Thank u so much this had been so helpful to me I have been sick for 5 months now finial the Dr said I have H. Polori I have all the feeling u talk about I have fighting with the food part but reading n knowing about the foods that help u is a big help to me so thanks alot

    • Hey Fatima,

      If you want further food guidance I beat H.pylori in two months using a modified version of Amy’s protocol. I detail the diet I used on my page, lydiaisanaturalgirl.wordpress.com. I just want to spread the word that this can be beat since I was so desperate when I was trying to find information on it. You can do it!

  471. Update-the treatment with colostrum, sluphorafane , mastic gum curcuma and grapefruit seeds almost done and i am not feeling better :(((((Yesterday i started a new natural treatment with wormwood, somebody told me it may work.It is the last thing i am doing, if it doesn” t work i”ll go to the doctor and take the antibiotic again.Sick and tired…..:(

    • Hang in there Diana…I also may have to go back to the GI doctor. Feeling pretty bad again. My last treatment protocol ending August 1st, 2014, was Pylera and Prilosec…140 pills over a ten day period…..beat me up pretty bad at the time. But may have returned these last two/three months.
      I may try to get a stool sampling test done to see if there are other parasites in my system. The test , done on my own without insurance or doctor’s prescription, I was told three weeks ago could cost $950 for all cultures.

      • Hey Ron,

        You can beat H.pylori using supplements and diet! You don’t need to go back to the doctor. A stool test is definitely advisable, though. I beat it in two months using a modified version of Amy’s protocol, which I detail on my page: lydiaisanaturalgirl.wordpress.com. I got my negative stool test yesterday. You really can beat this without subjecting your system to harsh antibiotics and potentially elevating antibiotic resistance in the population in the process.

        Scientists are just beginning to recognize the importance of gut health in our overall well-being. Read Follow Your Gut by Rob Knight to learn about how important your microbiome and gut flora are to your health, and how antibiotics decimate both good and bad bacteria in your gut.

  472. Hi I saw a lot of differents informations here. From 2008 to 2015. I have H Pylori since more than 20 years now. I think the culpit is when I drank wather from a river in Domjinican Republic. Since this time I feel pressure in my duodenum and stomach, a lot of digestive problems including bloating, gass. I lost weight also, I feel my skin sting me like when you penetrate a needle inside it. I also have pain in the base of my back. I have try antibiotics 2 time. Tritherapy and quad therapy. It didn’t work for me. I have now a kit of H. Pylori Stool rapid test (cassette) so I can tel what work for me. After my quad therapy with antibiotics, i took maluka honney. But I felt that my infection become worst and worst with this honney. I don’t believe that this honney can winn the battle against H Pylori. After all this is sugar. Now I do a new treatment. This treatment is baking soda on empty stomach at morning followed by fulvic acid 5 minutes later. Baking soda make that H Pylori will go direct in the stomach because there is no acid there. After you kill it with fulvic acid, mix of essentials oil ( cinnnamon, tea tree, pepermint) 10 drops of goldenseal tincture, 1500mg of monolaurin. Take digestive enzimes with Betaine HCL after meals, L Glutamic acid to restore the digestive tract and rebuilt your intestinal flora with good bacterias. I will come back here to tell if I test negative to H-Pylori. Good luck everybody. This infection is one of the most diffiult to erradiate afte lyme.

  473. Hi all,
    I have been going through hell since January of this year but the last 3-4 weeks been feeling better.
    Today I got bad news – Urea re-test 2 months after completing HP PAC came back POSITIVE.

    Age,34 male
    Bad constant stomach pains. No interest in food, etc. Cant sleep ..Always tired.
    started TECTA – PPI
    Did blood test Jan.25= h.pylori postive.
    Finished 7 Days of HP PAC on Feb4. ( Had blood in stool during these 7 days and Felt like death, hardly slept)

    Feb.6 went for Endocopy and Colonosopy.
    Gastro found wounds in stomach that appeared to be healing, no active ulcers.
    2 weeks later. Biopise came back saying : Chronic Gastritits. They did a Silver stain on the bioposie and said NO SIGN of h.pylori.

    Feb.17 -Lost 15 lbs to date. started feeling bad chest pains throughout the day,, Mostly right center of chest — somtimes pain on left side. Went for xray/echo/stress test/ etc ALL CLEAR… Cardiologist said my heart was great. Chest pain doesn’t appear to be heart related.

    March.10.. stomach pains have greatly improved. started eating more and trying to gain weight back.
    Stopped TECTA PPI

    March.29 – stomach feels better. maybe not 100% but much better. Still have chest pains — Family doc thinks its ANXIETY related chest pains. and for me to relax and come back if not improved.

    April.10th. – Still feeling chest pains .. mostly right center.. Doc prescribes Trazadone for sleep and relief of anxiety.. I fill the prescription but dont start it. Decide to take some herbel for sleep(Called Sleep8)..

    April.18th – Still chest pains but Light and less frequent… Stomach much better.. gained 8 lbs of 15 lbs back… eating more and hitting the gym.

    April.20 – Physical — Doc checks me out.. ALl good.. No BP issues.. Blood is great… Still have light chest pains but doc thinks i should give it more time.
    Before i leave, i mention to him … Should i get re-tested for H.pylori? Sure why not.. sends me for UREA breath test.

    Today: Office calls me .. Doc wants to see me.. UREA came back positive.

    I’m feeling the best Ive felt in MONTHS… little pain the last few days.. just below the ribs and very bloaded .. light chest pains but my attitude has improvied.. sleep improved a bit.

    Might try this herbel route vs. another week of hell … quadruple therapy(doc wants me to take)

    • Spiro…know the feeling yuo are going through….tired allthe time, not sleeping well, feel like dying at times.
      The pain in the chest area…I assume under the bottom ribs…right or left. Can be the bacteria in the ileocolic mesentery small intestine region…possibly. I think H. pylori does involve more then the mucus lining of the stomach ,but also perhaps the small intestine.
      Others, like my self, have had varied levels of pain…from mild to more severe. I myself, went thru the Pylera and Prilosec protocol last August, however have been feeling pretty again these last few months, so it may have returned. Wake up every night at 3AM, almost like clockwork…and then some night sweats. My test so far have been negative…blood work and CTScan of f abdomen….other then divertulosis coli in sigmoid colon area.
      I also did the 3Ms…..mastic Gim, Monolaurin and manuka Honey PLUS very strong mant strain probiotic
      But I cut back from last year on the dosage….may have to redo the regiment again.
      But good luck to you.

      • Chest pain was higher up..right of chest bone in the center of the best.. Docs have no idea.They blamed stress.. it has been MUCH better. Goes and goes and less strong of a pain. .

        For sleep i starting taking a product called Sleep8 by new roots. It has helped greatly. Most nights im able to sleep 6-7 hours now without waking. My doc prescribed trazadone for sleep but i never took it.. I ready a lot of bad things about it.

    • Spiro,

      Try the supplements and diet before you subject your system to another round of antibiotics. I beat H.pylori using a modified version of Amy’s protocol, which you can find on my page at lydiaisanaturalgirl.wordpress.com.

      Scientists are just beginning to recognize the importance of gut health in our overall well-being. Read Follow Your Gut by Rob Knight to learn about how important your microbiome and gut flora are to your health, and how antibiotics decimate both good and bad bacteria in your gut. Don’t contribute to elevating antibiotic resistance in the population! You can do this without the antibiotics and without destroying your good bacteria.

    • Hi Spiro, I do have H pylori and I have been having chest pain like you had I wonder what you did to completely eradicated the bug out of your body can you please respond it will be a big help.

      • Nathan, here in this blog Amy describes in detail what she did to regain her health. You must go back and read the original story — carefully. If nothing else, search “elena” and do her protocol, which is nearly the same as Amy’s. Amy does not check this blog for questions (understandably), as it is very long and not completely chronological.

  474. AmyKing: Here’s an important question I don’t believe anyone has asked yet. In the days leading up to your second (negative) test for H.pylori, did you stop taking all the natural treatments for a period of time?

    I ask because I’ve just received a negative stool test result but I was still on the regimen you recommended when I gave the sample. I’m wondering if I should stop the regimen for a period of two weeks and then get re-tested as the regimen might be suppressing the levels of H.pylori to pseudo-normal levels. Just wondering what you did.

    Thank you!

    • Hi Amy – I don’t mean to badger you but any insight into this would be so helpful for me. I’ve decided to discontinue everything except the mastic (1 pill in the morning and 1 at night) for two weeks and then get re-tested. (I can’t re-test now as I’ve been taking the BioHPF for a week. The bismuth in it could interfere with the test results. I’m discontinuing it and waiting until it clears my system before my re-test.) I did your protocol for five weeks and am hoping that was enough as I caught my infection extremely early on.

      Anyway, any information you could provide as to whether you stopped the natural treatments before your final negative test would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for keeping this blog up for people still suffering!

  475. Anyone hear or try of something called Colostrum?
    From the mammary-milk of bovine.
    When I google it, many things come up as to its benefits for the total immune system and the GI area.

  476. Wanted to leave an update here: I beat H.pylori! I am officially negative – got my stool test results today! I used basically Amy’s regimen to beat this awful bacteria, but I detail exactly what I did on my page. Good luck to everyone still fighting! You can do it!

  477. Based on your symptoms you have Dysautonomia, POTS in particular. There are few forms of POTS. I have POTS, and also have H.Pylori. So what causes the symptoms is still debatable. The bad thing is, as my electrophysiologist said,there is no cure. Welcome to the army of POTS sufferers, check “Living with BOB” blog.
    You don”t mention essential oils to keep H.P population under control, and they are extremely effective.

    • I was diagnosed with Neurocardiogenic Syncope, but I refused the medication. I’m actually doing much better since ridding myself years ago of the H Pylori infection. I do have some of the symptoms you list, but I have them under control mostly. Thank you!

  478. Amy,I think you have Dysautonomia.

    POTS symptoms:
    Symptoms presumed to be related to cerebral hypoperfusion:**

    Lightheadedness 77.6 % (Grubb, 2000)
    Fainting or near fainting 60.5% of patients report near fainting (Grubb, 2000)
    Generalized weakness 50% (Low et al.)

    Symptoms presumed to be related to autonomic overactivity include the following:**

    Palpitations 75% (Grubb, 2000)
    Tremulousness 37.5% (Low, Opffer-Gehrking, Textor, Benarroch, Shen, Schondorf, Suarez & Rummans, 1995)
    Shortness of breath 27.6 % (Grubb, 2000)
    Chest discomfort and/or pain 24.3 % (Grubb, 2000)

    Sudomotor symptoms include the following:**

    Loss of sweating 5.3 % (Low et al.)
    Excessive sweating 9.2 % (Robertson, 2000)
    Loss of sweating and excessive sweating are more common in patients with elevated norepinephrine levels (Thieben, Sandroni, Sletten, Benrud-Larson, Fealey, Vernino, Lennon, Shen & Low, 2007).

    Symptoms that may reflect dysautonomia:**

    Delayed gastric emptying 23.7% of patients report gastrointestinal complaints, including bloating (Grubb et al., 1997)
    Bloating after meals (Grubb et al., 1997)
    Nausea 38.8% (Robertson, 2000)
    Vomiting 8.6% (Thieben et al., 2007)
    Abdominal pain 15.1% (Thieben et al., 2007)
    Diarrhea 17.8% (Jacob & Biaggioni, 1999) (sometimes with alternating constipation)
    Constipation 15.1% (Thieben et al., 2007)
    Bladder dysfunction 9.2% (Thieben et al., 2007) (this may include Polyuria(Jacob & Biaggioni, 1999) (excessive urination)
    Pupillary dysfunction 3.3% (Thieben et al., 2007) Pupillary dysfunction may or may not be responsible for some other reported symptoms, such as: Blurred Vision (Grubb, 2000) and Tunnel vision (Low et al.).

    Generalized Complaint symptoms:**

    Fatigue 48% (Grubb, 2000) (which can be disabling)
    Sleep disorders 31.6% (Low et al.) (can cause unrefreshing sleep and an increased need for sleep)
    Headache/migraine 27.6% (Grubb, 2000)
    Myofascial pain 15.8% (Thieben et al., 2007) (characterized by regional muscle pain accompanied by trigger points)
    Neuropathic pain 3% (Thieben et al., 2007)

    Other symptoms reported in research that are not categorized above include:

    Dizziness (Grubb, 2000)
    Tachycardia(Grubb, 2000)
    Exercise intolerance (Grubb, 2000)
    Clamminess (Grubb, 2000)
    Anxiety (Grubb, 2000)
    Flushing (Grubb, 2000)
    Postprandial hypotension (Grubb, 2000) (low blood pressure after meals)
    Blood pooling in limbs (Grubb, 2000) (can make legs feel heavy and appear mottled and purple in color)
    Intolerance to heat (Grubb & Karas, 1999)
    Feeling cold all over (Grubb & Karas, 1999)
    Low blood pressure upon standing (Grubb, Kosinski, Boehm & Kip, 1997) (Some physicians feel orthostatic hypotension is a separate entity from POTS)
    Cognitive impairment (Grubb et al., 1997) (may include difficulties with concentration, brain fog, memory and/or word recall)
    Narrowing of upright pulse pressure (Jacob & Biaggioni, 1999)
    Cold hands (Low et al.) (and often feet & nose)
    Hypovolemia (Low et al.) (low blood volume)
    Chills (Low et al.)
    High blood pressure (Low et al.)
    Hyperventilation (Low et al.)
    Numbness or tingling sensations (Low et al.)
    Reduced pulse pressure upon standing (Low et al.)
    Low back pain (Mathias, 2000)
    Aching neck and shoulders (Mathias, 2000)
    Noise sensitivity (Stewart, 2001)
    Light Sensitivity (Stewart, 2001)
    Disequalibrium (Sandroni, Opfer-Gehrking, McPhee & Low, 1999)

    The above are symptoms reported by POTS researchers. Other symptoms sometimes reported by POTS patients include:

    Arrhythmias (irregular heart beats)
    Chemical sensitivities (May have multiple chemical sensitivity and can be very sensitive to medications – may only need small doses)
    Easily over-stimulated
    Feeling full quickly
    Feeling “wired”
    Food allergies/sensitivities (some foods seem to make symptoms worse)
    Irregular menstrual cycles
    Loss of appetite
    Loss of sex drive
    Muscle aches and/or joint pains
    Swollen nodules/lymph nodes
    Polydipsia (excessive thirst)
    Weight loss or gain
    Feeling detached from surroundings
    Restless leg syndrome

  479. Amy thank you so much for sharing your story. You mention the 3 M’s as the key to your recovery but I am wondering if you also feel the HPLR(K- 32) was an important component or did you not continue on that one?

  480. I have been ill for about a month, month and a half. I have been to the hospital twice (once for upper left chest pain and second for left side/abdominal pain), and have been back and forth to my family doctor. My doctor just did blood work looking for this H. pylori (waiting for the results). I have been racking my brain trying to figure this out. I thought I may have pancreas issues. I have taken off work and cant do much do to lack of energy and shortness of breath, pain and discomfort, heart racing and indigestion. Reading some of the symptoms on this site seems to relate to what I’m dealing with. I did not think that what I have been feeling could be related to my stomach, especially so much discomfort on my side and back. Maybe this is what I’m dealing with and would have such a wait lifted if this is what it is. Because not knowing makes your mind go to some dark places. My doctor suggested h. pylori but has only taken blood and gave me an ultra sound (which came back with fatty liver, lightly enlarged spleen and overlaying gas over kidneys and pancreas), plus my first blood work showed slightly elevated pancreas enzymes (60 normal mine was 67). Maybe none of this is relevant but I am at such a loss. I guess well see, hopefully I find out something soon, because this has made my ability to enjoy life pretty crappy. I anyone has some insight or suggestions, I’m all ears. (Not having problems with those yet!) Thanks!

  481. Wow. Reading all of this gives me mixed emotions!

    My hell began Sept. 2012. I felt weird, off balance, shaky. I just blew it off as though I had low blood sugar from not eating adequately. This symptom continued, I went to Primary who did EKG, fasting sugar & blew me off.
    January 2013 rolls around, I begin having weird heart beats. Fast heart beats. I was afraid, went to primary. He said I had anxiety (from just looking at me) & sent me on my way. I returned 15 times before he agreed to do blood work (all the norm; thyroid, anemia, kidney function, etc) with no negative result. He agrees to refer Me to a cardio. I had 2 ECGs, too many EKGs, 2 stress tests & three holter monitors, cholesterol check, etc. after returning appx 20 times saying HELP ME!!. I’m told by cardio & electrophysiologist that i suffer benign PVCs of unknown origin & Inappropriate Sinus Tachycardia (benign elevated heart rate), and to seek mental counseling. I return to primary throughout the year for same symptoms… Nothing comes of it.

    I still feel horrid at this point & it’s growing by the day, it’s now mid 2014, I’m miserable. Sick after meals, tired, anxious, burping; sometimes HUNDREDS of times a day, shoulder/back pain, chest pain, palpitations, pvcs, bloating, constantly on verge of passing out, feeling faint ALL the time… Just 100% miserable & waiting to die.
    Returned at least 10-15 visits before primary finally agrees to check gallbladder, results determine it’s bad (I still question this one, now Nov 2014), I have removal January 2015. No changes!! Return to primary at least 8 times, complaining of nearly fainting & being short of breath, tired, achy & burping. He says I’m anxious & over reacting, but agrees on 4 hour glucose exam. He calls me to come in for results & explains that I suffer from reactive hypoglycemia. My blood sugar crashes after meals.. Says there are no known causes & to change my diet, eat every two hours. Keep in mind: I’ve been prescribed beta blockers, PPIs, xanex, anti depressants, and so on, now to have SOMETHING found. But, my gut says: this isn’t all. I know it, I feel it.
    I go home, puzzled! Still burping (now being told due to an anxiety reaction). How does my sugar just deplete itself?? I’m burping because I’m anxious??

    I make another appt. He FINALLY says I can see a Gastro! I go in, explain my anguish, she says let’s do upper endo. Once complete, she says everything looks great, except for the presence of gastritis. Tells Me to await biopsy results… I receive a call Thursday 07/02/2015 that I have positive result for h pylori infection & need to begin antibiotics immediately. At this point, I’ve never even known of h pylori.

    To date, I have researched h pyori (of course) and found it causes reactive hypoglycemia (which has no known causes, right??)… Also 90-100% of my other symptoms.

    I am now on day 3 of antibiotic… Not feeling too good. I was told no treatment other than antibiotics can eradicate… Which I’m seeing may be false. If this doesn’t work, I will not do antibiotics again. This is my first time in appx 6 years on antibiotics… I hate medication!!

    I am just so desperate After nearly 3 years of HELL, tears, stress, missing out, being afraid, etc. I am now 25 with children who don’t deserve a mom that “doesn’t feel well enough” to go to the park.

    God bless you all. I hope everyone is now in the best of health & has a full life! ** P.s any recommendations for a probiotic while on antibiotics?

    • Sorry Chrissy….know what you are going thru.
      I had it last July….endoscopy showed stomach fine nut H.pylori infected in lining….did 140-pill/10-day regiment of Pylera/Omeprezole…..ended August 1st…..sick again 2 weeks later…but learned of Amy King’s blog and did the 3M protocol in October…started feeling better…reduced dosage of 3M in January….February started feeling ill again….foot infection led to Bactrim…..got allergic reaction on the last day….March with still stomach issues….Primary prescribes Cipro for a week…come off it in the ER..CTScan and CBC reveal nothing significant. Anotehr endoscopy last month….this time stomach very inflamed with superficial ulceritis….10 months earlier stomach was fine not it is damaged….BUT GI Dr says biopsy reveals no H.pylori……great!
      Now still sick as I type this…..after eating getting dizzy, stomach gnawing and sour and fatigued. See an Infectious Disease Dr on Tuesday. Three bouts with antibiotics in 8 months may have also destroyed my flora.
      Was taking a 16-strain probiotic …Dr Sanger’s
      I ask can H.pylori be anywhere in the gastric tract other then stomach…..no one seems to know.
      Good luck Chrissy and get well.

      Also look into VSL:

    • Daniel Tillman mentioned the bug was not only in his stomach BUT also in his large and small intestines.
      I tested negative on an endoscopy of the stomach last month, but still have many related symptoms.
      I was treated last summer for the bug and the treatment afterwards practically destroyed my flora.
      So feeling bad again, I asked two Docs this month….could it be anywhere else other then the stomach mucus lining…they said more or less …not really.
      Not sure what comes next but began retaking the #M protocol with stronger probiotics.

  482. Hi I have h pylori for about 9 years but have been have symptoms for about a year. I went for a stool test and they told me it was fine and tested negative. I didn’t know what to do next I was baffled . I went to see a different doctor and explained my symptoms to him, he gave me PPI’S called tecta within 3 days I was feeling a lot better I started eating regularly. WOW I though, it was finally over. Yeah right after 2 months it came back with a vengeance. So I went back to my doctor and then he sent me for a ultrasound which came back and everything was fine. At that point I didn’t know what to do I was scared. Then I did some research online about these symptoms and came across h pylori. It made sense because 7 years back I was tested positive but had no symptoms. I used the PREVPAC back then and figured it was ok that I got rid of it. But I guess not and over the years iv had lots of antibiotics due to chronic throat infections which I ended up removing my toncils. After all the antibiotics being ingested the h pylori must of mutated and caused a resistance to them. So I went to do a blood test and came back positive for h pylori I was happy because I said to my self that’s it I’ll take this and it will all be finally over. So I’ve tried the triple therapy. Didn’t work made me feel a lot worse. I’ve been dieting ever since, no fast food no homemade fried foods only fresh veggies and some fruits. I’ve tried going on a low carb diet I lasted a week I felt a little better but I felt the dying effect all the sugar and gluten stored in my body was pumping from my liver to my blood stream ( not a pleasant feeling). After a week a gave in. I did some research online to figure out a new method to a cure. I came across MASTIC GUM, MANUKA HONEY, DGL, and PROBIOTICS. If been on them for about 5 days now also doing the SUGAR FREE and GLUETEN FREE DIET I feel worst having stomach and abdominal pains everyday worse and worse but today I noticed I have black stool 2 today. I’m just wondering is that normal . My opinion is that the supplements ( natural antibiotics ) are breaking through the musus wall and getting rid of the h pyloire that behind it is that the case because I’m scared and not to sure what to think of it . I did research about musus and blood makes stool turn black and the DGL helps to cure and restore that damaged musus please anyone with any answers thanks!!

  483. Hi all, Just wondering where most people felt their pain. For myself I feel it very sharply in very localized spots across various points on the rib cage and in the upper gut area. Pressing down I can usually identify very small spots where the pain originates. Just below skin level in the rib area, seems to be below the fat in the gut area. Not deep enough to be at an organ level.

    Interested about if this is similar to what others experience.

  484. Hello Everyone!

    Unfortunately, last Friday I had to go to urgent care because ever since I was 15 years old, every time I went without eating and ate certain foods (dairy mostly) I had diarrhea almost immediately. It has been a problem here and there through out my life. I am now 20 years old…So I had a few stool tests and blood tests and have been told it came back POSITIVE for H. Pylori. I have the same exact symptoms as Amy. Every time I had a physical and explained my symptoms, she kept thinking it was my diet… which I know has a lot to do with it but it wasn’t what they thought it was. Now I am just waiting for my follow up with my doctor… not only am I impatient about all this. But I feel like I have had this for years. I know that H. Pylori can be dangerous if not treated in time, which worries me!! Also I hate the fact that every time I have a little episode of diarrhea and cramping… I suddenly lose consciousness for a few seconds and than I feel like I have no control over my own body. It’s very strange, BUT it makes me feel better that I see a few who have the same symptoms. My main issue is every morning, I wake up with a gnawing feeling and diarrhea and I want to know if anyone has a sort of remedy or daily routine to prevent such discomfort….?????

  485. I am 43 years old and have been feeling very week and stressed for few years. In early summer started dropping weight anddid feeling very week ,lost 20 pounds in 5 weeks thought for sure it was cancer or something deadly . Went to er after er with weight loss, night sweats , anxiety, just felt like I was dying. Finally diagnosed with h pylori after doing endoscopy and finding 4 ulcers. Took the triple antibiotics and ppi ,felt good for about 5 weeks ,gained the weight back ,but now after being off the antibiotics I am feeling extremely weak , nasua , itchy hands ,sore upper back , and anxiety. Also does anyones eyes always feel dry and itchy . Also my breath is bad again , just feel like crap . Has anyone tooling the antibiotics and soon after felt horrible again and back where they started. I just want to feel myself again , he pylori feels like it’s killing you slowly. Also does anyone ever get a feeling like something gets stuck in throat for a few seconds , or a smothering feeling . If someone hadid severe cases tell me what you did about it and how long before you felt normal again

    • Chris Peacock…went thru the same thing you did, for me started in june 2014 thruAugust 2014 antibiotics into December.. After 140-pills 10day protocol of Pylera and Omeprazole, felt good for one week then had 2 months of “I need to get to the ER ‘ feeling.
      Then started the 3M protocol and things began feeling better….but I stopped it too soon after 6/8 weeks..and started feeling bad again..my suggestion stay on the 3M protocol for at least 4/6 months….AND very important…..take high dosages of probiotics.
      Antibiotics destroyed my flora in my digestive system and that is not a good thing.
      Good luck to you. Ron

  486. Omg this article is like reading my life story! I am currently being tested for it now. I have been to see heart specialist and everything because the pains in my chest and under my left rib near the heart and having rapid heart beats waking at the same time every night with swets anxiety panic attack you name it I have it. I’m so relieved at reading this. I really can’t thank the owner of this story enough. It hit the nail in the head.

  487. Who will ever believe that a herb can cure 12 years HIV in my body, My name is Williams Morgan, I never believe that it will work that is why am dropping this post. I have spent a lot getting drugs from the hospital to keep me healthy, what i was waiting for was death because I was broke. One day a friend of mine from UK came to visit me and saw my condition was getting worst, then she told me about this great man from African called professor oseamuyi who cured her sister from HIV and cancer of the breast, without demanding much from her, she told me that he is well known in curing HIV/AIDS, HERPES (HSV1, HSV2), (HPV) ACUTE RETROVIRAL SYNDROME (ARS), CANCER, VITILIGO, DIABETES, HEPATITIS B. CANCER, CELIAC, CHLAMYDIA, STROKE and any kind of Deadly DISEASES ,BLOOD DISEASE,DIABETES,TYPHOID I decided to email him, unknowingly to me that this will be the end of the HIV aids in my body, he prepare for me Herbs and prescription on how to take it, at the end of three weeks, i was asked to go to the hospital for a checkup, and i went, Surprisingly after the test the doctor confirm me negative, i thought it was a joke, i went to another hospital, it was also negative, I was so happy that I quickly introduce my friend who has been suffering from Herpes for the past 5 years to professor oseamuyi, after taking the Herbs professor oseamuyi send to her, less than four days the inching and pains stop, less than 3 weeks she was completely heal and healthy again. Words alone cannot express how much joy and happiness i have now… Please I want everyone out there with any virus or infection to be healed and healthy, Health is Wealth. Contact professor oseamuyi on:professoroseamuyi@yahoo.com for he is indeed a great man. you can also contact me on my email:williamsmorgan621@gmail.com

  488. Hi EVERYONE

    my brother is 29 years old, he have severe abodominal pain, cramps in in chest….he is sick all the time, he went to see a gasto, he have done the endoscopy, he said he have a gastritis, he gave him a bunch of antibiotics and he diidnt feel well after finishing the treatment, iam just wondering if h pilori virus is easy to detect in the blood test? is it the same as the gastritis? same symptoms or different, my brother is melting like a candle, every day, please help, any advice or ideas is appreciated,

  489. You guys are lucky. I have never had any stomach pain not even a simple heartburn. All I had was constant constipation and sever chest pain. It was like somebody put the leg of the chair on my chest and siting on it. It was constant pain and pressure. For years I lived with sever pain on sternum and fire on my chest and no doctor diagnosed that. Finally one nice Dr called Dr Scott lisse told me that even thou that I do not show any gastric symptoms I must do the test. The test came positive. I finished my first set of Medicine last week and I am pain free but it is coming back and I was looking for some herbal medicine. 14 days of those heavy antibiotic 8 pills a day was not fun. I cannot be on antibiotic for rest of my life just to be able to simply breath.

    • Hallo M,
      Dont do the antibiotic it Will kill the good bacteria too.
      The chest pain I had that too mine was very severe.
      Had a subbing pain left Side under my breast, was diagnosed with peptic ulcer and Barretts esophagus and the doc. Said theres no cure have to take ppi my whole life. I did NOT do the ppi. I cure my self with natural food. I’m doin so much better now.
      You can email me at: ivana_albert@ yahoo.com

  490. I’m so glad you had enough sense to break free from the OLD age Dr. (Those who believe everything fits within the medical paradigm of 50 years ago & has VERY direct, cut n’ dry answers – answers that cost $$$ to receive.)

  491. Been reading this looking for an answer of my problem. I see many have the same or similar symptoms and just can’t understand why. To make my story short I have Mild Gastritis and Reflux, I also have mild sinus. Been cleared by my pulmo and Cardio- They have done almost everything in the book to clear me. My GI have done 4 Endos and 2 Colon’s and several other test. My symptoms are heaviness/pressure on the upper middle chest ( just like heartburn with no heartburn), lack of air which half is this and half is anxiety. The only time I do not get the heaviness/pressure is when I lay back completely, once I stand up is active again. I eat healthy and follow every diet on the book for reflux and gastritis. Had my Gallbladder removed a few month back. Last week ENT did find acid on the back of my throat and I have hoarseness so I started Pantoprazole 40dr on my 5th day now and nothing so far. Even feeling itchy so not sure is helping or making it worse. I have taken for 40 days Omeprazole 40DR twice daily and Raniditine 300mg at night (which I don’t need because I have no symptoms when I lay back or sleep) and nothing. Symptoms get even worse when I eat because I can’t breath. Even when I drink water it gets worse but not as bad as when I eat. The pressure goes all the way to my throat- Funny, I don’t cough much and my oxygen/blood level is always around the 98. My BP and all cholesterol levels normal. I feel the heaviness/pressure and when anxiety kicks in is even worse but I can control anxiety so it goes back to the normal pressure I feel all day long. ( scale 1 to 10 is about 4). I can pull a chest muscle very easy, just by pulling lightly it gets hurt but the pain is different. Chest/Heart CT’s shows unremarkable all around. Forgot to mention, I also had my H- Pylori blow test done 5 days ago, waiting on results. They did check that like a year ago from one of the endos and it came out clear. Any comment or suggestion is appreciated. ;-)

  492. I was diagnosed with H. Pylori blood test last week and am on 2nd day of triple therapy with antibiotics and antacid. I am hypothyroid and fell that I have low stomach acid (as apple cider vinegar (ACV)has always helped). haven’t got the acid level tested, but know that is what it is because since sept 2015 been on 3 different antacids but they made me feel worse within a few days and had to stop them and go back to ACV whcih always helped. Have stopped ACV for 5 weeks now due to eye condition called CSR (seeing blurry). After 7 days onn triple therapy, dr. has prescribed antacid Ranitidine 300 mg for 6 weeks. I have been on that tablet 15o mg Jan 2016 but felt so bad, had to stop in 7 days. I called up the doctor’s nurse today and told her to tell the dr. that I have low stomach acid (and from what I read, H. Pylori thrives in low stomach acid) and that taking antacid can make my condition worse. She discussed with dr. and reponded back saying that dr. says it is true I have low stomach acid, but H. pylori had done damage and for that to heal, the stomach acid has to be brought to 0 level, hence I must do the 6 weeks antacid as well. Does that make sense to anyone? if the stomach acid get lower and lower, how in the world would my food get digested? My next appt with the dr. is on 7 March so will have to discuss in detail with him. He didn’t ask to take any probiotics, but I am eating plain home made yogurt a little bit since yesterday and will also eat sauerkraut that that is supposed to contain a trilliion good bacteria in 1 spoonful.

    Had done the Barium x-ray test 2 weeks ago and dr said endoscopy not needed, thankfully. Don’t know what damage H. Pylori has caused, will haev to ask him when I meet him. My symptoms have been food stuck in throat (since last 2 months), chest tightness couple months ago (but not anymore), but have had shortness of breath since May 2015,

    Done all tests includ heart stress, EKG, all normal. and several drs. I have seen say I have anxiety and have put me on anti- anxiety pills, which I am taking daily (low dose) for nearly 6 months now, without much help. Recently a dr. gave anti-depressant, took for 10 days and had bad acid reflux and felt drowsy most of the time so stopped it and dr. asked to just stick to anxiety pills.

    Haven’t tried Amy’s 3M coz read about it only after starting triple therapy, but then many of the herbal supplements don’t agree with me, so I would have to be cautious. Used to take extra virgin coconut oil 1 tbsp daily for hypothyroid for nearly6 years, but stopped it from July 2015 as my thyroid was over treated.

    Anyone having similar issues? Would appreciate to hear how you got treated.

  493. Hi All and Thank You Amy for an incredible, insightful blog! I too, like so many others have been in a living hell for quite some time. I was having severe stomach pain and then passed black stool. I knew that was ER time. Certainly a longer story shorter is that I was ambulanced to a bigger hospital with internal bleeding…from somehwere (was never determined from where…still!). The hospital did both an endoscopy and colonoscopy and did not find the source of the bleed.ni was transfused a pint because my hemoglobin was so low.bthat was at the end of April. Now here I am in mid June and after a camera swallow study..still nothing. My hemoglobin is slowing creeping up but my uron is still extremely low. I had been just about begging doctors at the hospital to test for H. pylori as I sat in my hospital bed doing research. It took my DO (after being snubbed by my pcp and pretty much ignored) to get more labs done with a breath test one of them. Tada! Surprise H.Pylori. I have an appointment today with a surgeon who has done work on my bowel and intestines and stomach reconstruction before. Here is where I seem to be different than the many many people here on this blog. I had full open Roun Y gastric bypass in 2005. I have lost about 180 pounds to date. I have had SO many signs of H. Pylori for several years and am Shocked as to Why no one had picked up on the Many symptoms that I displayed!!! I also have hypothyroid and have not gone back on the Synthroid since my hospitalization. I feel that there are just too many side effects rrom this drug. Are there other GB patients who have experienced H.Pylori, Candida Or any other creepy bacteria issues? I am curious about any connections and of course even more curious as to how I contracted HP. Thank you to All of you who have shared their most personal lives and the fight to be well.

    • Donna….try to get a stool sampling done also.
      And also blood work with immunglobolin factors….IgG, IgA, IgM and very important…IgE specific for celiac or parasites.
      Cannot believe the docs have not done that so far.

  494. The thing that worked for me:

    1) Mastic Gum
    2) Manuka Honey
    3) Very Important: Don’t eat Chocolate! H.Pylori grows very quickly in such an environment. Labs use it to grow H.Pylori cultures.
    4) Don’t consume carbonated drinks.

    Good luck!

      • Hi RamKumar, How are you feeling now? Have you been able to eliminate the symptoms? I’m also using the Nutricology brand for now.

    • And add Monolaurin…..which is not expensive at all.
      Manuka Honey from New Zealand….the best….Wedderspoons’ Active 18 is very expensive per container.

  495. Hi denish, my name is Ivon I’ve been diagnosed with H. Pylori too for the pain in your stomach do some juicing pure cabbage juice the pain is gone in 5 min.
    To get rid of this bug I took dragon blood you can buy it at HEALTH Food store or online.
    Avoid fried food, junk And sweets. The manuka honey is fine. If you have any questions just drop me an email
    At: ivana_albert@yahoo.com

  496. I have H Pylori and I feel like I am living in hell. Heart palpitations, heart feels as if it jumps, racing heart, anxiety, fear, stomach pains, gas, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, and unexplained pain in arms, legs, a feeling of heat on back and stomach. Back pain. I feel very alone and scared. Doctors don’t know what is wrong and they keep treating me for other things and get tested for this and that without any answers. I am so tired all the time as It gets worse at night time and do not sleep. I am so very tired of dealing with the pain, fear and anxiety that I sometimes feel I would be better off dead.

    • I had the same thing. I almost killed myself. Not being able to sleep or eat or just be makes life a living hell. No doctors had anything for me and antibiotics give you more stomach ache and trips to the bathroom. Take hot baths to help with the stomach pain and eat fresh whole cloves of garlic to kill the bacteria despite your lack of appetite. Tumeric with black pepper also kills it. I only had powdered and I would make a concentrated tea 5 times daily. Eat broccoli with mustard on it to kill it and start taking mastic gum. You can get rid of it but still take the mastic and eat the broccoli to keep it gone. H Pylori takes your mind to the scariest places and hurts. If you need to heal your ulcers take Zinc Carnosine Chelated supplements and vitamin c. You can look all of these things up I have suggested but I needed to as well because I had no one but my research to help me get rid of it and heal. God Bless You.

      • Try to do the 3Ms…plus probiotics.
        I also have and still do this daily….juicing …for me the 4Cs….cabbage (must be green), cucumber, carrot and celery.
        Cabbage gives the gut….duodenum, jejunum and ileum …glutamine acid for healing.

  497. Hi there,
    I’m looking for the natural way of getting rid of this nasty H Pylori. I had the worst case of obstetric cholestasis and nothing they gave me was helping so I had to do a C section on my 8th month to safe my baby from all the acid that was floting. I was asking what was the cause for this condition, but no Dr and GI spessialists could tell me anything, all they ever told me “it’s just like that for same ppl. it will go way after you deliver. But you will have the same with your next pregnancy”. I refused to believe, I think everything comes due to underlining problems. I was sure something is going wring within. 3 month after my c-saction i have started to have stomach pain every nigh for about a month and one day I ended up at emerge. They gave my some anti acid meds and Tilenol 3. Even though emerge ran some tests they found anything. I went to my family DR. she took my blood and found that I have H Pylori right away. I was very happy with her work (BTW i’m in Canada.) Although I am for 2 week now attack free I’m scared to go out and find my self at Emerge again spatially that I have a 6 month old baby on my hands. I am looking for natural way to treat this beast for good. I’m also testing my husband for it and I’m afraid that my baby has it too now. I have read the post and some comments, it looks like every body have there own methods. I have read about Mastic gum being helpful, but some of you saying it did not work. Apart from keeping a healthy diet I would like to make a treatment plan that will get rid of it for good and not control it. This post mentioned a lot of ingredientce that are all expensive. Very expensive. I will be ready to pay if it works. DO THEY WORK, truly work? and do you have to have it all. Could Manuka Honey, Probiotic, mastic gym and broccoli sprouts help? what do you think of naturapath DR. would they help?






  498. Thanks so much for sharing this, I have exact same symptoms, heart palpitations etc, h pylori positive too, feeling miserable since months, reading your experience gives me hope that I will feel better one day. Thanks!

  499. Hi Amy,

    I don’t know if you read this page any longer but I was wondering how bad your night sweats were. I’ve been diagnosed with H pylori 2 years ago and successfully treated it. Now it’s back :-( For a couple of years I’ve had terrible (drenching) nights sweats, up to 3x a night (ok, GERD, which I have may cause too but they seem too heavy for a reflux). The night sweats have stopped a few months before eradication and until a few months after. I somehow feel better in summer. On top of that, the most recent system is itching just about everywhere and I’m not sure if this all can be attributed to H Pylori (all other tests – parasites, infections, hormons – came back normal).


  500. Glucose actually is an essential nutrient. Your body needs it for immune function and mucous secretion amongst other things. It absolutely doesn’t only feed pathogens! You can learn about this from Paul Jaminet author of the Perfect health diet. Paul and his wife Shou Ching are both scientists and have put together one of the most scientifically based sources of info available. I like you thought sugar was unneeded in the diet and believed the low carb dogma that you don’t need to eat sugar your body will create what you need. When I learned better and added some back into my diet I was able to overcome intestinal infections that just wouldn’t go away. Excess iron will cause pathogen overgrowth also but you have to get the right amount because your body needs it. You can’t just cut out all iron.

      • Hi Amy,
        I’m experiencing all the symptoms you did before you healed yourself. Thank you for creating this wordpress, you have helped many people! X

      • Hi Amy I do have the same case of H pylori like you had but I do have so much chest pain i did different tests the results does not associate it with heart issues I wonder if you can advice me about what to do my life is literally on hold I can’t work I can’t do much at all if you have any advice it will be helpful thank you again for your blog

  501. Thank you for such useful information. Shame I didn’t see this blog before buying matula tea. My stomachaches have increased since taking the tea and its interacting with my HRT (hormone replacement therapy) and giving me hotflashes, which in turn , causes my sleep to be broken. I will try the honey…. Could you please tell me which UMF (honey potential to fight bacteria) is necessary to kill H Pilory? Is 10+ enough or does it have to be 20+? Thank you

  502. So i have a long comment but and weird symptoms but maybe someone would get help or help me out here .I am currently 24 and one night i woke up to my body going completely cold and like some sort of cold current like feeling coming out of my stomach.It was summers but i was still feeling cold.Later i had symptoms of nausea and mild depression and missed heartbeats and they used to come and go during the day.Had my heart checked and a bunch of blood work including my hormones .I was negative for H pylori .I used to get mild fever too.This lasted for over two months until i took mild anxiety drugs and esmprozole because i would get those weird currents of cold while sleeping and i would wake up cold and numb.Fast forward 2 years and 3 months ago i was very active and working out 6 times a week and using alot of whey protein shakes and on a high protein diet(maybe the cause of my stomach issues?)
    One day i felt kind of nauseas and i smoked some marujiana over it .Just a couple hits made me go into the most strongest panic attacks i have felt(i had never had one before) and i was almost sure i was going to die.It felt like someone was stabbing me in my stomach but it wasnt painful but more so like a burning sensation but my heart would skip beats and i landed in the ER.My heart beat was very elevated.Since that day i have been having symptoms like nausea ,burning sensation,light headed ,sometimes not being aware if i even live in this world(like everything around me feels fake and i feel like i am in a concert room where when people talk i hear them talking from far away),severe anxiety and when i mean severe i sometimes have suicidal thoughts.My endoscopy showed scattered gastritis with no H pylori and no ulcers etc.I took one month esomoprozole 20 mg which got me like 95 percent healed where my anxiety and my nausea symptoms disappeared and during that time i wasnt eating any protein diet and was on a vegan diet for the most part.One night i smoked alot of cigs and ate alot of protein (fried prawns,fish) and i had a panic attack that night where i again thought i was gonna die but took anxiety drugs which calmed me down .
    The next day i had mild anxiety again.Is it because the nerves in my stomach got irritated and inflammed due to the panic attack and it then takes some time for the inflammation to heal?
    My panic attack always seem to come from my stomach and i feel my heart beating right in my stomach and it is usally followed by severe acid reflux which burns my throat.Usually people dont have such symtpoms with gastritis but i believe my gut is inflamed to the point that the nerve endings in the gut also get inflamed and since it is liked to the vagus nerve the body goes into danger mode when they get too inflamed causing a huge panic attack.I mean even if i try to think that nothing is wrong my body naturally produces that feeling that your are going to die and i cant control it .The doctors say it has nothing to do with your stomach.Bunch of BS.As my stomach got better all my anxiety and depression also went away.
    I think i might have H pylori which the endoscopy missed?
    Currently taking esmprozole 20 mg and digestive enzyemes again since the panic attack brought most of the symptoms back again but not as severe.
    What do you guys think maybe wrong.i am a young guy with a whole life ahead of me and the anxiety demotivates me to the point where i dont want to live anymore because i feel useless.
    Sorry for my poor English

    • Hi Hash, you should maybe give magnesium supplements ago and maybe try some vitamin D3, that can really help with anxiety. I used to get this feeling in my chest like my heart had skipped a beat and get anxious sometimes and feel like is life actually real plus a bunch of other stuff, but magnesium really helped, i mostly use the magnesium oil that you spray on.

  503. Dear, Amy Hello

    Thank you for your Help.
    Would like to know, how you feel now?
    Do you still have any of symptoms H.Pylori after so many years?

  504. forgot to say that I did also have a duodenal ulcer and a start of an esophagus ulcer too.All improved,but I do suspect not totally gone yet.

  505. Hi, I am on my fourth round of antibiotics. I have tried natural healing too but nothing seems to work. I’ve tried mastic gum, oregano pills, intestinal fungus pills, probiotics, you name it. I think I’ve had it for years.My doctor says she doesn’t know what to do with me. Any thoughts?

    • Chew a clove of garlic morning noon and night. Have you tried EV coconut oil? It helps. You have to keep broccoli in your diet all the time because it won’t like that at all. Take vitamin c like e mergan c daily and have lean protein with it to keep your immune system up to fighting it off. Drink only water because you are most likely dehydrated too. Mastic gum and probiotics that have bifidum bacteium along with your oregano will help kill the bad using good gut bacteria. I think you have most likely depleted those with all of the antibiotics so you have a gut flora imbalance that is helping the bad guys so to speak. Even when you feel better do a Paleo or diet with lean meats and good fats and green veggies stay away from sugar because H/Pylori feeds on it and makes you crave it too. I got it 3 times badly and I struggle with this bug and I am winning the fight this time doing what I have told you in this email.

    • You need to get TURMERIC ROOT and make it into a piping hot tea and take on an empty stomach twice a day. Also take VL3 probiotic

  506. Hi and may I commend you on this fabulous journey that you share. I’m not sure I have H. Pylori but I was tested for every antibody the human body can have. The labs were recommended by a naturopath. I use both eastern and western medicine and I have been doing well for twenty of my 74 years. I was born with celiac disease and that allows all kinds of illnesses and conditions that doctors scratch their heads about. I am basically on an anti-inflammatory diet after my tests came back that I have Lyme species, not Lyme disease…some co disease thing that I don’t understand. Since I was working with my naturopath, and she suggested I start with some kind of remedy to clean out my gut, I came down with the worst earache and sore throat. I was examined by 3 doctors. One ENT, GP and GI. My throat and ear were on fire, I had a horrible taste in my mouth and lost 7 lbs. in one week. My GI told me he wants me to see a specialist ENT who found ulcers on my esophagus and gave me a 5 day treatment of Prednisone, something to coat my throat and an antacid. He believes it’s viral and not acid related. He will follow up in two weeks. If the endoscopy is clear, then it is most likely a viral infection. If it’s not clear, then my GI will send me to an infectious disease person. In the meantime I am taking all my supplements, and healthy shakes with manuka honey and no carbs. Iknow I am writing about a condition that I have not read about on your blog, but it was a wonderful awakening for me and shows how important it is to be proactive about issues and share on a blog. Thank you so much. I am thrilled for all of you who are cured and like my naturopath said “medicine is food and food is medicine.” Hopefully, I don’t have any of those little critters in my gut.

  507. Dear Amy,
    How are doing now? It is been a while since you had h pillory. Did stomach bother you since that time? Did you have ulcers or gastritis after eliminating h pillory? Did you do endoscopy or GC blood work? Did you experience pain in breast bone or rib cage? I am experiencing similar problems since June taking Prilosec and herbal supplements. I am wandering how are you feeling after few years later? How long did it take to heal completely ? Thank you in advance.

  508. Hi,
    Just wondered if anyone had blood test results which were out of range / elevated on certain things whilst having h pylori?
    I’ve had h pylori confirmed via a stool test,( my main symptons are diarrhea, mild ab pains, fatigue & I do also get a lot of palpitations but never really connected the two issues. )
    I’ve had three blood tests now all of which were elevated for platelets, neutrophils, basophils & total white blood count, the doctors don’t seem to care, & keep fobbing me off with ibs, but I am worried. Has anyone seen their blood results whilst having h pylori?
    Also has anyone experienced bad diarrhea straight after taking monolaurin? (I’ve tried taking the lauricidin pellets)

    • Katy,
      My blood work was also out of whack at different times during the ordeal.
      CBC would indicate low and high on different WBC markers like neutrohils, eiosinophils etc.
      Then they would re-correct after a month or so…..it was odd.
      I started juicing GREEN cabbage every day around June 2016 and have not stopped…I think it has helped.
      I mix in carrots, cucmber and a celery stalk or two to make it more taste worthy.
      Only one glass a day.
      As for diarrhea after monolaurin….I did not experience that.
      Anyway, take care and good health in yuor journey back to normalcy in your life.

    • Katy,
      Yes ….mine were all out of whack at one time, pretty scary to say the least…..the WBC family of neutrophils,basophils, monocytes and eosinophilsinosphils (sp).
      Also low RBC. And then after awhile they rebounded into the normal range.
      I believe what happens with the h.pylori strain…..the white blood cells are alerted go out to consume the foreign agent in our systems, but cannot find it since the h.pylori burrows into the mucous membranes of the stomach and I also believe in the small intestines.
      And with that our CBC can be altered and thrown out of whack…especially if it is a continuing cycle
      This is just a theory on my part.
      My advice…..take the 3M (Manuka, Mastic and Monolaurin) protocol as Amy indicates earlier on her site, along with the diet and very important….a good probiotic…..and you can try to drink some kefir if you can..
      What I also have done is started juicing……Green cabbage only(not red or savoy), some baby organic carrots, celery and cucumber ….the 4Cs I refer them as. Only about 6 ounces a day…..and it seem to help…..since it restores the gut with the glutamine acid.
      Anyway hang in there girl and keep on the protocol.
      Ron M.

  509. I have been experiencing all the same symptoms. I’m going to get setup for test to see about h. Pylori, ulcer/gastritis, sibo… Was there anything wrong with the cardio? I think that’s one thing that freaks me out a lot.

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